I Reincarnated into High School DxD as a Random Guy

Chapter 16

At the same time Murayama and  Katase two girls of the Keno club and our classmates approached me and said,”Akira-kun If I were you I wouldn’t associate with this perverted trio, you will get tainted by them, even if you have been a loner at least you your dignity”.


Wow, just wow, these girls never bothered to even try to talk to me before but now  when I am making friends with these people they are trying to dissuade me, do they hate them so much?


But I guess they kind of do considering the various escapades.


Matsuda, Motohama and Issei were crying  saying things, ”You are too harsh”, “My heart” etc.


I just smiled at the 2 girls and said,” It’s ok, they may be perverts but they are good guys, and just because I made friends with them I won’t be tainted, it’s not like they are carry a disease or anything, I won’t turn out like them”.


Matsuda, Motohama and Issei were touched they said while crying, ”You are true bro but we got hurt when you said you won’t turn out like us, but it’s ok at least you acknowledged us”.


I smiled at them and said,”Yes yes now please stop crying”.


Both the girls just said, ”Hmph it was our duty to warn you, you can do as you please”, and then left after turning around.


I didn’t tell you to warn me you know? I thought internally and sighed. I looked at the entire class and they all seemed to not be happy about this situation either but like I cared.


After that we our way to our seats and the class started.


By the way I was given a few manuals by Buchou , they were about how devil society worked and about how to approach clients, I read them before going to yesterday’s mission and before going to sleep last night and I also read them in my free time today in class (of course I had to cover them) when I wasn’t talking to Issei and his friends.


Well I say talk but all they talk is about porn and perverted stuff so I just listen and go along with it. Honestly you may think from outside appearance that they are bad guys but aside from the perverted stuff they aren’t that bad.


Anyway I wanted to do the reading so that I could learn things after all there are a lot of things to learn.


Anyway after school I went to the ORC, Issei went to watch porn with his friends like he said yesterday. Buchou wasn’t there apparently she had some business so I put on hold about the talk to my parents but I had to do it by today cause the club meetings are at nights and the training after today will be at night.


But Akeno-san was there. I greeted her and she took to the back of the old school building to start my training. Firstly she casted a barrier so that no one else can find us. Even though no one comes here it’s better to be careful.


Akeno said to me, “Take the magic power of the aura surrounding your body ie. your demonic power  and stream it to a focal point, for doing it easily stretch your arms and focus it to the tip of your fingers”.


I nodded and stretched hands forward and tried to concentrate my power at my fingertips by both my palms facing each other.


Akeno said,” Focus your attention and feel the surge of magic power”.


I concentrated harder and a small ball of red light formed on my arm, it was about the size of a small ball. Smaller than your average tennis or cricket ball, more like a small plastic ball kids use, I smiled happy at my result.


Akeno smiled and clapped and said,” Ara ara you seem to have more magic power than an average rook should have, there shouldn’t be any problem for you to learn magic”.


Akeno then told me about the types of elemental magic this world has, they were fire, water, ice, wind, lightning, light, darkness.


Akeno also said, While a devil can use all kinds of magic, they have an higher affinity towards a particular element which they can control than others”.


“How do I know which elemental affinity I have?”, I asked.


Akeno said, “Try casting each one time and see which one you can do more easily or for which the power is higher”.


I tried casting all the elements one by one and found that I have affinity for fire, I was both happy and a little worried, I mean fire is awesome but it will be useless against fire chicken but then I have to find another way I guess but that’s for later I thought.


Akeno also told me that I can increase my magic reserves by  training and since today it was only Akeno I tried with magic a lot.


Akeno said, “Visualization is the key to magic, visualize what you want to do with it”.


I was able to make fire arrows and flame spheres with multiple attempts but my power of magic wasn’t that big. Akeno easily burnt a tree with fire and I was only able to scorch a small brand a few leaves.


Akeno said not to worry it will get better with practice and I was doing good for a first timer, I was happy to hear that.


I told her I wanted to learn making magic circles and learn transformation magic, Akeno said it’s too early and told me to wait and practice the basic things I was taught today which I did.


Before I left for home she gave me a book which taught about various runes, she told me finish learning these runes before she can teach me about magic circles as runes are required to magic circles, it was moderately thick.  I gave her my thanks and left home.


Now the training was for 3 hours, Akeno was happy about my progress and wanted me to train more so I was a bit late to go to my house and it was already dark but not enough late that my parents will be angry, I couldn’t even meet Buchou before leaving as she wasn’t available even then, just how am I suppose to come back at late night?

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