I was broadcast live on TV, and gained thousands of fans

Chapter 1: Live Broadcast by Brother Ji

Under the gray night sky, the sky above Huaishi is filled with mist, and the rain is pouring down. Wherever the lights and neon lights shine, there is a trace of crystal.

At this moment, there are no pedestrians or cars on the street. There is only the sound of rain hitting the ground. The empty world is like a ghost town.

"Double-click 666, old man,"

A figure was walking furtively along the street,

He was wearing a black raincoat with a red mysterious spell engraved on it.

This raincoat is called the Divine Veil, which can protect humans temporarily at night.

He was holding a mobile phone covered with a waterproof case, and a live broadcast was going on on the phone.

The popularity of the live broadcast room is extremely high, reaching 170 million, making it the number one room on Douya Live Broadcasting Platform.

The barrages on mobile phones are extremely dense, with tens of thousands of them flying by in one minute.

Without him, this anchor is the first chicken brother who dares to do a midnight outdoor live broadcast in the past ten years.

Because all those who did live broadcasting ten years ago died.

"It's true that the sparrow pecked the cow's butt and the sparrow ate the cow's butt."

"Brother Chicken is awesome!"

"If Brother Chicken doesn't die, I'll make you an emperor after the broadcast is over."

"Real or fake? Is it staged?"

Seeing the fans' support, Brother Ji, who was wearing a magical veil, smiled lightly and said,

He was originally a basketball anchor, but recently he can no longer do it.

So the pregnant woman walked a tightrope - she took risks and contacted the platform to plan this life-threatening outdoor live broadcast.

Brother Ji looked at the screen and smiled at his fans,

"Everyone knows that Blue Star has monsters walking in the city from 23:59 in the evening to 04:59 in the morning of the next day. They will eat the humans wandering outside."

"And if humans want to go out during this period, they can only wear the divine veil, but the divine veil also has limitations. It can only protect us for thirty minutes outside."

"The current time is 00:33. Those who came early know that I have been wandering outside for more than half an hour, and the divine veil on my body has long lost its protective effect."

"I am now completely exposed to the monster's eyes and nose. I have narrowly escaped death."

"Oh, thank you for the 100 rockets sent by Yongzhi, thank you Yongzhi."

"This time I will broadcast live to you. It will open your eyes to all of you."

"So your planes and rockets are flying, bringing my life to its peak, bringing my life to its climax."

"Okay, there seemed to be something moving in the alley in front of me just now. Let's go over and take a look now,"

"By the way, you guys should always help me pay attention to what's going on behind me, and immediately send me a barrage to notify me if anything happens, otherwise I won't even know about it even if I die."

"Thanks to Brother Daitou for the 200 rockets. Thank you, Brother."

While he was talking, Brother Ji had sneaked into the alley with a cautious expression.

There is an old yellow light at the top of the alley. The yellow light flashes sometimes, sometimes brightly, and makes a continuous buzzing sound.

There was pitch black at the end, so black that it was so black that it was terrifying, like a black hole that could swallow everything. Not even light could escape.

Brother Ji's heart tightened and his breathing was a little rough. He felt like an invisible big hand was pinching him.

He had a serious expression and looked around with lively eyes, fearing that something might happen.


At this moment, a monster fell down at the junction of light and darkness in the alley.

The monster is crawling, with flesh and blood all over its body, and a thick tail behind it.

It has four forelimbs, two hind limbs, and a huge plug hanging in the middle of the hind limbs.

The big mouth is slightly open, and you can see the sharp and dense teeth inside.

Its eyes are very large, taking up almost half of its head, a bit like the compound eyes of flies and dragonflies.

But this monster seemed to have been seriously injured, its whole body was extremely burnt, and blood flowed continuously from its abdomen, soaking red in the rainy night.


Brother Ji's expression changed drastically, and he immediately climbed into a trash can like a dog digging through garbage.

The odor in the garbage can cover the odor on his body, which can play a certain protective role.

He slowly stretched out his mobile phone and held it against the cover, revealing a slight gap.

After seeing what was happening on the screen, his pupils shrank.

There is actually one more person on the phone!

This man was wearing a pair of military boots and a piece of white silk worn by family members when the deceased was buried.

There is a Tang Dao stuck diagonally on the back of his waist, which looks a bit like the two pillars in the anime.

With the reflection of the rain and lights under his feet, we can see that this person has a Nuo dance mask on his face, like a Yaksha walking in the night!

There seemed to be an invisible force around him, and the water stains on the ground were changing obviously.

They turned into drops of rain and flew upwards,

At this moment, it’s like turning back time and restarting your destiny.

Brother Ji swallowed his saliva, his excited heart and trembling hands,

"Damn it, it's actually them!!"

"I'm going to be on fire!!!"

“I’m going to be popular!!”

"Going to see a house tomorrow! Buy a car! I want to support five wives!!"

At this moment, the popularity of the live broadcast room has climbed to 550 million!

Breaking the historical record of Douya Live Broadcasting Platform

And the barrage in the live broadcast room was paralyzed! !

"Fuck! Fuck! Brother Chicken is awesome!"

"I have long heard that someone is silently guarding us at night, and now I finally see it!"

"Is this the tomb keeper? Why do you think he's wearing something different?"

"Actually, I've seen videos of them fighting before, but it was later restricted by the country and I can't find them anymore."

"Yes, I've seen it too. I heard that their identities cannot be revealed, just like the Night Monkey Man."

"My mother told me that when she gave birth at night, it was the hospital where the mausoleum guards escorted her and my father to."

"Brother Chicken, I have presented you with 100 treasure maps!"

"The special effects look good, and the rain will flow upward."

"Everyone knows that videos can't be copied, so this is true."

Brother Ji's hands were shaking slightly, and he reached out to cover his mouth.

He was afraid that he would make any noise and disturb the battle.

In his sight, the figure was silent, seeming to be staring at the monster in front of him.


The monster's eyes were scarlet, with a trace of pain on his expression.

The blood in its abdomen was flowing more and more, and the injuries became more serious.


Qin Guanqi narrowed his eyes and snorted coldly, and a shocking chill broke out from his body.

The temperature after the rainy night cooled down...seemed to be even lower,

As he walked, he held the Tang Heng Dao behind his waist with his right hand.

The blade was sharp, and a cold light gradually appeared from the scabbard,


The military boots stepped on the water on the ground, and water droplets splashed out.

Under the reflection of water drops,

The monster at the end of the alley suddenly jumped out,

It was extremely fast, like a fired cannonball, killing Qin Guanqi,


The monster opened its big mouth full of sharp teeth in mid-air and stretched out its sharp fingers, trying to tear the person in front of it into pieces.

Qin Guanqi's eyes were cold and stern, and a terrifying power moved through his body.

Turning his right hand, a hot flame burned out from the Tang Dao blade.

The red flame is like a ray of light, blooming in this black, lighting up this silent darkness,

It was roaring, roaring, devouring everything around it, like the power of the sun coming to the world, and the surrounding rain was immediately evaporated,

All around him became a piece of scorched earth, and there were burnt marks on the walls and ground.

The trash can not far behind him was also slowly melting, exposing the chicken brother hiding inside.

Qin Guanqi raised his right hand and swung the Tang sword in his hand with hot flames, like a fire stick.

It struck the monster, and the monster roared in pain,

Its flesh and blood was cut open by the high temperature and turned into two pieces,

The sprayed blood was evaporated by the flames before it was dotted on the white silk.

A severe burning smell lingered on the tip of Qin Guanqi's nose.

"Fuck! Help!"

Brother Ji immediately ran out of the trash can. His clothes had become tattered and he could clearly see the burnt flesh and blood inside.

Qin Guanqi glanced at him and said slowly,

"You are really not afraid of death. Once you are targeted by monsters in the night, you will not be able to run away."

After he finished speaking, he lifted his legs and left, and a flame appeared out of thin air.

"Whoa whoa whoa!"

Brother Ji looked panicked and immediately threw out the melted mobile phone in his hand. He looked at the back of the departing figure and shouted,

"Wait for me!"

Brother Ji moved very quickly and chased Qin Guanqi in the direction he left. At the same time, he quickly took out the second mobile phone from his pocket.

This phone is his second account for live broadcast. If something unexpected happens to the larger account, the live broadcast content will be transferred to the second room.

When he ran through the alley, he saw that the road was empty and there was no trace of the other party.

In the live broadcast room,

"Fuck, Brother Chicken, are you still alive? I thought you were dead?"

"Brother Chicken is Brother Chicken. It's like a heifer going up the stairs. One is awesome on the left and the other is awesome on the right. He can survive this."

"That tombkeeper is so handsome! I fucking love him!"

"I really want to be a tomb keeper, too. Woohoo."

"The daughter-in-law of my great-aunt's distant cousin's nephew's son once told me in bed that the monsters walking in the world at night are called crazy!"

"Brother Ji, where is my husband?"

On the other side of Huai City,


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