I Sting (Pokemon Poison Type Specialist)

Chapter 71

Grene walked into National Park and looked around, even at this time of day, the place was already packed with people.

Even though they were mostly trainers who wanted to train earlier than most, it still made her think that the circuit was going to be tough if they had to compete with this many people.

As she moved along the crowded park, the martial artist observed trainers from different backgrounds working tirelessly to prepare for this year's circuit.

Hopeful young adults carrying badges were once again preparing for another journey, off season Elite Trainers were getting back into gear again, her peers were preparing for their first year journeys and so much more.

And all of them were connected together by one common thing; Pokemon.

It is said that that single word defined everyone's existence, and anyone who didn't were either avid haters of such wonderful creatures or criminals that think of them as nothing more than tools.

Grene felt that there was no difference between her two examples but maybe there was- and somewhere out there, someone who didn't choose to be a criminal is partaking in heinous things while still bonding with their Pokemon or that there's an outlier who got hurt by a stray Tyranitar's rampage, causing them to hate Pokemon forever.

Mostly though, people who hate Pokemon were one in the same; they were cruel, sadistic, and criminals.

Grene thought back to the grunt they encountered during their exams and felt her lips tug down into a frown, the man was the perfect example of her current chain of thought.

Grene felt sick every time she remembered Knuckle's stories when he was still that grunt's Pokemon, about how he had to compete for food with the Houndour and Raticate, and how there were fights between them more often than not.

With the way he just let them do whatever they want, the rocket grunt clearly didn't feel the need to take care of his Pokemon, and the thought of that made Grene feel anger.

Bonding with Pokemon was supposed to be a heavy responsibility, not- not some kind of- of- cruel joke!

Grene relaxed her fists and let out a sigh, 'I'm starting to think that Whitney may be right,'

Was it stupid to want to attack a criminal organization like Team Rocket? Yes. But was it the right thing? Also yes- and it's not like they would be the only ones to do it either since trainers going after the criminals for one reason or another was more common than not.

Speaking of Whitney though, Grene finally reached the spot where everyone agreed to meet and she waved at Whitney and Virah as she got close, the two waved back and the martial artist let herself smile.

"How's your recovery?" Grene asked Virah the same question she does every time they met up, all the while inspecting the way her friend held herself.

Virah still looked like she was struggling, but compared to her first day of getting discharged, she was infinitely better, and the best part is, she wasn't faking her pain like she used to.

Actually, she doesn't even look that tired, or exhausted, "have you exercised yet?"

Virah shook her head, "I don't think I want to do that right now,"

"Why?" Grene released her team before sitting next to the green head, "did you overdo it?"

"… No, it's just I want to focus on improving the moves of my Pokemon, their techniques? I guess is the better way of saying it," Virah replied with a shrug, "sooo… that's what I'm doing, working with them, for now,"

"It's good to take a break," Grene half-lied.

Preferably, the best course of action for Virah to take right now would be to continue exercising so that she'll keep herself worked up and allow her muscles to be prepared for their eventual journey but a major part of her wanted her friend to take a break, even if it means that she won't be as physically capable for the next few months.

"I know," Virah leaned back, smiling.

"What are you making them learn?" Grene looked around.

Whitney was still instructing her Pokemon on what to do, Kitten was being lazy, as always, while Galeforce has long since took to the skies and Hulp, her Teddiursa, was simply just playing around, unable to or willingly ignoring her trainer's instructions.

It seems that they still had time to talk things out.

"I'm continuing what I was teaching them back in the exam," Virah explained, "Nitro is learning X Scissor while Jet is learning Aerial Ace."

"That's… good," Grene tried not to turn her guilt into a wince and she failed. A moment of self reflection made her feel self conscious and she let out a sigh before apologizing, "I'm sorry,"

"For what?" Virah faced her.

"For taking up your time during the exams," Grene replied, "you could have tutored your own team more if me and Whitney didn't you know, ask you tutor ours,"

Grene flinched at Virah's sudden giggle, the martial artist faced her friend, confused and slightly shocked, "d-did I say something wrong?"

"Nothing like that," Virah waved her off with a smile, she sighed and looked to the skies, "it's just… I feel that it would be better if both of you had the right tools to fight Team Rocket if it ever comes to that,"

Virah gave Grene a side glance, she paused, "what I'm trying to say is… I don't think that my time got wasted, in uhm, helping you both out I mean,"

Grene looked down and nodded, "thank you,"

"It's nothing, really," Virah shook her head, "I care about the two of you so… and I think that's a good enough reason to prioritize both of you over myself,"

Grene frowned, "I care about you too," she suddenly said, "so… I think it's unfair that you only helped us, what if you got caught by Team Rocket? Would you have any tools then?"

"Somehow, I feel that I would be fine," Virah replied softly.

"Would you?" Grene asked, skepticism clear in her voice, "this world isn't a cartoon,"

Her words actually took Virah back and the poison specialist paused for a while before nodding, "I know," Virah agreed, "but I think that… I don't know where I was honestly trying to say," she said, "yeah, you're right, this world isn't a cartoon and I should probably be more skeptical about things,"

Grene nodded in confidence, "good,"

"I think I want to spend the next few weeks focusing on getting my team up to speed," Virah said, "make them learn vital moves, important tactics, that sort of thing,"

"I think it's a good idea," Grene said.

"Maybe you should also focus on yourself?"

Both girls faced Whitney, Grene then looked behind the pinkette to check on her Pokemon a moment later, the martial artist smiled, guess Whitney had given up on making her Meowth and Teddiursa train and instead got the former to babysit the latter.

Slightly joyful at the thought of Kitten mourning the fact that he was now babysitting Hulp, Grene faced the pinkette and slid to the left, she tapped the now open space on the bench in invitation.

"Thank you," Whitney said as she sat next to the two of them, "anyway, I think it's a good idea to focus on yourself too,"

"I'm doing that," Virah said.

"No- I mean our Aura," Whitney elaborated, "we should focus on that more, train it, or something,"

A conflicted look crossed Virah's face, "… I… haven't focused on it in a while actually,"

"Why?" Whitney asked.

"I don't know," Virah replied way too quickly and Whitney's expression indicated that the pinkette caught on that it was a lie.

Grene did too, "it's fine to take it slow," Grene said, "I know it can be exhausting to learn Aura,"

Whitney nodded, "I agree with Grene,"

"… You know, I think it's about time we both stop dodging it," Virah suddenly said, "we need Aura to even have a chance in fighting Team Rocket,"

Both girls paused but then quickly nodded, "we get that," Grene said, "and you're right, we need to talk about how we're going to fight them, mainly- if it's even a good idea to do it,"

The two of them faced Whitney, who tilted her head, "if you're asking me…"

Virah and Grene exchanged fond gazes, they already knew the answer, and was it a bad idea? Yes. But they couldn't just leave Whitney to fight on her own either. And she would, and they knew that they couldn't convince her otherwise.

"Then I think it's a good idea," Whitney nodded resolutely.

"We're doing it then," Virah said.

"You know, I think it's better if we fight them while wearing ninja masks," Grene suggested, "it's to hide our identities and stuff,"

"… That's…" Virah trailed off.

"- The best idea ever!" Whitney finished.

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