I Want to be Alone, Beautifully

Chapter 6

Chapter 5 The bridal chamber with you (5)

This time it was a complete mess.

There is no sun or moon in the devil world, and the sky is always that bright, and it seems to be falling into the darkness at all times. Xu Jiao fainted and woke up countless times, and then opened her eyes, the room was still like a red candle, without any change. .

If you insist on saying it, there are some.

She looked down and found that she was covered with a silk quilt, and the quilt was covered with delicate embroidery embroidered mandarin ducks playing in the water. The material was still red and eye-catching, but her body seemed to be cleaned up. feel.

—Xia Jingzhe didn’t know where he was.

If it weren’t for the pain of jumping somewhere on her body, she would think that the previous absurdity was just her dream.

The system’s voice sounded at this time: “Xia Jingzhe’s blackening value is detected, 99.5, please respond as soon as possible.”

Xu Jiao moved and found that the chain on her hand seemed to be stretched a little longer. She sat up with a cold breath and saw that the wound on her wrist seemed to have been treated with medicine.

That is to say, her mind and skill are blocked at this moment, otherwise it will be such a small injury, and she will not leave any traces after sitting cross-legged for a few weeks. It is purely unnecessary to apply medicine.

She was uncomfortable, she just lay down in a different position, and asked the system lazily: “Why didn’t you say anything before? At this moment, I don’t have the strength to bind a chicken, and she is nowhere to be seen. Where can I find someone? ?”

The system was silent for two seconds, and sincerely said: “At that time, a discordant picture was detected, and the system was in a blocked state.”

Xu Jiao was quiet for a while, and let out a dull “Ah”.

Then she asked: “So you didn’t meet my daughter, oh no, how good is my protagonist?”

Know the dead silence in the sea.

Xu Jiao sighed inexplicably regrettable, “It’s a pity, I wanted to discuss it with you. I obviously didn’t light up the skill tree in this area for her. Why did she come up with so many tricks?”

“Are the protagonists of the novel really gifted in this respect?”

The system made a puzzled voice: “This type of discussion is a non-harmonious topic, but I did not detect shame emotions on the host…”

Xu Jiao answered steadily, “Probably because this is a fake world, so I treat this as a real immersive game?”

The system voice repeated to her flatly: “This is the real world.”

Xu Jiao: “Oh.”

The system chatted with her almost autistic, and was silent for a while, and sincerely suggested: “Please talk to the host about topics that I can participate in.”

Xu Jiao gazes aimlessly on her wrist, and speaks casually, “Okay, now we find a way to get rid of this chain, I will go out to explore the craft of Xia Jingzhe…ah no, this blackening What is the value.”

She asked: “Can you help me break it?”

System: “No.”

Xu Jiao: “Then help me restore the exercises?”

System: “No.”

Xu Jiao wondered: “Then what can you do?”

System: “Come on for you.”

Xu Jiao changed her standard supine posture, with her hands folded on her stomach, her expression calm, and her tone of voice calm: “Forget it, wait for death.”

She did what she said, lying on the jade bed without moving for a long time, until there was movement by the door.

Xia Jingzhe pushed the door and entered, her body was still black, tight-fitting waist, extremely capable, if there is any difference than before going out, it is that the smell of blood on her body is more rushing, and then she opened the door. The suffocating anger hit his face.

“Senior Sister is awake?”

Xu Jiao moved her eyes and moved her gaze away from the drape on the ceiling. She turned to look at Xia Jingzhe who was looking forward to this side. The other party’s brightly colored facial features fell into view before she heard Xu Jiao slowly ask:

“You killed someone?”

Xia Jingzhe heard the hoarseness in her voice that had not yet recovered, walked to the table and picked up the bottle containing the wine, and cast a spell at will. The white light flashed, and the wine inside became mountain spring water.

She ran the exercises in her palms, but she felt the body of the silver kettle become warm.

Then, Xia Jingzhe pointed out the cup again, poured a cup of warm water and walked to Xu Jiao’s bed, trying to help her get up and drink some water.

Xu Jiao had no intention of being served so close by her. She reached out to take the cup and came by herself, but when Xia Jingzhe curled her lips, she asked again: “Senior Sister is disobedient?”

The motion of raising her hand froze, and Xia Jingzhe allowed Xia Jingzhe to feed the water to her lips.

This person seemed to like the feeling of taking care of her very much, because all Xu Jiao felt in her movements was joy.

After Xu Jiao drank a small glass of water, Xia Jingzhe showed a satisfied expression, wiped her lips carefully, and answered Xu Jiao’s previous question:

“I not only killed people, but also annihilated the Kunlun faction.”

She deliberately said this in a relaxed tone, smiling eyes traversing Xu Jiao’s face, trying to find a look similar to shock, astonishment, and pain.


Xu Jiao’s eyes were only a little surprised, and there was something else.

The surprise passed by like a dragonfly, and it didn’t even make her describe it.

As everyone knows.

Xu Jiao was more emotionally regretful. After all, the Kunlun School was a fairyland that she had searched a lot of information to describe at the beginning, and the relationship between the characters in it also took her three pieces of paper to stroke her, and now she hears Xia Jing stinging Kunlun’s mood—

It’s like a game planner working so hard to make a copy, waiting for the player to come in and be stumped, and slowly upgrade, but in the end it accidentally puts in a comparison, slashing and slashing, the copy collapses.

Hiss, it hurts to think so.

“Senior Sister’s thoughts really make me unpredictable forever. I heard that the clan was destroyed when Senior Sister was born. It was the leader of Kunlun who brought you back to Kunlun and taught you carefully. Judging by the love of the leader for Senior Sister, I think Kunlun can be regarded as such. Sister Sister’s second home.”

“I don’t know how sad the teacher will be when he sees the appearance of the senior sister at this time.”

Xia Jingzhe raised her hand to clasp her chin, looked directly at her, and said little by little.

As a result, Xu Jiao didn’t take her words seriously, but moved her wrists after listening to her, asking her, “When do you plan to release this imprisonment?”

Xia Jingzhe smiled and said to her: “Senior Sister said something nice, I’ll let you go.”

Anyway, this mysterious iron chain was just for protection, even if it was loosened, Xu Jiao’s mind was still sealed, and the difference was still not big.

Xu Jiao lowered her eyes and thought calmly—

Unexpectedly, Xia Jingzhe is like that kind of romance tyrant, do you have to praise it after finishing it? Has her personality collapsed?

Besides, I have to say something…you are great? You are great? Are your hands really nice?

Seeing her coldly aside his eyes, Xia Jingzhe couldn’t help but say: “Senior Sister just tells me that I like me the most, and I will untie the chain and take Senior Sister out to have a look, how about?”


Say it early.

Xu Jiao raised her dark eyes, her deep eyes seemed to be able to see through people’s minds, just when Xia Jingzhe thought that she finally couldn’t help but ridicule herself, she just listened to her without slamming her, Ling Ling said:

“This world, I like you the most.”

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