I was born the Unloved Twin

CH 30: Dropped Off

A basketball apple

A beast tooth knife the size of my arm

A water flask

A firestone lighter

2 strings of rope

3 mild healing potions

And one hand written note from "Your dearest grandpapa~"

This was all the stuff that was inside the tiny inter-dimensional bag that grampa strapped on me. After the godly canary flew me over mountain ranges and fields of wilderness, it just plopped me into a tree. Didn't even set me down closer to the ground, just perched on a big enough tree for it to land and that's it.

Ride complete, would rate 2/10. Would not tip. As terrifying and uncomfortable as it is to fly by giant chicken feet, at least I wasn't crushed or dropped to my death. Two points for that fact alone.

Oh and it took the basketball apple thing, fair trade.

The note left behind specifically said:

"So you've been dropped off on your own for the first time! Your quest, my lesson to you, is not much. Just survive!

A special section of my troops and I will be meeting you up ahead in a few days time.The bag has a sensor to track your location so keep on you at all times. I'm so glad to share this bonding experience with you. Stay alive and preferably whole till we next meet! :D"

Yes, it does end with a doodle of his own smiley face....


Shit Shit Shit Go die in a ditch!

I don't deserve this shit.

He even gave me an inter-dimensional bag but there's near nothing in there, not even food. I didn't even know such a thing existed here, it's just that rare I guess.

What's the use of such a cheat item if it's not even stocked? Out of spite, I'm going to fill this thing with rots and bugs for Grampa to find later. It doesn't weigh anything extra if I do add things, that's the magic of it.

But first I need to finish climbing down this tree. That I can thankfully do, the rope is useful here.

If it was Lilyanne I'd be trapped till all those days are up. That or fall right out of the tree and die upon impact. See this is why Lilyanne would never get thrown out here. Just lucky lucky good ol lucky little me.

I'd curse out loud if I didn't have the common sense to keep silent in a wild forest. I'm not alerting anything to my presence if I can help it, not getting killed that easily.

The safest thing to do really may just be stay put up in the tree. Just stay and sleep, conserve energy until I'm saved. I have water and while I'll go hungry I can realistically survive without eating for 3 days.

But that's not how to play the messed up game with grampa.

If I had money I'd bet big that I'm not really alone out here. If I stay still there's no guarantee I'll be left alone at peace. Things could always get worse, and it could easily be arranged. It's not worth taking such a risk.

For one that monster bird could still be around keeping an eye on me. Grampa did say he would be seeing it later. I may have seen it fly off but it could be about anywhere.

There's also a good chance he's sent someone, possibly even a crew of his own troop members out here ahead of time. It's not impossible for there to be others silently watching over me as we speak Either as spies or to guard survival, that I don't know.

With constant kidnapping threats out there he wouldn't put me in a dangerous situation. As ridiculous as it seems there's no way I'd be absolutely alone not am I in a true wilderness. This is an area he knows or even has under our family territory.

Whatever's out here I'm safe from other humans at least.

That's what I reason as I shimmy my way down the tree.

After taking the time to make a full observation of my surroundings that is. I'm already up here, might as well take advantage of it. My best bet is to find a road, one that leads to the path our family carriages will route through.

If not that then a stream or waterway. Life is always centered around water, whether in nature or leading to civilization.

I take a moment to calm down, have some water and make a mental map of what I can see from up here. The direction I came from, which mountain range is probably which according to my memories. I was expecting to find myself possible sources of food, shelter, avoidance of danger and to make sense of my directions.

I wasn't expecting to see smoke.

Blatant obvious smoke, curling up from a thin controlled line. As if it was from a fire set inside a properly made chimney.

Not alone indeed, someone is living out here, surviving in something more permanent than a camp. There then, I'll head there.

Now it may seem stupid to just head into a stranger's residence in the middle of the forest. Cabin in the Woods anyone? Goldilocks? Yeah, all lessons of how that's a very bad idea.

But I'm living against a nonsensical world that may be worse than your average horror story. Say there are no guards. I, a normal physical two year old human, am exposed to the elements. If it gets too hot, too cold, or a beast comes along I'm as good as dead. My chances already aren't too great out here.

So to the smoke source, it will be!

Just one problem. It's going to be a very long walk.

On the way, I found a good sized branch for me and whittled it down with the fang blade grampa so generously packed. A walking stick will be good for conserving my strength energy and I can use it as a basic Bo staff.

As annoying deceptive as Amar is I've been able to start the basics of using a staff because of him. Tamera ran me though the start and positions while Amar showed me some easy beginner tricks. I can at least sweep and be prepared to keep something at a relative distance.

For an easier grip, I've already ripped the bottom layer of my dress to tie into makeshift gloves. It's too long and fluffy. I'm dressed as a noble's pampered child ready for a long carriage ride, not a hiker. It's a tripping hazard and would get in my way while traversing the elements.

I adjust my bonnet into something closer to a protective bandanna and make sure the bag is wrapped sturdily around my body. It's the best I can do with what I have.

And I'm off.

It would be foolish to walk brazenly out in the open. Someone else may not think twice about just walking, they're either powerful enough to do so or just that ignorant. I can't take the risk of being too loud or being spotted as easy prey in this unknown place.

Instead, it's much safer to stay quiet and crouched along the edge of trees and foliage. Out of sight and among the shadows. It's also effective against straight-up sunburning.

Along the path I mentally mapped out, I was lucky enough to encounter potential food sources. Puffball mushrooms are the most common sort of wild mushrooms, safe and easy. The pure white marshmallow looking shrooms are edible even when raw and have a fluffy texture true to their name. It would help make up the vast amount of calories I'm burning today.

How cruel of grampa to not even pack me some food, not even a snack.

I didn't each much this morning since I was accounting for nausea during the long carriage ride. How was I supposed to know I wouldn't get that luxury this time around?

Whenever I spotted a patch of the puffballs or something I was absolutely sure I recognized as safe I would cut a few to throw in the bag. Popping a few in my mouth on the way while walking. I won't starve, can't afford to starve! I'm a decent camper and naturalist, this won't stop me!

Ah how funny, I just remembered something from a long time ago. Even though I push it back, it still fits through the cracks in my mind.

"See even if we dropped you in the middle of nowhere you won't starve."

"Mmm! I know daddy! I'll remember the camp guide!"

"Yeah you would stay chubby no matter what."


If I close my eyes I can still see a portly older man, wrinkled and warm, as we walked back hand in hand to my granny's countryside home. I can still see that old farm, and that too big but too crowded faded pink house on the dirt road. I can hear my mom, when I was young, scolding us for being late. Still, hear the clucking chickens and the sound of all my relatives chattering over the TV as they cooked and set the tables.
I still can taste the cool slightly bitter iced tea, white rice, fried fish, and all the fixings that I won't be able to taste again in this world. The string of herbs and chilli. I even remember what victory tasted like for the last piece of sticky rice and coconut dessert against the army that was all my cousins.

I opened my eyes and they were all gone. It doesn't matter if I can still see them in my mind or not, they're not really here, and I can't go back. It's not like I could have gone back in time before anyways, not as an adult. Not to before my parents separated. That time was gone, far before I was born again in this world.

But it was still mine.

Ah, just as I thought.

It's still too painful, I can't remember anymore. I don't want to remember much anything anymore, not for a while. Isn't that silly? It's probably because I regret too much.

Mentally I'm very much an adult, I've lived over two lifetimes. Two lifetimes of mistakes.

Why does it still hurt so rawly? It must be the stress of being dropped out and abandoned like this. It's really ridiculous of me.

I miss my family, my real one.

I miss my mom, and dad and even my younger brother, even if we didn't see each other often. I miss the stupid dogs. I miss calling my friends and crying over our work and social lives with drinks. I miss....I miss...having people who actually cared about me.

Pathetic, aren't I?

Mom...Dad....I'm scared. I admit it, I'm scared.

I know I'm a big girl now, have been for a while. But I never really grew up I guess. Now I'm all alone in another world and I'm just so damn scared. In a way, I'm always scared of something. I'm still a coward that only knows how to run away or avoid the problem.

It's not a safe place here, not a very good place. I'm not just talking about the literal woods I'm in.

I'm a rich girl now mama, there's magic here daddy. But it's nothing like home. No subways or drive-throughs, no T.V. or phone calls. I miss home.

Why did I come here? Why me?

Is this my punishment for something?

I wouldn't call it hell but this is not a very peaceful place to go after death. There' too much drama, too many maybes and things to prevent before this little life of mine spirals.

I still can't remember how I even died then, even though it's been two full years now.

Rosalia is already two.

However, it happened my parents would have been so mad at me for dying first! Ah they must have argued a lot. Definitely, even if they're sad they would have been yelling at my grave too. Haha ....ah...they would have had to bury me...

...I'm sorry.

Sorry for leaving everyone behind, sorry for making you guys deal with the aftermath. I left too messes behind to every fully apoligze for.

I'd go back if I could, honest. I'd leave this scary place where I have to plan for my future downfall and survival any day. My life wasn't the best but....it was warm.

Funny how your problems don't seem so impossible when you're dead.

I said I would move on when I first reincarnated here. I have to move on and live. But is it okay if I feel terribly lonely? Mommy and daddy, is it okay if I miss you? Is it okay if I cry for you even though you won't come for me anymore? Did you bury me with these same tears and grief?

Sorry sorry, stupid questions, I know.

The only things I can blow my nose on are the full leaves on passing trees.

What a waste of water, this will only dehydrate me faster.

But I keep walking towards that smoke, hidden and safe among the foliage. I keep going as I forage the low hanging apricots and hide from slithering beasts much larger than myself. I keep going no matter how hot and angry I feel because it's easier to be angry than it is to be sad.

If my eyes are still wet and I'm hiccuping back childish sobs well then, no one ever has to know.


This may be a magical fantasy world but our MC is still very much human. She isn't gonna Goku it anytime soon (or ever). Practical survival practice time ya toddler girl scout. (please don't ever leave children in the wild, a normal one would be dead real fast)

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