I Will Disappear, Grand Duke

Chapter 44

"Cedric, what's wrong?"

Julia stared in wonder at the silent Cedric for a moment. Then, finally, Cedric looked up and answered.

"No, it's nothing."

Cedric smiled faintly again. It would be better not to inform Julia about this yet.

However, Julia had a vague idea why he was doing so.

Probably because he couldn’t find a cure at the temple.

"Thank you for trying so hard. And I'm really okay now.”

Looking at Julia as if she was trying to comfort him, Cedric bit his lip.

Nodding with a complicated and apologetic expression, Cedric was silent for a moment.

After his expression changed again, he turned his gaze to the bride standing in the wedding archway.

"Did Julia make that bouquet for the bride?"

Nodding, Julia smiled brightly again.

"I also decorated that wedding arch with the children."

The wedding arch was placed in the direction she pointed, its white flowers and greenery glowing beautifully in the sun.

"You must have had a hard time. Please don't overwork yourself."

"Don't worry. It was rather fun.”

Looking at her peaceful face, Cedric finally relaxed his lips. At this moment, he could only hope earnestly. He hoped that this would be uneventful. May she be as peaceful as she was now, without further pain.

"They look really happy together, don't they?"

Julia’s blue eyes were shining as she asked. Even though it was a simple wedding, she seemed to be very happy to see it.

Cedric was sure her wedding was much more glamorous and extravagant than this.

When he had first brought Julia here, Cedric was inwardly worried that she would not be able to adapt to the simplicity of life.

However, contrary to his fears, Julia blended into the life here in her own way.

However, he couldn't be sure that she was really satisfied with her current life.

Cedric knew very well that she sometimes looked lonely.

"I heard that tomorrow is the festival."

Julia unexpectedly opened her mouth again. She had just heard the news from Gabrielle earlier this morning.

Cedric, with a small tilt of his head, answered quickly,

"Yes. The birthday of Hecate, the god who rules the continent, is this summer."

This was also the reason why the High Priest traveled all over the continent. Every year around this time, there were long-lasting celebrations in the Holy Land.

Julia looked somewhat expectant at his words.

“This is the first time in my life that I’ll go to a festival."

Among Julia's modest dreams was to go out into the city and enjoy the festivals.

For even the mundane things of blending in the crowd and watching the festivals in the streets were not allowed in her old days.

Seeing her, Cedric spoke in an even brighter voice.

"It's going to be fun. During the festival, foreigners are also allowed to enter freely."

"I see."

"There will be street plays and night markets. There will also be a lot of merchants."

Hearing this, a sense of anticipation welled up in Julia's heart even more. Gazing into her sparkling eyes, Cedric made a suggestion.

 “Shall we go out together tomorrow? We’ll bring the children too."

"Yes, of course."

Julia lowered her eyes softly, hiding her childish exuberance.

Her hair fluttered lightly in the breeze.


It was afternoon, the first day of the festival.

The streets of the downtown area were gorgeously decorated with colorful lanterns and decorations.

The white lights illuminating the slowly fading dusk.

The scene, which created a deep and mysterious atmosphere, attracted Julia.


The children held her hands and swam through the crowds. As Cedric said, there were numerous shops on the street.

The children took her on an enthusiastic tour of the streets, and before she knew it, they were in the middle of a square.

There, a street play was actively in progress.

They sat on the stairs in one corner of the square to watch the play. After seating the children in the empty seats, Julia sat down next to Cedric. The noisy children quickly became quiet as the play proceeded with great interest.

And Julia, who had finally sighed, immediately began to immerse herself in the play.

"How's the festival? Is it as fun as you think?"

After some time, Cedric unexpectedly spoke to her. Julia nodded without taking her eyes off the play.

"Yes, if only for the noisy atmosphere… I feel really good."

Cedric, who was silent for a moment at her reply, asked again.

"…Can I assume that Julia is a little happier now?"

Finally, Julia turned her head. Cedric looked nervous.

She blinked slowly and looked at him, and Julia soon smiled gorgeously.

"Of course.”

The clear smile, without a trace of selfishness, spoke volumes. She was already happy.

Cedric looked at Julia as if he was obsessed and grabbed her hand for no apparent reason.

The tips of his ears were slightly red.

Julia's eyes were tinged with peace as she turned her attention to the play again.

It was a night when everything unfolded perfectly.

And at the same time, Fernan had just entered the festival street.

The Holy Land strictly controlled the comings and goings of people from other countries.

Coincidentally, however, from the day after his arrival, the Holy Land entered the festival period.

Thanks to this, permission was obtained earlier than expected.

"Your Highness, we've already lost the priest. What should we do?”

Within a day, the priest quickly disappeared. But it no longer mattered.

If Julia was in this country, it wouldn’t be hard to find her no matter where she was.

"Divide the area and conduct a secret search. I need to look at this street."

Fernan led only two or three knights into the downtown area. The lights that lined throughout the square brightened their dark vision.

The white banners connecting the pillars were painted with the patterns of the gods in gorgeous colors.

Fernan, however, did not look at any of them. He just glanced at the crowd with his crazy eyes.

He thought a lot the whole time he was here. At the same time, he was surrounded by endless emotions.

The emotion that filled his heart the most was hope.

It was the thought that Julia might be dead that suddenly rose up and drove him crazy.

He couldn't quite contain the emotions that were welling up in him at the current situation that proved that idea to be wrong.

His gaze, which had been wandering the streets like a madman, soon landed on a corner of the square.

People were gathered in a circle, looking at the central open space, perhaps it was a sightseeing spot.

Fernan, who was watching the crowd carefully, quickly averted his gaze.

Then, he suddenly threw his gaze to pierce the middle of the crowd.

 His shimmering golden eyes caught sight of a woman.

In the midst of all the people, only one person came into his eyes.


Fernan murmured as if he was strangled.

She was a petite woman sitting on the step. Her light silver hair in a bun, her face delicate and hollow.

Even her lake-like eyes, which still shine as brightly as ever even after such a long time.

The image of Julia, which he had drawn thousands of times in his mind, was clearly in front of his eyes.

"Your Highness?"

His second-in-command spoke to Fernan, who stood still. It was because Fernand was the only one who recognized Julia among the people.

He soon beckoned the knights silently.

Immediately, all the knights who followed him scattered to other places.

A light gradually began to shine in his eyes, which had been quiet, as if he didn't know this situation was reality or a dream.

Julia, the woman he had been searching endlessly for, was now in his field of vision.

With his lips quivering slightly, Fernan stepped forward. His golden gaze remained fixed on Julia, staring at her relentlessly.

Instantly, the sound of all the strings of reason being cut at once could be heard.

‘Julia would be surprised. Wouldn't she be angry and wonder why I had come? Then how could I soothe and calm her?’

There was no room for such normal thoughts.

The next strides that followed were fast approaching Julia.

At that moment, a wave of people parading in front of him passed by.

He stopped when he began to see Julia again, who had been hidden by the crowd.

His crazy eyes suddenly hardened.

Fernan froze, looking down at his feet in a daze, slowly raising his gaze.

Then he looked again. He looked at Julia's face, which was smiling like sunlight.

Then Julia was laughing. He had never seen a face like that before.


The first thought that popped into his head was such a silly question.

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