I was broadcast live on TV, and gained thousands of fans

Chapter 128 With my IQ

"Are you out? Where are the other two?"

They crossed their arms and looked at each other, the vigilance in their eyes not disappearing.

"You'll find out later."

Under the mask, the grimace has an indifferent expression. As long as the opponent remains vigilant, flaws may be revealed during the battle, giving them a chance to kill.

"Damn guy, I will give you back that punch just now."

He clenched his fist as big as a sandbag, and the soft sound of bones reached the opponent's ears.

Then, he moved his lips and whispered,

"What should we do? Can your plan continue?"

"Okay. Although you fell quickly, the plan was not affected. Whether it can be accomplished depends on this time."


After being speechless for a while, he continued with a naughty face,

"His strength is too strong. My head is dizzy now. You will be the main attacker in the next battle. I have to take it easy."

"Okay, I'll go first!"

Step on the opponent's shoulders, bend your legs slightly, then kick hard, and the grimace shoots out like a cannonball,

His right hand was claw-like, tearing and clenching in the void. Black thunder shattered the space and roared violently on his fist.

The lights on the street suddenly seemed a little dim.

His vision also became a little blurry, as if the scene in front of him was covered by this black thunder, becoming a bubble and a foil.


With a chuckle, the purple thunder snake sent out a terrifying electric current on its body,

The ferocious sound caused the surrounding scenery to glow with purple light.

Just like the opponent's move, it is also a simple punch.

boom! ! !

The two iron fists collided together, the purple thunder and the black thunder swallowed each other and collided with each other,

Terrifying power bursts out from the place where the two come into contact,

In an instant, the entire space was filled with a blend of black and purple, the ground cracked, and the surrounding trees were torn apart by thunder.

All the lights went out and the neon lights gradually became silent.

The rolling darkness came, and the whole street became dim. Only the desolation of the moonlight and the afterglow of two thunderbolts provided illumination for Brother Chicken's live broadcast.

A figure spit out blood, flew out suddenly, drew an arc in the air, and fell hard to the ground.

The black thunder was swallowed up by the purple light and gradually disappeared,

A naughty figure rushed out immediately, but this time, his figure was smaller than before.

Both fists were thrown out one after another, and the speed was so fast that afterimages appeared, and there were sounds of piercing the air.

Qin Guanqi dodged left and right. With the blessing of Thunder, his reaction speed was astonishingly fast.

He dodged every fist that came at him.

Where his eyes are focused, he can even see the opponent's fist passing by him.


He stretched out his left hand fiercely and grabbed it tightly forward.

"Got you."

The pupils on the naughty face shrank, and the expression changed drastically.

His right fist was tightly grasped by the opponent's left hand, and the thunder turned into purple chains, wrapping his arm tightly.

When the thunder exploded, the burning and stinging sensation seeped from the flesh and blood of his arm into the bone marrow, causing him to frown and cold sweat break out on his forehead.

"it's over!"

An indifferent voice reached my ears, and I looked at the figure shining with lightning in front of me,

His face became as pale as the moonlight,

On the skin of his right fist, the opponent raised his left index finger and tapped it gently.


The naughty face roared miserably, his expression suddenly changed, and his face became extremely distorted.

A heart-breaking pain hit him from his fist, and thunder penetrated into his fist like a leech at extremely rapid speed.

Rushing into his right arm, the bones were shattered and the flesh and blood were torn apart.

The skin cracked, blood spattered, and scarlet color flowed down the edge of the wound, staining the muscular right arm.

The devouring of thunder has not ended yet, along the meridians and blood vessels of the arm,

It rushed directly into the beating heart, and all the flesh, blood and bones on the road were shattered.

Naughty Face's chest was already bloody and bloody.

Zhi~! !


My heart beat violently once, and finally fell into a calm state, like a calm lake without a trace of ripples.


The flesh and blood exploded, and all the muscle tissue turned into a mass of paste.

A ferocious blood hole appeared in the opponent's chest. Through the blood hole, you could still see the exploded heart and disconnected blood vessels inside.

The naughty face's eyes were empty, his expression was lifeless, and he slowly fell down,

At this moment, Qin Guanqi flipped his right hand, and purple thunder and flames exploded in his hand.

It turned into a hand blade, turned around sharply, and slashed towards the back.

"not good!"

The grimace's expression changed with shock, his pupils shrank, and the knife in his sight was already attacking him.

There is no way to avoid it!

Snap! !

Ghostface's eyes were dull, his neck was broken by this hand knife, and blood spurted out from his mouth.

His body lay softly on the ground!

The corners of Qin Guanqi's mouth curved slightly, with an indescribable smile.

Both Naughty Face and Ghost Face were fatally injured, and it was impossible for them to survive. If they wanted to survive, there was only one way,

"Do you really think you can hurt me?"

Suddenly, a horrifying voice came from behind. The grimace's eyes were full of cruelty and hatred, and there was a hint of a ferocious sneer on the corner of his mouth.

A short blade was spit out from the nanosuit, and thunder rolled above the short blade, with sharpness and shattering that tore the night sky apart.

Pushing out his right hand, the short blade struck at the opponent's back.

At this moment, the tree not far in front of Qin Guanqi suddenly rushed towards him and turned into a huge figure.


The naughty face was ferocious, and the explosion of air waves burst out. The huge fist pointed directly at the other party with the sound of wind.

"What the hell? Aren't those two guys dead?"

Brother Ji's expression changed in shock, and he was dumbfounded. He quickly reached out and wiped his eyes.

But the scene in front of him was still no different from before.

"Illusion? I just fell into the opponent's illusion?"

"How is this possible? With my IQ, how could I fall into the opponent's illusion?"

"It's over, the tomb keeper is in danger, no, I have to slip away. If they find me hiding here, I can't beat him even if there are a hundred of them."

A chill came from his back and implanted in his brain. Just as he was about to stand up,

the situation on the battlefield changed rapidly.


He sneered. He had expected everything now.

There are three evil gods' powers in the ghost face, black thunder, shadow body and strange eyes.

They come from three different evil gods, the Black Dry Abyss - Thunder Dry, the Ghostly Black Emperor - Shadow Demon, and the Monster Eyes - Evil Eye.

The strange eyes can create illusions. Since he knows the other party's ability, he will naturally make corresponding preparations and defenses.

When Naughty Face died, he had already made preparations for the situation to change.

He pulled out the Tang sword behind him with his backhand, but the Tang sword did not come out of the sheath. Instead, he quickly lifted it up, and the purple divine thunder wrapped around the blade.

Dang! !

The sound of metal collision rang in the silent street.

The tip of the short blade on the nano suit collided with the blade of the Tang sword.

While sparks were rubbed out, the purple thunder and the black thunder collided again.


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