I Was Raised By the Cubs In the Game

Chapter 62:

From the E star field to the emperor star, if it is the best and fastest spaceship in the empire, it will only take more than 20 hours to reach the destination.

But now Xia Fei and the others were on the most common spaceship on the island, so they must not be so fast on the way back.

At the same time, in order to take care of Xia Feishi’s body and make other arrangements on the road, their journey was even slower than usual.

It was because of this that they pushed Xia Feishi into a separate room on the spaceship, and asked him to rest first.

Xia Feishi did not fall asleep.

Previously, due to physical reasons, he slept for a long time when he was seriously ill. Later, there was a natural disaster on the earth. When they fled, Xia Feishi was actually asleep. When he was brought to this world, he fell asleep again. A long sleep.

By now, Xia Feishi felt that he could no longer fall asleep. For the first time, he felt that his body was not burdened. He just wanted to stay awake and not want to rest.

So after trying to fall asleep to no avail, he tapped another room on the ship.

If he had taken one more look before entering his own room, and thus determined the location of other people’s rooms, if he remembered correctly, this should be Yu Mo’s room.

After Xia Feishi knocked on the door, she stood still, bowing her head and thinking about something seriously.

After waiting for about half a minute, there were very light footsteps in the room, and then someone slowly opened the door.

The person standing at the door with no expression on his face was indeed Yu Mo.

The two were facing each other across a door. Yu Mo still looked inhumane. He frowned slightly when he looked at Xia Fei’s face.

It seemed a little unhappy.

Xia Feishi thought it was her interruption that made the other party unhappy, so she quickly said: “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to disturb you! If it’s inconvenient, I’ll go back…”

However, at the same time as he spoke, Yu Mo, who was on the opposite side, also said, “Why don’t you rest? How is your health?”

Xia Feishi was stunned for a while, then realized that Yu Mo’s frown was not because of his interruption, but because he was worried about his body. Xia Feishi couldn’t help but pursed her lips and smiled, looking up at Yu Mo brightly.

His expression was uncommon, but he looked much better than he used to scowl in the real world.

Yu Mo looked back and said, “It looks like it’s alright.”

After feeling Yu Mo’s concern for him, Xia Feishi’s mood seemed to be a lot easier in an instant. Since he was a child, it was easy for him to perceive other people’s emotional attitudes towards him. Adapt to others and be a sensible child.

But now Xia Feishi didn’t feel any “request” from Yu Mo.

Yu Mo wouldn’t forcefully hope what he should do, all his emotions were out of kindness.

Maybe Yu Mo couldn’t explain it himself, but Xia Feishi could clearly perceive it.

So Xia Feishi pointed to Yu Mo’s room with a smile in her eyes, and asked softly, “Can I go in and sit?”

Yu Mo fell silent. Although he didn’t agree, he didn’t refuse. He just left the door open and turned into the room by himself. Xia Feishi then raised her hand and made the appearance that she had just arrived, softly said “Excuse me”, and then went into Yu Mo’s room with a satisfied smile.

and sat beside him.

This spaceship is actually not big. There are not many rooms on the spaceship. In order to ensure completeness, a lot of supplies are prepared in each room, but this also causes these rooms to be very narrow, and everything is crowded. come together.

Yu Mo’s room only had a bed, a desk, and a few cabinets fixed to the wall and floor.

These things took up most of the space, so there was no other place to sit, so Xia Feishi sat next to Yu Mo as a matter of course.

Yu Mo seemed to look up at him when he was sitting down, but it was only a very light glance, even Xia Feishi wasn’t sure whether it was because he made a mistake just now, because Yu Mo felt that way. Mo’s attitude seems to have not changed from beginning to end.

Xia Feishi also took advantage of this time to quietly look at Yu Mo. His eyes flicked over Yu Mo’s ears, and the big tail that was dragged behind him and was now fluffy on the bed.

Yu Mo’s usual demeanor is actually a kind of cool indifference. His outline is sharp and handsome, but it is precisely because of this that when people look at him, everyone will always feel that he is too sharp. intimidated by the appearance.

But the ears on top of his head and the big hairy tail behind him are very soft.

In Xia Feishi’s cognition, it is something that only cute and cute little animals have. In the human world, such a gesture usually makes people feel a sense of intimacy.

Now these two completely different attributes appeared on Yu Mo’s body at the same time.

This made the original sharpness of Sen Leng on his body seem to have been diluted a lot, and it no longer gives people a “terrifying” feeling, but it simply makes people feel that behind his layer of Sen Leng, there is probably something hidden behind him. Something soft inside.

Xia Feishi didn’t know whether his guess was right or wrong, but now that he was in such close contact with Yu Mo in this narrow space, he quickly remembered what he heard from Ying Mo and the others not long ago. thing.

Just before, Xia Feishi asked others about Yu Mo’s identity.

The identities of the others in front of them were all revealed on their own initiative, but only Yu Mo, he didn’t say anything from the beginning to the end, and he didn’t seem to have any intention of saying it.

Xia Feishi naturally had doubts because of this.

And when he asked, others reacted strangely, and they didn’t know why they didn’t say it until the end.

As if trying to avoid something.

Xia Fei felt that she was asking the wrong question, so she quickly retracted the topic and changed the subject. Yu Mo left the console and entered the back room alone. He Ze came to operate the spacecraft. The other talents finally seemed to be slightly relieved, and then He told Xia Feishi that when he returned to the capital of the empire, Xia Feishi would naturally know who Yu Mo was.

Xia Feishi didn’t know why they said such things, but he quickly asked another question.

Xia Feishi felt very puzzled about this question since everyone changed back to human form just now.

That’s why he doesn’t understand why Ying Mo and Xiang Zhe are completely human after they have been transformed into human forms. Although they are different from humans in terms of hair color, eye color and body shape, they are still different from humans. Judging from their characteristics, they are indeed similar to humans, without the characteristics of beasts.

But only Yu Mo is different. Yu Mo’s ears and tail still retain the characteristics of a beast.

Xia Feishi wondered why.

He Ze and the others were slightly relieved when they heard Xia Fei’s question, and then gave an answer.

They seemed to have some scruples about Yu Mo’s identity, but they didn’t hide this issue and quickly told Xia Feishi truthfully.

So Xia Feishi also knew some of the environment and habits of the Zerg Empire.

For example, they believe that only human-like appearance is the best gene.

For example, orcs who still have ears and tails, and cannot fully evolve, will be called blood-deficient among their races.

People with such bloodlines are usually very weak, they are ridiculed and despised by everyone, and they are bullied and disliked in the orc society.

Xia Feishi listened to what they had to say and took all these words to heart.

Although He Ze and the others did not reveal Yu Mo’s identity to Xia Feishi, Xia Feishi had gradually understood it based on their description of the person with a broken bloodline. Why is Yu Mo so withdrawn, why other people rarely communicate with Yu Mo, and why Yu Mo always looks depressed and isolated from the world.

It turned out that although Yu Mo looked strong, he actually had such a life experience.

Xia Feishi felt that he and Yu Mo seemed to have many similarities.

Thinking of these things in his heart, Xia Feishi seemed to be very worried. He lowered his head and didn’t say a word, but Yu Mo could already see that he was unusual.

Yu Mo didn’t know that in Xia Feishi’s brain supplement, he had become a poor little guy who was bullied by countless people among the orcs and couldn’t stand up.

After all, there is another reason for his withdrawnness. He doesn’t communicate with others because others dare not speak to him.

He never imagined that such a scene would make Xia Feishi’s head produce such a strange association.

Yu Mo said, “What are you doing here?”

Xia Feishi raised her head and said, “Have I ever said that I have to thank you for bringing me here from that world?”

Yu Mo turned his eyes, looked down at the messages on his terminal screen who didn’t know who sent them, and dealt with them absentmindedly: “I said it, but you also said that although you are grateful, you don’t want to stay here, you I want to go back and save your comrades.”

Hearing this, Xia Feishi suddenly raised her head, stared at Yu Mo and blinked her eyes.

Looking at Yu Mo’s current demeanor, Xia Feishi felt as if she had finally caught something.

He seemed to finally know the reason why Yu Mo was in a bad mood before.

Xia Feishi tentatively asked carefully: “Are you angry that I have such an attitude towards your help?”

Yu Mo’s movements paused, and his demeanor didn’t change at all, he just said calmly, “I’ve never said this before, it’s my job to help you, and I’m not doing this alone, and you It is your business to decide what you want to do, and I have no right to interfere with your decision.”

Although he said so, Xia Feishi became more and more certain of her guess.

Xia Feishi suddenly clasped Yu Mo’s hand and whispered, “I’m sorry.”

At this time, Yu Mo finally looked away from his terminal screen and landed on the hand that Xia Feishi was clasping in his palm.

Yu Mo’s racial physique is not exaggerated, it is the closest to the height and physique of ancient humans, but even so, in this comparison, the palm is slender and wider than Xia Feishi.

He moved his fingertips slightly, as if he could clasp the hand into the palm of his hand as long as he gently closed it.

Yu Mo couldn’t adapt to this kind of contact. It was different from when he was in the form of a beast when he was taken into his arms by Xia Fei. Probably due to racial reasons, orcs in the form of beasts tended to be more inclined in habit and personality. Primitive habits of their species.

So even if there is any intimate contact, for them, it is nothing but contact in the ordinary sense.

But the human form is different, when they hold hands in human form…

Yu Mo seemed to be able to feel that his palm was gradually getting hot.

Due to various reasons, Yu Mo’s body temperature has always been very low, and he has never experienced the feeling of being “hot” so intuitively as he does now. And this kind of experience doesn’t just exist in the palm of his hand, it also flows in his chest like something that can’t be controlled.

It even ran to Yu Mo’s ears and cheeks, showing his existence in a less obvious way.

Yu Mo almost broke free from Xia Feishi’s hand in a bit of an embarrassment.

But when he noticed that Xia Feishi showed a moment of loss when he was freed, he was unconsciously controlled by an emotion called “regret”, so he shallowly pulled Xia Feishi’s finger back. into his own hands.

This time, I only pulled a fingertip, and I didn’t touch it too much, maybe it wouldn’t make people feel embarrassed.

Yu Mo alone used this method to do an unprecedented quick mental activity at this moment, but in Xia Feishi’s eyes, it was only a very short moment. Then he was pulled tightly by Yu Mo’s fingertips.

At the moment when her fingertips were grabbed, Xia Feishi was actually a little stunned.

Perhaps it was because Yu Mo used too much strength, so at the moment when she was grabbed by her finger, Xia Feishi actually felt that her heart was also being held tightly.

Then, as the strength on Yu Mo’s hand lightened slightly, his heart was loosened again.

Then the warm current in the heart was squeezed and flowed all over the limbs.

This was a feeling that Xia Fei had never experienced before. Unlike the fever when he was sick, he did not feel any discomfort, but his heart seemed to be beating more vigorously than before, and it even sounded a little jubilant.

Almost at this moment, Xia Feishi suddenly forgot what she was supposed to say.

He opened his mouth and could only whisper, “Your ears…”

When Yu Mo heard this sentence alertly, he moved his ears, and then he reacted quickly, reflecting on his excessive actions irritably, and asked in a low voice, “What?”

Xia Feishi stared at the ear that had just moved, and said softly, “It will move.”

Yu Mo: “…”

The atmosphere seemed to change a bit in an instant, and for some unknown reason, the smell just now disappeared.

Yu Mo said in unusually calm words, “Because it’s true.”

Xia Feishi also froze.

It was only then that he realized what he had just said under that circumstance. It was really embarrassing. Xia Feishi covered her cheeks, apologized quickly, and then said, “I didn’t really mean to say this just now, I just wanted to say, I touched your ear once…”

Speaking of this, Yu Mo also quickly remembered the meeting with Xia Feishi when he traveled to the human world.

He probably won’t forget that scene.

There was also the finger that Xia Feishi stretched out to him at that time, the agreed gesture that belonged to human beings.

Yu Mo asked, “Why did you suddenly mention this?”

Xia Feishi took a deep breath, put on a serious look and said, “Actually, what I want to say is that I think your tail and ears are very special and beautiful, and if you were in the human world, they would be very popular. ”

Yu Mo: “What?”

Xia Feishi had never comforted anyone like this, and even she felt that her statement was clumsy and too naive.

However, Yu Mo clearly acted tougher and colder than anyone else, but he didn’t know why, inexplicably felt that Yu Mo was not as cold as he seemed.

He didn’t say anything, but he didn’t know where the courage came from, so he raised his arms and hugged Yu Mo.

“You used to be so small, you could easily hold it.” Xia Feishi whispered, “Now you’re taller than me, and I feel like you’re holding me now.”

Hearing Xia Feishi’s words, Yu Mo was stunned for a moment.

Only his fingers remained on the terminal’s on-screen keyboard, repeatedly pressing a certain symbol key.

Such an accident made Yu Mo unaware of it.

When Xia Feishi finally let go, and Yu Mo looked down slightly dully, only to find that the message in the dialog box of his terminal had been sent.

– Yue Xuan: Your Majesty, how is the situation? Are you back already? Fei Shi is also right?

– Yu Mo: Everything went according to plan.

– Yu Mo: Xia Feishi

– Yu Mo: I’m back! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

see this message.

Yu Mo fell into silence with a strange expression.

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