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Chapter 27 Corpse Tomb

Qin Guanqi stood there with an awkward expression on his face. What is the redox reaction...

Just as he was about to open his mouth, he suddenly felt an itch in his ear, and something seemed to come from the lower left corner.

Nie Nanyan turned his head slightly, trying to avoid the teacher's sight.

She opened her red lips lightly, raised her eyes to look at Qin Guanqi's profile, and spoke slowly,

"B, choose B for this question..."

Qin Guanqi's pupils moved slightly, and he was very grateful in his heart. He just wanted to say that it is really good to have a top student at the same table.

He immediately replied seriously,

"I choose B. Baking soda is used as a food leavening agent."

Wang Hailong pursed his lips and glanced at Nie Nanyan beside him.

The other party immediately lowered his head and avoided his sight.

"Yes, choose B for this question. When baking soda is used as a leavening agent, there is no electron transfer whether it reacts with acid or with alum double hydrolysis.

But you stand first and wait until I ask you to sit down. "

After hearing the teacher's words, Qin Guanqi shrugged, put his hands in his pockets, and stood there lazily. It was obvious that their little movements could not escape the teacher's discerning eye.

After Wang Hailong finished speaking, he immediately looked at Nie Nanyan beside him and raised his eyebrows mischievously.

"Nan Yan, please answer the next question. It just so happens that I don't know how to answer this question."


Nie Nanyan suppressed her smile and nodded. After finishing speaking, she stood up. She pulled on her school uniform and listened to the questions from the teacher.

But a top student is a top student after all. Not only did she answer questions fluently, she also analyzed the answers perfectly.

"Very good, did other students understand? Student Nan Yan explained this question very well. If you still don't understand, come and ask me after class. Now we will officially start class."

After Wang Hailong finished speaking, he turned his attention to Qin Guanqi and the two of them.

"You two should also sit down. This new classmate, please wait for me. I will ask you questions in the next class."

Damn, this is vindictive...

Qin Guanqi sat down helplessly, turned his body slightly, moved his lips and said softly,

"Thank you, Classmate Nie."

"You're welcome. I'll make up for you tomorrow."


At noon, the scorching sunshine bakes the earth, and the endless chirping of cicadas lingers in the campus.

The last class in the morning ended with the ringing of the bell and the teacher’s tug-of-war.

Nie Nanyan sat upright, with her chest puffed out and her body light. She tied up her hair that had fallen off.

The hanging green hair cuts across the snow-white neck, like catkins floating on the lake or cold crystals falling from Wuling, making people feel ripples in their hearts.

She has a graceful figure, a slender figure, a well-shaped body, and a waist that is not too full. She is so beautiful that she is so flawless, so beautiful that she cannot be compared to the fireworks of this world.

Qin Guanqi looked at the opponent's actions with a hint of confusion in his pupils.

Can anyone really look like this in this world?

Pure desire...she should be the one I'm talking about...

Even if the other party is wearing a school uniform, her beauty will not be concealed, but will be more tempting.

Nie Nanyan smoothed the bangs on his forehead and said,

"I'm going to the cafeteria to eat first. I have class at one o'clock at noon, so don't forget it."

As soon as she stood up and left, Tang Qingru quickly followed.

"Nan Yan, wait for me."

"You're a damn dog licker."

After Qin Guanqi finished speaking with a look of disgust, he raised his legs and walked out.

At this time, there was a vibration in his pocket. He picked up the phone and saw that it was a call from Zhou Wen.

A deep voice came from the other end of the phone,

"There are armed police suits in the cafe. After you put them on, go to the Dou Dou Garden Community. Remember to go underground."


Room 702, Building 2, Tuandou Garden Community,

Zhou Wen and the others were dressed in armed police uniforms, covering their faces tightly, revealing only a pair of solemn eyes.

At this moment, 302 has become a hell on earth. Thick scarlet blood is flowing on the floor, and intestines and excrement are abandoned under the table.

The snow-white walls are covered with bloody fingerprints and traces of blood spray.

There were also paw prints left by Chi in other places on the floor.

The sofa, coffee table and wine cabinet had been damaged, and cloth strips, cotton, glass shards and other items were scattered on the floor.

There is also a devoured corpse hanging on the wall decoration, dripping with blood.

In addition, there were one remains each on the sofa, balcony and kitchen.

Among them, there are two smaller skeletons. They should have been a pair of children during their lifetime.

The air was filled with the smell of blood and stench, which irritated the nostrils and made breathing uncomfortable.

If the three of them had not experienced hundreds of battles and were already accustomed to these things, they would have started to hold on to the wall and vomit like the group of people outside the door.

"There are no signs of damage to the door. We rule out the possibility of breaking in. There is only this family of four in the room. The owner of the room should have opened the door on his own initiative."

Fu Xingxue stood by the door. After completing the inspection, he walked around the room and continued,

"Preliminary confirmation is that more than one person came in."

"All the humans in the room have signs of being eaten. Combined with the claw marks on the floor, there is only one possibility."

After he finished his analysis, he looked at Zhou Wen with a solemn face,

"The people who came in were humans. One of them was a corpse grave, and the other was an idiot who could turn into a human. But we can't decide the number of idiots now. We have to wait until the police bring witnesses."

"Case analysis: Although Chi can turn into a human, the evil god yesterday was only at the 'primary' level, so it can't speak. It should be Shizhong who persuaded the owner of the room to open the door, and then Chi went in and ate the person. There were no footprints of Shizhong in the room, so he should have been standing at the door at that time."

After Fu Xingxue finished speaking, he walked to the side of the gate. He looked at the top of the corridor and then shook his head.

"It's a pity that there are no cameras in the building, and the cameras outside the community have also been destroyed. It would be great if something could capture the other party's face."

"But...we tomb keepers know how to hide our identities, Shizhong must have Same..."

He shrugged, then leaned lazily against the wall, completely ignoring the tragic scene


Zhou Wen sighed, frowning

"I don't know if this corpse tomb is the same one as before, or the new one a few days ago."

There was a corpse tomb in Huai City before, and he used many methods at that time but failed to confirm the other party's true identity, and now there is no result either.

After being silent for several months, the other party killed a family as soon as he appeared. This is the negligence of their work as tomb keepers.

But the corpse tomb is like this, it will only hide in the dark, and from time to time it will come out to give you a knife, making you defenseless.

Zhou Wen waved to the outside of the door.

The mayor of Huai City walked in with trepidation. He looked at the miserable situation in the room and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. He swallowed his saliva subconsciously.

"You should immediately notify all residents of Huai City and tell them not to open the door to anyone at night. If the other party is a relative, they must verify their identity and know the other party thoroughly before opening the door."


Zhou Wen frowned and roared, and the mayor nodded immediately.

"Understand, understand, I will do it now, go now."

He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and walked out quickly.

Although he is the mayor of Huai City, the three people behind him are the real masters of Huai City.

Although they may not have the ability to hold power at ordinary times, once something special happens, it is said that even the governor has to listen to them.

"I'm coming."


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