I, the silver superman, am promoted to omniscience and omnipotence

Chapter 132

Deadpool looked at Ye Ritian with admiration on his face and gave him a thumbs up: "Ye Ritian, you are the most bullish Oriental I have ever seen, and the strongest crosser!"

"Oh, you've met any other crossers?" Ye Ritian was surprised.

Deadpool nodded: "Yes, I have killed many crossers like you, most of them look like Orientals, I am the strongest timeline Deadpool, which of them is my opponent!"

Ye Ritian nodded and did not delve into this topic. This Deadpool is much more weird than the image in his own cognition, and I don't know if it is true or false.

Ye Ritian came to the fairy ship with Deadpool and walked into the room, where Iago hung high in the void above the middle of the ship, illuminating the fairy ship and the nearby space.

As soon as Deadpool came to the room, he was shocked again:

"Why is there so much space here?" Is this different from what it looks like on the outside?

"I changed the contents a bit, you don't think of it as an ordinary boat, this boat is modeled after an oriental from my hometown."

"Oh oh, I said, full of oriental style, a lot of pendant doll lamps are things I have never seen! This is not the case in the West!

"Yes, you stand aside first, I have to change things, otherwise where the two of us sleep, there will be nothing!"

Deadpool also heard that he was just outside wondering about such a small ship and a small room, how to sleep, Hulk's huge figure alone could not squeeze, unless he became Banner, it was not impossible.

Ye Ritian's realistic gem ability is launched, and similar products with unnecessary lamp oil and ancient tools have been removed, modern technology products, houses, large villas, four-story balconies, swimming pools, golf courses and whatnot, granite and nothing else, freezers, refrigerators, drinks, drinks, food, TV, etc., electronic signals, satellite transmissions and other unreasonable and undesirable substances, the general tool is now reduced, and the multi-functional integration is thrown to the reality gem to solve.

In short, Ye Ritian wants the earth to have, there are all here, the earth does not have, I still have here, the only difference is that the appearance difference is different, the hull and the planet.

"Wow, good, so awesome, what kind of spaceship is this, oh no fairy ship world, this is much happier than on Earth!" Wow Sei who Deadpool was watching enviously.

I wanted to call it a spaceship, but if people want to change the name to what fairy ship, it is estimated that it is an oriental custom, and we Deadpool will follow the customs.

With the god of life as the hull, the planet Igo as the moon, and the cosmic starry sky as the background, driving in the universe, enjoying the cosmic meteors while eating snacks and brushing dramas??

Ye Ritian ignored Deadpool, directly divided the reality gem ability into a part of the authority to the consciousness of the World Tree, and said to the fairy

ship: "God of life, in the future, you will be called the ship god, as the name suggests, the spirit of the ship god, control the hull for me and resist foreign enemies, escort my property and life, usually do not show mountain dew, hide in the dark, under normal circumstances, let the world tree take care of it, you are the big guy behind it." And the World Tree, you are called the ship fairy, as the name suggests, butler, take care of the daily necessities on the ship for me, entertain guests, take care of my food and living, eat, drink and have fun, do you understand?

"Got it, master!" The God of Life and the World Tree spoke in unison, alas, the days ahead will be difficult.

The World Tree had to resign, even the God of Life gave in, what else could she resist, looking at the terrifying figure on the ship, the World Tree consciousness gritted its teeth, wanting to unload him.

Deadpool admired the five bodies again, fighting and killing with him for so long, finally able to enjoy a retirement-like life, eating, drinking, fighting, and killing enemies in the future.

"Ye Ritian, you are too powerful, little, I love you to death! Think really thoughtfully, is this the characteristic of Orientals, do things well and plan worries, everything is arranged clearly, inside and out, take care of the inside, and think about others externally! Perfect, perfect Oriental! "

Deadpool sighed from the bottom of his heart, this is the charm of the Easterners, extremely united, with a long history of 5,000 years, retaining traditional virtues, on the contrary, the West, regardless of technology, messy and embarrassing, nest fighting, discrimination everywhere.

The god of life has since been called the ship god, and when necessary, he comes out to control the overall situation, and his authority is better than the World Tree.

The World Tree is called Ship Immortal, referred to as Butler, and under normal circumstances, it governs the fairy ship, and the artificial intelligence consciousness on the bright side!

Ye Ritian called out the stars and simply told her the ins and outs, what happened during this time, she couldn't help but exclaim Ye Ritian's big hand, using the body of the gods as an ornament, worthy of being created by his world view, what a daring move.

"Is this the main mother? Such a unique woman, although it does not conform to Western aesthetics, but the temperament that does not eat human fireworks, transcendent objects, like a fairy under the ordinary, not like an ordinary girl, is really unique! The Ship God God of Life, and the Ship Immortal World Tree exclaimed in their hearts.

Deadpool knows the stars, her appearance is not surprised, he has a hunch, there will be more and more people here in the future, but the premise is that he can see people Ye Ritian, these people can be his red face, friends, confidants, etc.!

As for the enemy, that's impossible! Unless they have a connection that is unspeakable and unclear, true and false. Deadpool shivered, thinking too much about himself.

Ye Ritian looked at the cosmic galaxy from an endless distance, he did not pull out all of the world tree, and half of it was rooted in the dark abyss of the void solidified, and there was only one planet left on the world tree, Midgard!

Ye Ritian stood on the bow of the ship, standing on the boat, his body was as tall as a javelin straight to the sky, looking at the bottomless cosmic starry sky and a cold darkness in front of

him, and ordered: "Ship God, drive the fairy ship to set off on the multiverse, attack the Crimson Universe positioning breath, and when we destroy that big demon, we will return to Earth to destroy the new Celestial God, take back the Hulk, it's time to fight the Creation God!"

"Yes, master!" The god of life, oh no, it's the pleasant voice of the ship god that sounds!

Ye Ritian always felt that there was something missing on the ship, and the oxygen on the ship was provided by the God of Life without care, and the defense had her, and it would not be worse.

Immediately erected a statue of himself at the bow of the ship, wearing a Superman suit and holding the Sword of Superman, writing his name, Superman Ye Ritian, to avoid the enemy when he went out, the sturdy statue automatically became a physical battle.

As for the sail, I don't need this thing, I don't need that thing, Ye Ritian touched his chin and thought...!

Ye Ritian disappeared in place.

The next moment appeared in place, holding a scaled-down version of the solar fireball in his hand

: "This is the sun I took from other universes, with you lighting me to bring yellow sun amplification, the sun and the moon are light, shine on my fairy ship, go!"

Ye Ritian fused the sun and the hanging Igo together, turning into a half-icy blue, half hot red sphere, the temperature of the two heavens of ice and fire spread, Ye Ritian raised his hand again to play

the power control to make its power converge evenly, day and night alternate, replacing the daily reincarnation of the fairy ship, after all, there are very few suns in the universe, plus he has been moving, and then made the definition of the earth's time, from 00:00 in the morning to calculate, night falls.

and set part of the power of the six infinity stones on the fairy ship, blessed the God of Life and the World Tree, and then used the plot gems to edit the permissions to help them slightly improve their combat power, directly to the all-powerful peak level, first fill the defense, hang out, they will not destroy.

The God of Life was extremely shocked by this inexplicably powerful means, "You actually took the Infinity Stones for us to use, and also helped us improve our strength!"

"Yes, where to find such a good master, I decided, I will follow you later!" The World Tree said shamelessly.

The God of Life looked at this little guy with a scoff, this is God? Straight out!

Ye Ritian waved his hand: "It's okay, what I gave you is only part of the permission ability of the Infinity Stone, which is far worse than the ability of the gem itself, and the ability of the gem was extracted by me and turned into my own ability, although it is a part of the gem ability, but your play will only be thousands of times stronger than the original Infinity Stone, better than before!" "

The ability of the Infinity Stones has become Ye Ritian's leeks, constantly distributed out to harvest people's hearts and power.

The two were directly shocked, feeling that they heard extremely incredible words, terrifying: "What? The ability to extract the Infinity Stones loaded on your own body? And this operation? "

The God of Life, the Ship God, and the World Tree Ship Immortal are numb, do you want to hang like this, forcibly modify the treasure ability and add it to yourself, you also increased its power by a thousand times, or even stronger, how did you do it?"

The Boat Immortal tentatively asked, "Can you still use this ability?" How about you strengthen us again? I feel like we still have room to rise! Because

of Ye Ritian's relationship, they sensed that there was a higher level behind the almighty.

The ship god is also ecstatic in her heart, wanting to say and embarrassed to say, she can't allow her to say it, the instinct to become stronger is engraved in the genes of all things in the universe, and any life species will involuntarily enhance themselves.

Ye Ritian glanced at these two dishonest, scheming light masses with his consciousness, and said calmly: "It can be, but if you behave well, maybe we can satisfy you in the future, for now, you are not enough for me to see the value of helping you!"

"Okay, in a word!" After hearing this, the boat immortal immediately nodded and agreed, what is so difficult about this, anyway, now on his thief ship, he can't run if he wants to, he lives anywhere, and now it's okay to live in another way, follow him not only to become stronger, but also to enjoy the scenery.

The ship god on the side can't sit still, if this is surpassed by the ship immortal in the future, where to put her face, now he directly strengthened the world tree from the planetary level to the peak of the all-round level

, this hanging is too outrageous, I want to report!

This outrageous way of strengthening seriously destroyed her three views, what kind of means is this? Now that she is equal to her, she must not be allowed to surpass her strength again.

In this outrageous scene, the ship god knew that the face could be put down, and becoming stronger was king, but he promised to say loudly: "I, and me, I also want, master!"

Seeing that the ship god was also soft, Ye Ritian shook his head and chuckled

: "Okay, okay, let's talk about it later, you are currently doing things for me quietly, don't make small movements behind your back, and disobey my orders!"

What's so hard about that? It was simply a sub-topic, and the ship god and the ship immortal said in unison: "Okay, master!" "


Ye Ritian came to the large villa in the inner room of the ship, surrounded by a void of daylight, sat on the sofa with realistic gems, Deadpool changed into house clothes, picked up the drink and turned on the TV, and said

, "Let's kill Setorak next?"

"Yes, he is the number one demon in the Marvel Multiverse, let's enjoy the hard-won comfort first!"

Ye Ritian looked at the TV without a picture, and immediately moved his mind, showing the timeline earth of the day he just came to New York, and all the film and television and variety shows were embodied, and the TV was changed by the power of the rules in the underworld, and the picture film and television were forcibly appeared.

"OKOK, Ye Ritian, everything is at your disposal, I will cut whoever you let me cut!" It's still fun to follow you, I slaughtered and slaughtered myself, it's not boring at all, it's still interesting to follow you! "

Deadpool ate popcorn, fried chicken, Coke chicken wings, chicken rolls, hamburgers, pizza, etc., and said simply.

Compared to the current days, this is much more interesting than his own solo copy, although he may have become his thug, or even a dog, but it doesn't matter, at least better than the Hulk, who has no sense of autonomy, and has been added to the supreme command of forcible enslavement!

Ye Ritian didn't know that Deadpool thought so much, and looked around,

"What about my daughter-in-law?"

"She, ah, said that she wanted to learn what to make dumplings and pork filling, and she was getting it, learning while reading the information! Dumplings you oriental, I know, unique cuisine, the West not only does not use rolling pins, but also does not make dumplings

without your oriental ingenuity, we all put the dough in the mold with a knife to cut the edge one by one, alas! I can't bear to look at it directly!! I said I also want to eat dumplings, but your wife didn't agree to make it for me, saying that it would only be made for you alone! shit!

Deadpool cursed and pointed to the kitchen.

Ye Ritian smiled

"It's okay, she's joking, she made it because of my world view, I know her, and I know myself, it's just dumpling delicacy, I'm not so strict not to allow her to wrap it for outsiders to eat, rest assured

, you can also eat my oriental food is famous all over the world, absolutely one of the best, no matter what flavor you like to eat, we can make it!"

Deadpool bit off his chicken wings, took a sip of Coke, and nodded, "I believe you, I'm also learning Chinese, study!"

Ye Ritian nodded, did not speak again, picked up the chicken wings and nibbled them, relishing

"Not bad, the food presented by the reality gem is real and delicious, and it changes at will to meet your own taste definition!"

Thinking about it, the original Yuan Shi Tianzun also spoke English, maybe Marvel is the United States, and the creation factor, the world is popular English, although Yuan Shi Tianzun is not in this universe, but he speaks English as soon as he appears in the Marvel Universe.


A few days later

, the ship god disappeared, and the voice of the ship fairy sounded, "Master, the Crimson Universe has arrived!"

"Well, I see!"

Ye Ritian came out of the room, already explained everything to Deadpool and Star, he wanted to go alone, standing on the bow of the ship and looking at the entrance vortex of this crimson universe.

Put on the Superman suit, put on the fairy ship into the universe opened up by the cells in the body, and prepare to enter the Crimson universe alone and kill Nasetorak.

"Is this the multiverse?"

Ye Ritian muttered.

At this time, in the boundless and vast multiverse, countless celestial bodies like spheres float in the universe, which at first glance seem to be close at hand, but in fact they are far away, like countless galaxies in a river of

stars, dotted with stars, intersecting their light. Like gravel, endless, as far as the eye can see, there are countless of them.

Ye Ritianfei stepped forward, and the terrifying flesh crossed the universe, ignoring many pressures and irregular factors, crossed many cosmic light groups, and accurately came to the breath vortex with the Setolak universe, and crashed into it.

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