I Somehow Got Tasked With Managing A Realm

I Somehow Got Tasked With Managing A Realm – Chapter 21

"Alright class, that was it for today. I know that you may be getting tired, but please continue to be on time for class tomorrow," the sheep instructor announced to the class.

It was day 235 of being in the academy and class was just wrapping up. Since we had finished all of the main battling-based material a few weeks prior, we had shifted focus onto learning about different organisms. The ones that we were going over were apparently a mix of lifeforms chosen by previous and current Seedlings to ensure that we all had at least a cursory understanding of what to expect without giving away everything.

The organism that we just finished talking about was the Torch Tree. These start out resembling typical small trees but have branches that would turn into a charcoal-like material as they matured which would inevitably burn or crumble. When it burns, tiny seeds contained in the branches would be carried by the smoke and spread out. In the case that the branches simply crumble, the charcoal would act as a great fertilizer to help the seeds inside grow.

It was a pretty cool tree based on what she said.

That must have been crazy for the Seedling who chose it. There must have been forest fires almost every day.

I closed my notebook that I had been using to write down notes on the lifeforms and was putting it into my bag when I noticed a red figure approaching me out of the corner of my eye.

"So, I heard you fought against Ferguson," a familiar voice began.

Mr. Flippers immediately hid behind me and I could not hide the sigh that inevitably escaped my lips.

I really don't feel like dealing with this guy right now, but I guess this is an opportunity I can't really pass up on considering how the competition will start in about four months. Ferguson already left, right?

In a voice louder than necessary, I replied:

"Oh, that ogre? Yeah, I destroyed that guy. You honestly thought that someone so weak could put up a fight against me?"

Levon's expression quickly shifted to one of disbelief, yet I continued.

"I mean, it took me less than a second to have him on the ground with a sword to his neck. You should be shedding tears of joy that it wasn't you in the arena with me. I could've been asleep and still won if I was up against you," I said smugly.

It appeared my attitude riled up Mr. Flippers who popped out from behind me and let out a squawk in provocation- only to be met with Levon's firey glare and immediately cower out of his sight.

"You are calling me weak?" Levon spouted while he put his claw up to my face, "I might as well slice off that tongue of yours if it's only good for spouting- what are you doing?"

Completely ignoring his threat, I stood up in my seat in the middle of his speech and shouted to the rest of the class.

"That goes to all of you! You're all so weak that it makes me cry with pity!"

Stares followed by complete silence descended onto the classroom. That did not last long, however.

"What did he say!?"

"Did he just call us weak!?"

"I am very attracted to the instructor!"

"What's his problem!?"

"Does this guy think he's better than us!?"

"... Did no one else hear that?"

Complaints and one oddly timed confession were thrown at me in response to my declaration.

"Oh? Did I upset you all? I was just trying to motivate you all to do better," I said feigning ignorance.

I glanced down and noticed Levon still standing there completely baffled by my actions while Julia sat with her head in her palms muttering to herself.

"Oh high heavens why do I put up with this..."

Sorry, Julia, but the embarrassment will be worth it!

I tried my best to hide my smile and continued, “Well, if any of you are dissatisfied with what I said, prove it to me when the battling-”

"Enough!" a loud voice shouted from the front of the lecture hall.

A certain bipedal sheep stood there forcing a smile- clearly struggling to stay professional.

"Jacob, that's what you go by, correct?" the instructor continued, "Even though the class was dismissed, I will not allow this kind of behavior in my classroom. Do I make myself clear?”

Her words were apparently not enough to get the message across and an intense pressure washed over me.

I could see Julia shoot up next to me, but I put my hand out to stop her from moving.

"I-I'm alright, don't worry," I whispered to her.

The elf sent me a concerned glance but ultimately stayed put.

How did I forget to check if Sky was here? Luckily, this isn't nearly as bad as I remember it being.

Whether it was due to the instructor holding back or due to my body getting considerably stronger since the last time I was hit by this move, the constraint was not nearly as tight on me and I could still breathe fairly well.

Even with that... I should probably back off. There's no real reason to risk a fight with her.

Besides, just because the pressure was tolerable, it was far from comfortable.

"Yes, I understand!" I responded with cold sweat dripping down my back.

"... Good," The teacher's gaze shifted towards the rest of the class, "Now the same goes for the rest of you. Do not make me give this warning again."

Instantly, all of their bodies went stiff- a handful collapsed and I even noticed one puke.

"Do you all understand?"


The teacher released the pressure and soon exited the classroom, making sure to give me one last glare on her way out.

Save for Julia and Mr. Flippers, the rest of the creatures in the room looked at me in a similar way. Getting yelled at by the teacher on top of my mockery seemed to push everyone over the edge.

"Guess you’re not just annoying… you’re spineless too,” Levon mocked.

"Shut up. I didn't see you fairing much better against that."

"I am hearing a lot of excuses coming from someone who claims to be so strong," he continued.


I could only click my tongue in response. After getting shunned by the teacher, there was no room to argue, so I just ignored the lizard who seemed to take it as his win and left with a smug look on his face.

The lecture hall slowly emptied with everyone staring daggers at me as they left.

"Screw you."

"Getting us in trouble for no reason..."

"I'll remember you."

"Her glare~ oh it was so good~"

"Watch your back, kid."

The room eventually quieted down and I put my arm around Julia who still hid behind her hands.

"I'm sorry, Julia. I didn't expect her to do that to the rest of you... Are you okay?"

"Physically yes... mentally no," she sighed, "I know what you’re trying to do, but did you really need to do something so stupid?"

"Well it worked, didn't it?"

Julia let out a light groan sigh.

“Just because it worked, it doesn’t mean that you had to do it. You made an enemy of almost the entire class! I understand taunting that guy's group, but was it necessary to provoke the rest of them?”

"... Yes."

Julia's eyes narrowed.

"Probably?" I tried again.

Her cheeks puffed out in a slight pout.

"Alright, alright," I put my hands up in surrender, "I honestly have no idea, but, I think it was a good move considering my strategy."

"It was still a dangerous move..." she mumbled.

"Aww are you worried about me?" Jacob teased.

Julia's face got a bit red and she looked away.

"I'm just saying it was a stupid thing to do..."

My god, she's adorable.

Unable to hide my smile, I reached out my hand which she gently grabbed onto while still averting her eyes.

"I'll be fine- I'm strong, remember?" I lightly joked, "Speaking of strong, you didn't even flinch when the instructor did that pressure thing!"

"... It was a lot weaker than the one she hit you with," Julia explained.

"Yet it still made one guy puke! Don't deny it- you got really strong, Julia," I refuted.

"Well... I do train with you, after all," she stated as she looked at me with an embarrassed smile. 

And there goes my heart, exploded into a million pieces from a grenade of cuteness.

"Come on, let's go train for a bit. It's time to start practicing archery!" I announced while pulling her up.

Julia's eyes lit up and she nodded her head.

After putting the still-stiff penguin under my arm, the three of us left the classroom.


While Julia and I were shooting our first arrows, the continent in my realm was on the brink of a revolution.

A chicken was wandering through the eastern cherry tree forest. Now sporting green feathers for camouflage, such a task was possible to do despite the predators that filled the area.

His trip made a sudden stop once he spotted something something.

Tucked at the base of a cherry tree was a small nest made of sticks and leaves that housed large brown eggs roughly 8 inches in height.

Surprisingly, it was a sight that this chicken had seen before.

The last time he found this sort of egg, he went over to investigate only for a predator chicken to come charging not long after.

His camouflage and quick speed helped him escape, but the memory stayed in his chicken brain.

Those predators took everything from him. They were the reason why he had to hide. They were the reason why he had to live his life in constant fear and caution. They were the reason why he wandered alone in this never-ending forest.

With burning rage, the chicken sprinted over to the nest and pecked at the eggs.

One peck. Two pecks. Three pecks. Four-


The shell of the egg cracked, and a yellowish-white goo oozed out of its side.

A sense of accomplishment washed over the chicken. He had finally gotten revenge on the ones who wronged him.

It was euphoric.

But it wasn't enough.

The chicken cracked open the remaining two eggs and quickly scattered after sensing the approach of a large creature.

He had done it. He had won!

On his way back home, he spotted another nest with large brown eggs. They were quickly destroyed.

Eventually, another chicken friend saw what he was doing and decided to join.

One by one, predator nests were wiped out in the eastern part of the continent and a few years later, the number of predators wandering around noticeably decreased.

Less predators in turn meant less risk for the normal chickens in their plot.

With their nests increasingly at risk, the predator chickens were slowly forced to retreat further and further north until they reached the mountains. This mountainous terrain was impossible for the normal chickens to traverse, making it prime real estate for their nests. Eventually, most predator chickens were either set up in the mountains or skillfully hiding their nests further south.

Their new home in the expansive mountain range gave these deadly creatures a new name that would become feared throughout the chicken world.

It was the introduction of mountain chickens onto the continent.

And mountain chickens would make sure they got vengeance for their banishment.

I WANT TO WRITE!!! IRL IS MURDERING ME RIGHT NOW T.T I HAVENT WRITTEN A PROPER CHAPTER IN WEEKS!!! This is killing me lol. Luckily I have this massive backlogue of chapters so you guys still have stuff to read. I'm doing my best lol. Thank you guys for being amazing.

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