I Really Want To Go Against The Sky

Vol 3 Chapter 525: It’s really no better than not knowing, 1 is better than death!


The three flames of space that they were in before were actually the three yak cows?

The so-called emperor's chance is actually the evolution of a beast of a beast!

Really, it’s wonderful!

Yang Fan couldn't help but threw a mid-level identification to the demon nucleus:

Item Name: Sancha Flame Space

Category: inheritance secret treasure

Grade: SSS

Attribute: Fire

Skills: Three Flames

Features: self-contained space, automatic charging

Remarks: Standing on the vent, even a roast suckling pig can fly! That's right, this is the vent!

Pass on the secret treasure!

And still a super super secret of the three S level!


Yang Fan’s heart is full of excitement. The power of the rules that they have learned before is counted as a hair. Is this demon nucleus a true peerless opportunity?


The sound of the three yak lying on the ground was directly weathered and collapsed without any warning. The sound of the sound was the sound of countless dust when it landed.

"What's the matter with this?" Tian did not find the corpse of the beast recently. He first noticed the abnormality of the corpse. He looked at the fly ash in front of him with amazement. He said: "How can this cow demon be good?" Self-defeating?"

The rest of the people are also amazed, but they are not concerned about the fly ash, but whether there are other abnormalities around, whether there are other opportunities.

Yang Fan touched his chin quietly.

I glanced at the fly ash that had dissipated in the air, and my heart moved.

Obviously, without the suppression of the three flames of space, the force of the fire system that has been hidden in the flesh and blood of the three yak is instantly detonated and spontaneously burned, and the body of the three yak is directly burned to ashes.

"The power of a strong fire system rule!" Wang Zhe suddenly sighed softly: "This cow gives people a good feeling, but it is so dead."

Yang Fan brows a pick, quite surprised to see Wang Zhe's cousin.

It is possible to have such a feeling. It seems that Wang Zhe’s cousin should absorb the refinement of the rules of the fire system in the Sanli Flame Space.

After Yang Fan himself got the flames of the three yak, he was able to actually sense the power of the rules in the three yak, and he realized that the stock was intimate and intimate.

Yang Fan looked around at everyone. Among the nine people, except Wang Zhe, it seems that only Tian did not seem to feel it. However, his feelings are far less strong than Wang Zhe.

"Cousin, just in the flame space, how many fire rules do you absorb?"

Yang Fan couldn't help but whispered to Wang Zhe.

Wang Zhe is a little embarrassed: "There is not much, cousin, you know, my brother's repair is the lowest, the savvy is like that, just spent the old nose in the flames, only absorbed more than a thousand fires. The power of the rules is definitely far worse than the geniuses of you!"

Wang Zhe is a little inferior.

The surrounding ones are all kings. He is a small master-level warrior. It is really a bit of a table.


"More than a thousand wires?!"

"The trough!"

"What a joke?!"

Brush it!

Everyone turned around and turned to Wang Zhe's point of view. The private conversation between the two brothers, who originally belonged to them, attracted everyone's spit and attention.

Yang Fan was also shocked by Wang Zhe's words. The first reaction was, when did Wang Zhe's cousin actually learn to brag?

Still more than a thousand silk?

What has just been the power of the rules of the fire system in the entire three flames of space? In total, it has only been more than a thousand. Is it all absorbed by the cousin?

However, after seeing Wang Zhe’s face with a serious and affirmative look, Yang Fan was instantly forced.

Isn’t Wang Zhe’s cousin not bragging, but is he really so powerful in capturing the power of more than a thousand threads of inflammation?

This seems to be a little unlikely?

"Cousin, how did you do it?" Yang Fan couldn't help but ask the voices of everyone around him.

Wang Zhe also felt that something seemed wrong. He looked at the nine pairs of hot eyes that were staring at him. He said, "I just practiced for a while as usual. The power of the rules of the fire system is going to me." Drilling in the body, drilling more than a thousand wires."

"What, don't you all be like this?"

One sentence is not everyone's like this, directly asking the people around us to feel inferior.

Everyone looked at Wang Zhe’s face with a serious face, and suddenly wanted to reach out and slap a few slaps. He said, “Let you force it! Let you force it!”

Yang Fanba slammed his mouth, if the cousin was really deliberately forced to force, then this forced, Yang Fan can give one hundred and twenty.

However, with Yang Fan’s understanding of Wang Zhe, this should not be an attempt to force the facts.

It is only the total amount of force that he absorbs the rules of the fire system that has been refining, far beyond the hardships of Tian, ​​and they give a feeling of deliberately trying to force a face.

"The old man doesn't know what other people are like. Anyway, the old man has suffered for more than ten hours in the flame space. He has only captured the power of more than 300 rules. The understanding of the fire rules has only reached about 20%. ""

Tian did not look at Wang Zhe indignantly, and his voice was faint.

Now he began to understand that the concentration of the force of the fire system in the Mao Flames space will drop so fast.

Originally, he thought that it was because the talents of Ji Yun were the big ones. Now it seems that the most inconspicuous little cousin in this team has secretly grabbed the limelight of everyone.

It’s no wonder that Ji Yun’s performance will be so angry after he came out. Whoever puts this kind of thing on his head is not happy.

Fu Zhengqing also faintly reported: "The old husband is two hundred and twenty-one."

Qu Hongde: "The old man is two hundred and seventy."

Zhu Huanan: "One hundred and twenty-six."


Everyone began to report in unison, and when they turned to Cui Hao and Ren Qingzhi, they could not help but struggle.

It’s really no better than not knowing, I want to die!

It turns out that everyone is really arrogant, only two of them are really hard.

Among the ten people, except for Yang Fan, the lowest one has a hundred and a half. Only two of them have not even broken through the double digits.

A six, a nine, really a pair of brothers and brothers.

Therefore, both of them are holding their mouths, and the death does not tell the true number of their refining rules, and they can't afford to lose that person.

Wang Zhe was forced to look at everyone in front of him: "How come, are you kidding? The power of the rules is so easy to capture, how can you not catch it?"

Wang Zhe did not understand.

He just said that he is very hard to practice. In fact, he is just a slogan, so as to avoid telling the truth, everyone will think that he is not enterprising.

In fact, in the first few hours of the Three Flames space, he has been sleeping and boring in a very boring manner. He didn’t use any force at all. The power of the rules did not cost him hard to drill in his body. Can't stop it.

So this gave him the illusion that the power of the rules of the fire system is not difficult to capture, and it does not seem to take much effort to comprehend.

But now.

Hearing the data of Tian Buer and Fu Zhengqing and their self-defense, the progress of the cultivation was slow and a little pitiful. Wang Zhe finally realized that he might have been really awkward.

Tian Buqiang resisted the urge to slap a slap in front of the dead eye, and asked a bit gnashingly: "So, how did you do it? Normal people can't be so fast!"

"Of course this girl is helping!"

At this time, Yuan Ling suddenly flew out of Wang Zhe’s knowledge of the sea, and cheerfully circled Wang Zhe’s handsome face, and finally fell between Wang Zhe’s hairs, and glanced at Tian’s eyes. There are also Fu Zhengqing, they are crisp:

"With this girl, even if the owner is lying still, he can quickly understand the power of the rules of the fire system!"

As said, Yuan Ling’s small hand stretched out, and even directly in the ash of the corpse of the three yak corpses, the power of the rules of the fire system was extracted in public, and the hand was inserted into the sea of ​​Wang Zhe’s knowledge.

"See it? It's like this!"

Yuan Ling made a snap and was very proud.

"It turned out to be a land elf!"

Tian is not worthy of being the king-level peak of the big family. He even recognized the identity of the Yuanling at a glance. The two old eyes were round and awkward, and they looked at the Yuanling who was squatting at the top of Wang Zhe.

"However, this is unlikely?" Tian did not quickly doubt his suspicion, and sighed: "The creature of heaven and earth, isn't it the favorite to accept the contract with the spirit or the spiritual master? This king Zhe is a natural qi and blood martial artist. How can you recognize him as the Lord?"

Even Tian Tianyao, who was the first day of their Tian family, still has no elves to accompany him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This Wang Zhe is He De He could, can he get the favor of a land elf?

It’s just that there is no reason, there is wood?

Hearing the field and asking the question, Yang Fan’s mouth could not help but he believed that the answer to this question would not be known to Tian.

Sure enough.

The voice of Tian Buji fell, and the scene in the mysterious heritage of the illusionist was repeated again.

"The host is so handsome, so handsome that people can't refuse it!"

Said, the little girl came to Wang Zhe's cheek, then took a sip, kissed him, and looked satisfied.

Then, the little girl shook her head again, proudly and arrogantly glaring at Tian Bu and Fu Zhengqing and other people, and said with a polite voice:

"This girl is naturally beautiful, refuses to be friends with all ugly, hehe!"

After that, people twisted their small buttocks, holding a beautiful posture and drilling back into the hair of Wang Zhe, not willing to take care of these people.

Tian's old face is black and can't help but want to beat people.

The faces of other people are the same, and they become very unsightly.

The ugly force of these two words is too great, even though they are some of the strongest defenses.

Many people have unconsciously touched their cheeks. Although they are actually inferior to Wang Zhe's face value, how can they not talk to the word "ugly"?

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