I, the silver superman, am promoted to omniscience and omnipotence

Chapter 180

Then his face glanced at the

superheroes with a cold face, one by one, with different expressions, each with a ghost, Batman estimated that his mind was full of thoughts of sanctioning himself.

Explained to everyone: "The Kryptonian monster you fought is called Doomsday and only knows destruction and destruction, the desire to kill, has no consciousness, and cannot speak." In fact, Doomsday was created by Lex

Luthor to kill Superman, and Luthor believed that humans could become stronger without relying on Superman.

The earth relies on its own to develop civilization and technology, does not need to be protected by superman, the existence of superman binds human beings, they are too dependent on superman, so that human beings are self-sufficient, so they want to kill superman, at the same time he is also jealous of superman's character and the powerful

Doom Sun has the same jumping power, infinite power... Superman should have the ability to destroy the day, can also bask in the sun to become stronger, and Superman has the same weakness, afraid of kryptonite, the day of destruction is a taboo product of Krypton! Ye

Ritian explained the ins and outs of everything for everyone.

Luthor can come up with the Day of Doom that was only made during the heyday of Kryptonian civilization, which shows that he is talented and talented, and he is worthy of being the top intelligent person of the same level as Batman, although he is not the smartest in DC, but he is also the peak boss of mortals!

Everyone was shocked, there is such a thing in the inside??

Why do you know so much?

Lex Luthor is the leader of the 100 billion group, one of the top giants of society.

"This bastard, he single-handedly almost destroyed the entire city!" Wonder Woman's face changed and she cursed angrily.

"This person is so familiar!" The Flash thought thoughtfully.

The moment he heard the name, Batman thought of him for only a moment, there are not many people who are so famous in the United States, and said to himself: "Luthor? He

immediately thought of the person in his memory, this is the absolute top of the earth, a company that is no less well-known than the Wayne Group.

Clark was numb: "Why did he do this?" "

Well, suddenly remembered that the other party just said, he asked stupid questions, Luthor is complaining about his appearance, so that human beings use him as a guardian saint, they have faith, so that they no longer tap their own potential, one by one lie flat and do not want to develop... Although he has lived on this planet for twenty years.

But he also used the super brain to measure the data of human beings on Earth, and found that their potential is infinite, their hands-on creativity and brain power, that exploring unknown areas of interest and scientific practice are incomparably excellent, and in time, they will definitely become the second Krypton powerful civilization.

Maybe they need a long time to precipitate and develop before this, but it does not prevent them from having this qualification, this talent, this is a group of ethnic groups with amazing potential.

Even if he Clark is the only extraordinary human on Earth... Eh is not the only one, and dare not underestimate it!

I looked at the superheroes next to me, and then looked at Ye Ritian, who is also Superman, fortunately, this planet, oh no, this universe is not only me, one is a monster, I am not alone.

"He just said that the ∞ logo on his chest represents infinity, could it be that he is from ∞ family? Why didn't I hear about the ∞ family in my father's introduction to Krypton? Clark was full of thoughts, Ye Ritian's costume made him worried!


In the next second, Ye Ritian took Luthor from the air, grabbed his neck and lifted it.

"Ah, which is it?"

Luthor looked terrified, when he heard his subordinates chatting about himself in a synchronized voice, he knew that something was going to happen, and quickly fled by helicopter, but where can he run to this huge city?

"Ye, Ye Ritian, why are you... Want to catch me? Luthor struggled.

Even if he runs out of the city and hides in the Flame Mountain, the 10,000-meter underwater world, or the core of the earth, he can't escape Superman's capture, not to mention this existence that is more powerful than Superman Clark, Silver Superman.

Run? It's useless if you run to Earth, run to space!

"Ye... Ye Ritian, why don't you speak? Let me go!

Pinched by the neck, Luthor panicked, his face was full of unease, and he no longer had the calmness he had before, and the state of mind of calmly planning everything was gone.

Cursed in his heart: "Damn! I didn't expect this step at all, it was completely out of line with the plan! He

knew that Superman Clark had super hearing, but he speculated that the other party was not listening all the time, so there was no need to be taboo. What's more, he has not dealt with him for a long time, he is not very familiar, and he does not have to worry that the other party will set his eyes on him.

But I never expected that this step was wrong after all, according to his original plan, at most it was discovered that Doom Day was made by him Luthor, but it was impossible to do it to him like this, his identity is in a high position in the United States, where to say that you can catch it.

But he never expected that he would be so strangely caught, it was not that Clark, but another superman Ye Ritian, he couldn't believe it, the other party's style of doing things simply overturned its impression of Superman, the three views were shaken to pieces, not all Superman is like Clark.

At this moment, all the superheroes were taken aback, including Clark, Ye Ritian changed into a living person, and took pictures from the air?? This is also a superhuman ability ?? They all looked at Clark!

Clark spread his hands speechlessly: "I don't have this ability, don't look at me!"

Batman's face was cold, and he said secretly: "Clark is still too conservative, everything about you has been seen through by me, you can fool them but can't fool me, you must have hidden this skill!" He

didn't believe Clark's words, and being suspicious by nature was his personality!

Luthor looked shocked and had difficulty breathing, Ye Ritian looked calm, looked directly at him and said lightly: "Luthor, you are like Loki, the god of mischief next door, you like to jump around, but you are indeed better than Loki and like to make trouble, in order to avoid giving me a whole unknown moth, I respectfully invite you to die, are you willing?"

Luthor was full of doubts: "Loki? God of mischief? What kind of god is this, I don't know him! "。

His body was suspended in the air, and Luthor's hands kept slapping on the steel body, but there was a pain from the rebound, and he was scared to continue shooting.

He tried to break free from Ye Ritian's firm arm that pinched him tightly, and broke the fingers on his neck, but he still resisted ineffectively, and it was useless to use his whole body strength, and the other party's hand was like solder.

Luthor couldn't breathe, his feet racing around his brain, looking for a way to crack it, and soon he had an idea, turning his head to the kind superhumane

"Clark, you can stop him, right?"

He did not understand the character of this newly emerged superman Ye Ritian, combined with the current form, this person did everything empty, arrogant, and did not put anyone in his eyes.

For now, the only way to get out of trouble is the benevolent and just superman Clark, who is recognized by the citizens as good and righteous, and he will definitely save himself.

The corner of Luthor's mouth sneered, not afraid of this Ye Ritian, whose origin was unknown.

When Ye Ritian discovered this scene, he also sneered, and said in his heart: "Are you confused in your brain?" Who can't you look for, you look for Superman for help, I have to say that it is indeed a way, but can Superman beat me?

Secondly, he is now enslaved by me, do you think I can't fool him without everyone noticing, so as not to expose my hole cards to prevent him from meddling and not saving you? "。

Looking at Luthor coldly, it's really not okay, I can't pretend to let you go here, and when the superhero leaves, I'll catch you again, and kill you behind the invisible back of the global public eye, isn't it okay?

Clark really launched the DC character, but he couldn't let Ye Ritian kill in front of him, so he couldn't bear to say: "Ye... Ye Ritian, can you let Luthor go?

Clark was absent-minded, unable to understand why he had been hindered when he said this sentence, and his good cognition was disappearing little by little, tampering with and re-editing.

Clark didn't know that it was because Ye Ritian's spiritual will was controlling everything and modifying his personality, he was an ultimate specification, and after fusing some system permissions, he was even above the ultimate.

Unless it was the father of DC, Joe Kubert, who wrote it himself, he could be subdued.

Hearing Clark's words, Luthor looked happy, this plan really worked, he also knew that Superman was not his opponent, but it didn't matter, this strategy was just a stopgap measure, first avoid the immediate crisis before tonight.

Luthor was excited: "Clark, let him put me down!" "

Huh!" Ye Ritian sneered. Use Clark against me.

"So, what will he decide?" Batman, who was watching the battle, looked solemn and pondered: "According to Clark's psychological modeling data analysis, twenty-five percent of the factors will come to the rescue!" "

Under this tense situation, every minute and second touched the hearts of everyone present, Deadpool and incredible people watched lightly, eating melons and watching the play.

Ye Ritian ignored the clown Luthor and smiled at

Clark, "Clark, don't worry, I won't kill him in front of you, there's nothing wrong with you here, you can go back and watch TV with your mother Martha!"

Clark nodded ghostly: "I believe you, then I'll go!" "

As long as the other side does not destroy the earth and wage a large-scale social war, he will not intervene, and he will not have the ability."


Under Luthor's horrified gaze, Superman Clark flew away with a "whoosh", ignoring him.

Luthor was dumbfounded, superheroes were dumbfounded.

"This is not right, how does it feel that Superman Clark is weird?" Batman mused.

Superman Clark has changed, he thinks he knows Superman best, but now Superman has done something abnormal, there must be a demon when something goes wrong, Superman you have changed!

Batman looked up at Clark, who disappeared into the sky, with deep doubts and sorrow in his eyes, as the saying goes, knowing oneself and winning a hundred battles, now the enemy has changed, which is very detrimental to his plan to study Superman, and the situation he faces in the future is precarious.

Batman, it's in danger!

Ye Ritian looked at Luthor lightly, his face was full of joy and anger, and said calmly: "Now that Superman is gone, how should Your Excellency deal with me?" "

Gradually tighten your fingers and exert force.

Luthor panicked, never expected this scene, this is not scientific, yelled: "No! Spare my life, Ye Ritian! He

only felt that the oxygen was getting less and less, his brain was blank, his feet were dangling in the air, and his body was shaking to try to break free. But in no way could he shake the rock-solid hand of steel, and the tightly unbumpy hand of imprisonment strangled the neck of his fate.

Luthor's face showed horror, and the sense of foreshadowing of death came from his heart, and he roared madly: "I... We don't have any great hatred, Ye Ritian, put... Let me go, I can give you all my property, luxury cars, villas, technology, servants, beauty, money, power, status and honor, etc., so that you can have countless beautiful women every day, new clothes every half hour, Dundun mountain delicacies, abalone goose wings, bear paw lion head, tiger meat bullwhip soup! For

the first time, he felt how helpless his proud ingenuity, brilliance and intrigue seemed at this moment.

His face was full of ashes, and he had calculated for a lifetime, but this time he planted his head, and he would achieve ten thousand bones!

Ye Ritian shook his head: "No! I have stars and stars, that's enough! "

Open a harem? The main thing is that he doesn't like American women, so it's better for him to choose this than the mythical daughter of Lu Gong, Lu Su!

Luthor's eyes burst out, his face was pale and his blood was not smooth, and he roared viciously: "No!


The neck was crushed, Luthor let out a miserable scream, his head was tilted, his eyes were wide and his distorted expression was all manifesting his unwillingness and fierceness before his death.

Until the moment of death, his face was blinded, and he was not blind to death, and the top ninth-level wisdom he thought was disliked by people at this moment, and it was useless, and could not save his life.


Randomly discarding Luthor's body on the ground, Ye Ritian said cold-blooded and ruthlessly

: "The water of the DC world is very deep, in order to avoid immeasurable unknowns, in case you are taken to study and conquer genetic technology after death, dig out your intelligent brain, or destroy you into slag!"

When the words fell, the words followed, and Luthor's body automatically turned into ashes, and the ashes flew into smoke, and there was no corpse.

General Zod's body is taken by this goods to transform, whether Marvel or DC have this hobby, like to study powerful aliens, mutant genes and other weapon technology, used to transform, upgrade, copy and arm themselves!

Therefore, it is better to cut the grass and remove the roots, so as not to be taken away by Luthor's body to transform.


A figure came from far and near, the green light suit flickered, performing tasks from the universe, and the green lantern who rushed back to the earth was late to the metropolis, and when he came back, he saw this scene and couldn't help roaring.

Looking at the superheroes in a daze on the side, wondering, why didn't you see the god of the Metropolitan Guardian, the son of light, and the god of the world, Superman? ?

"What are you doing?

He kills in front of superheroes, don't you care?

Green Lantern first questioned Ye Ritian loudly, and then roared at Batman, The Flash, and Wonder Woman.

He remembered this man, the leader of the terrifying powerhouse who killed the Kryptonian Fiora some time ago.

This maniac! How could this group of people who claimed to have traveled through the universe appear here, Metropolis This is... It was in ruins, and it looked like they had a fight and destroyed the city.

Deadpool glanced at this character he played, and an endless killing intent swept away, hesitating, and his killing heart throbbed: "Do you want to kill him, kill yourself, hehe!" Ye

Ritian suddenly sensed a voice from his heart, and turned his head to look at the source of the sound, the tone and timbre, tone, sound wave, the source was Deadpool!


"Do you want to kill him... Hehe?

Ye Ritian secretly said in his heart: "Is this his heart's voice?" Can you hear what others are saying?

Suddenly, feeling something, it was a powerful murderous aura, looked at Deadpool curiously, and secretly said: "Sure enough, you still want to kill him!" The

corners of Ye Ritian's mouth rose slightly, and Brother Gongzi, who had changed his temperament and was personable, understood the truth after thinking about it, and said to himself: "I suddenly have the picture of hearing other people's hearts and predicting the future, and can see the future, and predict in advance what the enemy will say!" Is this the ultimate power in evolution?! "Good, great power.

Why did Deadpool kill Green Lantern? He knows the reason for this, which is because Deadpool actor Ryan Reynolds thinks that "Green Lantern" is his bad film.

"Green Lantern" only has a production budget of 200 million US dollars, released in the summer, and finally the global box office is 219 million US dollars, and the reputation is a mess, which is a blood-vomiting level loss for the production company, and it is a major failure that is enough to affect the company's decision-making direction in a few years.

As the male protagonist, Ryan Reynolds' popularity plummeted and became box office poison, and the "Underworld Police" in the middle also hit the street miserably, and it was not until 2016 that he revived in the field of commercial blockbusters with "Deadpool".

Ye Ritian complained: "His own acting skills are not good, and the loose eyes make you wonder if he didn't know where the camera was when he was shooting, and the whole process was like sleepwalking, and he always maintained Ryan Reynolds' signature demented expression when he was rotten." Friends who have seen his movies a little more can see that every time Reynolds wants to fool around and act in movies without using his brain, he shows this expression of looking for camera lenses, and Netflix's "Red Notice" and "Adam Project" are the same."

Later, he accidentally received the role of Deadpool, liked the script very much, and kept writing letters to Mr. Stan Lee, day after day, year after year, and a few years later, finally moved the old man and pulled him over, demanding that he must draw a line with the DC next door.

Ryan promised with a full mouth, I can't wait to delete Green Lantern, Green Lantern's appearance, let his life be a mess, so bad to the extreme, hate to shoot Green Lantern.

In the end, "Deadpool 1" was broadcast, the effect was remarkable, he successfully became a spokesperson for Deadpool, an exclusive role, and then tailored the second "Deadpool 2" for him, thoroughly summarizing the past and completing the timeline of Marvel and DC.

Deadpool traveled back to the era when he was filming "Green Lantern", found himself (actor Ryan Reynolds) and shot himself in the head, so for a series of reasons, Deadpool has a lot of resentment about the movie "Green Lantern" he received.

Looking at the imminent Deadpool, Ye Ritian said lightly

: "Deadpool, you can't kill this guy yet, I'm useful, you're no longer the actor, you met me, out of the concept of Marvel, you are already a new character and self, if you can, you can change your name again, DC's water is very deep, the things behind haven't broken out yet, I need him to cause DC's timeline!"

Hearing Ye Ritian's words, Deadpool thought slightly and nodded: "You are right, I have separated from the shaping of Marvel, my situation and existence are more than Marvel and DC, I want to follow you to the heavens and realms you said, "Green Lantern" is finally a thing of the past, I should also let go!"

Deadpool withdrew his killing intent and agreed.

"Kill Green Lantern, that's actor Ryan's business, what does it matter to me? The grudge between them is to manipulate my body and impose it on my character shaping, and I have no grievances with Green Lantern, which is actor Ryan's business, he imitates the matter of playing Green Lantern and my Deadpool, which concerns me!

If I go and kill him, won't I just do things according to their established script? Wouldn't I have not escaped Marvel's conceptual persona."

Thinking of this, Deadpool decided not to kill Green Lantern anymore, but looked more and more pleasantly.

Okay, you want to kill him, the reputation is rotten, then I want to befriend him and not kill him! Deadpool's expression changed, and he looked at Green Lantern more and more pleasantly.

"Well, what a terrible murder, who wants to kill me?!"

Green Lantern looked at Deadpool with a look of trepidation, he just felt the monstrous killing intent on his Deadpool, at that moment he almost thought he was going to die, but the next moment this shrouded suffocating feeling was gone, obviously the other party took it back.

Ye Ritian glanced at everyone, more and more global unknown superheroes leaned over, there was nothing to do here, and said lightly

, "Let's go, Deadpool!"

The words fell, and he jumped to the fairy ship.

Deadpool nodded and shouted at Green Lantern, "Hal! Next time I'll come back to you to play! Then he

followed Ye Ritian's steps and jumped onto the immortal ship.

Seeing that the leading big brother was gone, Hulk and the incredible man also quickly caught up and came to the ship.

Green Lantern was about to chase, this group of murderous executioners, dared to kill Luthor the earthman in front of him, and was hurriedly stopped by Wonder Woman.

Diana was slightly angry: "You don't want to die, why chase him!"

Green Lantern was furious: "Do you just let them go like this?" They kill people in front of you, don't you care?

The Flash shook his head in fear: "We are superheroes, but not stupid, this man is Earth... The most powerful human being, you have the ability to catch and try!

"Don't go, don't go all of you, you'll die!"

Wonder Woman had dense beads of sweat on her forehead, her tone was flustered, and she tried her best to dissuade them, and her heart was terrified.

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