I, the silver superman, am promoted to omniscience and omnipotence

Chapter 142

Ye Ritian quietly watched the body of this jumping beam clown disappear into slag, the first firmament.

The First Firmament is the original universe that once existed, and out of loneliness, he created mechanical god-like beings as its slaves and playthings, the Dark Celestial God Group and the Colored Celestial God Group, which is the source of the Cosmic Celestial God Group.

Until one day the Celestial God group rebelled angrily, they thought that their existence value was to better develop the cosmic order, not to become slaves and serve others, so they were ready to bid farewell to the first firmament, the first firmament was very angry, the servant dared to betray him, you were created by me, and the result was to redeem the deed of sale, the life was given by me, you actually want to establish yourself as king, what shit cosmic development order, are all excuses.

As a result, the first protracted war of the universe began, and finally won at the expense of the dark celestial god group, and the first generation of eternity, as well as some gods, the second generation of eternity, the first firmament burp, the fragments emitted by the body

in the universe, forming the concept of the multiverse since then into the first multiverse, this goods is a multiverse concept form of Marvel, in other words, its existence is to reflect the opportunity of the multiverse, whenever the next multiverse is about to be born, The first firmament will automatically resurrect, and then be naturally killed, promoting the development of the multiverse.


Suddenly, a figure in the Almighty Universe looked at the scene on Ye Ritian's side, and couldn't help but decide to take matters into his own hands, abandoning the idea of the existence that prevented him from making a move, and made a move.

Cosmic star river

Ye Ritian looked in the direction of the omnipotent universe, heavy, he sensed a strong will and spied here, this level is rare in Marvel, are the top existence, this level of shot, that breath is the same class as himself.

"This, what is this? Ye Ritian!

"Well, what a terrifying consciousness, master, who is this exuding?"

Deadpool and Hulk felt this powerful coercion, and the whole person instantly became dizzy, stood unsteadily and fell, sinking into the countless galaxies below.

"Dad, why is this breath of strength at the same level as ours, who is this?"

Only the power of the goblin did not feel discomfort Because she was at the same level as Ye Ritian, this breath did not work for her and Ye Ritian.

Ye Ritian had already guessed who was coming, and said lightly: "Don't speak, it must be that existence coming, Judge Aritham!" "

Hulk and Goblin puzzled, who is Aritham? Only Deadpool showed panic, couldn't stop trembling, trembling and looking at Ye Ritian, now only he can protect himself.

Ye Ritian used his psychic ability to create an enchantment shield, protecting several people together, plus his aura of strength to resist the might of the outside world.


, a scarlet crack similar to the cosmic space-time axis vortex appeared in front of everyone's eyes, a tall figure suddenly descended here, a strong sense of oppression struck, coercing the endless universe and countless laws of life

order wrapped around his body, its huge program operation, the outer armor exuded mysterious halo energy, the whole body was mechanical, and the six eyes were surging, surging with the combat power of the middle of the existence level.

This scene, shocked all the creatures of all Marvel universes, a terrifying existence of countless worlds, at this moment, they all looked in amazement in the direction of this side

and there, what terrible terrifying existence in the distant universe, there was such a suffocating sense of oppression, and the endless time and space distance disturbed

their fearful throbbing expressions, and they all cast their eyes on the cosmic galaxy where Ye Ritian was, stunned!

"Coming, coming, this feeling is coming again!"

"Oops, this is a throbbing emotion, this strong chill makes me dizzy!"

"There are always shocking events in that universe, when is it a head, can the universe still hope to return to a peaceful day?"

"Ye Ritian, this madman took his little brothers to wash the entire infinite diversity, many worlds just hear his name and can't help but be afraid, feel his breath will tremble, when, I can also make a name for myself like him?!"

"Alas, don't mention it! A large number of ancient beings who are equal to me have fallen one after another, our position is in jeopardy, and this world will have a place for me and other existences in the future! "

What I said is that not long ago, the Overseer of the Almighty Universe, the Life Court, descended into that universe, and now this being is obviously far beyond the level of the Life Court, and has also appeared in that universe!"

"The heavens of the universe have changed!"

"What's different about that universe? Why did they all appear there, and now even this being is alarmed

" "Listen to you say so, you seem to know him?"

"Yes, yes, who is he, we all know the court of life, there is a legend of him in the universe, but this existence, we really don't know, look at his body that is more than two thousand feet tall, which god is this?"

"Still Tenjin? Don't be funny, I probed the memory of that universe through great means, read all the fragments of things, that universe gave birth to a fierce madman, Ye Ritian, single-handedly slaughtered all the gods and demons, as well as mortals, almost more than ninety percent of the supreme gods and evil gods in the entire universe were killed by him, the great existence of the entire universe died in his hands, the most famous are the five creation gods and sleeping heavenly gods!

"That's right, I also found out, he also slaughtered the Court of Life, hiss!"

"What, and this kind of thing?" Countless people's faces were shocked, such a terrifying thing actually happened in the distant universe, why don't we know anything about it?

Oh, we are too weak!

An ancient being looking at Ye Ritian's universe said lightly: "Oh, it seems that the judge Aritham has also appeared, this Ye Ritian's madness has already alarmed his eyes, this time I am afraid that it is less fierce!"

"Shhh!" Countless beings gasped, the top big guy made a move, this fierce man is afraid that he will die!


Ye Ritian looked at the giant in front of him lightly, became the same height, and said calmly: "Oaa's adjutant, Justice Arisham, you and I are even stronger as I imagined!" Ye

Ritian looked at Alitham quietly, worthy of being a member of the hanging, Aritham is definitely a member of the hanging, and the highlight record of the disciple who has just appeared in one second is enough to show the strength of this person.

A huge thought of Arisham swept through the universe, knowing all the causes and consequences, witnessing everything happening, and penetrating all the extraordinary things of Ye Ritian, except for the system.

Looking at Ye Ritian in shock, the aura on his body was almost equal to his own, which made Aritham stare at him deadly, indignant.

"Alien Traverser, you single-handedly triggered a great war in the entire universe, countless gods and existences were disturbed by you, countless universes and rules and orders were destroyed by you, not only that, but you also killed the life court of the whole universe handpicked by the adult, and you have committed a heinous crime!"

Arisham said solemnly, his whole body exuded a mysterious and far-reaching, ancient and great grandeur, and the powerful aura made countless universes that were on the verge of extinction quietly and slowly break, and invisibly all the firmament universes of people crawled on the ground for him and surrendered to his feet.

Ye Ritian sneered

, "Cosmic regulator? Hehe! The Court of Life is strong and strong from a certain point of view, and weak is also weak! Isn't such a powerful existence still ridiculed by fans as a "big event death and life court" ranks, to measure the level standard of cosmic catastrophe accidents. "

The momentum is very strong, the scene is huge, the pressing is high enough, the background is powerful, and the means are sky-high.

The Court of Life is the supreme law, a near-omniscient and all-powerful being in the Marvel universe, maintaining and supervising the order and laws of the entire Marvel universe,

O-A-A (ONE-ABOVE-ALL) authorizing him to supervise and maintain the balance of all reality. The Court of Life can control almost everything in the entire Marvel Comics, he sets random rules for the creation of the beginning of the universe, oversees all parallel universes, rules on various events

, is committed to maintaining the balance of everything, manages all laws, and can also be called the god of the material world. He will only appear when needed, and his judgment can affect the entire infinite dimensional universe. It is also responsible for restarting, patching, and destroying multiverses that have been damaged or have no meaning.

Turning the Infinity Stones into waste stones at will, only obeying the orders of O-A-A, was jokingly called O-A-A's little secretary by netizens.

"Stubborn, then die, I want to see what difference you have, you will be favored by that adult!"

Seeing that Ye Ritian did not answer his words for a long time, and did not admit his guilt, Alisam killed in anger.

Also named Ye Ritian is deeply loved by the fulcrum, the actor he fancy, extremely dissatisfied, why, why can't this person be me? Why did Fulcrum take a fancy to him? What am I not as good as him?

Ye Ritian, give me death!

Alitham viciously punched towards Ye Ritian, clenching his fist, Marvel's entire universe, up to the omnipotent universe, down to countless small universes, all trembling unstoppably, countless galaxies and time and space were shattered

, countless planets and lives, whether gods or demons, or mortals, died in an instant, countless planets instantly turned into ashes, powerful superheroes, Captain America, Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Black Widow, Ancient One

Hawkeye, Hulk, Thor, Odin, Vision, Ghost Rider, Daredevil, Spider-Man, Ant-Man, Black Panther, Quicksilver, Wanda, Loki, Captain Marvel, Fury, Coulson, Potz, Green Goblin, King... and others died in battle.

Countless parallel universe timelines were destroyed by Arisham's fist.

"Come on, let me see if you are strong or I am strong?"

Ye Ritian's expression was calm, his eyes gradually became sad and joyless, bursting out with a terrifying momentum, in the same class struggle, I don't lose to anyone in

the midst of a bang, the green tendons burst out with all their strength and bravely punched out, when the fist was clenched, there were also countless parallel universe timelines that collapsed and collapsed, countless ancient gods, and creatures, and Marvel villains died violently

such as Hydra, Laufey, Soulter, Queen Sind, Surter, Hela, Malekis, Hell demon Mephisto, Satan, evil god Setorak... and others were all killed in an instant!



The two powerful fist shadows slammed together, and Ye Ritian slammed into Arishum, who flew away from the fist of the mechanical body, with the body of the human flesh fist, and flew out upside down.

Countless times and spaces were smashed by his collision, erasing all traces everywhere he went

, and suddenly a terrifying pure shattered power was vented, all of them irrigated and collapsed the construction structure of the infinite multiverse, and the necessary elements of the world also melted.

Alisom's six-cylinder eyes suddenly opened, like a light bulb, and the maximum output rate was illuminated.

The armor covered with cosmic energy on the outer layer rose up, and the halo energy exuded mysterious fluctuations that stirred the universe.

"You, why are you so strong, I actually lost to you in the fight!"

Arisham's eyes were full of disbelief, the light bulb's eyes were unstable, and although the breath of his whole body was stable and unscathed, he retreated after all, theoretically losing to him, consolidating his figure and stepping out to the same place.

His fierce and fatal blow and the opponent's rough and simple punch slammed into each other, with the natural high-level life level code oppression, and the strength of stepping into the hanging level by rubbing alcohol early, he actually lost, he looked at Ye Ritian in horror, his eyes were full of complexity.

The back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, is he abandoned by the times?

Secretly said: "This is what the adult said, even I can't kill your powerful existence?" If I had killed you earlier, would I have been able to actually kill you? No, no, the adult said, if I go to you earlier, he said that I will improve your strength earlier, so he can't let me go to you, otherwise your strength will improve too fast, and he won't be beautiful when he sees the fireworks...!

So your potential is so great? This is your unfathomable and boundless means, which can not only modify the setting of the artifact, but also strengthen the strength of the people around you... It is simply as unpredictable, incredible, and indestructible as that adult

, who has half-step transcended all known and unknown, broken the limit and nothingness, exhausted all meaning and meaninglessness, broken the conceptual scope and transcendent category definition, and surpassed the existence of powerful potentials above all things in half a step and knowable and unknowable...! Aritham looked deeply at Ye Ritian, and his heart was extremely shocked.

The higher you stand, the farther you see, the adult Oaa as the supreme existence of the world, surpasses everything, few people know, even the five creation gods do not know, it is the most secret incarnation in the world, Ye Ritian can enter the eyes of OAA, I should have thought of his difference

, Ye Ritian saw that Alitham was punched by himself, and there was no, squinting his eyes and calculating, he had a slight advantage, he couldn't kill himself, but he could defeat him.

The strength of the flesh is superior, if I take out the superhuman sword, then it will definitely die, but it will fight for a long time, it is a breakthrough in the middle of the existence level, and it is all the combat power of the hanging level.

One punch divides the victory, and there is no need to fight for a long time at this level of combat power, because the world cannot withstand the aftermath of the battle between the two.

Ye Ritian hesitated whether to lead this thing to the chaotic void world outside the scope of the Marvel Almighty Universe to fight.

As everyone knows, Alisom thinks the same way.

"This person has seriously disrupted the balance of the whole universe, this world will be destroyed by him, the order is broken, the laws are melting, even the cosmic framework is disintegrating, the elements are destroyed, and if you continue to kill like this, the entire universe will be destroyed by life, no one is alive, the whole universe will die because of him sooner or later, I must stop his evil behavior."

Who is he? He is the closest person in the universe to the Creator Oaa, who prides himself on being close and friendly. Even the Court of Life, the overseer of the universe appointed by the Creator, did not have the dignity of his coming.

He claimed to be the aide-de-camp of the Creator, commanding the Court of Life and the Sleeping Gods, commanding the five Creator Gods to supervise the entire universe and the handle of the universe, and had great power.

The Court of Life and the five great creation gods, the ten heavenly gods, were naturally dissatisfied with his behavior. But they were not as strong as Aritham the Inquisitor, so they had to die.

The life court naturally knows that he is in contact with the existence of the supreme mystery of the world OAA like himself, and he is too busy to dedicate himself, resulting in the limelight being occupied by this villain, becoming a big red man next to the creator, and he can't afford to provoke.

The sleeping god is the first chair of the Heavenly God group that he wants to sit, and Alisham has been seeing the end of the dragon all year round, and the mess is all handed over to him to take care of, and he is handed over to eternal management, and in theory, both of them have released themselves.

The five creation gods thought that they did not need to obey Aritham's orders, but he was too powerful, and when necessary, he came in to intervene in the development of the universe, intervened in a great war between the earth's self-directed and evolved alien races and the eternal race, prepared for the new heavenly gods to bring gods to this universe, and made the universe a black miasma, and the creation gods dared not speak out.

When this matter reached the eyes of the Creator, he said nothing, and he was not interested in denouncing management for this group of bug-like life intrigues, and everything in the universe, whether it was a speck of dust in his eyes, there was no difference between distant and close relatives.

As for Arisham's behavior, it was nothing more than a relationship with him, often chatting with him in the tavern, and the trumpet mentioned a few words to make him glance at this inconspicuous dust atom a few more times.

All Marvel's lifeforms, whether gods or demons, mortals or superheroes, villains, have no necessary elements of value for him, and are not worth paying more attention to the conceptual meaning.

However, Alitham did not know this, thinking that he had a good relationship with him, perhaps because he often contacted the creator, and his strength was also extremely irregular and stepped into the breaking level, and Guangzong Yaozu became a member of the army.

Otherwise, if you have to be blessed and favored, you must not be the son of Marvel and you cannot break the rules, and not everyone can enter the hanging level.

Don't you see that the Court of Life is strong enough, right? OAA hand-picked, proper second generation official, the peak of the all-round level, hanging up, can not be forced, can defeat him a handful. But after all this, they are still reduced to the ravages of the Kaihang members beyond the Protoss and have no way.

Arisham stared at Ye Ritian viciously

: "I must help the adults quell the rebellion, prevent this madman from killing so endlessly, even if he spares his life, this world, there will be me to protect the adults, the real battle, only now begins!"

Arisham's heart ignited an unprecedented monstrous fighting intent, and earth-shattering hatred, shrouded Ye Ritian.

Ye Ritian

glanced at this person's heart and said, "You still want to fight, okay, see you in chaos."

Ye Ritian was ready to take out the superhuman sword and destroy this guy, the Cosmic Celestial God Group and the ten core Celestial Gods were all destroyed by themselves, and then killed the robot in front of him, and the Cosmic Celestial God Group was completely destroyed.

The family is going to die neatly together, you see that you are still in exile alone, what is the reason?!

Suddenly, the rules of all things in the universe stood still, and all the time, space, life, concepts, perceptions, perceptions, spirits, heartbeats, breathing, and countless laws and orders contained in Marvel were stagnant, and the cosmic firmament was frozen by time and no longer flowed!

However, throughout the entire Marvel Universe, there is only one place where there is still the effect of time flow rate, that is, the narrow cosmic galaxy space where Ye Ritian is located.

Silently, a figure condensed from the void and gradually materialized here!

"Have you already stepped into the half-step ultimate threshold?"

Alisom and Ye Ritian looked up, and they were shocked in unison, everything in the universe was stopped, and someone could escape their perception and step into this space without knowing...!

As soon as they saw the person coming, it was immediately clear, oh, it turned out to be your little spicy chicken, then it's okay.

It's OAA!

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