Chapter 68: Growth and Power

Day 48 of the Apocalypse Calendar, Friday.

(Huo Sheng and Bai Tianyu visited yesterday and left in the evening.)

(Wang Xiong informed me that he reached an agreement with the official shelter. He explained the details, but I only grasped the general idea.)

(These matters are of little importance to me.)

(I lack leadership qualities and strategic vision. My abilities are limited, and I shouldn’t meddle in matters of development and construction.)

(My sole focus is to cultivate my attributes and grow stronger!)

(Strength brings security.)

(Therefore, nothing is more important than increasing my power.)

(This afternoon, Wang Xiong, Li Zitong, Zhang Lixin, and Zhao Honglei left to clear out zombies. Zhang Chengcheng told me that the official shelter and our group are ready to mobilize and eliminate all zombies within the safe zone.)

(It’s a massive undertaking, but I won’t be participating.)

Today’s attribute record:

Name: Lu Ming
Strength: 92.4
Physique: 93.1
Agility: 113.7
Free Attribute Points: 3


  • Fitness: Lv3 (700/1300)
  • Slingshot: Lv21 (1345/2100)
  • Archery: Lv15 (788/1500)
  • Gun Shooting: Lv5 (45/500)
  • Unarmed Combat: Lv20 (362/2000)
  • Cold Weapon Combat: Lv11 (488/1100)
  • Basic Spearmanship: Lv6 (34/600)
  • Throwing: Lv6 (152/600)
  • Resistance Stance: Lv2 (37/200)

(The Resistance Stance yields a significant number of attribute points, but it’s quite challenging, and progress is slow… but there’s nothing I can do about it.)
(I haven’t decided how to use the 3 accumulated free attribute points yet, so I’ll save them for now.)

Apocalypse Calendar, 49th day, Saturday.

(Today, Zhao Yongchun taught me the ultimate move of the Zhao Family Spear—the Cold Light.)

(The Cold Light is a special technique that uses the power generated from the Resistance Stance to thrust the spear, significantly increasing the speed and power of the attack.)

(Because I’m already proficient in the Resistance Stance, I grasped the Cold Light technique quickly. In about half an hour, I mastered the force delivery technique. Zhao Yongchun was amazed and called me a genius.)

(But I know I’m not a genius. Aside from the system’s help, the key to my progress is persistent perseverance and rigorous training, like an ascetic monk!)

(The feeling of growing stronger every day brings me joy.)

(The system didn’t register the Cold Light as a separate skill. Perhaps it views it as an advanced technique combining the spear technique and the Resistance Stance.)

(The good news is that practicing Cold Light rapidly increases the proficiency of both Basic Spearmanship and Resistance Stance. I’ve found a solution to my earlier struggles with the Resistance Stance!)

(It’s all thanks to me!)

(Today’s attribute record: omitted...)

Day 50 of the Apocalypse Calendar, Sunday.

(Time seems to pass both slowly and quickly, but every day is so fulfilling!)

(Today, I leveled up without any incidents.)

(My Fitness skill upgraded to Level 14 (88/1400).)

(Today’s attribute record: omitted...)

The days continued to pass in a blur of training and progress.

Day 52 of the Apocalypse Calendar, Tuesday.

(On a whim, I asked Zhang Lixin for a sniper rifle.)

(In the afternoon, I stood atop the watchtower, now raised to 70 meters, and practiced shooting at zombies.)

(I firmly believe that every zombie I eliminate now is one less potential Tyrant! The fewer zombies there are, the safer I’ll be!)

(Plus, it’s a great way to increase my firearms proficiency—a double win!)

(Today’s attribute record: omitted...)

Day 65 of the Apocalypse Calendar, Monday.

In the afternoon, after lunch, Lu Ming checked his attribute panel. The changes over the past seventeen days were remarkable.

Name: Lu Ming
Strength: 171.7
Physique: 172.4
Agility: 203.4
Free Attribute Points: 45


  • Fitness: Lv7 (1100/1700)
  • Slingshot: Lv24 (888/2400)
  • Archery: Lv19 (621/1900)
  • Gun Shooting: Lv17 (510/1700)
  • Unarmed Combat: Lv24 (65/2400)
  • Cold Weapon Combat: Lv20 (333/2000)
  • Basic Spearmanship: Lv20 (1135/2000)
  • Throwing: Lv10 (515/1000)
  • Resistance Stance: Lv9 (0/900)

He rose from his bed and approached the mirror. The reflection staring back at him was a towering, almost two-meter-tall figure, muscles rippling beneath his skin like the roots of an ancient tree. His pajamas no longer fit, leaving him clad only in shorts.

His face was chiseled and determined, a blend of masculine strength and gentle resolve. He grinned at his reflection. “Great, full of strength!” he exclaimed.

The increase in height and muscle mass translated directly to combat power, and in Lu Ming’s eyes, combat power equaled beauty. As he dressed, a new challenge occupied his mind.

Zhang Chengcheng’s Gravity superpower was struggling to keep up with his growing strength. He had discussed the matter with her, Wang Xiong, and the others the previous day.

To advance further, Zhang Chengcheng needed Tier 3 Corpse Crystals, specifically those from Tyrants. However, they had only encountered and killed two Tyrants so far, yielding two Level 3 crystals. It wasn’t enough for her to reach Level 4.

Wang Xiong had assured Lu Ming that he had spoken to Huo Sheng, and they would prioritize hunting Tyrants and collecting Level 3 crystals. Lu Ming could only wait and trust in their efforts.

As he stepped outside, a chorus of greetings greeted him. “Brother Lu!” “Hello, Brother Lu!” The warm reception had become a familiar experience, and he returned their smiles with a polite nod.

He made his way to the watchtower, now a towering 150-meter structure. He had tested it earlier and confirmed that he could safely jump from that height. With a powerful leap, he ascended the ladder, reaching the top in moments.

From his vantage point, he surveyed the surrounding landscape, his vision unobstructed.

End of Chapter 68

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