I Somehow Got Tasked With Managing A Realm

I Somehow Got Tasked With Managing A Realm – Chapter 4

Julia and I decided to explore the academy before checking out our domains, however, we soon found that not a single door was left unlocked. Despite the disappointment, we used the opportunity to get to know each other more.

"It's impossible to control mana in here and it's a really uncomfortable feeling. Do you think they set up some sort of barrier or is it something else?" Julia questioned while standing in an odd pose.

She stood with her legs slightly apart, holding her right arm out in front of her. Julia's right wrist was grasped by her left hand, just below her open palm.

"... Is that how people usually use magic on planet Julia?" I asked holding a penguin who was also tilting its head in confusion. 

"Well yes, but there's normally actual magic that happens," she sighed, "Did your world not use stances? It's possible to cast spells without one if you're willing to deal with its power and speed being only a fraction of what it should be."

"Yeah... I guess they weren't as popular where I'm from. What was your world like anyway?" I attempted to dodge the subject as I played with Mr. Flippers.

"My world..." Julia stopped walking and placed her hand on her chin while she thought, "To be honest, I don't think I had the chance to see most of it before I was brought here. I'm going to assume I lived in the giant forest in the center of the continent since most of my knowledge is from there. People in that forest used magic to slightly alter the massive trees and were able to live comfortably inside of them. I have no idea who I might have lived with though..."

Mr. Flippers waddled over and did a soft squawk as if to console her. It seemed to work as Julia's frown lightened when she picked him up.

"I'm not too sure about other parts of the continent, but magic was a huge part of our life in the forest. Being able to use spells helped a ton with things like getting food since we could do things like controlling vines to prevent the beasts from getting away," she continued.

"Oh, so you guys hunted? I assumed eating things killed with magic could get tough," I interjected imagining scattered meat after explosion magic.

"I must have spent most of the time simply learning magic, since I was practicing when I was sent here, so I don't think that I hunted frequently or anything. Oh, also magic isn't used for actual hunting; it's just used to support it. Using wind magic to guide arrows, tripping beasts, and so on. Anyway, that's enough about me for now, what was your home like, Jacob?"

"I don't even know where to begin, to be honest. We definitely didn't have any massive forests near where I lived... actually I don't think any trees big enough for multiple people to live inside of existed on my planet. Back to the question, I think I was close to an ocean judging by the memories I have left."

Julia's eyes lit up when she heard me mention the sea.

"There was an ocean in my world too!" She exclaimed excitedly, "I heard that they have so much water that you can swim for weeks and not see any land!"

"Well yeah that does sound like one, but the oceans in my world are a bit too rough to swim far out in. Well... that's if you're a human at least," I stop to point at the penguin being held by Julia, "The little guy you're holding is one of the best swimmers out there."

Mr. Flippers let out a proud squawk and Julia looked at him with sparkling eyes.

"That's amazing, Mr. Flippers! You'll have to teach me how to swim sometime soon. I always wanted to see the ocean, but I guess I'll just have to settle with making my own," she said with a sigh.

If I heard someone say that just yesterday, I would've thought they were insane. It must feel so weird being in a forest your whole life and never going outside to explore.

"I'm sorry, Julia. This whole situation is a bit annoying; There's probably so much you would've loved to see before getting sent here. If only I had a picture of the ocean that I could-"

I suddenly stopped talking and slowly started turning my head towards Julia. The sound of a loud creaking noise seemed to play in the process.

"Eh? W-why are you looking at me like that?"

It can't be. There's no way I still have it right?

Without replying, I immediately tossed my backpack onto the ground and rapidly dug through it. A plastic item eventually brushed my hands as I pushed various things out of the way. After grabbing this plastic item, I yanked it out of my backpack revealing a ziplock bag with a black rectangle inside of it.

It's still here! I had a feeling after my bag stayed with me, but I still can't believe it wasn't confiscated or something! This is too overpowered for me to have.

"Uhh, Jacob? What is that thing?" Julia asked cautiously as I pulled the item out of the bag.

A black rectangle the size of my palm came into her view.

"Why, this thing is just the pinnacle of thousands of years of engineering! Humans started as primitive monkeys who arrogantly flaunted mere wooden sticks, but then we grew to be modern men brandishing gadgets we only deemed the gods capable of yielding! This device right here is a symbol, Julia. It is a symbol that the only thing holding humans back from enlightenment is time. Need a ship? Give those early monkeys a stick! Need some fruit? Well, those monkeys got you covered! Need to get to the freaking moon? Just wait a few thousand years- those monkeys already have their freaking stick!"

"... What?"

"Can't you see, Julia!? Just moments ago I was one of those early monkeys holding a fallen branch, yet I was just sent thousands of years ahead in only a moment! You guys may have magic or claws or even weird twirling hair capable of strangling me in a second, but I have something none of you can compare with; I got a sticky stick of my own!"

"Seriously, Jacob. Are you feeling okay? I can go run back and get the instructor-"


Completely disregarding her expression of confusion and worry, I glanced down at the password screen. Despite having no memory of what it could be, my fingers moved on their own and I made a mental note of the numbers I pressed.

It looks like even with our brains being dug into, they weren't fully able to erase our muscle memory.

I was slightly thankful for mortal-me's apparent over-usage of this device, though I had a few mixed feelings regarding my muscle memory being strong enough to withstand the mind-wiping. Pushing those thoughts aside, I turned the camera towards the elf girl in front of me.

"Now, taste the power of my stick and say 'cheese'!"

"... Oh high heavens, he's lost it."


Not missing the chance, I also zoomed in on the equally confused penguin still in her arms and took a second picture.

"Anyway, check this out," I calmly stated as I displayed the photo to the two of them.

"Is that me!? I've never seen a magic tool that can create paintings so fast!" Julia exclaimed.

Mr. Flippers stayed silent but clearly stared at himself on the screen.

I almost forgot that this penguin has never seen a phone either. That being said, he is weirdly smart. I didn't think he would be able to recognize himself so easily. Actually, he seems to understand us fairly well now that I think about it...

Leaving those thoughts for a later date, I scrolled through the old pictures until I found a place I was looking for. Just as I expected, there was obviously no signal here; however, the camera as well as a few basic apps still worked perfectly fine without one. Earlier, I mentioned my theory that I used to live near a beach by comparing my large knowledge regarding the ocean as opposed to other landscapes and the album seemed to verify that.

There are also a lot of pictures of people on here. Maybe they were my family? I'll look through these more later; right now there's an elf I gotta cheer up.

Perhaps due to the mind-erasing, I did not seem to really be interested in finding out more about my past. Even if I could, my family would be long gone given the time conversion here.

I pulled up a picture of the beach I took over the summer and showed it to Julia.

"Huh, what's this? What's with all the water?" she asked while tilting her head.

"It's an old picture of the ocean I took."

"That's what an ocean looks like!?" Julia screamed with her eyes sparkling to a degree I had never seen before.

"Hey be careful! Your eyes are too bright- I think Mr. Flippers is going to go blind!"

"Squawk~" the penguin cried out in pain, hiding his eyes behind his flippers.

"Did this magic tool make any other paintings of the sea!?" she turned that beaming gaze towards me and asked.

"It looks like I took a few while I was searching for Mr. Flippers."

We spent the next hour or so looking at the different pictures I had saved. Though her reactions to the ocean were adorable, Julia nearly lost her mind when I opened a photo of New York City that I must have taken on a trip. Sadly, I was not able to answer all of her questions about what magic was used to make buildings so high, but it was a fun time nonetheless.

With our brains both being pretty fried from everything that happened today, we soon had to say goodbye and decided to check out our domains. Julia wanted to try it first, and just like the instructor explained, she instantly vanished after saying the phrase.

"Guess it's our turn now. It was a fun break," I said to Mr. Flippers who she returned prior to her departure, " [return to domain]!"

The bright hall immediately disappeared from my view, leaving only darkness in my sight.


Check the comments for an Author's Note! :D


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