I Will Leisurely Become Healer in Another World

Chapter 126

Falco and Leon 2 in those days.

When I entered the church, the young healers wearing yellow belts seemed busy moving everywhere, even though it was noon time.

“Leon! Falco”

When a loud voice sounded, one of them ran over to the two of us.

“Hey, Alfie? I thought maybe Rick was on assignment.”

“It’s a hit, Leon. This time, it was me and Rick who were dispatched in advance. Here.”

When Alfi looks more at him than he points at him, Rick is talking to some other healer with a serious face.

“Well, Rick and Alfie wouldn’t complain about this Nordham town either.”

When Leon nodded as convinced, Alfi laughed happily.

As a grocery support officer, Aura and her chamber of commerce are here.

To be precise, it’s Aura’s father’s chamber of commerce, but since Aura is like an advertising tower, that’s not a mistake either.

“Or Aura. You don’t have enough supplies.”

Falco, who is a little bad at Aura, looked subtle, but that’s where I was concerned. Make it Aura, make it Alfi, because there is no question that the children of the northern town can do their job.

“Anyway, there are a lot of demons even though it’s still nearly two months until the original summer hunt. It seems to attract quite a few hunters from the nearby as well as northern towns, but it seems that people are still easier to gather than objects.”

“If I flush the necessities to another town, it’s the town I’m in trouble for giving them away.”

“Really. Aura seems to have brought food, sequins, cloth, etc. not only from the deep forest, and I think she’s pulling it now. By the way.”

Alfi cares about behind Falco.

“Is that Shaw and Hal?


“Those guys left it in Canaan”

Alfi raised his eyebrows as if he was okay, but that wasn’t Shaw or Hal’s concern, it was Falco’s worry that passed on to Falco himself.

“In the meantime, the request is going to take time on a monthly basis. Then I thought we should come over here and be useful hunters.”

“Well done for coming.”

It is mainly Falco who feels awkward instead to Alfi, who dares not say that.

“There was a big outbreak of honey lizards in the plains.”

“No way. Even if you were there, you’d be a lizard at best.”

“It’s just off the border. It could have flowed to the town of Anfa if we were bad, but we turned it away.”

“That’s just great. Well, with Hal and Shaw the Mage, I’d rather figure it out.”

“We hunters can hardly play a part in the movement of little demons.”

In a hunter who takes down the whole thing, he is very unable to keep up with that number.

“You can’t even be a regular magician. Hal and Shaw are special.”

“But it’s not.”

Alfie made a scene.

“This time, the most powerful sorcerer from the lake swamp is in the war. That’s two of us, too. I’m with Lyla.”

“With Lyla? Oh, flames.”

Dredd is coming. Falco and Leon looked at each other like they said it was crazy.

“Although I don’t think Dredd or Lyla were very interested in hunting croissants because they are monotonous in a way”

“Anything, they’ve developed a new method of warfare. I’d love to work with the hunter, so I’m in a big mess with the Deep Forest line.”

I didn’t know that was happening.

“Well, I was eager to learn the magic of Hal and Shaw. I guess I can play tricks. Besides, he’s a magician who timed well with the hunters.”

Falco is not particularly bad about Dredd.

“Hey, Alfie, didn’t you say two magicians?”

“Yes. Well, but I think it’s quicker to see it, and if possible, I want you to be right on the front line. As you can see, we’re understaffed.”

Alfi showed with his hands the hunter who was tired and resting.

“As soon as I got here, I’m really sorry, but there are only seven hunters from the north town, so it seems pretty hard.”

Leon nodded, saying nothing more and leaving the church behind. And Falco, of course.

“Well, let’s keep going. Ah.”


Since entering the deep woods, the two people who were on the road, i.e. hunting grounds, have already been equipped to go hunting. I hurried to the rocks.

“Oh, there he is. Wait! That one!

As if it were the magic of Hal’s flames, a mage is building a wall of flames from both sides of the hunter.

Instead of being activated all the time, it’s as if the shepherd dogs are chasing the sheep and collecting them, controlling where the croissants go with the flaming walls.

One is Dredd, and the other is.

“That guy! I’ve only seen him a little from afar, but he’s certainly the one who tormented Hal!

“I mean, the magic school, the dean… What are you doing here?”

The long dark green hair around the gray hair is suppressed with a circlet of forehead and the robe is very similar as if it were a different colour for the instructor. When I say another legendary magician about 150 years old, there will only be a magic dean. Falco remembered that it would come with. Surely the Dean should have stopped.

“Just calm down, Leon. He’s a man who has nothing to do with Hal anymore.”

“Come on. Right. Wait for the battle to calm down.”

It is unusual for Croywalizards to be in large quantities at this time of year, but still, if you look closely, they are not as numerous as they were at the peak of the hunt. The overall number of hunters is also low. That is why, as things stand, we can say that we are working it out.

The two twisted because they wanted to know what was going on.

Eventually, along with the signal on the part of the hunter, the magicians who were pushing demons also stopped putting out flames and kept coming back. All of those faces are familiar to me, but the two of us are the ones that get together a lot in the hunt for the northern forests in winter.

“Gene! Beval!

To Leon’s loud hanging voice, the two men descending from Rock Mountain dusted their faces.

“Yo, Leon, Falco. Well done for coming!

Not only the two of them, but everyone else in the northern town’s face is bright. All that is coming is a good hunter, but I wanted more manpower anyway, and I have nothing to say if that manpower is Leon and Falco. Everyone had a relieved look.

“Hey, Falco, don’t say hello to me first.”

“Oh, Lyla. Long time no see.”

I greeted Falco like I just noticed. In fact, it wasn’t in my eyes. Now I’m more interested in the status quo than Lyla, and someone who looks like Dean of the Magic Academy.

“What happened to Shaw and Hal?

Falco looked a little fed up. Ask what you want to hear, not to warm up your old relationship, but to say hello to yourself. If you say that sounds like lila, it sounds like lila.

“Lilah, you don’t have that. The first thing I need to do is ask Falco and Leon how they were doing.”

While Gene confuses me with laughter, he gives me a tickle of caution.

“‘Cause Falco, you don’t look fine”

You’re right, and Falco is the usual thing, so I don’t care that far.

“More than that, I have a face I don’t see.”

“Oh, you’re this guy. Dredd and Lyla brought me here, but, well, hunting takes a long way.”

“Not really.”

Leon pinches his mouth frustrated by Gene’s chatter.

For participating in the hunt for the northern town, Dredd and the other, who looked like people and talked about something, looked more like Falco and Leon when they noticed.

“Auf, brunette is better Falco, Shaw’s foster parents, and this is Leon, Hal’s foster parents”

That’s what Dredd explains. I mean, after all, I’m going to say someone who knows the existence of saying Shaw and Hull.

“Falco, and Leon. This is the former Dean of the Magic Academy, O.F. The man who didn’t take good care of Hal.”

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