I started an industrial revolution in another world

Chapter 26

Chapter 26: Spirit? Want to see me? [7/7]

【ps: Today’s update is finally finished, I am so tired! Dear readers, please vote more, flowers, evaluation votes, the author will never be too little! And it’s free! 】

I saw countless Los citizens lined up on both sides of the road, they cheered and celebrated the victory of their country’s army!

Gu Yuan looked over and saw that the civilians were wearing brand new clothes, clean and tidy. Although they were still a little thin, their mental outlook was several times better than half a month ago!

This was also due to Gu Yuan pointing out a lot of technology for people’s livelihood.

The looms made the cloth in Los City flooded, and the price of ordinary clothes fell again and again.

The various factories opened by the state in Los City continued to recruit workers. Now everyone in Los City has a job and a considerable income. They are not hungry at all, and they are well fed and warm.

All the citizens have seen the changes in the past half month.

They naturally respect and love Gu Yuan, the king who can bring them happiness and a good life!

Gu Yuan riding on a horse���He smiled and waved to the people around him.

“His Majesty just waved at me!!”

“”Your Majesty just smiled at me!”

A group of girls on the roadside screamed.

The soldiers looked at the people on both sides of the road, their hearts were warm, and some even accepted the cheers, and suddenly a tear fell.

They are being accepted and welcomed by everyone!

They are soldiers defending their country!

And all this is brought to them by their respected, great King!

【[Sense of belonging to the army +10, honor +10, sense of personal worship +10]

The system’s prompt made Gu Yuan smile again.

One day later

, a carriage was driving on the road. Ya’er looked at the city looming in front of her and shouted excitedly:”Your Highness, Your Highness, we are here!”

“Ahead was the capital of this country. My scout saw the army enter the city.”

“Is it finally here?”

Her Highness the Elf Girl poked her head out excitedly.

Soon she would be able to see the army that created a miracle on the continent!

Without any wizards, only a few thousand ordinary mortals, they could defeat an enemy force of 100,000 with sky wizards that was a hundred times larger than themselves. They were an army that could be called the army of God! Did n’t she travel around the continent just to witness this impossible miracle? Her

Highness the Elf Girl couldn’t help but start to fantasize.

What kind of person would be the leader of such a god-like army? Would he be a middle-aged general with a resolute face, a burly old man with white hair and beard, or a young and handsome young general?

Could it be a beautiful knight general with a hot body, 1.5 meters long legs, an impressive big chest, and wearing armor?

Thinking of this, Her Highness the Elf Girl unconsciously glanced at her flat chest and petite figure.

Well, just now that was what she imagined, the figure she wanted…..

Gu Yuan, who was in Los City handling government affairs, naturally didn’t know that there was an elf girl outside Los City who was fantasizing about him. She had already imagined him from a middle-aged general with a resolute face to a beautiful general with a hot temper and a stunning figure…….

After all, the elf girl had never seen Gu Yuan, and the most wonderful thing about people is their imagination. It’s not strange to have a big imagination……

Slowly the carriage finally approached Los City. Along the way, they saw many fields being planted.

Everywhere were farmers working hard and bustling.

Many simple residential houses can also be seen around Los City.

Starting half a month ago, Gu Yuan has moved most of the population to Los City.

Now the total population of Los City has exceeded 250,000, and this number is still increasing!

In the past two days, there have been a large number of hybrid rice seeds, and now is the season suitable for planting, so Gu Yuan organized a large number of farmers to reclaim wasteland outside Los City to grow food. Gu Yuan also recently had a plan to expand the army, expanding the two thousand troops to ten thousand.

As for farmers who grow crops, there is never a shortage of people who grow crops. Among the outsiders in Los City, there are many farmers and farm women. Their sons can join the army, and they themselves can grow crops.

They are all citizens of Los Country.

“”It’s so lively!”

Ya’er drove the carriage along the way and saw many farmers and women who were working on the land.

The elf girl was also very happy to see such a scene.

Elves like plants, and she also likes to plant.

Seeing such a scene is naturally happy.

Many working farmers couldn’t help but look at the carriage.

After all, in their opinion, strangers like Ya’er and the elf princess are still very rare.

“Stop, who are you?”

When Ya’er was driving her carriage through the city gate, they were stopped by the soldiers standing guard at the gate.

“We? We are elf travelers traveling around the continent, and we want to meet the person who led your army in the previous battle!”

Ya’er immediately said proudly, her little chest puffed up.


The soldier at the door was surprised, but when he heard Yaer mention the previous war, he immediately became alert.

In Los City, Gu Yuan was handling government affairs. Suddenly, Stephens walked in and whispered a few words to Gu Yuan.

“Spirit? Want to see me?”

Gu Yuan was a little surprised and puzzled.

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