I Was Raised By the Cubs In the Game

Chapter 71:

It was the first time that Dr. Yan and the others encountered such a situation after they came to this refuge.

However, looking at the skilled movements of most other people, they should have already had such experience.

Dr. Yan then followed their actions, with Wen Lan and the other three workers, following the crowd of the large army, and walked quickly into the depths of the canyon.

However, in the process, he noticed that the hurricane in the distance seemed to be slightly different from before.

Is it because of the color?

Dr. Yan frowned slightly, noticing that the gust of wind was not as black as it used to be wrapped in dark clouds, but was permeated with a touch of blood. It looked as if the end of the night was coming, which made people feel a kind of fear from the bottom of their hearts for no reason.

This fear is not deceitful, but instinctive.

He always felt that something was wrong.

Wen Lan looked at him and couldn’t help but asked. Dr. Yan comforted Wen Lan and said, “Wait for me.”

Having said that, he quickly rushed to the front of the other guards in the canyon, and inquired about the surrounding situation regardless. The two guards were initially unwilling to pay attention to him, until he showed his identity as a field doctor and had sufficient experience, the two men looked at each other hesitantly, and finally informed them of the abnormality of the storm and the infestation of beasts. .

Hearing the news of the beasts appearing, Dr. Yan was slightly stunned.

Several guards then asked: “What did you think of?”

Dr. Yan shook his head. He had no way to explain that he had seen such animals in his manor, so he could only say: “It’s nothing, it’s just weird.”

In fact, he himself couldn’t be sure what connection these animals had with Xia Feishi’s original animal friends.

Maybe just a coincidence.

But no matter what, Dr. Yan did have more consideration because of this, and even his mood became a little clearer.

It may be due to the influence of Xia Feishi, Dr. Yan had also received the young master’s animal friends in the manor, so many of his thoughts gradually changed.

For animals, for example, he would take for granted that they were always friends.

Dr. Yan returned to the crowd, Wen Lan was still waiting for him, and the other three workers had followed the crowd in.

Since the last time Wen Lan lost Xia Feishi because she left early, she never wanted to leave alone. No matter what, she always stood there and stared, as if she was always afraid that someone would disappear like Xia Feishi did before.

They soon came to the crevices deep in the canyon.

This is a natural safe haven, and the storm should not be able to erode this place, but the crowd is all stuffed inside, which seems a little crowded.

Everyone evacuated quickly, but within half an hour, everyone had entered and prepared for the storm.

After waiting for about forty minutes in a tense atmosphere, the shocking storm finally came.

Everyone held their breaths in the depths of the stone crevice cave. Families with children, parents were holding their children tightly and covering their ears with their hands.

There was a sound like the roar of evil spirits in hell, and the crowd huddled in the cave in silence, unable to resist the power of nature.

I don’t know who whimpered softly twice, and then some couples cuddled with each other, and the woman buried her face in the man’s chest.

Many people were either staring at the ground or looking elsewhere, and the atmosphere was silent and depressed.

It wasn’t until I don’t know how long that the wind howling outside seemed to have finally subsided, and a ray of light with a light blush gradually penetrated from the outside of the stone crevice, illuminating the exit in front of them.

The wind was completely silent.

Although judging from the smell of sand, the outside has probably changed, but at least it can be said that they have escaped another disaster.

In the silence, someone finally began to speak softly.

And Dr. Yan also lowered his eyes to look at Wen Lan beside him, and said softly, “It seems that we can go out.”

Wen Lan didn’t let go of Dr. Yan’s hand until now, and nodded lightly.

The crowd started walking towards the outside of the cave.

But the accident happened very coincidentally. Just as the person in front of them was about to leave the cave, there was a strange muffled sound outside. There was a sudden panic in the crowd, and some people couldn’t help but scream.

All the people present are ordinary people, without any special ability, and have not dealt with such a scene.

With the confusion of the crowd, the loud noise came again. This time, they could not wait for any movement from them. They only saw that a few huge rocks suddenly fell from the exit of the cave in front of them, and the whole cave was blocked by stones. .

Inside the cave, it was pitch black and crying, almost filling the entire space.

At the same time, when Xia Fei was chasing the strong wind, they had already arrived in the direction of this canyon.

The strong wind has just passed, and the movement of the wind can still be seen to this day.

Xia Feishi and Yu Mo sat on the backs of two lions respectively. Although Yu Mo was also able to use the animal form to travel, due to various reasons, he could not reveal his animal form for the time being.

So in the end, at Hong Yu’s suggestion, Yu Mo finally rode on the back of a lion like Xia Feishi.

Looking at the gust of wind that was gradually going away, Yu Mo said first, “Keep chasing.”

Xia Feishi nodded, but just when the beast team was ready to move forward, Xia Feishi’s eyes suddenly swept to something not far away. His heart moved slightly, and he quickly stopped the team that was about to set off again, and carefully turned over from the lion’s back.

Hong Yu’s body was so exaggerated that Xia Feishi got off his back and almost fell.

However, Yu Mo immediately supported him.

Xia Feishi was a little surprised: “You weren’t…”

In his impression, just a second ago, Yu Mo was still on the back of another lion. Although he was not too far away, it was definitely not a distance that he could reach in two seconds.

But now Yu Mo is standing behind him like this, could it be that he remembered it wrong?

Yu Mo said indifferently, “What?”

Xia Feishi shook his head, his attention was on other things, so he didn’t say more, and then walked in the direction of the object just now.

At the same time, as Xia Feishi walked over there, Yu Mo calmly glanced at the other beastmen around him.

All kinds of lions, tigers and leopards bowed their heads one after another. They didn’t look like the overlords of the jungle and grassland, but like big cats that couldn’t be more cowardly, pretending that they didn’t see the sight of their majesty turning over and quickly coming down to catch Xia Fei.

After a while, Xia Feishi returned to Yu Mo with something.

He lowered his head and looked at the things in his hands carefully, Yu Mo came to him and asked in a low voice, “What’s wrong?”

Xia Feishi said, “This is someone’s diary.”

He handed the thing in his hand to Yu Mo, and said seriously: “Although there is only one page of paper, but looking at the date, it should have been written recently. This kind of paper should not be blown too far before it will be damaged, unless it is originally Right around here.”

When Yu Mo stared at Xia Fei, he looked at him slightly frowning and speaking seriously.

Xia Feishi was stunned: “What?”

Yu Mo shook his head and said, “You seem to have grown a lot all of a sudden.”

After so many things, Xia Feishi is no longer the 17-year-old boy he met when he first met. He has gradually become able to bear the burden, and he looks more like an adult.

However, there was no happy expression on Yu Mo’s face.

In contrast, he still felt that Xia Feishi’s soft and waxy appearance was a little more interesting.

But it doesn’t matter, Yu Mo thought so in his heart, when the matter here passes, he lives carefree in the empire, it will still be the same as before, and there will be no change.

In fact, even Yu Mo didn’t realize that he had such an idea in his heart.

Xia Feishi was a little surprised by Yu Mo’s sudden words. His cheeks were a little hot when the other party watched, but Yu Mo suddenly entered a normal discussion and said, “Let’s talk about this first.”

Compared with Xia Feishi, Yu Mo has the best decision-making power in various matters, so just by knowing a little about the situation, Yu Mo made his own judgment and pointed in the direction not far away: “Over there. ”

Even Xia Feishi didn’t follow his reaction: “What?”

“If I’m not mistaken, the owner of the diary is probably in that direction.”

Yu Mo grabbed Xia Feishi’s wrist and walked in the direction he pointed. Because the terrain here is complicated, and the strong wind has just blown, so it is not suitable to travel quickly, so they walked over, it took about half an hour, and finally came to the inside of a canyon somewhere.

The scene here is a little weird.

Looking at the traces around, it should be someone who has stayed here, and there are traces of many people living and used things around.

But because the strong wind blew and damaged too many things, they couldn’t see any footprints at all, and they couldn’t figure out where the people who were supposed to be here went.

Xia Fei was a little anxious. After all, the wind just happened, if the people here didn’t have time to run…

Yu Mo probably saw his concern, so he said calmly, “The human breath is still here.”

Xia Feishi looked at Yu Mo suspiciously, and Yu Mo explained, “The smell.”

Hong Yu and the others explained at the right time: “Don’t worry, Fei Shi, their race is very sensitive to smells, so if he said he didn’t leave, he definitely didn’t leave.”

Xia Feishi nodded, and then her eyes fell on Yu Mo again.

Under his gaze, Yu Mo slowly walked forward, and then stood in a certain direction, as if sensing something.

Xia Feishi followed behind him, at this time he didn’t dare to make a sound to disturb his judgment, so he could only cover his mouth and look at his movements and demeanor with wide eyes, trying to discern some key issues.

After a while of silence, Yu Mo lightly tapped the stones under his feet with his toes and said, “It’s here.”

Although he said that, Xia Feishi raised her head and looked at it, but what she looked at was a thick pile of rocks. These rocks make up the cliffs of the canyon, which look unusually steep and dangerous from the top.

For a moment, Xia Feishi felt that Yu Mo was pointing in the wrong direction, but seeing how the other orcs around him believed Yu Mo’s words, Xia Feishi finally took a moment to react gradually, and said softly. Said, “You mean, they’re stuck in these rocks now?”

Yu Mo nodded: “It shouldn’t be wrong.”

Xia Feishi’s expression changed slightly, his face turned pale, then he squatted down and began to pick up the stones on the ground with his hands, trying to rescue the people trapped inside as soon as possible.

Yu Mo looked at his actions and said, “Are you worried about them?”

Xia Feishi was thinking about a lot of things now, and he didn’t seem to hear what Yu Mo said. He only knew what Yu Mo should have said to him, so he also said: “They are buried inside, if Without enough air you will die quickly…”

When Yu Mo looked at Xia Fei silently, he could see that Xia Fei was really worried about the group of strangers he had never met.

Although he was not very strong and seemed to be struggling, he did not stop even when his fingers were scratched by sharp stones. Just rub it a little and move on.

Yu Mo suddenly remembered that when he and Xia Feishi first met, Xia Feishi was like this.

His origin was unknown, and he was injured. Xia Feishi was not even a little bit wary. Seeing that he was injured, he directly carried him back to the room. Prepare food for him, bandage his wounds, and even care about how well he is doing every day.

Is this a human trait, or is he the special one himself?

How do you say this in human terms? good?

After all, beasts don’t have this kind of emotional feeling, and for them, instinct is the thing that trumps everything.


Yu Mo’s eyes changed, and he raised his hand to pull Xia Feishi.

He has a lot of strength, and Xia Feishi is much smaller than him, so under his strength, Xia Feishi didn’t even have the chance to struggle, and was directly held as if carrying a cub. Pick it up.

Xia Feishi: “…”

With his feet hanging in the air, he kicked a little uncomfortably, and whispered, “Put me down, the people inside are still waiting for rescue.”

Yu Mo shook his head and corrected him aloud, “You made a mistake.”

Xia Feishi didn’t understand the meaning of Yu Mo’s words, Yu Mo took Xia Feishi two steps back, and then said again: “Your efficiency is too low, and you forgot, you have us by your side to help You, the rational use of resources is the right decision.”

After saying that, Yu Mo didn’t even need to make a sound again, the beastmen in the back had already come to the front of the pile of stones.

The beasts are much faster than Xia Feishi. These are professionally trained soldiers. Whether they are in human form or beast form, they all have quite strong combat power, and their speed is much faster than Xia Feishi. I don’t know how much.

But in just a few minutes, they dug a gap in the stone.

Xia Feishi watched their movements with mixed feelings but full of gratitude. He kept saying thank you to everyone, then jumped down from Yu Mo and joined the team.

Yu Mo silently approached the past, and slowly leaned over…

Hong Yu and the others watched their Majesty make a move, almost to the point of being scared to the point of their tails standing up. Not only him, but many other animals were also terrified.

There were also orcs trying to stop His Majesty’s actions, but Yu Mo just calmly stopped them with his eyes, and calmly integrated into the process of saving people.

He slowly cleared the stones out, these movements were not difficult for him, but…

Yu Mo lowered his eyes and thought lightly, what is the kindness of human beings?

He didn’t seem to have any sense of useless accomplishment because of saving people, but there seemed to be another strange feeling that was slowly growing in his heart.

Feeling the indescribable emotion deep in his heart, Yu Mo raised his head and set his eyes on Xia Feishi.

He found that the emotion seemed to exist because of Xia Fei.

For the people trapped in the cave at the moment, there is only fear and anxiety in their hearts.

They’ve been stuck for over an hour.

This cave is very big, but unfortunately there is no other exit except the blocked exit. So they can only find a way to get through this exit as soon as possible at this moment, and only in this way can they survive.

The oxygen inside the cave is gradually becoming thinner.

Cries and noisy cries constantly slammed into people’s eardrums, making this scene closer to purgatory on earth.

Someone’s cell phone or flashlight still has the last bit of power, so it can provide a brief light, but it doesn’t make everyone feel at ease.

But just when everyone was desperate, they suddenly heard that there was a strange movement at the entrance of the hole that was blocked by stones.

The sound outside was dull because of the stones, but when everyone stopped and listened carefully, they were almost sure that there was no doubt that someone outside was trying to open the passage and save them out.


At this moment, almost everyone’s dangling hearts became somewhat calmer.

As long as there is rescue, there is hope.

But at the same time, they couldn’t help but wonder, all of them were hiding in this cave, who was trying to save them outside?

No one can tell what is going on, but there is no doubt that they will have a chance to live after they go out. If they stay in this cave, they will die after the oxygen is exhausted.

After hearing the voice, everyone’s spirits were lifted up. Everyone started to think of ways, some people found tools, some people took care of the elderly and children, and then everyone also began to dig from the inside to the outside along the position of the other party’s voice.

When both sides start work at the same time, the time will inevitably be much faster.

During this process, Dr. Yan also patted the back of Wen Lan’s hand beside him lightly, then settled her in the corner and walked up by himself.

After taking over the tools from others, Dr. Yan followed suit.

But within two minutes, he felt that there were more people beside him. He turned around and met Wen Lan’s eyes in the dark. Wen Lan was obviously a woman who couldn’t be weaker. Usually in the manor, most of them were He was doing trivial but elegant things, but now he lifted up his sleeves and followed him with tools.

Seeing Dr. Yan looking at him, Wen Lan’s eyes were clear and he said with a smile, “I can also help.”

Dr. Yan looked at her serious demeanor, and couldn’t help but chuckle, but did not stop her from moving.

Then everyone began to dig in silence.

This is not a simple matter, and the air in the cave is still very thin, and labor consumes a lot of them, but in the face of life and death, no one can rest assured. Even the pampered Mr. Xia personally picked up the **** and dug desperately.

In this case, it was not known how long it took, and in the midst of a daze, suddenly, a stone in front of the entrance of the cave suddenly shattered.

Then light seeped in again.

This ray of light, for everyone in the cave at this moment, is like the dawn and sunrise in the dark, the fire of light in hell.

The people in the cave burst into cheers when they saw this ray of light.

With the appearance of the light, Dr. Yan at the front of the team hurriedly continued to wave his tools and dig between the stones and the sand. Within a few minutes, the gap was pulled wider and wider, and then a voice came from outside at the same time. Passed in: “It’s OK! Look!”

This voice came from outside and reached the ears of other people in the cave. I don’t know why it gave people a strange feeling.

The voice was very low, as if it came from a distance, and it seemed to be close to the eyes. It sounded a strange penetrating feeling, and it also felt unreal.

As if it was translated through something.

Such a voice made the smiles on the faces of everyone in the cave freeze instantly. They stared at the entrance of the cave cautiously and carefully, not knowing what they would see next.


Although they don’t know what it is, they feel that this is definitely not the original voice of human beings.

Just when everyone was staring at the entrance of the cave nervously, suddenly, the gravel at the entrance of the cave rolled down, and something seemed to come to the side of the entrance of the cave.

Immediately afterwards, people saw the location of the hole and suddenly approached a huge eye.

It is said to be huge without any exaggeration.

Although it is not so large as to be terrifyingly larger than a human head, it is indeed much larger than a human eyeball.

And around the eyes, there was even a circle of thin brownish-yellow fluff.

What the **** is this?

At this moment, everyone stared at this thing and thought of this idea in their minds.

They froze in place and didn’t dare to move at all, they could only stare at that eye as stiff as a stone.

At this time, the strange voice and more equally strange voices came from outside again: “Why are they suddenly silent?”

“Are they still alive? Get out of the way and let us see!”

“Don’t squeeze, don’t squeeze, there’s still a little bit to go, give this stone a paw!”

“By the way, be careful with yourself inside, and take two steps back.”

The group of creatures of unknown origin kept talking like this, and after a while, only a loud rumbling sound was heard, and the stone block in front of them finally shattered like this.

It fell in front of them, splashing countless dust.

As the stones fell, more light penetrated into the cave from the outside, and at the same time, the people in the cave instantly saw who rescued them from the outside.

That is……

A group of beasts that look unusually tall and sturdy.

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