I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 11 From now on, we don’t owe each other anything!

Jing Shu hid in the toilet, gloating as she listened to Jing's father and Jing's mother quarreling. While running the water from the sink into the space, filling 8 cubic meters, she checked the aquatic products in the mobile phone list and marked the quantity.

In the past life, Jing's father also asked Uncle Sun to pay back money in order to collect money. Every time he agreed, he found someone a few times and either disappeared or suffered financial difficulties. Later, when he raised enough money, Uncle Sun owed him nothing.

If Jing Shu said that she was not forced to do that, today let Jing's father feel how Uncle Sun would rather eat, drink and have fun than repay the 100,000 yuan life-saving money.

Jingshu wants Baozi's father to understand the reality. You treat others as brothers, and they treat you as a cash machine.

Filling the space of the pool, Jingshu planted lotus roots and water plants in the soil, put in seaweed and other various creatures prepared by the boss, and added a drop of spiritual spring and some fish and insects into it, hoping to fill the villa pond in time. Before digging, grow a batch of lobsters and hairy crabs.

More than 60 eggs, more than 40 quail eggs and duck eggs were collected. Still no news about the hatched eggs.

After inspecting the field, many green leaves had grown. Jingshu exited the space with satisfaction and was ready to have lunch.

Jing's mother's black pepper beef fillet pasta was overcooked. No one dared to object when Jing's mother was angry. The three of them finished the dark food in silence, occasionally picking out unknown burnt objects from between their teeth.

Under Jing's mother's force, Jing's father made three calls in a row. Finally, grandson's uncle answered the phone and apologized as soon as he came. He almost knelt down and said that he had collected it all but had to use it for an emergency. He would have it in two days. Call the money.

"Look, I have something urgent, and I will definitely pay it back in two days." Dad Jing finally felt confident.

Jingshu opened WeChat and slapped him in the face, "Dad, isn't this Uncle Sun and his wife? His wife posted on WeChat saying she had a great time in Dubai and thanked her husband for the 1-carat diamond ring."

Jing's mother came over to take a look and sneered: "It's such an urgent matter, so I bought a diamond ring."

Dad Jing took the phone and looked at it. He was embarrassed and angry, especially because Lao Sun's smile made him pimple.

"Dad, forget it, I don't want to be an Internet celebrity anymore. Our family can't raise enough money, so I will just find a job tomorrow..."


Dad Jing slapped his thigh hard: "I'll definitely get it for you. Dad has found a construction team for you. Tomorrow you go with them to start decorating the villa. I will definitely find a way to get back Sun's money."

Dad Jing gritted his teeth. His daughter's future is more important than his life. Old Sun, I misjudged you!

At this time, Jing's mother's phone rang. It was Sun Meimei. Knowing that Jing's mother was still short of 100,000, she begged Jing's mother to sell the car to them cheaply and get the money immediately.

Jingshu knew what was going to happen. It seemed that Uncle Sunzi and Su Meimei had already hooked up at this time. Otherwise, as soon as they said they had no money, Sun Meimei called over here. Jingshu didn't believe it if she said there was no ghost. If it weren't for the lack of evidence, Jing Shu would have exposed this bad couple.

"Little sister, you know the condition of the car. It was purchased for 290,000 yuan. It has traveled 8,000 kilometers in three years. It has no scratches and no accidents. It is no problem to sell it for 200,000 yuan. I am in urgent need of money now. I will sell it to you cheaply, 160,000 yuan."

"Sister, my dear sister, I really don't have that much money. I only have 100,000. Aren't you just 100,000 short? It's just cheaper. I'll buy you a big BMW when Jingshu makes money!"

Jingshu became anxious when she heard this. Is this person supposed to be grocery shopping? How about just cutting it in half? The heart is too dark. It turns out that Su Meimei no longer regarded them as a family before the end of the world.

"Mom, the villa is still being renovated. We can't buy it for less than 100,000 yuan. Why don't we sell dad's car first? My aunt's doesn't have enough money." Jing Shu quickly reminded that it would be too shameless not to sell the car to Su Meimei if it can be sold. .

Jing’s mother also said that 100,000 was too little, mainly because she was in urgent need of money and was desperate. Otherwise, why would she sell a car?

Next, Jing Shu saw how shameless Su Meimei was, and she started crying!

"When my eldest brother got married, his parents supported him. When my sister got married, his parents paid for the dowry. My parents passed away when I got married, and the inheritance was left to my eldest brother. I have nothing!"

"God is unfair. I ask my sister for something but I still want to buy it. My sister doesn't care whether my sister lives or lives!"

Jing's mother's words made her veins jump, and her heart gradually cooled down. She never knew that after giving so much, she would still be such a person in her heart.

"I've given you the car, so I'll take care of your dowry as my parents. Now that my parents are gone, we can get together and relax." Jing's mother was very sad.

"You really gave it to me?" Su Meimei knew that Jing's mother was angry, but Jing's mother was soft-tempered and wouldn't she come back after a few days of coaxing?

"Yeah." Jing's mother was sad before, but now she's disappointed.

After hearing the unemotional answer, Su Meimei realized that something was wrong and immediately made up for it, "How can I let my sister suffer? I will use my private money to buy a car with 120,000 yuan."

"Okay." Jing's mother closed her eyes and regarded it as a dowry to supplement Su Meimei. From now on, we will not owe each other anything!

Su Meimei was so excited that she didn't care about Jing's mother at all. She immediately called Jing's mother to go through the transfer procedures, and the other party transferred the money to Jing Shu very quickly.

Su Meimei never expected that she would go to such great lengths to bargain and offend her sister that the car she bought was for the mistress. She never expected that Zhang Zhongyong would give it to the mistress under the pretext of Zhang Zhongyong even a day later. A few months later, she would get angry when she saw the mistress driving the car. The scene of vomiting blood.

"Then let's go out and go through the transfer procedures. Jingshu, take the money and go directly to sign the contract." Dad Jing's face didn't look good, and he comforted Jing's mother distressedly.

Although the car was sold at a cheap price, Jing's mother almost felt sorry for Su Meimei, right?

Life-saving supplies that can be exchanged for 120,000 yuan, and a BMW that will be worthless in a few months. It’s not certain who will suffer the loss.

Jingshu's money reached 817,000 for the first time, and she could finally buy it!

If the Rubik's Cube space can't store too many supplies, then you must first buy a container, such as a large commercial refrigerator, and store some of it in the villa first, and then move it in when the Rubik's Cube space reaches a higher level.

We also need to buy a lot of electrical appliances, which can be installed just in time when the construction team comes. For example, the central air conditioner needs to be installed in advance, otherwise it will be overheated in the first year.

Although the villa has been renovated, Jingshu believes that there are still many shortcomings in order to live in the apocalypse. Jingshu must completely remodel the villa like a fortress!

Time was running out, so Jingshu took a taxi to Suning and went directly to the account manager, Manager Wang. The middle-aged uncle said that the Double Eleven event had already begun. Now, if you buy at a guaranteed price, you will be refunded ten times the price, and there are many activities for free various items.

Jingshu didn't waste any time and just asked for the central space with the maximum power of 1 to 10, ensuring that in the first year of the apocalypse it would be as hot outside as a dog and every room in the house would be as warm as spring.

I want six 1,000-liter large-capacity refrigerated commercial refrigerators. If I have the conditions, I will naturally build a small cold storage. The basement is intended to store ordinary supplies. In case of emergency, I can only buy a refrigerator.

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