I, The Father Of Pokemon!

Chapter 452

452 Is This Humiliating Our School?

Secretary Wen is really powerless.

One is that those schools really can’t stop Lu Sheng’s sponsorship.

As long as you pass the test, Pokémon will do too!

In addition, the third reason is that the Pokémon company is well-known, and those universities are also engaged in genetic biology.


Moreover, the law does not blame the public.

Several questioners went back to discuss for a while, upholding the principle of fairness and justice, and did not accept the principal’s proposal.

After several exercises, several universities in Europe gave clear answers——

Stephen, the current president of Jianqiao University, is a white old man with white hair and high spirits.

The content of the test is basically the same as that of the students admitted to Normal, and a test will be arranged independently.

“Reality is often more absurd than fiction”.

Two days later, Lu Sheng agreed with Jianqiao University and planned to take Slowking to the test.

Even, they do some small gestures in private.

There is currently no Slowking information in the outside world, so it is not surprising that Stephen misunderstood.

At the beginning, due to national policy reasons, the genetic biology company in my country was not well protected in the early stage of development, so that it could not stop the sweep of the Norson Group, the market share was occupied, and it did not develop well. So far, the top ten gene biology companies in the world, Only two in Europe!

Insulting Interbridge University?

If those colleges and universities cooperate with Pokémon Company, they may be able to get some support in the future. Even if Pokémon Company shares a little leftover food, it will be enough for them to eat.

Lu Sheng took Slowking and headed to Jianqiao University.

Jianqiao University did not make the news public for the first time.

To study in such a long-established institution of higher learning that is ranked among the top in the world, isn’t it shameful to say it out, and disgrace the reputation of the school!

Maintaining the difficulty of the test paper can be regarded as their silent resistance.

The higher schools in Xingqi Country are indeed first-class, ranking high in the world, but Lu Sheng does not deal with Xingqi Country. If Slowking passes, he may wear small shoes.

They even thought about admitting Slowking as long as the test was barely there.

The popularity of Lu Sheng and Pokémon is invincible, and they can take the opportunity to advertise and increase the number of enrollments in the coming year.

Second, they also want to see if Pokémon really qualify.

When Stephen thought of this, he felt a little more comfortable.

Lu Sheng had to set his sights on a few schools in Europe.

The principal asked the test-makers to try to keep the difficulty of the test questions as low as possible.

Lu Sheng arrived at Jianqiao University and met the principal.

After a brief dialogue between the two parties, they took some photos regularly. Later, Lu Sheng would donate money to Jianqiao University in the name of sponsoring some public welfare, construction and research of the school.

“`~ Mr. Lu is younger than I thought.

Stephen had some changes in his heart at this time.

It can also be regarded as the external statement of Jianqiao University. The rest of the students saw that the tuition fee was several times higher than theirs, and their hearts were immediately balanced.

Who would have thought it would be the dumb-looking Slowpoke!

As for how ugly the principal’s face is, it doesn’t matter, they are the backbone of the school’s professors, with high prestige, and they respond to every call.

“Hope this guy didn’t mean to humiliate us at Bridge University!”

Stephen didn’t do much research on Pokémon, and he only gained some knowledge in the past two days.

They were eager to fail the Slowking exam, but they understood that the headmaster insisted on enrolling Pokémon for some purpose.

Seeing that domestic universities were powerless, Lu Sheng had no choice but to put his goals in foreign schools.

But in fact, Lu Sheng saved millions of dollars.

Stephen’s eyes focused on Slowking, his eyelids twitched.

Lu Sheng did not pay too much sponsorship fees.

Pokémon do have high intelligence, but how high can they be?

There are other ideas. Lu Sheng originally said that he would sponsor tens of millions, but the other side only said a few million, but the annual tuition fee is higher than the rest of the students.

Therefore, agreeing to Lu Sheng’s extremely absurd request is also a small signal to make friends with Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng naturally agreed.

However, some professors and tutors have received the news in advance.

A professor who was appointed as the question maker was dumbfounded in the face of the rest of his colleagues.

Is it Slowpoke?

(by Li Zhao)

Besides, when Pokémon enters the school, their school can become famous all over the world.

If Slowking’s exam results are extremely ugly, you must refuse, but you can make suggestions to Lu Sheng, such as replacing Slowking with a smarter-looking Pokémon.

Previously, he speculated that it might be Mewtwo, Mew, or Persian.

a few days later.

After they found out, their first reaction was absurd!

According to Stephen’s understanding, Slowpoke belongs to one of the Pokémon with low IQ, and now Lu Sheng wants Slowpoke to enter… yi…

After they received the news, they were originally strongly opposed, but the principal and vice-principal overthrew the opposition and raised the school’s deficiencies in genetic biology, which suppressed their voices.

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