I, the silver superman, am promoted to omniscience and omnipotence

Chapter 81

The crowd appeared in the desert.

The Red Hulk and the Eagle Banshee looked puzzled, who am I and where am I? ?

Soon the two of them saw Ye Ritian and Hulk, as well as Deadpool.

Ross immediately roared


"Three murderous executioners, for the burial of Washington's people!"

Ye Ritian yawned and looked at Ross and the Eagle Banshee, two single cosmic levels, and said

to the Hulk, "Hulk, activate the super change form, green form!" Beat the Red Hulk to death!


The Hulk transforms instantly. The body of five meters five is tall and powerful, and the superhuman battle suit Green Hulk appears.

The Eagle Banshee panicked, "Banner, it's me!" Seeing

that Betty was still not dead, Ye Ritian laughed

cruelly, "It's my lackey now, you can't wake him up!" You two die! Deadpool, you go and hit her, this is handed over to you, I'll go back. Deadpool

nodded and drew his two knives to greet him.

Ye Ritian watched the battle from the side.

In an instant, the Hulk beat Ross, and Ross's face was stunned.

"Why are you so strong? When I brought someone to arrest you, I didn't see you resist so fiercely?

Ross's mind was stuck in the past.

The Green Hulk is so fierce, how can the Red Giant Ross resist it.

Betty is also cut off by Deadpool, and the situation is precarious.

Ye Ritian made up his mind and stopped looking, the strength of the Eagle Banshee and the Red Hulk is limited, and the potential is naturally not comparable to that of Deadpool and Hulk.

Ye Ritian pondered about the power of the phoenix. Yes, he is sensing a certain timeline, he is going to collect the fragments of the power of the phoenix and help Deadpool completely stand on the all-powerful cosmic level.

In a certain timeline, the power of the phoenix is five in the comic "X-Men vs Avengers", there are strange five fragments of the power of the phoenix, in fact, the power of the phoenix that originally came to the earth is

not at its peak, it also belongs to the fragment avatar, otherwise it will not be divided into five parts by Iron Man's "anti-phoenix armor", if it is a complete phoenix power,

Iron Man's armor can't touch it at all, and the five Phoenix Force fragments fell on the X-Men mutants, and the Secret Guest, White Queen, Steel Lux, and Aquaman Namor led by Laser Eye got one-fifth of the Phoenix Power.

Ye Ritian sensed this universe, and he wanted to use the phoenix power of the timeline to just descend to the enchantment point of the earth, take the phoenix power in one fell swoop, and use the plot gems to make up for the collection and modify the plot.

Thinking of this, he immediately used his idealistic ability to tear open the space tunnel leading to this world, and stepped in, and the tunnel disappeared.


In a certain universe, a figure in the "X-Men vs Avengers" timeline

suddenly appeared from the sky above the earth.

Ye Ritian stood in the vacuum of the universe, hiding his figure, his spiritual ability unfolded, shrouded the earth, and carefully sensed the social news of the United States, and then his face was full of joy, the fragment of the power of the phoenix has not yet arrived, it is estimated that it will be soon, and it is waiting for the rabbit here.

There is a lot of radiation and ultraviolet rays in space, which are extremely harmful to the human body, but Ye Ritian is superhuman, and cells absorb these highly radioactive energy substances through the outer layer of the skin and convert them into their own power.

Hot vision, super strength, super vision, super hearing, body of steel, frozen breath..., all aspects of the value climbing madly, endless climbing, no upper limit of terrifying growth power, giving him the ultimate path to the all-knowing and all-powerful level.

At the same time, there is no oxygen in space, Ye Ritian's lungs produce oxygen and store it on their own, and the sun near is particularly hot, and a large number of yellow sun shines, making Ye Ritian feel warm and comfortable.


as soon as Ye Ritian appeared, he alarmed the forces on the earth in this universe.

Xavier Genius Junior School

Qin hurriedly ran to find Professor X, and the first thing he said when they met was: "Professor, I feel that there is a powerful psychic ability outside the earth, which seems to be nothing!" "。

The professor nodded cautiously and said: "I also feel it, Jean, he not only has psychic ability, but also has a powerful body, stronger than anyone on

the earth" Jean said

anxiously "

Then what should we do, is the earth going to be destroyed?"

"Don't worry, he hides his breath, it seems that he doesn't want to be discovered, what should he be plotting, during this time, you let the children stay in the school well, don't go out unless necessary, make all preparations, make a battle plan, once he attacks the earth, we will immediately fight back."

"Yes, Professor!"

Professor X nodded and looked at Earth's outer space with complicated eyes.

S.H.I.E.L.D., the aircraft carrier

Deputy Captain Hill came to the office of the Supreme Council Council of S.H.I.E.L.D. with a report, knocked on the door

, "Director, are you here, here is a high-level encrypted information, please take a look."

"Hill, come in!"

Hill pushed open the door and went in and looked at a black man with an eye patch in his right eye, none other than S.H.I.E.L.D. director, Nick Fury.

Fury stopped his work, took the encryption report handed over by Hill, opened it, saw

Fury stood up in fright, and asked

seriously, "Is the information true?" How many people know?

"Director, the information is absolutely true, all we know is us and the monitoring team, this is what our heavenly eye surveyed, there is such a mysterious life form in outer space of the earth, the mysterious person came out of a spatial crack, and then disappeared, I don't know whether he went to the universe or came to the earth, and before disappearing, he gazed at the earth!"

Hearing this, Fury nodded and said

, "Inform the Avengers, let everyone be ready, and once they find that there is a change in the earth, they will fight immediately!"

"Yes, Chief!"

Hill appointed and walked out.

Leaving Fury alone looking at the sky outside the window and quietly pondering, this person, who came to Earth for what purpose.

Karma Taj

Gu opened his eyes and looked at the unknown powerhouse on the earth, unable to come back to his senses for a long time, the force was too strong, and said to himself, "I hope you won't come to the earth, otherwise I will try my best to stop you!"

Stark Mansion

Tony kept manipulating on high-end equipment and clicking

, "Jarvis, did you photograph that life form outside Earth?"

"Sir, I photographed it, it was a blurry figure, and the vague outline was a man!"

"Men? Jarvis, closely monitor the outer space of the earth, and notify me as soon as you notice any changes!

"Yes, sir."



Odin looked at the mysterious powerhouse in outer space and was silent! As long as it is not to attack him Asgard, the destruction of the earth or not has nothing to do with him.

Ye Ritian in outer space

on earth did not know his arrival, which caused everyone's heart palpitations.

And so it went by two days, five days, ten days, half a month later.

In the Nine Realms, everyone couldn't hold back, wondering if this person was gone.

On this day, there were huge energy fluctuations in outer space on Earth.

Gu Yi, Odin Qi panicked: "That's the power of the phoenix, it can't be wrong, this force is the power of the phoenix!" "

So it is, this person's purpose is this, and Gu Yi and Odin have only woken up.

The power of the phoenix, although tempting, they don't have the mind to grab it, they really can't beat it.

And people came prepared, waiting there in advance, no wonder they have not moved there, such an unknown prophetic ability, either the big guy or the earthen turtle, how can the person not look like the latter, calm down.

Tony Mansion

"Sir, that force has been precisely calculated, and it can destroy the earth when it bursts with all its strength!"

"Isn't it, Jarvis, so powerful? Did you miscalculate?

"Sir, there is no mistake, that is, it can destroy the earth, according to detection, this force is still climbing, and it has not reached the critical point, and it is not a problem to destroy the universe if it is all put together!"

"Hey, Jarvis, stop testing, don't care, that person can do whatever he likes, as long as it doesn't hurt the earth, take that power!"

"Yes, sir, stop testing now!"


Earth outer space

Ye Ritian grabbed the five fragments of the power of the phoenix in his hand, his face was full of happiness, at the same time, he felt the powerful spiritual ability in his body, and kept wanting to parasitize, Ye Ritian stopped it, controlled it with mental power

, and forcibly modified the plot with the plot gem, and

issued a gathering

order to all the Phoenix Force fragments of Marvel, regardless of whether they were already parasitic to the host, or what has been harnessed by others, has been forcibly stripped out.

Wolverine on a certain universe


felt that the phoenix power in his body was about to fly away, and he couldn't control it, I don't know what's going on!

A phantom phoenix flew out of Wolverine, and a spatial tunnel appeared above the nine heavens, and behind the tunnel was the X-Men vs. Avengers timeline universe where Ye Ritian was.

"No, come back, I need you, Phoenix Power!"

"Come back, damn it, what happened, why did the power of the phoenix suddenly stir away from the host."

Wolverine roared with pain on his face below, questioning the power of the phoenix that was flying farther and farther away.


Some universe,


"No! My phoenix power, come back, where are you going! "

Phoenix power, my phoenix power is gone, don't, come back!"

Thor, the god of thunder, stood in the fairy palace, looking at the cracks that appeared in the sky, as well as the power of the phoenix that broke away from his body, and his face was full of prayers.

Similar things happened in many universes, and this fluctuation disturbed many ancient existences, including the five great creation gods.

The center of

the universe claims to be the sum of time, abstract materialization, creation God eternal, incarnation appear.

Known as the sum of space, abstract materialization and creation God are infinite, and incarnations appear.

Known as the sum of death, abstract materialization, creation God death, incarnation appears.

It is said to annihilate the sum of everything, abstract materialization, the annihilation of the first creation God, and the incarnation appears.

The last creation god, the ontology appeared, was a huge planet, the planet devourer.

Eternal stood up and said

, "The person who ran madly in multiple timelines has found it, it is the creature from the world tree of the main universe."

Infinity added

, "Creatures of the World Tree? Isn't that the land of the ancient gods bred

by the creator of the earth," Death spoke,

"I thought that their descendants would be weak, but I didn't expect such a powerful person, but he has been wandering around like this, and the entire timeline of the multiverse has been messed up by him,"

Annihilation said

"He seems to be collecting the power of the phoenix, is he going to gather the power of the entire phoenix, the entire history of the universe has never had a complete phoenix power form, is it necessary to reappear in this life, this Ye Ritian is of unknown origin, extremely strange

" The Planet Eater said

, "

Don't worry, after a while, I will send a doppelganger to see what is different about him, and kill him."

"So good, he disrupted the order and rules of the entire universe, and should be punished, and the battle with Dormammu some time ago broke the framework of the universe, and if it goes on like this, the entire universe will have to be destroyed in his hands, and if necessary, balance the universe and sacrifice him!"


, "I agree

", "No problem", "

Then it's settled!"

Subsequently, the five dispersed.

Ye Ritian's side

Ye Ritian turned his head to stare at a certain direction of the universe in doubt, always feeling that he had just been watched.

Countless fragments of the power of the Phoenix flew in the sky, and Ye Ri counted nine fragments, plus Deadpool's piece was ten.

Ye Ritian tore open the spatial rift

and returned to the main universe 616.


had been more than half an hour since Ye Ritian left



Deadpool and Hulk have long since returned from fighting, and Hawk Banshee and Red Hulk are dead.

Just now, the phoenix power on Deadpool's body flew away uncontrollably, causing him to be very depressed now, and the power flew.

The space tunnel appeared, and Ye Ritian walked out.

As soon as Ye Ritian came out, Deadpool couldn't wait to tell him about the loss of the power of the phoenix, and after listening to Deadpool's explanation, Ye Ritian was a little embarrassed.

Take out all the phoenix power and hand it to Deadpool

, "Take it, your phoenix power was sucked away by a villain, he was collecting all the phoenix fragments at that time, and he also collected yours, I saw the consequences and snatched it."

Deadpool looked at Ye Ritian in amazement after hearing this, why don't I believe your words??

Wonima, I'm being killed by my own people.

But when he thought that the Phoenix Power fragments were collected, he was a little excited, Ye Ritian took him outside to absorb the Phoenix Power, so calculated, the Phoenix Power Fragments had nine pieces, not ten, Ye Ritian thought. All the pieces are combined into nine pieces of equal size.

Deadpool is in the Fragment of Phoenix Power Absorbing Meditation, and the highest form of Phoenix Power is the White Phoenix.

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