I Was Raised By the Cubs In the Game

Chapter 69:

It was Dr. Yan who was driving.

At this moment, the maid Wen Lan was sitting in the passenger seat, staring at Dr. Yan slightly stunned.

The empty streets and city in front of her reminded her of what happened at that hotel that night.

That night they rushed to the hotel at night, because there was really no other place to stay, and Xia Feishi was in poor health and needed immediate treatment and care, so even if they knew it was dangerous, they could only enter the hotel to find it. a place to stay.

There are also many people who have fled in the hotel. In such a chaotic environment, Dr. Yan has already thought of what might happen, so he has made preparations in advance.

But even if they took turns to stay awake in the room, they still couldn’t avoid those troublemakers.

Dr. Yan didn’t want Wen Lan to be in danger, so when trouble came, he took the initiative to let the maid and Xia Feishi hide in the room, and stepped forward to deal with the troublesome guys.

However, the doctor did not return after a long time from leaving the room, and Wen Lan became worried because of this.

So after making sufficient psychological preparations, Wen Lan quietly left the room and went outside to check.

After walking out of the room, Wen Lan saw the scene of Dr. Yan being beaten in the corner of the corridor. The group of people’s fists and feet slammed heavily on Dr. Yan, and Dr. Yan fell to the ground without moving at all. The whole body was covered with bruises and bloodstains, and even the ups and downs of breathing could not be seen.

Wen Lan didn’t know what she was thinking at the time. She was obviously terrified, but she forgot everything at that time, and just rushed towards the other end regardless, trying to stop their movements.

However, Dr. Yan’s body was cold, and his breathing was so weak that he could hardly notice it. Although the maid Wenlan was reluctant to accept it, she had almost admitted the reality of Dr. Yan’s death in her heart.

Then the group of guys saw her, and they finally stopped torturing Dr. Yan and tortured her instead.

Wen Lan resisted desperately, but was still unable to stop it, and let the group of people rush into the room where Xia Feishi was.

What happened next, Wen Lan felt unbelievable.

Just when she thought she was desperate, a group of animals appeared and rescued them.

The group of animals that had appeared in the manor had easily solved the troublemakers, while Xia Feishi asked Wen Lan Ah to leave with the things first and wait for him outside.

Wen Lan agreed, but she returned to the car and waited quietly for a long time, but she couldn’t wait for Xia Feishi to appear.

And the storm has swept over.

Wen Lan tried to go back and look for Xia Feishi’s traces, but before she reached the gate, she saw Dr. Yan who she thought was “dead”.

Dr. Yan came to her with difficulty, wiped the blood from his lips, shook his head and said, “Master Feishi is gone, I’ll take you out of here first.”

After that, they began to flee.

Because the car is still there, and the materials inside are still there, so they are the ones who are relatively well prepared when escaping. It is precisely because of this that although they encountered a lot of situations along the way, they are all safe. dealt with it.

Dr. Yan’s injury is not light, but he is a doctor himself and has sufficient medical equipment, so the recovery effect is not bad.

Under these conditions, they have survived safely for a long time.

And along the way, they even saved a few strong young men along the way.

These people were originally factory workers. They were thrown down because of their injuries, so they almost died on the side of the road.

Dr. Yan was reluctant to save them, but when these people saw Dr. Yan and the others passing by, they waited quietly on the side of the road. Peace of mind to die.

Such a scene made the hearts of Dr. Yan and the maid equally heavy and helpless. They had already driven away, but after driving for a while, Dr. Yan turned back to Wen Lan and asked, “Go back and have a look?”

The maid knew what Dr. Yan was talking about, and because she was constantly recalling the scene of the few people she saw just now, she nodded without hesitation.

So they went back after all and brought those people with them.

Those few people seemed to be honest and honest workers. Dr. Yan and the maid gave them food and drink, and they followed behind Dr. Yan and the others, obediently helping them every day, and never complaining or getting tired.

But because of what happened in that hotel first, even so, Dr. Yan and Wen Lan couldn’t completely trust them.

Until now.

Watching the group of people go outside to investigate, Wen Lan couldn’t help looking at Dr. Yan worriedly.

Dr. Yan looked completely different now and before. With his sloppy appearance and his messy clothes, he didn’t look like Dr. Sven in the past. Facing the maid’s hesitation, Dr. Yan showed a lot of calmness, shook his head and said, “Anyway, no matter how bad things are, it’s just like that, just take one step at a time.”

The two fell silent again, and then the maid suddenly said, “You…”

At the same time as she made a sound, Doctor Yan, who was opposite, also made a sound.

They looked at each other and knew exactly what was in each other’s heart the most.

It was the time of Xia Fei.

In the rush that day, they went back to the hotel to look for it again, but they couldn’t find any trace of Xia Feishi. At a critical juncture, they could only believe that Xia Feishi had been taken away in advance, so they turned around and left.

In the next time, they walked forward and searched for Xia Feishi’s trace, but the mobile phone had no signal in this chaos, and other methods had no effect. For so many days, they were unable to get He Yu. A little clue about the stranger.

They all knew exactly how Xia Feishi’s physical condition was. Given that they had not been able to find Xia Feishi for such a long time, it was very likely…

Wen Lan’s eyes were always red. She turned her face away from the window and couldn’t help wiping the corners of her eyes, but she didn’t want Dr. Yan to see her appearance.

Dr. Yan sighed softly, but this time he was unable to say consoling words.

About three hours later, several young men returned to their cars and took them back to the gas station.

Dr. Yan drove the car with only the last bit of oil left, and quickly came to the vicinity of the gas station.

However, they soon discovered that there was another family in the place that should have been empty.

This should be a family, parents with a young daughter who looks only about ten years old, filling their car with gas at the gas station. Judging from their dress and appearance, it is not difficult to infer that they are also normal families without anything special.

The family was obviously very nervous. Even in the process of refueling, they raised their heads and looked around from time to time, as if they were afraid of a sudden attack in the process.

It is indeed easy to encounter such dangers when everyone cannot protect themselves.

Dr. Yan didn’t want to cause trouble to others, and he didn’t want to be provoked by others, so he simply parked the car a little away from them and didn’t drive close.

He just stopped here, and when the family finally filled up the gas and was about to drive away, he slowly drove forward.

The two cars passed by. Dr. Yan saw the situation in the other’s car, and heard the child in his mother’s arms, seemingly crying and saying something like “dog”. At the same time, the man driving He was talking about the “sanctuary” in the east to the people beside him.

Hearing this, Dr. Yan remained calm, but his demeanor was a little more serious.

When the family’s car was gone, Dr. Yan drove over to refuel. At the same time, he also said to Wen Lan and the others, “Let’s go to the east and have a look.”

He had already thought that it might be dangerous to go there, but if he could find an organized and disciplined sanctuary, it would be far better than a few of them fumbling forward here.

At the same time, when no one knew about it, a group of special troops appeared in a manor somewhere in the human world.

When Xia Feishi just crossed over, she was still a little unable to adapt to such a breath.

He was a little dizzy at first because of the tearing sensation of space travel, but during the process, he felt someone hug him gently and used his body as a support to allow him to stand firm.

Almost without looking back, Xia Feishi knew who the person who did this was because he was too familiar with Yu Mo’s aura.

However, when Xia Fei was completely steady, when he looked back, Yu Mo had already released him and retreated to a relatively distant position.

Xia Feishi has never been able to understand Yu Mo’s thoughts, but he seems to be able to feel it. When Yu Mo is in contact with him, he always seems to have a cautious meaning. In front of him, he was trying to tighten his claws so that he would not accidentally hurt him.

There was a slightly noisy sound all around.

Xia Feishi was stunned for a moment, and when she looked back, she realized that not long ago, when they entered the Shimen, they were still in a neat and orderly formation, but now they have changed into something that Xia Feishi could not have expected.

Because of these armies, all of them have already changed back to their animal form.

Moreover, although the appearance of human form, each person’s body is fat, thin, and tall and short, but in general, the difference in body size between human beings does not appear to be too big.

But animals are completely different.

After all, they are completely different species, and the size of each species is very different, it can be said to be completely different.

For example, some are elephants, giraffes, some are tigers, lions, polar bears, and even smaller, there are many smaller carnivores in their team, such as weasels and hyenas.

Such a size gap caused their teams to change and become loose when they returned to their original sizes.

In this way, there is no way to stand the queue well.

But for such a situation, Yu Mo and the others were already prepared.

Originally, Xia Feishi and Xia Feishi were all people who were wearing regular military uniforms. Only one Yu Mo looked very special. He didn’t need to wear military uniforms, and he didn’t need to stand in the queue like the others. He seemed to be idle. Like an unrelated person, but it seems to have a high right to speak.

And after crossing over, it was obvious that Yu Mo was still the most special one in the crowd, because everyone else had already turned into a beast, and only he still maintained his original appearance.

Xia Feishi didn’t understand the reason, and it could only be attributed to the privilege of those with incomplete bloodlines.

Although the scene in front of them was a little chaotic, it didn’t take long for everyone to consciously find where they should be standing and resume the queue.

Hong Yu, who transformed into a lion, jumped directly onto the high roof of the manor and let out a roaring lion towards the bottom, which should be an order to everyone.

Then, lions, tigers and leopards stood in a queue, wild dogs, hyenas and wolves stood in the same queue, as well as a queue of various birds, a queue of bears, a queue of amphibians and aquatic animals, and so on.

Of course, in fact, in the army of the empire, they have a special queue of aquatic animals, but because they may not be able to travel well in the human world in the form of beasts, so they cannot be selected. to the human world.

The animals were very sorry for this.

It didn’t take long for everyone to be completely integrated, and they began to quiet down and wait for the general, Hong Yu, to give orders.

However, Hong Yu didn’t speak immediately, but after that, he slowly raised his legs and came to Yu Mo and Yue Xuan’s side.

As the research representative of the Human Research Institute, Yue Xuan came here with all the information this time. Now he has returned to the appearance of a panda. Probably because of his racial characteristics, his movements are much slower than usual.

I don’t know why, he was talking and doing things normally, but in Xia Feishi’s eyes, he seemed to be lazy.

He is holding the terminal machine at the moment, seriously investigating the surrounding environment.

Everyone else was quietly waiting for his analysis.

After a while, Yue Xuan finished the analysis and said aloud: “Okay, I have already analyzed it with a machine, here…”

He raised his head and looked at Xia Fei with a hesitant expression, but did not speak immediately.

When Xia Fei met his gaze, she probably guessed his scruples.

Because although the surrounding environment has changed a lot, and the plants and buildings have been destroyed by unknown disasters, he can still clearly see that this manor is actually the place where he has lived and grown since he was born.

Now this manor is no longer as beautiful and clean as it used to be, with a tattered appearance. Even the flowers that were once planted in the garden and the maids took care of them every day, and the flowers that Xia Feishi looked at at the window every day, have been destroyed. The storm was uprooted and turned into a rubble.

In fact, for Xia Feishi, although this place was considered a prison, it used to be a safe haven to protect Xia Feishi.

If it wasn’t for this place, Xia Feishi might have died of illness long ago.

Looking at such a scene, if you want to say that you don’t have the slightest feeling in your heart, it must be a lie, but Xia Feishi is very clear that he has no time to do such a sad thing now, and he must cheer up as soon as possible. , and then took the imperial army to rescue people.

So facing Yue Xuan’s hesitant expression, Xia Feishi shook her head and said, “It doesn’t matter, just say it straight.”

Yue Xuan nodded and said: “Okay, according to the analysis of life detection instruments, there is no trace of life in this place and within 500 meters around it, except for us.”

Hearing this sentence, the other animals present couldn’t help but change their expressions, and their eyes were filled with surprise.

Even Yu Mo frowned slightly, his expression a bit complicated.

Xia Feishi thought that she should have understood what he said, but he still couldn’t understand it, or he couldn’t accept it, so he murmured and asked again: “I can’t find any trace of life… what is it? mean?”

Yuexuan sighed and said helplessly: “That is to say, there is nothing alive here, whether it is animals, humans, or plants, there are none.”

When Xia Feishi heard this, even though she was prepared, she couldn’t help feeling a slight chill down her spine.

He didn’t speak again for a long time, but others had to ask him more about the situation, Hong Yu frowned, and asked out loud: “Fei Shi, you should be the most aware of what happened here. People, do you know how this place became like this?”

Although facing such a situation, Xia Feishi had a hard time opening his mouth, but he still nodded and said, “It was a very strange gust of wind.”

To this day, he can still clearly remember what happened at that time.

Xia Feishi informed everyone about the situation at that time.

Hearing this, everyone turned their attention to Yue Xuan again.

After all, he is the only real researcher here who can explain the occurrence of this phenomenon, and Yue Xuan finally said aloud after holding his cheeks and thinking for a while, “There is a problem with this gust of wind.”

The crowd was silent.

After all, until now, no one can say anything wrong with this wind.

Obviously this is not what they want to hear, Yue Xuan probably knows why they look at him like this, so he sighed, and then said aloud: “Okay, I know what you want to hear, but I haven’t seen it now. I can’t figure it out any time soon. I haven’t figured out the specifics yet, but at least we have a goal now, which is to look at that gust of wind and figure out how it came about .”

Patting the instrument in front of him, Yue Xuan, who looked like a panda, used his hind legs to stand up straight: “It’s better to have a goal than no goal.”

“Yes.” Hong Yu nodded, agreeing with Yue Xuan’s words, and then said: “In this process, we must try our best to protect the humans we can see.”

Xia Feishi listened to their words, nodded quickly, and continued: “I will take you to find that hurricane.”

He raised his head, looked at the distant horizon, and quickly pointed out the direction he was in when he saw the gust of wind based on his memory. Based on the direction and trajectory of its movement, Yue Xuan analyzed it and said, “If there is no mistake in guessing, It should have gone to the east.” He raised his hand, pointed in the direction of a certain mountain in the distance, and said, “Maybe it is there.” Hong Yu nodded: “Then let’s go there and see.”

But after he said these words, Yue Xuan quickly said: “It’s still not completely sure, it has several possible trajectories, we can divide the troops into three groups first, and each bring a contactor, if there is any problem , we will use the communicator to contact.”

Hong Yu: “…Can you finish the sentence at once?”

Yue Xuan scratched his head, “Hehe” twice.

After they quickly discussed this, they began to discuss how to allocate the route. During this process, the existence of Xia Feishi played a very important role. After all, Xia Feishi grew up in this world. Although he had only left this manor once before, he had seen the surrounding environment of this manor countless times on the map.

Even though the network in this world has collapsed now, the map on Xia Feishi’s mobile phone can still be viewed, so he quickly let others see the routes around him.

“There are three roads in total, one is a spacious highway, which should be a road that humans often use when driving…”

When Yue Xuan said this, He Ze, who had been quiet and restrained for a long time, couldn’t help but ask, “What is a highway, why do humans need roads? Why don’t you drive to the sky?”

The interrupted Yue Xuan: “…”

He rubbed his dark circles helplessly: “Because human cars can’t fly, listen to me quietly.”

It is estimated that the expressway cannot withstand too many animals that are too large, so after discussion, everyone decided to let the ligers, tigers and leopards, which run faster and have strong fighting power, rush through this road first.

Then there is the river on the other side. The location of this river is very good. It is almost not far from the manor, and it continues to the east. It will pass the destination they want to go to, so of course the waterway can be Animals that live in the water are responsible for going there.

The remaining roads are rugged mountain roads and jungles.

This road is relatively close, but the road is very difficult to walk. Humans probably will not enter here, but for some flexible animals, it is very common to walk through the jungle.

Smaller animals are arranged to pass this way.

Of course, there are still many bird tribes in their team. The number of this group of bird tribes is not much, but it is not a lot. Although they fly fast, they can’t take Yue Xuan to their actions, and their combat effectiveness is not strong enough. , so it can only be regarded as a scout, exploring the field of vision for each team in the air and providing help.

After such a grouping, they did not delay, and each began to prepare for departure.

During this period, like Hongyu and Ze and Xiang Zhe, they all chose their own suitable teams and led everyone forward.

The more important one is Xia Feishi’s choice.

Xia Feishi, as a human who doesn’t know how to use water, is of course impossible to rush through the river, so the only options left are the road and the jungle. Xia Feishi didn’t hesitate, and quickly made his choice. He wanted to follow Hong Yu’s team of lions, tigers and leopards and rush to the east with the fastest speed.

Hong Yu did not object to this, and he even offered to take Xia Feishi to sit on his back when he was on his way.

After they completed the whole team, the three strange animal teams went to the east.

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