I Was Kicked Out of the Party Even Though the Hero Is My Girlfriend

Chapter 33

33 – Queen’s Gift

“Stay still.”

“Keek! In the middle of the day! Kik!”

The gargoyle struggled and howled while being crushed by the floor.

Maru pressed his head with one hand and beat his chest continuously with the other hand.

The hand that was squeezing his head was stained with saliva that smelled disgusting.

The smell made it hard to breathe and I thought I should finish it quickly even if it was dirty.

If you approach the princess like this, she will run away saying that she smells bad.

I hoped that there would be a stream nearby where I could wash my hands.


With the intention of tearing his body apart, he grabbed the gargoyle’s head and shoulders and squeezed them in opposite directions.

You hold your teeth tight and pull, huh? Uneasy.

“Turn it off!”

The giant monster on the shore also threw a harpoon with the current power, but this guy doesn’t think that his skin will open no matter how much he pulls it.

The leather was very tough and hard.

After trying it three times, I decided it was impossible.

He shook his head and let out a deep sigh.

“I heard you drank the elixir, so maybe it’s because of that.”

Maybe the efficacy of the elixir turned his skin into a diamond.

The effect doesn’t seem to last long, but I don’t know how long it will last.

In addition, it is difficult to hold down as it continues to struggle underneath.

Not because it was difficult, but because it was dirty.

I’m going to go crazy spitting up the insides of the horse I just ate from my snout.

Another way was needed quickly.

‘What’s wrong… ?’

While looking around blankly, he suddenly saw a one-handed ax spilled out of a broken cargo box.

The blade made of blue metal shone sadly.

The handle part was made of something like jade, so it was smooth and shiny.

If you can’t do it by hand, why not use a tool?

Maru immediately shouted at the two people hiding under the overturned luggage compartment.

“ax! Hand me the ax over there!”

“An ax… ?”

The people who were hiding were talking about something, but suddenly came to their senses and ran quickly to bring an axe.

“Bar, take it!”

“Thank you.”


The two stepped back with frightened faces.

Their eyes were filled with fear for the gargoyles and surprise for the floor.

“You know how to go for real this time!”

Maru hit the head with his fist and pressed the gargoyle with all his might.

Then he grabbed a one-handed ax in his right hand and raised it.

I aimed at the middle between his head and shoulders.


I took it down without mercy.

The ax blade easily split the hide and lodged in the shoulder blade.

The gargoyles howled loudly.

Resistance became more extreme than before.

“Oh, that works?”

Maru tightened his strength on both thighs and pressed the guy’s body even more.

They hit the ax in succession.


puck! puck!

Puck puck puck!

Blood splattered in all directions as the flesh was hacked into tatters.

The ax blade was the size of the palm of my hand, making it much smaller than a normal battle axe.

It took several shots to cut the body.

It was like being a butcher, but the feeling was exhilarating.

That’s how I killed the gargoyle.

“Hey, hey! this… Is it convenient?”

After suffocating the gargoyle, he stood up and examined the ax in his hand.

His hands were covered in blood, perhaps not a normal axe, but the ax did not have a drop of blood on its blade and hilt.

It was also quite light in weight.

Light was mighty.

Truly a luxury axe.

I wanted to keep one.

“It’s an ogre hand ax. It’s an ax made of blue light ore, a specialty of our kingdom.”

Audrit was approaching at some point.

“I love it?”

“… … ”

After thinking for a while, Maru threw the ax onto the floor.

I wanted it, but I was not greedy because it was an item that was supposed to go to another country in a cargo box.

When I have time, I’ll have to stop by the ax shop in downtown.

When I was living as a prince, I accidentally used an ax while using only a sword.

“no. I just looked curiously. It sounded good.”


Audrit said in passing and looked up at the floor.

There was something odd about her gaze.

“What’s wrong? what did you ask? Oh, you must smell it.”

“The smell is fine. because it helps us than that… You fight very well. cool.”

“Even if you don’t do flattery, I will tell you everything. Don’t worry, I won’t avoid it.”

“It’s not because I want to know the past. He told me that he was really cool because his heart raced.”

Audrey furrowed her eyebrows a little in pity.


People who had been watching from afar came rushing in.

Each of them covered their noses and frowned at the mangled corpse of the gargoyle, but did not hesitate to admire Maru.

“I guess we didn’t know about the Guardian until now.”

“May I be knighted?”

“I knew from the beginning that Guardian Officer was a great person! You are not afraid of the devil at all!”

“As a knight, I can assure you, starting today, you must put down your pen and pick up your sword. It’s a shame to waste such a talent.”

In that noisy atmosphere, Maru moved as if running away.

Audrey followed suit and smiled brightly.

“When we arrive at the palace, we will report to Your Highness and then meet again. I have a lot to tell you about the cargo that arrived today from a distant country and how you caught the gargoyle.”

Maru smiled as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

“all right.”

I saw a group of horses running on the other side.

The knights who came out to support were just now arriving.


“Lucy, you are a mutt. You motherfucker.”

In front of Maru’s visit.

Maru spat out curse words at Lucy standing in front of him.

Then she trembles all over and makes an ecstatic expression.

“Haha, you don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for you to tell me you’re a mutt. happy… hehe… ”

“Is it that good?”

“yes. Are you sure you want to do it again?”

“You mutt bitch. Mutt, mutt.”

“The more I listen, the more I like it… ! Happy… ”

“You’re crazy.”

Maru looked at her face wet with pleasure and opened the door with a tongue.

“Come on, come in. Go in and tell me what you know honestly, without any exaggeration.”

In the room, Audrit, dressed in a dress, was sitting on a chair and waiting.

The silver tiara she was wearing on her head caught Lucy’s eye.

When she thought that the princess was looking at her, Lucy quickly corrected her loose expression and looked at the floor.

“Tell me everything?”

“Yes, everything.”

“Are you talking about getting kicked out?”


“Isn’t that a painful and embarrassing memory?”

“it’s okay.”

I let Lucy inside and shut the door.

He thought that the story of Keira’s cheap abortion and other warrior party stories would sound more credible and persuasive if Lucy, a third party, spoke rather than if he said it himself.

So I proposed to Lucy.

I’ll call you mutt, so go to the princess and honestly tell me what you saw and felt when you were at the warrior’s party.

In addition to this, he gave a firm warning that if he groans, he will die.

After Lucy’s story was over, he intended to go in next and tell the story of his childhood.

If you talk about your childhood, of course, the place where you lived and the story of your parents will come out, and in the end, you had to reveal your status as a prince.

Maru was still conflicted.

Should it be revealed or not?


However, it felt like I was going to say something in the current atmosphere.

He thought that the fact that his relationship with Kiera was headed for a catastrophe was also due to his lack of honesty.

So let’s go a little differently with this relationship.

I was in the middle of thinking about that.

Suddenly, his subordinate Oliver came to the front of the room.

“Guardian! I’m glad you’re here. I almost looked for it for a long time.”

“Is there anything I need to sign urgently?”

“I just received a call, and His Highness ordered that an opening ceremony be held shortly after in the plaza at the loading dock, and all major ministers, except for the knights and low-ranking officials, must attend.”

“Is it dinner time soon?”

“Seeing that you want to see it quickly, it must be something great.”

“Well… okay. go.”

“ancient! Then let’s go back!”

Oliver bowed politely and ran down the stairs.

“Why do you do it now?”

After thinking about it for a while, Maru opened the door, saying that he could not help it.


“I had no intention of ostracizing Lord Maru, but it happened because Kiera instigated to harass him.”

“Oh really?”

Audrit, who was in the room, covered her mouth with a sad face.

“Wasn’t Sir Maru angry?”

“I am angry. he’s not What a great place to play with Maru-gyeong… no. what a nice person Kiera, that bitch, I’m sorry. Kiera seemed like a warrior but not a warrior. If you think about it now, would the thoughtful Lord Maru be more like a warrior? Anyway, Kiera’s abortion statement is a pure lie, so you shouldn’t believe it. He’s naturally shy and hypocritical. Wearing a false mask every day. They didn’t seem to know what morality or sin was.”

Lucy had a pleasant expression while talking bitterly about others, and Audrit was heartbroken the whole time she listened.

“Sir Maru must have suffered a lot.”

“Still, it must have been comforting because I took care of her a lot.”

“Good job.”

Audrit held Lucy’s hand in both hands and smiled gratefully.

Then the door suddenly opened.

Lucy is startled.

Maru came inside.

“Princess. I have to put a stop to my past history. Her Highness is said to be holding an opening ceremony at the loading dock.”


Early evening getting dark.

Torches placed throughout the loading dock lit up one after another.

Maru was standing among the servants gathered under the podium.

Now, his hands were sweating cold.

It was only after coming here that I learned the true nature of the opening ceremony.

Some substitute informed me.

“It’s a gift from the queen of the Raiskan Daria Empire!”

It’s a gift from your mother.

Maru hardened on the spot.

It was really out of the blue.

I was frustrated again.

‘Did you know after all?’

Where did you get your clue from?

In the letter, it was clearly written that it was a certain aristocratic house.

It was clear that the mother had a clear understanding that her son was living in the palace of this country, seeing as the gift was sent directly to the king of this country.

‘You still feel good. I’ll take care of it.’

I’m not a kid, and I’m going to go crazy because I’m trying to interfere with each one.

It’s not that he hates his mother’s attention, but when he reveals his identity, the attitude of the people around him changes.

They no longer take themselves seriously.

They are afraid, do not speak the right words, only say nice things, or flatter themselves.

Should I go to sleep again without my mother knowing… I had arrogant thoughts while doing it, but I decided to watch the opening ceremony.

Let’s see what you sent.

please i hope it’s nothing

The King and Queen, Prince Edward, and Princess Audrey were seated side by side in the seats of honor on the podium.

They seemed excited and happy as they chatted with each other.

It was a gift from her mother, who was revered as a hero of the kingdom, so it was understandable.

Since he was the benefactor who saved the kingdom, it was clear that it would be an expected gift no matter what.

“Attention everyone! I will open the cargo!”

Strong men with claws clung to the cargo, untied the chains and tore off the wooden planks.

Moments later, a sleeping griffon calf, locked in a cage, and several crates emerged.

“Oh oh! It’s a griffon!”

The servants exclaimed.

Thanks to the magic, the young griffon, who had safely reached this place, woke up as soon as it breathed in the air.

It spread its wings wide as if it were stretching, and cried out loud and clear.

The cheers of the people grew even louder.

“Chuck. The Queen has sent you a valuable gift.”

The king smiled happily and stroked his white beard.

Audrit also stood up and gave a standing ovation.


Griffon is a species that only inhabits the Raiskan Daria Empire, and was the best gift between countries.

‘It’s still good.’

Maru sighed in relief and looked at the podium.

At the direction of the courtier, the workers were opening the wooden box.

Eventually, the lid was opened, and several portraits spilled out from inside.

The workers arranged the portraits in a row so that the king and his servants could look good.

All portraits are worth 10 points.

Aristocratic young men with various appearances were beautifully drawn.

At the bottom, the profile was written in detail, along with the age and the family from which region they were born.


Not knowing the queen’s intentions, everyone tilted their heads.

Then the courtier opened the letter enclosed in the box and began to read it aloud.

It was really frustrating and sad because there was no crown prince by my side, and a day felt like a year, but when I heard the news that there was a crown prince in my country, I was happy with my eyes wide open.

Since the crown prince is indebted to him, I hope that he will take good care of him and send me a griffon as a gift.

Also, it seems that the princess of your country has not yet had a mate, even though she has reached the age of marriage. In order to strengthen the friendship between the two countries, they are trying to promote a marriage ceremony, so look carefully at the sent portraits and hope that the two countries can be reborn as good partners.

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