I Reincarnated as A Little Girl?!

Chapter 86 – End of persecution?

In a few seconds, he was already very close, and I, who had previously kept the rabbits, was standing still waiting for him to arrive. I know it's not a good idea to do that because I could take it by surprise, but I think it will be cooler that way.

I like adrenaline since I arrived in this world my best moments come when my adrenaline is high. If I went to him and caught him by surprise, I could kill him without him even realizing it, and It wouldn't be fun to do that.

I think I can kill him with a sighting bullet if he is distracted and doesn't have any protection activated, the only problem is the protection he used just like the last time he stopped my wind bullet.

Good thing, I created a barrier much higher than his. Speaking of that, it is better to leave it activated if he arrives attacking me. I will not suffer any damage.

I can react to his speed, but I don't think it's a good idea to be without a barrier, I can be very confident, and he can use a different plan, and I could end up hurting myself if he can hurt me.

He can't hurt me, but he can tear my entire dress, the barrier is a good idea.

I kept looking at the man with a drone until the countdown started for her to reach me, I even knew how long it would take him to get here, to have fun, I started counting.

Three ~~
Two ~~
One ~~

"Hello." I waved my hand at the man to make him stop running immediately.

I thought he was going to attack me when he arrived, but I think that was not his plan, maybe he wanted to capture me and his plan didn't work out? He's very stupid since even if I didn't have the search magic, I would hear him when he was approaching.

He didn't care about the noise as he ran, so I could hear a very loud noise of leaves being stepped on and his steps, but what an idiotic face.

The man didn't know what to do at that moment since he thought he would take me by surprise, I don't even know his name actually, so for me, he is just a 'man' who works for the queen, a man who still doesn't know his identity.

Maybe it's a good idea to find out his identity now? I'll kill him anyway, and I don't think it will make a difference.


It was funny that the man didn't know what to do at that moment, I couldn't see his face, but I could feel that he was frustrated with this whole situation, a man losing to a child, I can imagine that.

"You showed up again, how are you?" I tried to mock him a little to make him angry, but it was not working; maybe he is not like before? It changed very quickly.

"Can you go back to the castle with me?" The man said in a strong voice.

Wait, is he kidding me? Isn't he trying to capture me? He went crazy for good.

"Ara Ara, why would I go back with you?" I asked in doubt.

"I have a proposal for you, you better think about it." He looked quite dangerous, but what kind of proposal would he have for me? It doesn't make any sense for the person who was trying to kill me to make me a plan right now.

"What kind of proposal is that?" I was sure I wouldn't accept it, but I decided to ask to know what it was, I don't think there is a problem with that.

"If you go back to the castle with me, I can help you take the queen's place. It's a good proposition, don't you think?" He was shaking, is he afraid of something?

I think I can imagine what is happening here since I destroyed part of the castle and he let me escape; I think the queen will punish him if he doesn't take it back, right? This is very obvious.

He knows he can't beat me and is now asking for my help to steal the queen's place? Is he stupid? Since when did I show interest in becoming queen? I am relieved to have no responsibilities like this and to be able to travel around whenever I want, and also live as I want.

I wouldn't change that just to become a queen and gain social status, that would be stupid of me. I also can't manage an entire country, and I don't have enough knowledge for that.

"I know it's hard to choose; I'll be at the guild's door in 3 days to hear your answer, okay?" He didn't even wait for me to answer and started running away.

That was a proposal from a desperate person, that was funny, is he so desperate not to be punished to the point of thinking about stealing the queen's place? He's crazy, and that leaves me with a taste of happiness.

Is the person who tried to kill me now looking for my help? This is wonderful, and I don't know why I feel all this happiness.

Well, anyway, I will refuse his proposal, if he had let me speak my answer he would not have kept his hopes up, he is very impatient, now I will have to find him in 3 days.

I might as well not go and talk to him, and ignore him, but I don't think that's a good idea, I think it would be very cruel of me to leave him without an answer.

I think it's better to finish hunting these rabbits soon, and I had a lot of fun for today. I believe this mission will complete my activity for today. I hope I made even more money than wolves.

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