I reincarnated as the Duke from the North.

Chapter45: the petal

Two days untill the ball


Vanessa Greystone.

Tarion is one of the funniest men I have ever known. The way he makes his boredom known as we discuss how to get stone for road works. Any show of sadness, he tried to alleviate the mood with one of his dumb jokes. His purposeful scaring of any child within a metre of him. These past days with him by my side had been heaven. Our hands held each other on any occasion, even where and when it may have seemed inappropriate for nobles of our peerage. His red eyes followed me, studying my daily life. He asked questions that delved deeper into the topics than time allowed. Hands linked, with every eye on me and him, scarlet gems never broke the gaze from me. I can’t believe I was ever worried about marrying this man.

After meeting with our Alar visitors at the dock, we rode our carriage and arrived at Oakley Street.

The door of The Petal swung open and Jen rushed to get my favourite tea as usual. The lady’s curtsies were closer to the floor as I brought a new visitor to the teashop.

“Good morning, ladies.”

My newly acquired group of haughty friends looked downright terrified. But what can you expect when you bring the tyrant of Osberg to a gathering of women?

“I would like to introduce you to someone very dear to me.”

Tarion bowed and the women of Osberg’s elite jerked in the seats. I understand them. I am still not used to courteous Tarion.

No, Caroline. Good.

“Duke Greystone of Osberg, please to make your acquaintance. I have heard a lot about you ladies, especially you, Marquess Bradshaw.”

Lady Bradsaw's plump face glowed a deep red and her loud mouth was still for a heaven-sent moment.

Lady Lea Trak was the first to come up. Curtsying in a deep blue dress, in front of her father's killer, she gave my husband a gracious smile. “It has been a while, hasn’t it, Your Grace?”

“Indeed. Still as strange as always, I see.” Tarion looked down on her with no change in his sharp face.

“We would have made an eccentric couple.”

I tapped my husband. “Couple?” I said, through grating teeth and a smile.

“The weird woman was to be set up as a potential bride, as our families are - were close. Hated her, though. Too many pranks for my liking.”

“I thought you liked them.” She jokingly wondered with a smirk.

“I would be a sadist to like fleas in my undergarments.” He turned to me and whispered. “Crazy bitch. Be careful. “

I couldn't stop my chuckle. Lady spoke in the middle of my laughing fit. “Your Graces, it is wonderful weather outside; why don't we have to leave for the tables outside?”

Tarion shrugged. I replied, saying, “That's a great idea. Kurt, please tell Jen where we have gone.” A salute and the bodyguard left.

“Ooh, we can get the servants to bring the tea there!” Bradshaw said.

“No.” Lady Trak’s voice was stern. “Just us.”

“One minute. I must say something to the women of the court.” The teashop went silent by the end of his sentence.

“I would like to give my utmost gratitude to you all for making my wife feel welcomed in this city and for that I am grateful. If only the men in your lives had the same…courage.”

The teashop was so quiet, I could hear my heartbeat.

“Staying put in their country manors, what are they afraid of? That I would kill them as I did Milady's father?”

No answers from the frightened noble ladies.

“No, no, no. It is not fear, I think. Maybe arrogance. Unheard confidence. Because if they really thought I was the tyrant of rumours,” Tarion flicked the hilt of his magnificent blade on his back. “They would be more worried about her wife's lives.”

Fear washed over the crowd. A young lady fainted in the corner.

“My wife has sent you invitations to the ball and I expect your husband's brothers and fathers to be there. I hope they understand, I can only be so patient. Trak, lead us outside.”

“Yes, just through that door, Your Grace.”

I looked at the frozen crowd while we left and they were scared, as Tarion said they would be. I didn't know what he meant by ‘his madman reputation would be put to good use’. But seeing their faces made me understand why he uses it.


A door in the back led into an open garden area where shop workers set up a white table and three white flower-carved chairs on the grass. I watched how Lady Trak sat down on her seat with elegance, her considerate smile that could be hiding thousands of thoughts. I sat down while Jen put my tea in front of me and Tarion fell on his chair with no grace. He looked around, interested in the pink and white flowers arranged around us.

“Done well for yourself. How did you start this place under his nose?” Tarion enquired.

I thought I saw a chink in the intelligent lady's armour.

“Give or take five years ago. The owner was old and needed to retire. I need a place to hear rumours.”

“Mmm.” Tarion crossed his arms, hinting he was bored once again.

“Thank you for the invitation. I've always desired to be companions since the last time we talked.”

“And I, you, Your Grace.”

I sipped my tea. “But there are many who are your friends. What do you need from your Duchess?”

Lady Trak fiddled with her gloved hands. “I want…I need to be the Count.”

Tarion leaned in without saying a word.

I drink my calming tea, placing it on the coaster as my mind churns. “That is something only my husband can conceivably provide. But I must ask. Why?”

Drinking her tea, Trak sighed, preparing herself.

“My father is dead. My mother went mad, grieving for a serial adulterer. My brother…he is too young. I need to take over. Steer the ship right, no matter how tainted the Trak name is.”

I looked over to my husband, he nodded and we went through with my plan.

“You're friendly with my sister, isn't that right?”

“Ah, yes…”

“No, no. I am not upset. No, we are glad.”

Lea turned her head in confusion.

“Keep being friends. More than friends. She needs guidance and you are smart enough to point her in the right direction. She will be leaving soon, back to Hamber. Perhaps you could join her as well.”

Gloved hands held her chin as Lady Trak thought. “How will I get word to you?”

Tarion answered, “One of my people will apply for a job under you.”

“Your Ravens, I presume.”

Tarion smiled and leaned back into his chair.

“And my brother?”

“Safe and well taken care of.”

A sigh of relief from the noble lady and I could see the weight fall off her shoulders.

“Countess Trak,” Tarion ordered. “Your mission is to watch over Caroline Hodge, infiltrate the Grandi company and send any information that may be of help to us. Do you accept this order?”

Hand on chest, the countess’s smile beamed. “Yes, Your Grace!”



Holding hands as we walked down Oakley, my husband's hands gripped me tight. “I'm sad.”

“Umm? What about dear?”

Tarion looked down with puppy dog eyes. “I thought you would be more jealous.”

“I was.”

I saw his ears perk up. “Jealous of her dress. Did you see how the seams were tailored? Exquisite!”

“Ha. Ha. Ha. Very hilarious-” Tarion paused. I looked at Tarion and the normally aloof man was aghast.

I followed his eyes and found that he was staring at a priest, dressed in a long gold and white cassock. Hair like wheat, he looked much closer to our age than any priest I have ever seen.

“Your Graces! I have been lost for a while in this large city. Mind if I borrow a ride in your carriage?”

Later in the evening.


Tarion Greystone

I sat on my office chair, twirling a quill around my fingers and staring daggers at the boyishly handsome man. “Why no word of your arrival, Cardinal?”

“Wanted to see the sights. Beautiful city you run.” the cardinal crossed his legs.

“Thank you. My wife does her best.”

“She does…” As polite as he was in the manhwa, a good friend to my wife and someone who helped her with her powers, his kind smile irked me. As the third love interest, Samuel was a flirty bastard. Celibate my ass. The motherfucker had probably slept with half of the red-light district by now.

“We in the capital have heard of your circumstances.”

“Me killing the count?” I said, knowing they couldn't do anything about it.

“Yes, that has been on our minds, as we were worried that you would not abide by the taxes set.”

“Mines are up, running, and well protected. You will get your minerals soon enough.”

“I see. Very well, Your Grace. We have also heard about a priest under your arrest.”

“A corrupt fool who was caught selling holy water to criminals.”

“Is that true…!?”

“He is underground in the holding; you can ask him there. It would help if you gave me a replacement. Mouve cathedral can't be empty for too long.”

“I will procure one. As an apology.”


After several moments of silence in my office, the cardinal spoke up with a high-brow city accent

“About the issue, you have been pressing us about~” I sat up straight, dropping the quill as I waited for his answer.

“The king's orders are resolute. The annulment is refused. The marriage will go on.”

I jumped up from my seat. I walked to face the bookcase to hide my smile.

“Fuck sake... Then a maid will escort you to your room.” Far away from the duchess's.

“Yes, Your Grace.” I heard a chair creak behind me. “Many blessings and may you keep her safe.”

The door closed and I ran with joy to my desk. I pulled the right drawer out, pushing papers and my pocket watch aside and I found my father's and mother's keepsakes. Two rune-engraved gold rings jingle in my hand.

I will give her the ceremony she deserves.

Two days until the ball.

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