I Was Admitted To The Villain School

Chapter 163

Chapter 162: The ultimate examination room (7)…

The people know that the dog-headed monster has asked to talk to the ruler. Everyone is looking forward to the outcome of the talk. Will they return a peaceful living environment?

There are also people who worry about the safety of the ruler’s life.

The dog’s head monster has such a strong desire for destruction, who knows if it will eat the ruler if it disagrees?

Soon after the conversation, everyone found that the dog-headed monster was not moving.

It stays in place lazily, as if still.

And their ruler issued two emergency measures-repairing the network cable as quickly as possible, and at the same time recruiting volunteers to attend the press conference of Barbara Sea King at the central square at twelve o’clock.

The people almost thought they had heard it wrong.

……what? Are you serious? Does the monster of this year actually have a press conference? What is the press conference for?

Everyone started to feel that things were going in an absurd direction.

However, in spite of this, in the face of absolute force, everyone still obediently obeyed.

When everyone stood near the central square, facing a temporarily erected high platform, densely packed with microphones, and behind the microphones were the dog-headed monsters that everyone had panicked recently, it was even more absurd.

Such a scene made them feel that this world is really about to usher in a new era, an era ruled by giant monsters. However, the first sentence of the dog head monster was–

“How should I call you? You are not really people, I will call you NPCs. NPCs, welcome you to the cruel truth link. I am not a person in your novel world, I Of course it’s not a monster, it’s just my image when I’m doing the task. I’m an examinee, and your world is my examination room. After I finish the exam and complete the exam questions, all of you will be recycled and then put out again. To the new examination room.”

Originally everyone was silent, but now when the dog-headed monster spoke, everyone was stunned.

…What is it talking about?

The audience in the live broadcast room was also a bit confused.

[This…Is this a violation of the examination room rules? 】

[There seems to be no such rule, right? 】

[It seems that an examinee told the NPC that you are an NPC, but the NPC didn’t take it seriously! Who would want to believe that his world is not the real world. Moreover, no examinee would go to chat with NPC in a leisurely manner. After everyone entered the examination room, they all concentrated on taking the exam! 】

[But the leader is different! She is about to rule this examination room now, and many NPCs will take it seriously when she says…]

[But it doesn’t matter, now the school is in a mess, and it’s about to collapse. 】

[Let the NPC collapse! 】

[Let the NPC rebel together! 】

[Down with Principal Wang! 】

And Lin Xinghe still said unhurriedly: “…After awakening, among you NPCs, that is, after realizing that the world you are in is false, not real, but a novel, they will be affected by the system. Recovery, memory cleaning is performed according to the degree of awakening. When your memory cannot be restored by the system, you will be implanted with a new memory. No matter what the memory is, the end of your memory will be death, and then you will enter a villa called the villain. The place of the school. The school will let you enter one test room after another, give you one test after another, under the banner of allowing you to accumulate points and get a chance to graduate again. In fact, it just wants to kill your lives.”

“But you are lucky, oh, no, it should be said that some people are lucky. After all, not everyone can awaken. Most of you NPCs will not remember anything once they suffer memory cleaning. Only a few have tenacity. People with willpower will remember that only that part of the people have the opportunity to completely awaken…”

“…However, you are all lucky now, because you met me. The outside world is now in chaos, the big evil man hiding behind has been shaky, all the rules and regulations are no longer before, and you have more opportunities. Go and defend your freedom!”

“…If you think about it carefully, no one thinks that the world you are in is wrong? Why do you do such a thing? Is your personality really like this? Think about it, so many of you will really be Is such a little bit of anxiety knocked down? Are you really such a person? Of course I can understand your anxiety. As long as you are an individual, there will be anxiety and troubles. Whether it is a troubled or peaceful time, as long as you live, you will have it. All kinds of troubles, isn’t life made up of these trivial troubles?”

She changed the conversation and said loudly and forcefully: “But now you are not qualified to be anxious. You are not even a person with ordinary citizenship rights. You are just a tool behind the scenes for your own benefits. You should be the most you should do now. The thing is to take up your inner weapons to fight for your freedom and regain your true self. We have established an organization in the outside world to regain freedom. Here, I welcome all those who are willing to take a difficult step to join, for Victory, for equality, for freedom, for yourself! Fight!”

No one thought that Lin Xinghe would say such a thing.

There is no NPC, nor does the audience in the live broadcast room.

The audience in the live broadcast room only knew that something was wrong with the villain’s school. The graduation was a lie of Principal Wang. They also vaguely felt their past and a small number of guessed the truth, but when Lin Xinghe said all this in detail, Everyone finds it incredible. But when I think about it carefully, I think about the old man Yucheng’s handwriting, everything is right.

All this makes people think about it with extreme terror.

At the same time, viewers in the live broadcast room are also worried about Lin Xinghe-will she have the courage to make the truth public, will her life be in danger?

Lin Xinghe in the examination room said again: “Don’t worry, don’t worry about your own life. Today’s behind-the-scenes man is already unable to protect himself. His firepower is now only concentrated on me, and you have more time to fight for yourself. Me. I know that you must be thinking at this moment, the behind-the-scenes players created the world and created us. As NPCs, can we fight such a capable boss? I can tell you for sure, we can! We have already discovered The creation rules behind the scenes, we abide by his rules, and he must also abide by the rules of creation. He can only cleanse our memories, clean our memories over and over again, but cannot directly obliterate us.”

“This is the rule that our organization found out after sacrificing countless lives. Only NPCs can kill NPCs!”

Lin Xinghe confirmed one thing at this time.

In this so-called ultimate examination room, she is probably the only candidate.

When she took out the three-meter-high dog head, she wandered around the city arrogantly. One is to create panic, and then to make it easier for everyone to believe what she said, otherwise she appears as a human, and no amount of words are as effective as a three-meter dog’s head; the second is to send out to other teammates who may exist Message, tell them that she, Lin Xinghe, is here!

But a week passed, and no one came to look for her.

Now that she spread everything out, no teammates came to look for her.

Therefore, she has good reason to prove that this is an examination room specially used by Principal Wang to target her. There are no other candidates, and she is the only one. This is no longer a competitive examination room, but the ultimate examination room for her.


Lin Xinghe still hesitated a little.

She felt that this inference was not entirely correct, but the current situation clearly told her that she was alone in this examination room.

Principal Wang had already given up the competitive examination room. He took the lead in breaking the rules and forcibly pulled her into the ultimate examination room. This is also one of the reasons why she dared to tell all the NPCs the truth boldly.

Just as the unfamiliar voice said: “The power of the masses is great, and the ability of individuals is limited. Unite the masses to dismantle the forces of evil.”

More and more NPCs are awakening. When everyone’s will is not transferred by Principal Wang, and the creator’s instructions are not obeyed, the villain school will fall apart. By then, they may be able to get closer to the outside world and closer to true freedom. .

The NPCs present were stunned.

The urgently repaired network cable restored the signal, allowing the live broadcast to successfully appear in every corner of the city.

In the face of absolute force, no one questioned the authenticity of the dog head monster’s words, not to mention that there were indeed signs of awakening among some people. After Lin Xinghe said a few words, he suddenly became clear.

…Ah, this is not a real world at all.

…They are just tool people.

… They are not qualified to be anxious at all! They want to leave this false world! They are going to the real world! They must have the most basic civil rights! Have a brain that can think independently and in control!

…No one is allowed to control their will!

…They want to be free!

At this time, Lin Xinghe said: “My test questions in your world, behind the scenes, did not give me any questions, but based on my observations and speculations for many days, eliminating the devil in your mouth may be my answer. At the end of the examination room, you will encounter the situation I just mentioned. Come on at that time!”

The audience behind the high stage was very excited.

I don’t know where I heard a loud shout–

“Kill the devil! Fight for freedom!”

The other NPC audiences were infected by this emotion and raised their arms one after another, followed by chanting: “Kill the devil! Fight for freedom!”

The ruler solemnly promised: “On behalf of all the people, I am willing to do my best to help you through this exam. May I ask, how do you need our help?”

The audience in the live broadcast room——

[Fuck, the leader is really your father! Let all NPCs help out the problem together! 】

[Oh oh oh so burning! 】

[I also want to fight for freedom! 】

[War fuck! 】

[Come on, NPC! Come to the villain school! We are waiting for you! 】

【work hard together! 】

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