I Somehow Got Tasked With Managing A Realm

I Somehow Got Tasked With Managing A Realm – Chapter 46


"This place is crazy!"

After walking for nearly two days along a path seemingly naturally formed by the large number of people walking to and from the temple, the trio of Rynn, Ayla, and their guide finally arrived at the boundary marking the plateau's capital. This boundary was extremely obvious even without the need for man-made walls or a gateway; the sudden clearance in trees allowed for a sharp transition between forest and an open area dense with people and tipis. 

The capital's layout was unlike anything they had ever seen before. While their village had tipis scattered randomly, the capital was organized into multiple distinct sections separated by wide and clear paths with edges dotted by evenly spaced cherry trees. Despite the dense population of over 10,000 people, not every section was filled by tipis; some were left intact as small forested areas where people could be seen picking mushrooms and munching on fallen cherries.

Of course, this was nowhere near enough to satisfy such a large population, but it was enough to supplement what they gathered elsewhere on the plateau. 

The group began walking along one of these paths leading to a large, mossy area nearly devoid of trees and completely uninhabited by tipis in the middle of the capital.

"Hey, Rynn, do you see that tree? Straight ahead."

"Huh? Oh... that tree is weird. Why does it have such dark branches?"

The focus of the children's attention was the sole tree standing in the center of this mossy area.

"Ah- that thing?" After overhearing their conversation, the man guiding them joined in, "Those trees grow out west. Rumor has it that the creator of the world instructed the first Angru to send a group to bring one back."

"They brought back a tree!?"

The tree was just over 10 feet tall, but even with his Oracle powers, Rynn winced when he imagined carrying something like that up the massive set of stairs.

"No, they did not carry back the entire tree. I heard that they only brought the branch of one and buried it in the ground," the man explained, "It is similar to how we get the cherry trees to grow, except instead of burying the cherries, we buried the branch."

"That... is very weird, " Rynn muttered causing the man to smile.

"You know, that is not even the weirdest thing about those trees."

"Really?" Ayla chimed in.

The man nodded.

"I will hold off from explaining. I am sure Angru IV will do that for me. You two might find it interesting."

As the group approached the mossy center, their attention shifted to the large rectangular structure behind the torch tree.

"What... is that?" the girl asked in shock.

"Our temple."

Of course, this was obvious at first glance; the building itself was millenniums ahead of the tipis scattered around the plateau.

The closer they got, the more magnificent the temple seemed to be.

It dawned a massive structure; 50ft wide, 100ft long, and 25ft tall. Long doric columns that supported its flat roof lined the structure and provided a level of sophistication not seen elsewhere in this primitive world. The temple's white marble material was unknown to the kids whose only contact with stones was limited to simple tools, javelin tips, and fire starters. 

This is insane.

Such thoughts filled Rynn's head as he approached the structure's steps.

If I had seen this place, would I have ever denied the existence of the creator of the world?

"So... should we go inside?" Ayla asked once they finally arrived.

"No need. I have walked up enough steps this week. He can come out to meet us," the man cupped his hands in front of his mouth and yelled up the small staircase, "HEY ANGRU IV! I BROUGHT THE ORACLE!"

A moment passed.

Then two.

Then three.

Just when the man was ready to yell again, a young man dashed out of the temple and gazed down at the group- his eyes sparkled as he locked eyes with Rynn.

"Hello! Welcome to the temple!" the priest quickly trotted down the steps with a smile and turned to their guide, "Thank you for bringing them, brother."

Rynn flinched.


The priest turned toward the shocked girl in confusion.

"Y-yeah. Did he not mention that?"

"No, he did not!"

Angru IV narrowed his eyes at the man who nonchalantly avoided his gaze.

"Well, I brought them here as requested, but I need to rest after such a long trip. Have fun!"

With those words, the man slyly scurried off into the capital as the priest called out to him.

"Why did you not mention it, you jerk!?" Angru IV shouted then turned back to the two kids with a sigh, "Sorry about him. My brother can be a bit sneaky..."

"It is fine- it is a bit surprising, though," Ayla replied seeing how Rynn was still silent.

"I thank you both for your patience," the priest smiled warmly at the two, "You have probably heard by now, but I am Angru IV- the fourth Angru born in my family, though the third official priest. You two are Rynn and Ayla, right? The creator of the world has told me a bit about you, yet you two look a bit younger than I thought."

"The creator of the world told you about us?"

Rynn finally seemed to snap out of his thoughts at those words and jumped in to question the priest.

"Just a bit- only the fact that you two were from a village in the north and that you were chosen as an Oracle. While I would love to see your power in action, I think it is best to show you two around first. Follow me- I bet you are dying to see the creator of the world!"


The two kids eagerly followed Angru IV who began walking up the shallow steps leading to the floor of the temple.

"T-the creator of the world is here!?" Rynn asked in disbelief.

"Well... not really?"

"Huh? Then why would you-"

"He is not actually here," the priest cut off the Oracle, "It is simply a statue of him that I will show you."

A statue? What is that?

Before Rynn had a chance to voice his thoughts, the group arrived at the temple's entryway. The priest stoutly came to a stop and opened his arm- gesturing them to enter.

"Once again, I welcome you both to the temple!"

Rynn nodded and peeked inside, before immediately flinching at the sight of a massive stone finger seemingly pointing directly at him from the back of the structure.

"That... is the creator of the world?"

The Oracle was frozen in awe as he gazed upon the massive stone figure that towered at the structure's rear.

It is made from stone but it looks like it is a real person in front of me.

The level of detail was astounding; even creases in the figure's clothing could be seen clearly. It was as though a giant had been turned into stone.

"His clothing..." Ayla muttered in awe.

"Interesting, right? It is even more advanced than what we can make with mountain chicken hides from the north," the priest said proudly.

While the many layers making up the statue's winter clothing were impressive, something else caught the Oracle's attention.

"What is that in his arm? Is he holding a chicken?"

"It is so cute!"

"Oh, that?" The priest looked at the creature that the two kids were wondering about, "I do not really know. I tried asking the creator of the world about it, but he only said that it was 'his friend'."

"His friend?" Ayla tilted her head.

"Yeah... I do not really understand either. He never tells me more no matter how many times I ask him though."

"I guess you talk to him a lot then…" the Oracle mumbled.

"Well, he is very busy, so not too often. He usually reaches out at least once every season, but if I need to give him any updates on my tasks, he will usually answer."


"Huh? Are you okay?"

"Yeah... I am fine."

"O-okay then," the priest took a step back from the suddenly sulky Oracle and gestured to the temple's entrance, "How about I show you the rest of the area?"

"Sure!" Ayla cheerfully grabbed Rynn's hand, "Please lead the way!"




At the dawn of dusk, the group finally finished their tour and sat down near a fire pit. There were dozens of these mossless circles marked by a boundary of small stones scattered around the capital's center. 

"That was... exhausting," Rynn muttered as he sprawled out on the ground.

"There were so many people," the girl sitting next to him added. 

The priest looked at the two kids with a wry smile.

"Was it really that bad?"


"A little..."

What was advertised as a tour of the capital turned out to be more of an introduction to the people living in it. Although the conversations were brief, the kids had talked to easily over two thousand people.

"But that was not even a quarter of the people here?"

The two kids looked at the priest as if he was crazy at his innocent remark.

“You knew all of them by name…” the Oracle muttered.

“I do not know how you still have energy. I am more tired after talking than I was after climbing that staircase,” Ayla commented, ignoring Rynn’s small glare, “By the way, will the hunters be back soon? I am getting pretty hungry.”

“The hunters? It would depend on when they left… everyone leaves at different times.”

Seeing the children’s confused faces, the priest decided to elaborate.

“All of the chickens nearby have been eaten long ago. Once in a while, the men will go on a trip either to the east of the plateau or down the staircase and bring back some for their family.”

“So they only bring back enough for their family?”

“Yes,” the priest nodded, “They can only carry so much.”

“... What about those without parents to hunt?” Rynn hesitantly asked.

“Other families will usually bring them in. If not, my brother’s team will help them out. Speaking of which, he should meet up here to give us some~”

Rynn finally sat up at those words and pulled out two small stones he kept in a fold of his clothing.

“I will get the fire started then! Should I get some leaves from that forest area or-?”

“Ah- that will not be necessary. My brother will bring some branches, too. While we wait, would you two mind helping me clear the pit?”

The kids looked at the empty dirt circle in confusion.

“There is nothing there though?” Ayla questioned.

“I meant help me dig up the rocks…” the priest attempted to clarify, but quickly cut himself short after noticing their bewildered expression, “Here, let me show you.”

With those words, Angru IV started digging in the middle of the dirt pit with his hands- quickly uncovering a fist-sized rock.

“These,” the priest tossed the rock at the Oracle who reflexively caught it.

With shaky eyes, Rynn looked down at his hands.

“Is this… flint? Why is it so shiny?”

“It is a trick we discovered a while back… I guess you guys did not do this at your village,” the priest explained, “We bury these stones about an inch under the ground before we light a fire over it. After letting them cool off for a day, we can take them out and the stones become super shiny and hard. They are much easier to carve, so they can be made much sharper.”

Rynn hung his head. His breathing became rough while his hands clenched against the flint.

“I-if I had known about this back then-”

His mumblings were interrupted when a small hand touched the top of his. Rynn reflexively opened his glossy eyes, meeting the sympathetic gaze of his childhood friend- the only one left who knew what he was going through.


Before Ayla could speak, Rynn pulled his arm away and used it to wipe his face.

“I-I am sorry. I will be back soon.”

With those words, the Oracle dashed at inhuman speeds toward the capital’s eastern-forested sector.

As the two watched his figure disappear beyond the tree line, the priest turned to Ayla with a look of worry.

“Did… did I say something strange?”

Ayla shook her head somberly, “No, it is not your fault. He has been like this around flint for five springs now.”

“Flint?” The priest glanced down at the fire pit below his feet.

“Yes,” Ayla kneeled down and began helping him dig up the remaining pieces, “I usually would not share this with others, but since you were chosen by the creator of the world, I do not think Rynn would mind.”

Seeing the priest’s concerned stare, Ayla sighed and continued, “When Rynn was six, he had just started learning how to make javelin and spear tips. He spent days trying to make the perfect spear tip for his father out of a piece of flint that he found in the village.”

Ayla’s eyes seemed to glisten as she recounted his efforts. 

“Rynn worked so hard trying to make it as sharp as possible and was super happy when he finally gave it to him. His dad even promised to use it in the spring hunt. So, when spring came, Rynn’s dad attached the tip to his spear shaft and went off, but Rynn really wanted to watch him use it, so he secretly followed the hunters into the forest.”

“... It sounds like a nice story so far?” the priest wondered out loud as he replaced the removed flint with raw ones.

“It was fine at first, but early into their hunt, a mountain chicken popped out from behind a tree and happened to target Rynn’s dad. Apparently, his dad went to stab the beast with his spear, but the flint tip that Rynn made shattered when it made contact. His dad was slain before the other hunters had time to react… Rynn watched the entire thing happen.”

“That is terrible,” the priest muttered with sympathy. 

Ayla nodded, “It really was. Since then, Rynn refused to use flint and would only make weapons out of other stones. He had only recently begun to even touch it again.” 

“... I messed up then,” Angru IV sighed as he reflected on him handing Rynn the piece of flint, “I will apologize when he returns.”

“It is not your fault. You had no way of knowing.”

“Still, it is something I feel is right,” Angru IV stated resolutely, “I am a bit confused, though. Even before we started using fire on our flint, our weapons never shattered like that.”

“It did not happen often at our village either. Rathok, Rynn’s brother, tried to tell him that it was not a problem with the flint and that instead his effort to make it sharper must have made the tip brittle, but Rynn would not accept it. He kept blaming the flint for his father’s death.”

“He was so young when that happened- it makes sense for him not being able to accept it,” the priest paused, “Rynn’s brother… did he not blame Rynn for what happened?”

Ayla smiled softly at the question.

“Not even for a second.”

As their conversation continued, Angru IV’s brother soon dropped off two chickens and a small pouch full of mushrooms. Although they wanted to wait for Rynn to come back, the two eventually began to eat their meal.

“I guess he will not be joining us tonight…” the priest stated somberly as he glanced at the uneaten piece of chicken near the fire.

“It is already night,” Ayla sighed, “He will come back soon, though. I am sure of it.”

As if waiting for those words, a young boy was soon illuminated by the fire’s light.


Ayla popped up excitedly at the Oracle’s return.

“Ah- Rynn, I am so sorry. I did not mean to…”

The priest’s words soon trailed off as he glanced at the spear in the Oracle’s hand- its shining flint tip reflecting the fire’s light.

“You… made a spear?”

Rynn nodded.

The roughly formed shaft of the weapon in the boy’s hands made it clear that this was not the weapon he had brought with him on his trip to the capital. That one was resting soundly in the temple.

“You made that spear so fast, yet it looks so wonderful,” the priest honestly remarked.

“I have been practicing for a long time.”

Rynn sat down with the two and Ayla handed him the remaining food.

“Come eat. You would never believe how Angru started the fire-”

“Hang on. I need to do something first.”

With those words, Rynn tossed the newly made spear into the fire and watched the weapon he had spent the last few hours crafting burn up in flames.

The two looked at him in shock.

“I figured it was time,” the Oracle spoke, “To finally give my dad the spear he deserved.”


Map of the capital:

Oh my god. THIS SERIES REACHED #4 ON TRENDING YESTERDAY! IT WAS ON THE FRONT PAGE!!! I just want to thank you all so much for all of the support (T.T) I never thought I'd ever see this series on the front page of scribblehub. It seriously means so much to me to see all of your support and comments <3 I could not have done this without you all. Thank you all so much and welcome to everyone who is new :D!!!

The perspective will switch back to Jacob in the next chapter- Rynn's mini-exploration has been fun, but it is time to advance some stuff >:D . Hopefully you all found it a bit interesting to learn more about the dynamics between the humans and how everything looks from their perspective! Anyway, enjoy~

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