I started out as an Umbrella cadre

Chapter 38

The phone rang. Chen Feng, who was still eating, put down his tableware, wiped his mouth with a napkin, and picked up his phone.

It was Mikhail's call. The commander of UBCS rarely called him at this time except to report on his work.

Chen Feng answered the phone with a smile on his face.

"Mikhail, do you have work to report?

Mikhail hesitated for a moment.

"Uh, Boss, it's not about work, it's a personal request from me."

This old Russian is still so honest.

"Don't worry about it, just tell me, it's not too troublesome, I can handle it."

Hearing Chen Feng's assurance, Mikhail's concerns were eliminated, and he stated his request directly.

"Boss, I have an old friend whose wife has cancer. Can you arrange for her to be a volunteer for the new drug?"

Chen Feng originally thought it was a big request, but it turned out to be just such a small matter. He was still willing to do this favor.

It's just cancer. In fact, with Umbrella's technology, even cloning can be done easily. The project of treating cancer can be done within the company.

It's just that Umbrella chose to strictly control the expensive special medicines. You must know that Umbrella is a monopoly oligarch company headquartered in the North Atlantic Federation and chasing capital.

Compared with mass production of special medicines for treating cancer, it is better to control drugs to obtain greater benefits.

Chen Feng happened to be an executive who knew about the existence of special medicines for cancer.

Even if it is not through special medicines, Umbrella's hospital has this ability.

Every year, it secretly receives a batch of orders from dignitaries or wealthy people, and cures some incurable terminal illnesses on the market for them through surgery.

"How about this, Mikhail, can you first tell me what kind of cancer it is and what stage it is in?"

"Breast cancer is already in the late stage. If you can't arrange it, I can only turn him down."

Chen Feng laughed. Breast cancer is in the late stage. If I ask someone else, they really can't help me arrange it.

"Don't worry, Mikhail. This is just a small matter. There is no need to volunteer for new drug monitoring. I can arrange for him to enter the company's special care ward and arrange for the company's treatment surgery and special medicine. We can cure advanced breast cancer without harm."

"Thank you very much, Boss! I will go and tell my old friend the good news."

Chen Feng hung up the phone, sat back in his seat and continued to eat, not taking this little thing to heart at all.

What he is concerned about now is what to do if the federal government intends to overturn the table.

Although Chen Feng feels that he is capable of controlling the situation with his current strength, it is very likely that the federal government will drop a nuclear bomb if it cannot win the frontal battlefield.

So Chen Feng considered whether to find a new location as the headquarters after the reorganization of Umbrella.

In fact, the Arklay Mountains is a very good place. It is sparsely populated and remote, which is very suitable for a company like Umbrella to survive.

If the old Raccoon City is destroyed, Chen Feng doesn't mind rebuilding a new Raccoon City in an area near the Arklay Mountains.

After thinking for a long time about how to reduce the losses of the destruction of Raccoon City, the idea of establishing a secret base for Umbrella became stronger and stronger.

Just do it when you think of it, so Chen Feng picked up Wesker's phone.

The phone rang for just two seconds, and Wesker answered the phone.

"Boss? What do you want me to do?"

Wesker was still the same, speaking concisely and efficiently.

"Wesker, I need you to find a place suitable for building a base, preferably ten kilometers away from the old Raccoon City, and near the Arklay Mountains."

After a pause, Chen Feng added:"I will inject a large sum of money into you, with an initial capital of about 500 million US dollars. You will set up a PMC company called Umbrella International Defense."

"PMC? Boss, you are going to do private defense under the name of your company? Don’t you have this business?"

"No, no, no, although Wesker's company is called Umbrella International Defense, it has little to do with the parent company. This is our business."

"You should set up the framework as soon as possible, and I will find a large number of people to fill this company, and you will serve as the CEO of this new company."

Wesker couldn't help but feel a little terrified when he heard this:"This...Boss, but I have been engaged in intelligence-related work or military management, I am afraid I am not capable enough."

"Don't underestimate yourself, Wesker, I believe in your ability."

Wesker on the other end of the phone was silent for two seconds, then said firmly

"Boss, I will do my best to do this."

After that, the two exchanged a few polite words, and Chen Feng hung up the phone. He believed in the ability of Wesker. He was a child prodigy, and he was injected with a special enhanced virus, and now he has also taken the NTZ-48 modification.

Wesker in this state, his IQ and ability level are definitely far beyond the Wesker in the original Chemical Crisis world. The fact that he can control Umbrella Corporation in the later period and do it so well is enough to show his ability.

Staying in the intelligence department all the time is a waste of talent.

Of course, Wesker only maintains such a humble attitude in front of the boss Chen Feng. Chen Feng is not Spencer. He gave these geniuses a chance to develop. The opportunity to exert their full potential.

Therefore, now, at the beginning of these games, the geniuses who are in a state of desolation and low point can be easily won over.

If it were someone in a much lower position to do the same thing, it would be impossible.

Chen Feng couldn't help but be thankful for his identity at the beginning. The identity and status of a level 7 executive allowed him to easily attract talents and mobilize massive amounts of funds to do things.

I don't know how useless his predecessor was, to have so many resources not used, to spend all day in debauchery, and to ruin the great start with a king bomb.

After instructing Wesker, Chen Feng made another call to an old subordinate of his uncle.

"Uncle Wang, I have two things to trouble you to handle."

Chen Feng said as he explained everything.

"No problem, sir. I'll do it right away."

PS:"My gastroenteritis is finally getting better. I am really sorry for the slow updates these past two days due to my illness."

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