I Was Mistaken as the Novel’s Hidden Boss

Chapter 19: Flashback

I have no ambition. 


More accurately, I lack the driving pedals to create the ego every ambitionist has. For me, living at bare minimum and scrolling through novels and comics are enough. Doesn't really matter if I'm the bottom feeder. Doesn't truly matter if I'm just an F-rank hunter scraping away day by day at the bottom. I just need to eat, drink, take a bath, take a shit, read novels and comics online from my old samsungs' and sleep. 


'Mediocre was me', I thought, before dying in that shitty place. It was just a D-ranked dungeon which most hunters could defeat. But who would've thought, the rank would shoot up like a star. It was unexpected, but not unprecedented. I could accept that. Yet, deliberately knapping my knee and leaving me to be the bait was too much. It's not like I don't understand their logic and way of thinking, but are they human? Where's the compassion? Sympathy? Even animals won't do shit like this. 


Then a voice rang, right before I died with a torn body all over. 


"We are giving you a second chance." they said. "A regression." 


I ask them. "Why?" 


"Even if your blood is tainted, impure and half-repulsive, you are still bonded to us by blood. You are our last lineage." 


At that time, I truly had no idea about this lineage they talked about. And to be honest, at that point, I did think of refusing their grace to send me back in time. I mean, why should I? My lifes has been messy since day one. I lost the majority of my childhood memory, and the earliest recollection of my life was when I was teen. It was never a good memory. So as far as I remember, my life has been nothing but trash. 


And, although I was quite enraged at the future they showed me, I was betrayed by the same species. There's little to no attachment, so I believe there's no need for me to step up. Even if I do have the power to challenge fate, I see no merit in saving humanity when I could choose dying over living.  


Up to that point, I was going to voice my refusal. When suddenly, it dawns on me that I have such an unnatural gap in my memories. Why do I have no recollection whatsoever about my childhood? 


So I ask them. 


"It seems like there's a blockage in your memories." they immediately said. "We could help you with that." 


"Yes, please." I answered instantly. 


But gosh—I wish I didn't say that. 


They said ignorance is a bliss. 


There were no truer words than that. 


Contrary to my expectation, it was not a grim memory. It was the opposite. I see the reflection of my younger self in the mirror, sitting in my mother's lap, playing with toys she bought from the general store. It took me by surprise how chubby I was. And observing my toddler appearances, it dawns on me that—I was happy.


It was the first time I finally understood what it feels like to be loved. My mother was gentle. Her voice always kind, carries the sound of divine. Pearl white skin of her slender fingers always caress me with gentle touch, and her eyes was always joyful whenever her eyes on me, following my every move with great care. As if I was a treasure. 


But happiness is not the reason for my tears. 


I was loved. I thought I was not. Even when it comes as a fact that I was a mistake. My existence itself is a mistake. But she showered me with love regardless. Yet, the euphoria of being loved ends so quickly. She has to leave me. But I know she don't hate me. Her abandonment was necessary for my survival. I know. I can't explain but I know. 


I see red in her eyes. I see red in her eyes. 


As I staring at that teary eyes inside my memory, I was choked. Why does this hurts like I'm dying?  This pain is too overbearing for a human to endure. I am dying without blood. Choked to death by my own breath. Cruel. If it's like this, why not just kill me? Why prolong my suffering? 


She omit some memories from me which even the dragons cannot restore. I know she's doing it for my sake. 


But I want to know. 


I want to know why you hide your own existence from me. 


I want to know why I was born. 


I want you to say the reason for my birth, from your own mouth. 


I want to know why the dragons refers to you as 'taboo'.


I want to ask. 


I want to tell you a story. 


I want to know all about you, mom.  


In that space devoid of time, I grieved. I screamed. The loudest of my life. The dragons said it was all 'fate'. I ask them; why's the fate so cruel? Why they deprive me my only oasis? 


"Because destiny is not your friend, child. It's a system. It has no morality. But you, you are an existence that can challenge destiny. Get up. Build your own road, carve it. Live. I will give you something you ought to have. 




And in my heart, sprout— a will to live. A destination. Now I know where to go, what to do, I feel thirsty. Ambition. And there, I was reborn. I was no longer the bottom feeder, no longer the F-ranked loser. I was no longer live for the sake of surviving. My bloodline is proof that I'm special. I could change the fate. And I will. 


The dragons cannot tell me about her because of the 'taboo', but they gave me a hint. The five catastrophes. 


And finally, I found a clue. 


"A dragon aside from my ancestor, huh." 


I cross out Herbring's name in my notebook. Then I flipped to another page and scribbled everything I knew about that monster. From his appearance, analysis of his magic, hypothesis on his other skills, to the purple haired woman in his side. I record every characteristic of his. The process takes no longer than thirty-minutes. 


After finishing my homework, I sprawled out in bed. Hands covering my eyes. 


I have to hauled some of my plans. Modified some, and more importantly, tracking that monster. The only unseen variable. And that guy who comes along with Siyeon-noona, maybe I should recruit him. To trace a concealed trail means his skill is that good. Perhaps even on par with that purple haired woman. 


"Huu," I exhaled. "Just wait. Soon… soon, I'll find you…" 


Yes. Soon.




The undetected red gate incident was causing an uproar throughout the country. From the perspective of a civilian, it's understandable. Although no casualties occured since the gate was closed without much noise, the existence of the red gate itself is a threat. The government has been keeping noise under wraps but it can't be helped that some are leaking. 


Of course, in this matter, the one who took the burnt was the Gate Detection Center. This institution meant for foreseeing gates has no way to defend themself and could only bow their heads to apologize. Conversely, Lee Siyeon and Lee Heiran were praised as the hero for heading first onto the danger. And actually succeed. 


Additionally, Leric was also rewarded for his contribution for discovering the gates' alongside Ice Princess and Valkyrie. There was a slight buzz when he used his reward for submitting a proposal to strengthen police's personnel, but that's another story. 


All of that was what the reporters and news on television told its citizens. The internet, however, has another story. 


It was started from a post in an online forum claiming they witnessed a fourth person coming out of the gate. He also leaked sensitive information in his post. The posters attached a photo of his B-ranked hunters card, with names and address and everything else except for the rank, blurred. With a wall of text, describing his experience fully. 


>I was one of the responders who quickly secured the area. 

>It was almost midnight, so there are not a lot of hunters who are still awake at this time. 

>When I arrived, there were only five people beside me. 

>Most of them were C-ranked, with only one more B-ranked aside from me. No A-ranked.

>I immediately did the perimeters sweep by the book, and evacuated civilians in the area. 

>Approximately two minutes later, more hunters arrived to help. And I was relieved that the one who appeared this time was an S-ranked hunter. I can't reveal their identities, but there are two. 

>They wanted to go inside, but the order was to secure the area. So they can only wait. We can only wait.

>Just then, the gate wavered. I was overjoyed. This means the gate is successfully conquered. 

>Suddenly, a sign of teleportation happens right in front of the gate. 

>We thought it's the party who went inside. 

>But it was an unknown person. 

>I know a thing or two about illusion, and I was convinced he used an illusion spell on himself.

>The two S-rank felt suspicious, wants to detain him. 

>But he said some unknown words, and we were left paralyzed instantly. Nobody can move. 

>The unknown guy pulled out another teleportation device. 

>A second later, S-rank brute force the spell, instantly break free and fly to him like a bullet. All two of them. While we can only stare because we still cannot move. 

>The two missed him. 

>Shortly after he vanished, the team who went inside finally made their appearance.

>I decided to roam since I cannot sleep. 

>Overheard a staff member who measured the collapsed red gate talking to his boss on the phone. 

>"This gate is old. It's been here for years, before the team discovered it". 

>I go home because I'm fucking scared shitless. 


My question is, how the fuck there are red gates—I repeat, RED GATE—concealed perfectly for YEARS??! What the fuck is those folks in the Gate Detection Center is doing??? 


Although, shortly after the post was taken down by the poster himself, netizens were already documenting everything. Many shared their concern about the undetected red gate and preaching caution about the possibility of another concealed gate. This led to an active search by netizens in real life. But after the collective attempt met with zero findings, people stopped. 


Instead, their intrigue now falls to the mysterious fourth person. 


Their interest was stems mostly from a skeptical stance towards the truth of the post. A large portion of the comments did not believe, and rather thought it was the posters ploy to gain momentary fame. But there are those who believe, and exercising effort to unmask the identity of this unknown person. 


It was even more so for those sitting on the highest chair. 


Major guilds and government. These 'one-percents' whose job is to make a decision that could affect millions of people, would not stop at nothing before they could find this man. 


In the middle of a silent race to unmask this person, a meeting is currently held at the headquarter of Korea Hunters Association. At the highest floor, with no windows visible, gathered the most powerful and influential people in korea. All focus on a single subject, currently being projected in the tv before them. 


His appearance is tall, with natural armored skin in his hand, clothed with black robe and wanderer-like clothing. 


It was Drunag. 


"I understand you all have your own agenda, and thus, I thank you all for coming here today. Now, let me cut the chase." Ryeo Kwang, who was talking, scanned the room full of guild masters, S-ranked hunters, and government people. Before coming to this meeting, Kwang has already given them a brief situation, and invited them here for a more detailed explanation. 


I guess the topic I share truly hooked these big fish, huh. 


"As you already know, this monster spawned not long ago from the red gate in Busan. Yet, three days ago, this same monster was there in another red gate. I suspect, there's an invisible war going on. We still don't know how, or why, but I would like for us to come up with a measure for this." 


A bold theory, backed up only by a claim, yet all the people present did not ridicule or show disrespect. Because even if it's only a theory in name, the possibilities are real. The most grim of them all is obviously Heiran and Siyeon, the only two that have already faced him twice. 


But then, Kwang made a more bolder proposals. 


"And, I propose for us to recapture Jeju Island." 


It was to re-attempt capturing Jeju Island, the only place in Korea where monsters live and reign in power, the only known place where there's an active red gate in Korean Peninsula. 


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