I Signed In at Akatsuki for Ten Years and Get the Kaido Template

Chapter 96

Chapter 96

Nuclear bomb!

If you want to find the most similar thing to a nuclear bomb in the Ninja World, it must be Tailed Beast Bomb.

If the Tailed Beast Bomb released by the one to seven tailed beasts is an atomic bomb like fat people and boys!

The one that burned out all the Mangekyō pupil power of Uchiha Fugaku, fully embodied the power of Nine Tails, and the natural energy of Sage Mode… Tailed Beast Bomb, which combines the three in one, is Big Ivan!

This Tailed Beast Bomb was detonated.

The three of Uzumaki Kushina were lifted into the air several thousand meters high on the spot.

Looking down from above, apart from Uchiha Fugaku, who was already blind, the two of them also saw clearly the destructive power of the blow.

Looking down at an altitude of several kilometers, everything in the line of sight is occupied by a black and blue energy sphere.

This unbelievably large energy sphere no longer releases terrifying energy all the time, rolling up the storm that is enough to make a cloudless mile.

But Uzumaki Kushina was blown in the sky by this endless storm, and they couldn’t get to the ground at all.

“Is this… really caused by me?”

Uzumaki Kushina stared at the scene before him in shock.

Even if it was caused by her, she still felt shocked.

However, just when she thought all the dust had settled, dust covering an area of ​​more than hundreds of kilometers rose into the sky, mixing the black and blue energy balls to form a mushroom cloud blooming in the country of fire!

One blow… The Land of Fire was planted with a basin with a radius of hundreds of kilometers!

One blow… The entire land of the Fire Land Buddha was chopped in half by a giant with an axe from the middle!

One blow…Countless classics such as Konoha Forest, End of the Valley, etc. vanished.

This is not to change the topography of a village, but to rewrite the topography of a country.

Even because of the huge land area of ​​the country of fire, it can be said that it has rewritten the territory of the Ninja World.

“Is he… dead?”

Uchiha Fugaku was running out of oil and couldn’t even open his eyes.

At this moment, he was completely angry as a gossamer, stepping into the pure land of the Ninja World with one foot.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

“Go and see!”

Namikaze Minato has exhausted natural energy and has long since retired from Sage Mode.

Having lost his super perception, he has no idea what happened to Tian Yu at the nuclear explosion center.

After all, they are in the sky several kilometers above.

However, although the blow just now razed everything within sight, the Flying Thunder God wooden style was still there.

With the Flying Thunder God wooden style left in the center of the battlefield just now, he moved the three of them to the explosion center in an instant.

“At least dozens of Konohagakure can be accommodated here!”

Although when I was looking down from a high altitude just now, I already knew how much damage the Tailed Beast Bomb caused to the territory of the Land of Fire.

But when Namikaze Minato came to the scene in person, they were still shocked.

The basin in front of me is really too big.

At a glance, they must be able to accommodate dozens of Konohagakure with no problem at all.

“He should be near here!

That blow will not knock him too far, at best it will only bury him deeper! ”

Uzumaki Kushina looked around.

Although she has lost Susanoo and can no longer drive Gundam, she still maintains a completely beast-like form.

“Uzumaki Kushina, go!”

Just as she was looking for Tian Yu’s traces everywhere, in the cage of the sealed space, Nine Tails, who had been blocked by King Kong, suddenly shouted.

Always not afraid of the sky, not the earth, I’m afraid that Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara’s voices are not only rushed, but also more horrible…

“What’s wrong? Nine Tails!”

Uzumaki Kushina just asked Nine Tails in his heart. Before Nine Tails could answer, her animalized fox face has gradually been dominated by complex expressions such as sluggishness, anxiety, fear, and unbelief.

“Run if you don’t want to die!”

Nine Tails has super perception ability.

With the ability to perceive good and evil, when Namikaze Minato took Uzumaki Kushina to the center of the battlefield, he had already sensed something wrong.

However, whether it is Uzumaki Kushina or Namikaze Minato, both of them seem to have lost their souls.

He looked dumbfounded, standing in the same place absent-mindedly.

“It seems that your Nine Tails Gundam experience card has expired!”

Under the horrified and uneasy gaze of the two of them, a black dragon that was hundreds of meters long and covered in pitch black light broke out with a thud, and once again came into their sight.

“This is the defense limit of the Azure Dragon’s body!

Even without Armament Haki, I can still damage my body with its tyrannical destructive power. ”

Tian Yu was entrenched on the basin, and the scarlet dragon eyes flashed with deep thought.

Although the Nine Tails Gundam opened by Uzumaki Kushina is only an experience card, the power is indeed like a ghost.

Uchiha Madara is not destroyed.

Nine Tails Gundam indeed has the magical power to cut through all phenomena in one fell swoop.

This is the pupil power of Uchiha Fugaku!

If you change to Uchiha Madara to open Nine Tails Gundam, not only will the staying power be stronger, but the power will also be greater.

Of course, the Sage Art·Wei outfit·Tailed Beast Bomb just now doesn’t count!

The difficulty of the beast injected with natural energy is enough to forcibly shake his body of the blue dragon without Armament Haki. .

Read more @ wuxiax.com. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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