I! The Salted Fish Law God Was Eavesdropped On By Master Loli

Chapter 512

Chapter 512 The Gate To The God Realm

Because with just one thought from him, he can make everything follow his own will, and even in a sense, he is the agent of everything.


Law and Discord begin to frantically cannibalize and fight each other.

But disordered beings cannot be killed, because they have no will, and there is no concept of death at all!

And because they do not need the system of the world, that is to say, the characteristics of all laws have no effect on them, whether it is truth, time, or cause and effect, they will not have any effect on them at all!

And what you can do is just like them, using the most primitive power to directly nibble and suppress each other with them.

“Too much!”

“What the hell is going on here! Why are those creatures in the Chaotic Abyss suddenly attacking this place!”

The gods turned pale, and without any hesitation, immediately began to contribute their own strength to fully resist the encroachment of those disordered ones.

But the situation didn’t get worse.

Because of the presence of the first god-king, almost after the first wave of disorderly creatures’ offensive, those creatures have been contained outside the border.

But the disorderly did not retreat.

They were like beasts that smelled blood, and launched their offensive against them even more greedily.

For a time, the entire border was in turmoil.

at the same time.

In the deepest part of the abyss, Lynn, who separated from Nanako, flew toward the deeper part of the disordered abyss along the trajectory in the memory of the soul god.

“Lynn, I have driven a large number of disordered creatures to attack the ordered world… However, the progress is slow.”

Nanako’s voice came from Lynn’s mind.

The corners of Lynn’s mouth were slightly raised, and he said, “There is no need to make any progress, we just need to focus their attention on the border, and with that god king there, it is impossible for the disorderly gods to forcibly nibble in!”

Lynn saw it very clearly.

Although God King dare not really step into the abyss of disorder, it is equally impossible for disorderly creatures to enter.

If you really want to destroy the world, I am afraid the only way is to wake up the ultimate disorder at the very center of the abyss.

But that wasn’t Lynn’s purpose.

“Nanako, continue to drive more Disorders to the border. If I were that God King, I would take the initiative to open an opening, let some Disorders come in, and then eat and digest them.”

“But if that’s the case, it’s in our hands.”

“It’s very easy for Discord to devour order, but if Order wants to assimilate Disorder, it will only increase their burden for a long time.”

“After all, creation is much harder than destruction.”

And that’s where Lynn is sinister.

The law can indeed assimilate disorder, but the time cost and energy spent are definitely not an order of magnitude compared with disorder.

That is to say, if the god king really wants to eat those disorder, it will only reduce his strength for a long time in the future. The more he eats, the heavier his burden will be.

Lynn smiled lightly, eyes twinkling.

He no longer paid attention to the frontier, and quickly flew deeper into the abyss.

I don’t know how long it took.

Lynn stopped near the coordinate point provided in the memory of the Soul God.

“This should be the door that leads to the realm of the gods without order.”

Lynn squinted, looking out into the endless darkness.

But here is dead silence.

There is no sign of any entrance.

But Lynn was not in a hurry, he quickly searched for a way to step into it from the memory of Soul God.

If it is according to the concept of the reincarnation god king, then the netherworld sea should be connected with the gods from here, and then realize a certain sense of cycle.

And in fact.

The gates of the two worlds have long been opened.

But in the end, for some unknown reason, this final part was shelved.

But Lynn has already learned from the memory of the God of Souls that the beginning and end of this Nether Sea is the kingdom of God in the God Realm by the Reincarnation God King!

And that’s why he’s here!

Because if he is really the reincarnation god king whose destiny has been changed, then he will definitely be able to get more information from the kingdom of gods.

“found it!”

Lynn squinted.

But then, his brows furrowed.

Because if you want to open the door to this place, you need at least a power above the throne of God.

And the Fallen God was obviously sent by the God of Truth into this abyss of disorder with his own personality.

But how is he going to get there?

Lynn said deeply: “Reincarnation God King, if you have really arranged everything, you should also expect that one day I will come here.”

Lynn raised her head slowly, her eyes shining.

For a moment.

There were countless strange quicksands surging around his body.

He slowly stretched out his hand, mobilized the power of his firstborn’s origin, and let them rumblingly accumulate around.

His power comes from the first birth, the origin of the world.

It may not be as good as the King of God in magnitude, but in terms of personality, it definitely has the highest priority.

Because in a sense.

The first birth is the father of all laws.


Almost at that moment, when a large amount of the power of birth was accumulated, Lynn suddenly felt the shock from the void.

And in the next moment, under Lynn’s gaze, a huge crack slowly emerged from the void.

“It’s done!”

Lynn looked up suddenly.

The boundless darkness was also illuminated by the crack in an instant.


The boundless light shines out from the fissure, as if at that moment, the matter of the whole world is rushing towards this disordered abyss with the opening of the gate.

Lynn’s eyes were dignified and her fists clenched hard.

But in the next moment.

Suddenly, Lynn felt a chaotic and distorted wave in the disordered void behind him.


Almost instantly, Lynn’s body stiffened.

The power of the origin of the first-born who maintained the gate also collapsed in disorder at the moment when the fluctuation appeared.

It was as if there was some kind of disordered dream that was strongly disturbed by the outside world.

It’s like the opening of this door has directly become some kind of fuse to wake up the sleeper.

“not good!”

Lynn also realized the crisis in an instant.

He gritted his teeth and immediately forcibly mobilized his strength. At the moment when the door was not closed, he suddenly rushed into it.

And almost at the moment he rushed into it, the door rumbled shut instantly.

And the chaotic fluctuations that stretched out slowly returned to normal after the gate was closed.

Like nothing ever happened.

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