I Was Admitted To The Villain School

Chapter 151

Chapter 150: Best Planet (26)……

The audience in the live broadcast room was dumbfounded.

[All three princesses want to kill each other? 】

[If you let the three princesses meet, the scene must be very exciting. 】

[In other words, you can’t let the princesses meet, otherwise one will definitely die. If the one who died happened to be the princess in the exam question, there would be no solution to this exam question. There were already two competitive exam rooms in front. If this one failed, the previous one would be useless. 】

[I don’t think the point is this. Didn’t you find that these princesses are a bit strange? 】

[Of course it’s strange that such a big cat is still a princess. 】

[No, don’t you think that the characters of these princesses are a bit extreme? So Xiaomei is short and normal…]

[What do the exam questions mean, President Wang is too difficult for the candidates…]

When the students in the live broadcast room expressed their opinions, Lin Xinghe and Xie Wuan had quietly left the prison.

The two lifted the stealth mode, and each took their own flying tools and walked slowly high in the sky.

Lin Xinghe asked Xie Wuan: “Xie Brother, you have experienced many examination rooms. Have you ever encountered similar ones?”

Xie Wuan said: “They want to kill each other’s behavior unconsciously, as if they have another personality. As long as they think of the specific location of the other person, they will start to attack until the other person disappears. And in this process, they did not Any memory.”

Lin Xinghe said: “You mean they all have dual personalities? And the other personality will kill each other?”

Xie Wuan said: “There is this possibility, but there is also another possibility.”

Lin Xinghe said: “For example?”

Xie Wuan said: “It can be inferred, why did they kill each other? What do you think is the reason?”

Lin Xinghe: “Because the other party will kill them, if you don’t attack first, you will be at a disadvantage.”

Xie Wuan said again: “What benefits can I get by killing the opponent?”

Lin Xinghe pondered slightly: “I won’t die.”

As if thinking of something, Lin Xinghe’s eyes were shining, and she said: “I know! You mean it is possible that their consciousness is dominated by this world, and this world cannot allow them to meet or live in peace. The same place? Can’t coexist in an open and fair manner? So when you see the other person, you must kill the other person, or you will die?”

Xie Wuan nodded.

Lin Xinghe’s thoughts were instantly sorted out, and she spoke faster and faster: “Then there is a new question, why can’t this world allow them to coexist in an open and fair manner?”

Xie Wuan said: “This clue should guide the worldview of this world.”

Everyone in the live broadcast room heard in the mist.

[What are they talking about? 】

[I understood every word, but I didn’t understand a word even when they were connected together. 】

[What is the ruler of this world? Is it mysterious light? 】

[Why can’t we get along with each other in an open and fair manner? Why do you kill each other as soon as you see it? 】

【why? why? why? why? 】

[The concubines don’t know! 】

[The leader and Brother Xie have a tacit understanding, as if only they can understand each other’s words, is this the world of the boss? 】

[No, it’s the world of love. 】

[Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haha, the leader and brother Xie are solving the problem seriously! 】

After hearing Xie Wuan’s words, Lin Xinghe suddenly started.

She said: “The three princesses know each other’s existence. Princess Yuan Bao and Princess Anna both have a soft spot for roses. Princess Elizabeth also likes roses. On our 23 islands, it has been lingering in front of roses. It can be further explained that their preferences are similar, and they are similar. Prince Carl has mated with so many female cats, but only gave birth to one Elizabeth. This is not in line with the reproductive instinct of cats, and the cat queen. By the way, it only gave birth to a cat, Princess Yuan Bao. They were not sterilized. As long as the cats were matched, 99% of them would become pregnant, usually with multiple births. They only gave birth to one child, which is not consistent with common sense, but even more. It seems to be controlled by the ruler of this world… They only allow one child, and they must be a female cat to be a princess…”

Lin Xinghe said again: “The master of the world can also control the reproduction of creatures. No matter how outrageous the novel is, it also requires logic. This is utterly illogical, which means that the world has the final say… Regardless of whether there is logic or not, anyway it is. The world it creates can do whatever it wants…”

She looked at Xie Wuan and said, “Do you think it’s possible? Let’s boldly guess that the world we live in is actually a dream. More precisely, it is the inner reflection of the dreamer. If this is the case, those are not compatible. Common sense of the small setting can also explain… Dreams are created based on people’s experience and what they see and hear. The creator of our world, that is, the creator of dreams, should be in the same place where I have been. The modern society we have lived in is similar to the level of the world, so many small settings and the future interstellar era will have a sense of contradiction, such as the ios system in the computer, such as the cat breeds, short and short, etc.. Multiple planets in the sky, and Flying machines should be the dream-makers’ general imagination of the interstellar age…You have seen the scene of the battle between Best Planet and Prince Carl’s armies. Although they started flying machines, they did not have any weapons. They basically rely on hand-to-hand combat…”

Xie Wuan said: “The three princesses should be a philosophical issue.”

Lin Xinghe nodded and said, “Yes, I think so too.”

She smiled at Xie Wuan.

Xie Wuan also smiled slightly.

Live room audience——

【no! Don’t laugh first! 】

[What philosophical question? I do not understand! 】

[Don’t go! Keep talking! I still don’t understand! 】

The two went back to the room where the large group was.

Lin Xinghe looked around and asked, “Where is Princess Anna?”

Fu Zhou said: “Go to bed.”

Seeing the expressions of the two of them, Brother Nine asked, “Is there anything to discover?”

Lin Xinghe smiled and said: “Yes, great discovery!”

She talked about the previous speculation.

Xie Wuan continued: “This world involves philosophical issues.”

A classmate was silent and said, “Xianjun, aren’t you a cultivator? How come you still learn Marxist philosophy?”

Xie Wuan glanced at him, and the classmate shut up.

The classmate next door squeezed a smile: “Xianjun, leave him alone, any fairy must learn Marx these days! Follow the trend!”

Lin Xinghe said: “The life and death of the three princesses involves the survival of this world. They are similar but have completely different personalities. Suppose this is a dream of one person, but they have three such princesses. What I thought at first was, maybe three The princesses alluded to the real life of the dream maker. Perhaps one of them is the dream maker, and the other two are people or things that represent the dream maker’s inner desire or inner disgust. But this cannot explain the inability of the three princesses to allow each other Appeared in my own field of vision. Therefore, I am more inclined to believe that the three princesses are actually one person…”

“the same person?”

Lin Xinghe said: “Yes, the same person, this is also the philosophical question that Brother Xie just mentioned. The personality structure is composed of the id, ego, and superego. The three princesses form the dream maker. The id is acting in accordance with the principle of happiness. Regardless of social morality, it doesn’t matter as long as happiness is driven by desire, which is Princess Yuan Bao; and self represents rationality and wit, and it is bound by social norms to a greater extent, which is Princess Elizabeth; and the superego is To be generous, is an ideal not a reality, this is in line with Princess Ann…”

Lin Xinghe said again: “The ego, the superego, and the superego make up the personality of a person. They can coexist, but the world you are now in is a dreamland, and dreams are omnipotent. Therefore, you can have an invincible cat boss, and you can also transform the id The self-superego is divided…Dreamland alludes to the human heart. The existence of NPC may be the life allusion of the dream maker, or childhood allusion, or the difficulties encountered so far…Since the personality is met, I want to obliterate it. If you drop the other, the world ruler does not allow them to meet, but creates them. This contradiction can be understood as the dream maker wants them to meet, but does not want to meet. Meeting will kill each other and destroy one’s personality. , The dreams will disappear, and the world we are in will not collapse. But they have been created…”

Lin Xinghe said: “Dream makers may hope that things that cannot be solved in real life can be solved in dreams… The princess in the exam question does not refer to the three princesses, but should refer to the dream makers. What we want to take back, we must save Yes, it is the dream maker!”

Everyone was dumbfounded and ridiculous, but they could explain all the doubts they encountered after entering the examination room, such as the invincible boss with cheating fingers everywhere, and those illogical settings, and three princesses. Weird character, and the playful play when the two armies are fighting.

Everyone felt that Lin Xinghe’s speculation was reasonable, and it might even be the truth.

And after such inferences are made, everyone uses modern thinking or the modern examination room they have been in to observe the planet Best, and found that some of the settings are really in line with modern society, such as the interstellar age, and all kinds of transportation are still there. With diesel, there is no new energy to replace…

Another example is the hospital that accepts humans. There is almost no difference from modern hospital facilities. The only upgrade is to turn the electronic screen into a holographic projection, and even the number picking machine at the door has not been upgraded…

Another example is cat food. Cats have become giant cats. Perhaps it is affected by the experience level of the dream maker. They eat cat food. Even most brands of cat food can be found in modern society, such as Xwang and X Kenner, X Ligao, X Lee, X Trice and so on.

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