I was broadcast live on TV, and gained thousands of fans

Chapter 135 My Nephew

"Let's go, Brother Ji, let's go in and sit down."

The man in red pushed Brother Ji's chest, forcing him to force a path for him.

With a sneer on his face, he stepped in.

As soon as the two entered the living room, they were slightly stunned, with a little surprise in their expressions.

There were actually two men sitting on the sofa in their sight...

"Who are they???"

Both sides frowned, and this question appeared in their minds at the same time, with confusion and weirdness between their eyebrows.

"Relatives of the other party? Or..."

The look they gave each other also became slightly scrutinizing, and a hint of solemnity in the depths of their eyes.

After a while, all five people sat down, and the atmosphere in the living room was a little quiet and silent.

Brother Ji sat in the middle of the sofa. On the left sofa were the man in red and the man in white, and on the right sofa were the man in black and the man in blue.

He reached out and wiped the sweat from his forehead like rain. His heart was pounding, and his legs were shaking uncontrollably, weak, and seemed a little unable to lift them.

The rosy complexion before gradually disappeared, and turned into the bloodless paleness now.

The people on both sides have guns, and they all look like they are here to cause trouble for him.

If they pull out guns and shoot chickens at him at the same time, he will definitely be dead.

At this time, the man in red on the left smiled slightly and said to Brother Ji lightly,

"Brother Ji, don't you want to introduce me?"

"Ah... yes, yes, I will introduce you, introduce you..."

After wiping the sweat stains on his head again, Brother Ji swallowed his saliva, stretched out his right hand, and began to make up stories,

"This man in black is my eldest cousin, and the man in blue is my second cousin. They...they came to Suzhou and Hangzhou to find me today and went out to play with me,"

"The man in red on the left is me, uh...my distant cousin, and the man in white is my eldest nephew. They can't make it at home, so they plan to come to Suzhou and Hangzhou to rely on me and make a living."

The man in white turned black, damn it, you dare to take advantage of me with so many people here, right?

I'll kill you later,

Looking at the stubble on the face of the man in white, the man in black turned to look at Brother Ji and smiled faintly,

"Your nephew looks a bit old."


After a few dry laughs, the other party stretched his head out and whispered to him,

"Looks old, looks old, in fact, he is not older than me. Our village values ​​seniority, and appearance and age are not important."

Now that there are outsiders in the room, it is not convenient for him to take action,

The man in black immediately stood up, pulled his clothes, and took out the pistol inside Hiding a little, then smiling at Brother Ji,

"Let's go, brother Ji, let's go to West Lake. It's a rare trip to Suzhou and Hangzhou, you can't let us stay here all the time?"

"Okay... Let's go to West Lake. I heard that the Great Wall of West Lake is pretty good..."

Brother Ji's head was confused, his face became dull, his nerves were a little confused, and he immediately started talking nonsense,

It's over, it's about to start, they are going to take me out and shoot me, is it because my live broadcast is too much...

The body just stood up, like a person who forgot to pump up, pickled Like a doll that had fallen, it immediately went limp.

A hand suddenly reached out and tightly grasped his right hand.

He raised his head and saw the black-clothed man with a puzzled look on his face.

"Brother Ji, what's wrong with you? You don't look very well."

"Now that you have money, you must take care of your body. You can buy more supplements to eat."

"No, it's okay. I'm hungry and fainted..."

"Well, let's go downstairs and eat something."

He dragged Brother Ji with his hand and forcibly dragged his limp body out like pinching a chicken. Go,

The blue-clothed man followed closely, looked at the other two people sitting on the sofa, and slowly walked out of the room.

In the empty room, the red-clothed man and the white-clothed man looked gloomy.

"They should be the tomb keepers."

"It is very likely that the snake scales are on Brother Ji's body, and they came to take them."

"It seems that we are a step late. Let's go back first. It's impossible to kill the other party today."


The two nodded, got up and left quickly.

As soon as they got out of the elevator, their faces suddenly changed.

In the sight , the hotel lobby was empty, and even the street outside was quiet, without a car or a pedestrian,

"It's over!"

The two people's expressions turned pale, and a terrifying voice suddenly sounded in their ears,

accompanied by a strong smell of smoke,

"Don't worry, cooperate with my work first. If I confirm that you are a tomb of corpses, then I will kill you."

The smoker's figure appeared in the elevator, and a burning cigarette was still hanging from his stubbled mouth,

"No, the body can't move!"

"The space... is imprisoned."

The pupils of the two people shrank, and the biting coldness climbed up from the back to the bone marrow,

The sound of footsteps outside the elevator came into their ears,

The man in black who took Brother Ji away appeared in front of them again,

The other party's mouth curled up and smiled faintly,

"Look into my eyes."

The pale white divine light lit up in his pupils,

The other party's memory was instantly seen in his mind,

After a while, the pale white light in the black-clothed eyes gradually disappeared,

Nodded solemnly,

"They are indeed the Corpse Mounds, this time they came to assassinate Brother Ji, and I saw the familiar bar in their memory again."

"Really? Since it is the Corpse Mounds, let's kill them."

Taking the burnt cigarette, the Smoker threw it to the ground.

The cigarette spun and fell, the faint sparks were disappearing, and the wisps of green smoke gradually merged with the air.

At the moment it fell to the ground,

black cracks appeared around the two Corpse Mounds imprisoned by space.

In the cracks was chaos, and there was chaotic black thunder.

The cracks suddenly opened, and the bodies of the two Corpse Mounds were annihilated and finally disappeared in the space.

With the disappearance of the cracks and black thunder, the elevator also returned to its previous calm.

After doing all this, the Smoker took out another cigarette from his pocket, lit it, and said,

"Go back when you're done. You'll be watching that guy these days. Maybe the Corpse Mounds will send someone to kill him.

The matter of the bar was also investigated. Since they were the corpse tomb of Suhang, the headquarters would definitely be able to find it. "

He took a deep puff of cigarette, his eyes slightly condensed. In fact, he had another idea in his mind.

The bar in the corpse tomb was probably not in the space where they were, but in the space created by the faceless man.


The man in black nodded, and when he appeared again, he had returned to an empty corner of the hall.

The suburbs of Suhang City,

Surrounded by several high-rise residential areas, the old town village seemed a bit conspicuous and special.

The houses here are relatively dilapidated and depressed, and the walls are full of cracks, giving people the illusion that they will collapse at any time.

There are generally only two types of people living in this place.

The first type is the demolition households who will make a lot of money in one go after the demolition.

The second type is the poor households who can't afford to rent a house outside and come here to rent a house.


(One more chapter)

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