I, the silver superman, am promoted to omniscience and omnipotence

Chapter 135


voice of Deadpool inside the fairy

ship reached the ears of the two people, they wanted to hear Deadpool's sincere thoughts, and the two fed each other dumplings while looking at Deadpool outside the ship!

Xingchen frowned slightly: "Won't we go too far?"

Ye Ritian nodded: "Yes, it's not!" Deadpool's role is shaped in Marvel, compared to the Avengers, he is not very popular, and even many people hate him, he made things very comedic as soon as he appeared

, lost the sincerity of superheroes, his cynical, a look that doesn't matter, a mean look is not supported by most people, after all, who is a normal person like this?

Everyone has a way of being, we can't let them change the way they like, what we can do is try to adapt to this person!

Xingchen nodded: "He is also a poor man, terminally ill, his life is not long, he is ready to die, but someone told him that he could save him, so he participated in Plan X and was transformed, although he gained the ability to heal himself, but he also suffered inhuman torture, died in various ways, inhumane, and I am no longer angry with him." Don't say this

, Ritian, come, open your mouth" Xingchen's face was blushing, his eyes were dodging, he plucked up the courage to look directly at Ye Ritian, Bei Ya gently bit a dumpling, and fed it mouth-to-mouth

"This...", Ye Ritian froze, Mune!


Three days later

, the fairy ship finally came to the outer universe of the World Tree, the reason why it took so long was because Ye Ritian wanted to fight with the stars, all the way ambiguous, already fast, accurate, and ruthlessly won the stars, which made him sigh

"It is worthy of being a woman made by the system, and can withstand my impact!" Otherwise, even Supergirl can't withstand my brute bull charge! Deadpool

originally thought that Ye Ritian and Xingchen would have a gap between him, but they didn't expect that they seemed to have a tacit understanding to forget what happened that day, and without mentioning a word, Xingchen

quietly prepared a lot of dumplings for himself afterwards, and cooked him his favorite shrimp and pig heart stuffed dumplings. This greatly moved Deadpool, and they let go of their previous suspicions, reconciled as before, and continued to eat wildly without heart and lungs.

The devil knows how he spent those three days, mostly sleeping at home, passing the time, staying closed, suffering pain, and spending seconds like years.


The universe outside the World Tree

where countless galaxies converge,

the starry sky is brilliant, the galaxy is all over the

sky, but under the starry sky lie countless tall robots, they are broken one by one, stump and broken arms are thrown and lying corpses at will, obviously, they suffered great pain before death, and their bodies were torn off by people.

On the other side, there was also a group of people who were fighting fiercely, and terrifying fluctuations swept through, and occasionally a few unlucky mechanical corpses were wiped out into slag by this force, and there were no corpses.


After a loud bang, the Hulk's seven-meter-tall posture was blasted out, and the middleman and love, and the three of hatred stood unsteadily in the void, their chests heaving and panting.

The middleman panted: "We have been fighting for more than a week, and we have not ended this battle." This person is so weird that we can't kill it at all, we can only defeat it!

"I don't know what happened in the World Tree, the time flow rate of the two worlds is different. I also want to finish the fight early, you are right, he will heal himself every time, and in the end the attacks we played are in vain! "Love is also echoing.

Hatred nodded: "In this case, let's withdraw, ask the people above to make a move!"

"Alas! That's it. The middleman helplessly answered, Lord of Chaos, Lord of Order, I'm sorry, this task of yours is too difficult, even their weakest people can't be killed, let alone the strongest Ye Ritian.

So the three of them, seeing that the Hulk had not yet got up, must still be healing themselves, ready to slip away immediately.

Suddenly, a voice came

, "Since you're here, don't leave, I haven't entertained you properly!"

When the three heard the prestige, they saw an ordinary wooden fairy ship slowly sailing into the starry river, with a statue standing at the bow, three people standing on the deck, Ye Ritian in the middle, Deadpool in red next to him, a girl in white, and it was the terrifying man who spoke up.

The three were stunned, familiar, really too familiar, these three people, to be precise, Ye Ritian and Deadpool and Hulk, they were too familiar, and they were here for him.

Love trembled and spoke: "You you you, you are the superman Ye Ritian of that World Tree?"

"That's right, it's down!"

Ye Ritian looked at this group of people faintly, except for the middleman, they were all abstract bodies, blurring between the phantom and the entity, and the middleman was a bald man with a silver body, similar to the silver shadow man.

Hearing the admission, the three people were completely panicked, and they originally didn't believe it, but many mysteries and psychological factors were finally destroyed by the truth of reality!

Hatred panicked: "You you you, how did you appear here, you killed all the ancient gods in the World Tree

" This made Ye Ritian hesitate and did not answer immediately, "Uh... Sort of, although Seth, I didn't kill it! "

What? You mean you killed everyone except the snake god Seth? Madman, this universe is completely finished!

The middleman yelled: "Go quickly, we are not their opponents!" The

three quickly turned around, disappeared one by one, made endless space jumps, traveled at the speed of light and fled, and crossed countless parallel universe galaxies in a short moment to the multiverse!

Ye Ritian sneered

, "A group of multiverse-level late-stage scumbags, can they escape?"

Ye Ritian's one thought annihilated the bodies of the three people in the air, escape, can he escape? If you can't escape the super universe in an instant, it will all be in my erasure range, let alone the multiverse.

"Hey, the middleman is weird!"

Ye Ritian was surprised, just instantly decomposed the middleman, felt the resistance in the underworld, Ye Ritian fought with him, the two sides stalemated for a moment, and were instantly defeated by Ye Ritian, like a broken bamboo to behead the middleman.

This made him extremely puzzled, who was this person secretly shooting? Then I figured it out, and what is related to the middleman can only be that group of old things shot!

Sure enough, in the next second, two angry voices rang out.

"Ye Ritian, you bastard!"

"Stop, thief!"

Two heads appeared, and the corner of Ye Ritian's mouth sneered

: "You are finally here, Lord of Chaos, Lord of Order!"

Ye Ritian looked at them with a sneer, the Lord of Chaos he possessed a large amount of cosmic energy, including manipulating and controlling reality, time, space, energy, and soul.

The Lord of Chaos and the Lord of Order are the embodiment of the stable order of the universe, co-existing in the universe, and they exist to ensure a balance between order and chaos in the universe they represent.

As the opposite of balance, if the Lord of Chaos does not exist, the Lord of Order cannot exist, and vice versa.

However, they often have conflicts, and eventually they get tired of constant quarrels, so they work together to create an intermediary with powerful cosmic forces and entrust him with the task of keeping the universe in balance.

In a timeline tributary, the middleman plans to restore balance to the universe by creating a universal madness, and he manipulates the Fantastic Four to fight each other for the six Infinity Stones.

Afterwards, Silver Shadow and Doctor Strange witness this and summon the Lord of Order and the Lord of Chaos, who are angry at the actions of the middleman and imprison him in the realm of magic.

Later, when the Planet Eater evolved into a messenger of life, the Lord of Order and the Lord of Chaos believed that he had threatened the balance of the universe. He took him to the Cosmic Court and asked the Court of Life to transform it back, and when the Court of Life refused on the grounds that the old laws were no longer valid, the Lord of Order and the Lord of Chaos joined forces to kill the Court of Life.

Eventually, when the old law no longer works, the two unbinding men begin to do whatever they want, finding their servant middlemen, and the three merge together with the same power to become Logos.

Under Ye Ritian's vision, the Lord of Chaos and the Lord of Order are two disembodied, bald heads that appear male.

The Lord of Chaos was furious: "Damn the ants, dare to destroy our representative, what a dare!"

The Lord of Order said ruthlessly: "It is worthy of being a powerful person, and the speed is so fast that even we have no time to save the middleman!" Deadpool

looked at these two weak chickens, the early stage of the all-powerful universe level, and said simply: "With such a little strength, how dare you come out and shout with us?" "

The Lord of Chaos and the Lord of Order are wondering if they can't see through Ye Ritian's strength breath, and they are distressed by this, and they can kill the middleman at least at the all-round level, synchronized with themselves.

Looking at Deadpool, Almighty Late?


"Why are you so strong, didn't Ye Ritian just strike and kill the middleman?" The Lord of Order shouted, roaring and questioning.

The strength gap, the sense of difference effect brought by it is too big, how to fight this? According to the news transmitted back by the middleman, doesn't it mean that they only have the mid-term strength of the multiverse level?


A roar sounded, the two looked at the Hulk, frowned slightly, and the Lord of Chaos roared: "Damn the middleman, he won't be talking about this Hulk, his strength is so right, but Ye Ritian and Deadpool's strength data, why didn't he tell us?"

The Lord of Order also cursed: "This damned servant should not have created him in the first place, lowly ant!" The

two of them didn't know that Ye Ritian's Deadpool had just arrived, and the middleman didn't know Ye Ritian's data at all.

Ye Ritian saw this scene and sneered: "Hehe, it's another pretentious god!" I wonder if the Creator God will also have this face? It must be cool to smoke! "


The Hulk roared up to the sky again, and the injuries on his body finally healed themselves, and the huge anger made him dizzy, and the middle of the multi-level level instantly advanced to the late multi-level.

Deadpool was excited: "Am I going on?" "

If Ye Ritian agrees to his move, he will be happy to kill these two bastard order gods, he is now completely convinced by Ye Ritian, his immortal body has really died once, he does not dare to jump around, and he is extremely obedient.

"No need, Hulk's strength is too poor, it needs to be improved, let these two spicy chicken gods stimulate him and train him to the all-round level!"

After a pause, Ye Ritian looked at the end of the galaxy universe, and there were ten figures coming at great speed, they were large in height, different in shape, different in color, but the same size.

Deadpool saw that Ye Ritian had an arrangement, so he didn't ask. Following Ye Ritian's gaze, he exclaimed,

"Who are they?" All of them are the initial strength of the all-round level, and there is also the peak strength of the all-round level! Good, so powerful! "

Deadpool's eyes show fear, high-end combat power, this is a high-end combat power bureau, it has reached the big event of Death Swallowing Star, not a small event of the Death American Team!" What about star swallowing?

Deadpool looked, this guy doesn't come out, how can I tell if the difficulty of this level event is accurate?

Ye Ritian said lightly: "They are the core members of the Cosmic Celestial God Group, the ten Celestial Gods, searchers, eradicators, collectors, measurers, analysts, calculators, explorers, testers, and their leader, Timu, known as the Sleeping Celestial Gods, these ten people are the core members of the Cosmic Celestial God Group, and the boss of the Sleeping Celestial Gods is the Judge Arisham!" "

Only the Sleeping Heavenly God is an all-powerful peak level, and he broke through the early stage of existence level, which is enough to beat him. Slaughtered him, I wonder if Alisom will come?

Ten terrifying figures coerced this starry universe one by one, and the Lord of Chaos and the Lord of Order were attracted by this movement, and couldn't help but tremble, and the Lord

of Chaos cursed angrily: "Damn, why did they also appear."

"Let's go quickly, the incident is out of our control, this is no longer something we can meddle in!" The Lord of Order panicked.

The ten figures on the edge of the sky approached extremely quickly, and they came to the front between breaths, and the terrifying giant disease surged into everyone's hearts, especially the two gods, trembling with fear, and fearful.



Swish! Boom


Ten heavenly gods who are more than two thousand feet tall, that is, six thousand meters tall, descended on this battlefield, destroying countless galaxy light clusters and most planets in an instant, and countless gods and lives died as a result!

Chaos and Order were ready to escape, Ye Ritian found these two people for the first time, and a thought decomposed these two spicy chickens, originally wanted to sharpen the Hulk, but now it seems that there are better grinders.

"Ah, what's wrong with me!" Chaos roared.

"Damn, how can this die, I feel my life disappearing!" Order was full of panic

, and the two died quietly under the inexplicable rules, because they could not feel pain and did not have pain, and before they died, they roared and questioned all this, but no one could answer them.


"The bugs are gone!" The Hulk roared!

Deadpool knew who did this, and said to the corpses of the two: "Two poor bugs!

Ye Ritian ignored them and looked at these ten Heavenly Gods playfully, intending to let the other nine Heavenly Gods Initial Stage sharpen the Four-Hand Hulk.

Ye Ritian looked at the stars: "You go to my inner world first, there will be a fight here for a while, I can't open it!" This battle is not much dimmer than the fluctuations of the World Tree! "Good

!" Xingchen nodded, kissed Ye Ritian's face, and disappeared with the fairy ship.

"Hahahaha, it's really lively here, how about counting me!"

Suddenly, another figure descended.

A huge cosmic sphere suddenly appeared beside everyone, showing a confrontation between the three dings, but from the standpoint, the sphere in front of him was facing Ye Ritian's group, obviously coming towards him!

His Igo-like orb-like facial expression spoke, "Ye Ritian, I've wanted to kill you for a long time, and now I'm coming!"

The Hulk roared, "Another big ball!"

Deadpool's scalp was numb, this thing was bigger than the Planet Devourer: "Are you a star devouring body?" The

face of the Swallowing Star laughed maniacally: "It is worthy of being the one who broke the fourth wall, not bad, with eyesight, but not much!" Compared to the person who also likes the goddess of death, you are much smarter and more awake than the stupid Thanos!

"Oh yes? Thanks for the compliment, I can still tell the difference between girlfriend and wife! I like the goddess of death, but I don't want to marry her, and she won't marry me, it's just a joke, you see you still take it seriously! Deadpool said self-consciously.

Ye Ritian praised: "Not bad, Wade, men still don't lick dogs, strong melons are not sweet, if there is really no girl who loves herself, it is better to grow old alone than to commit crimes, buy and sell strongly!" Deadpool

nodded suspiciously: "It's such a reason, but you have too many ideas, the matter is not so serious, I am so handsome, how can no one like it, why should I commit that crime!" The

star-swallowing star who was hanging aside was furious

: "Enough, two ants dare to talk about the Supreme Creation God, what a big boldness!"

Ye Ritian and Deadpool stopped talking, the two squinted their eyes at this arrogant star swallower, the early stage of the almighty universe level, no wonder dare to be so crazy, but this, is it enough for us to fight?

Swallowing Star stared intently at the three little guys in front of him, Ye Ritian couldn't see through, making him frown. Deadpool Almighty Universe Late Stage? Hiss! Damn, how did their strength increase so quickly?

"Huh? That green fat multiverse-level late? Can I only bully him? The star-swallowing face was visibly resentful, and his face was covered with an eerie color.

The Hulk also came to Ye Ritian's side and stood, and Ye Ritian's heart moved, and the three quickly became the same height.

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