I Was Kicked Out of the Party Even Though the Hero Is My Girlfriend

Chapter 9

9 – silver, black



Kiera, who was in the room, looked into the mirror and screamed.

Black hair was growing from the roots of her hair.

Currently, she has silver hair, but her natural hair color is black.

Silver hair began to grow after gaining the power of the hero.

However, the fact that her hair grew black was a clear sign that she had lost the strength of a warrior.

“Uh, why… ?”

Fear filled her eyes as she continued to look into the mirror.

What would happen if the duke found out that he had lost his power?

Will the sponsorship be withdrawn?

They only knew that Keira was in bad shape, but they couldn’t figure out that she had lost her strength.

“I can’t do this… Why is this happening to me?”

Kiera trembled softly, wrapping her arms around herself.

I was desperately thinking about what the reason was.

But no matter how much I think about it, I don’t know.

I really don’t know.

Nothing has changed.

nothing was done

When I couldn’t get an answer, what came to my mind was ‘him’ that I didn’t want to recall twice in my life.

‘Could it be that Hanmaru left? no way… ‘

Suddenly the door burst open.

“Kiera, did your strength not come back today?”

It was Natalie who came in carelessly without knocking.

“I want to fight with you like before, so I’m dying. There are no decent guys here. It’s all trash.”

She gallantly walked in, pulled out a chair from under the table, and sat down.

Then I looked at Kiera, who was sitting in front of the dressing table in complete silence.

“Why are you so dumb and silent?”

Shocked, Keira spoke quickly with a slightly agitated expression.

“Where have the others gone?”

“Lucy and Lloris? Play with the new porter.”

“Are you a porter?”

“Lucy was bored, so she asked for a porter.”

“The Duke of Toledo promised to provide ten servants to accompany us on our adventures, so why are you looking for a porter?”

“Ask me directly. How do I know what that prickly sorceress is thinking?”

At the same time, the back yard of the building.

Lucy was giving instructions to a certain young man while Lloris watched with his back turned.

“Can you lift that?”

Seeing what Lucy pointed to, the young man’s eyes widened.

“W-Listen to that!?”

“why? Can’t you hear me?”

“Um, can a person hear that alone?”

What Lucy pointed out was a magical machine the size of a cart.

It was made of metal and looked very heavy.

“I heard about the kid who was there before. can’t you?”

“I can’t! I can not!”

The young man waved his hand, said he would quit his job, and ran away.

Lucy crossed her arms and frowned.

“You bastard.”

“Such a reaction is natural. Mr. Maru was unique.”

Lloris approached with a smile.

“What is the reason why our wizard wants to bring in a porter after kicking out Mr. Maru because the distribution is small?”

“I need someone who will accept my temper.”

“You mean the so-called punching bag?”

“uh. These days, I have no place to vent my anger, so I’m frustrated and going crazy.”

“If that’s the case, why did you kick out Maru? It was a very good punching bag.”

Lucy glared at him.

“You should also work together to kick them out and don’t drive them to me.”


“The king told me to pick and choose and get rid of one person, but is there really a servant who can ignore it?”

“I was one of those servants. I repent.”

“Don’t say things you don’t mean while laughing.”

“Heh heh, I’m serious. I’ve been missing the fish dishes that Mr. Maru used to bone himself these days.”

“Come to think of it, while you are a priest who serves God, you have bothered Maru quite a bit.”

“You are bothering me. Maru-san’s inner self was trained. You didn’t get angry thanks to me, did you? Our Mr. Maru?”


Lucy shook her head and let out a long sigh.

“Anyway. Lately our party has lost its laughter. I need something fun.”

Kiera, who was sitting in front of the dressing table, gestured to Natalie.

“Do you want me to come over there?”

Kiera nodded, and Natalie rose from her seat and walked over to her.


“Look at my hair.”

“Why hair? uh? What is this? do you have black? Wasn’t it originally white?”

“It’s been like this since I lost the power of a hero.”

“Isn’t that bad?”

“It is a bad sign.”

Keira bit her lower lip and made a worried expression.

Natalie put her hands on her shoulders.

“Don’t worry. The power will come back.”

It was then.

A sound came from the door.

Keira quickly turned to her.


Isn’t the door open!

Keira wrinkled her brow.

“Didn’t you close the door?”

“Oh, you messed up again. sorry.”

Before Natalie could even move, Keira headed for the door first.

I opened the door and looked across the hallway to see a young maid standing there holding a silver kettle.

“Hello, Kiera. I’m here to change the water.”


Kiera studied the maid’s expression carefully for a moment.

“Did you overhear me saying I lost my powers?”

Sweat dripped from the palms he clenched.

After staring at it for a long time, I saw the young maid fidgeting and said reluctantly.

“come in.”

“Sir, excuse me.”

After a while, the young maid put down the new kettle and left the room with the old kettle.

After that, Kiera could hardly concentrate on her conversation with Natalie.

So I let Natalie go and she quickly left the room.

I hurried to find the young maid.

Fortunately, I was able to spot a young maid heading somewhere.

‘Don’t run away.’

Kiera picked up a fist-sized stone from the yard, hid it under her clothes, and sneaked behind her.

As time passed, a thousand thoughts raced through my head.

‘It’s a barely received support. The amount is also large. I can’t mess it up here.’

By the time the maid entered a shabby hallway frequented by servants, Kiera impulsively held up behind her and raised her hand holding the stone, overcome with fear that she might lose everything.


The young maid turned around at the voice of someone calling.


Across the hallway stood a fat middle-aged maid.

“What’s up, ma’am?”

“Have you changed the kettle in the master’s room?”

“I want to go now.”

“Okay, change it right away.”


The middle-aged maid left, followed by the younger maid.

Keira emerged from a nearby corner, expressionless.

‘It’s not yet time. There is no need to rush.’

If I hadn’t heard the middle-aged maid’s footsteps, I would have hit her.

I blamed myself for being too sensitive because of the dark hair I saw in the room earlier.

Rather, I thought it was fortunate that a middle-aged maid appeared.

I could barely hold on to reason.

Kiera continued to follow the young maid until the end.

And it was only after eavesdropping on the conversation between the maid and the Duke who entered the Duke’s room that he was able to breathe a sigh of relief.

It was nothing but small talk.

She threw away the stone she was holding until then and returned to her room.

collapsed onto the bed.

“ha… ”

I turned and looked at the ceiling and lay down.

I closed my eyes and thought for a while.

“If you lose the power of a hero… The person to lean on… After all, there must be only the floor… ?”

She was getting scared.

He let out a deep sigh and absentmindedly massaged one of his breasts.

“Anyway, he’s tender-hearted, so if you cry, he’ll forgive you.”


“The grilled deer you ordered is here!”

Basilite Kingdom.

a village restaurant.

Food was laid out on a large table.

“Now, don’t hesitate and eat.”

“You eat a lot too.”

Maru began to eat mindlessly as if he was possessed.

Edward, who was sitting in front of him, smiled with a satisfied expression.

“I’ll buy it for you, so if it’s not enough, order again!”

“Do you have money?”

Maru chewed and drank the glass all the way.

“Kyaa~ This is delicious~!”

“Oh, come to think of it, I don’t have any money.”

Edward checked his whereabouts.

The fallen thief took what he was wearing and put it on, so he looked ugly.

It’s like a bandit somewhere.

“Kkeouk, I ate well after a long time.”

After finishing the meal, Maru did the calculation.

He packed all the gold and silver treasures the thieves were hoarding and carried them in his sack.

The only money he has is gold coins, so he is surprised when he gives them to the owner’s lady.

“Hmmm, is this Mercy? Do we have any change?”

“I don’t need change. Have it.”

“Evidence? Omena bachelor, you have a lot of money. Crunchy.”

“And this is a tip that made the food taste good.”

Maru, whose cheeks were red from being drunk, took out a pearl necklace from the sack and hung it around her neck.

I lived a life of starvation all the time, but I ate really well for the first time in a while.

The rest of the mood was good, and I didn’t spare it.

“Oh, thank you!”

The lady was very happy and ran straight to the kitchen and boasted to her husband.

Surprised, the husband ran out of the kitchen.

“What are you guys doing with so much money? Feeling like an adventurer?”

Maru pointed to Edward and covered it roughly.

“He is a prince.”

“Is this person a prince?”

“It is. I am Edward, the prince of our proud kingdom of Basilite.”

Edward said confidently, but her husband looked at him with disdain.

“Ttaek! These people, if you impersonate a prince, you’ll be in big trouble. If you’re drunk, go and get some sleep. Anyway, thank you. Come by often.”

“Yes, sell a lot!”

After leaving the restaurant, I walked aimlessly.

It was a body with no particular destination.

“What should I do now? Shall we catch an inn and get a good night’s sleep?”

I was walking while thinking about it, but Prince Edward kept following me and talking about how it was here and how it was there.

Maru, who thought it was strange, stood tall.

“what are you doing? I am not going home.”

“Home? Aha, you mean the castle I live in? I want to go? good! Let’s go!”

“no no. you go home alone We should stop breaking up.”

“Well? You did a great job defeating the thieves, are you going to go on like this? Will His Highness give you a prize?”

“You take care of that. It’s okay because I ate this.”

Maru proudly lifted the bag of gold and silver treasures he was carrying on one shoulder.

It was so much that it was difficult for five people to lift it, but it was as light as down on Maru.

“No. You must take it.”

“Because it’s okay. Are you listening to the stupid prince? Say you subjugated me just this time. People will see it differently.”

“People see me differently… ?”

Edward thought seriously, then nodded vigorously.

“You are so respectful! Then I’ll eat too! It’s your own expression!”

“okay okay. just go It was a pleasure meeting you.”

“May God bless you on your journey.”

“You live well too.”

“I will quickly go to the castle and spread my exploits far and wide. Be well!”

After Edward said goodbye, he immediately ran somewhere.

“I get a bit bummed out when I’m with him, but he’s a fun guy.”

Maru smiled happily and moved on.

After a while.

I felt like someone was following me from behind.

I glanced up and it was Edward.

I was following him while hesitating.

Maru turned around with a troubled expression.

“What else? Talk quickly.”


Edward came running with a bright smile.

With blonde hair and a slim jawline, he’s a really handsome guy.

“I have a very good idea!”

“Like what?”

“That’s it! Why don’t we keep going together and making achievements, and I eat the ball, and you eat the treasure! What a great idea!”

“… What?”

Maru was dumbfounded and only blinked his eyes and tilted his head to the side.

“Would you like some medicine? I hit one honey chestnut really well.”

“By the way, my younger sister is very pretty!”

The prince spoke out of context.

“I can trust you and introduce you! Just talk anytime!”

“Princess… ?”

You want to show the princess?

The princess…

I’m not interested in the introduction or anything, but I’m curious about your appearance.

Maru smiled broadly after thinking briefly.

“Then shall we go together?”

Watching the princesses of each country will be a fun story to brag about somewhere in the future.

With that thought in mind, I followed Edward out of curiosity.

“But you take care of the feat. I will leave immediately after seeing the princess.”

“If that’s what you think, it can’t be helped. It’s a pity, but I get it.”

“I told my mother at home that I would do a great job and left home. Understand me.”

“What? Alright, leave it to me! I will help you keep the oath I made to my mother!”

The two of them headed to the place where the carriage was.

The bright sun was beating down the road they passed.


When Maru just arrived in another world.

10 years old.

“mother. Are there no princesses in our kingdom? I have everything, but I can’t see the princess.”

The queen stroked the boy Maru’s cheek with a benevolent smile.

“Why is there no princess? it’s right in front of you mom is a princess Before becoming a queen, she was called a princess.”

Then Maru frowned.

“Ah, my mother is an old princess. He wants to see a young and pretty princess, not an old princess. uh… ? Why are you crying all of a sudden?”

a few days after that.

Maru, who changed into commoner clothes and was walking around the market, accidentally found a beggar girl who was begging.

he ran away

“hey! you!”

“Me… ?”

“Yes you! I’ve never seen a girl with black hair like me in this castle. Be my little sister!”

“younger sister… What?”

“yes! Her nickname is Princess from now on. Okay?”

“I’m hungry, but I’ll do it if you give me a penny. younger sister… ”

This is the first meeting between Maru and Kiera.

Now it has become a memory that we do not want to remember each other.

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