I Really Want To Go Against The Sky

Vol 3 Chapter 472: The first show in the field of Star Power!

In any game team match, treatment is indispensable, especially in this unique rule of martial arts, the role of treatment is particularly prominent.

and so.

Tian Buji feels that he is very sad now.

Unexpectedly, he provoked the only one of the team's nurses to be unhappy, and even remembered to keep reading in small books.

He feels that his next adventure in the secret world will be extremely difficult.

No, even if it is the front of the eyes, he may not be able to pass.

Yang Fan's treatment always falls on him at the latest, and it is still a version after cutting corners, so that his injury is always in this semi-dead state.

If this continues, he will be cold sooner or later.

Tian is not afraid of the equipment, careful.

Opposite the strength of these seven-level demon kings, each of them almost reached the position of the half-step king, stronger than a little bit, if he is the king of the world, the experience of the battle is rich, the key moments know how to choose, can Injury is changed, otherwise he will have finished playing before Yang Fan shot.

Now, with the blessing in the anti-gravity field, he temporarily got rid of the suppression of a hundred times of gravity, and his strength has improved to a certain extent, and he can barely tie with these demon kings.

Even so, the small injuries on the body are still continually vomiting blood, and the arm will open a hole for a while, although it is harmless, but it hurts!

"Yang Fan, your uncle! You are a communion!"

Tian did not scream in his heart.

However, the face did not dare to show a half dissatisfaction, I was afraid that Yang Fan, who was hidden in the dark, saw it and then intensified.

"Hey, four elders, do you think that the strength of these demon kings has dropped a lot?"

Tian Feiyao’s mouth is full of laughter, and the soft voice continues to stimulate this little old man.

"Do you say that my master has increased the gravity of these demon kings and weakened their overall strength? It feels a lot easier now!"

Tian Feiyao, who is also proficient in the field of gravity, is very clear about the mysterious application of gravity. At a glance, he sees the anomalies of the demon kings.

Although their physical strength has increased tremendously, the overall strength and the speed of moving shots are rapidly declining. Between the one plus one minus the original, the fiercely incomparable seven-level demon kings seem to be not so terrible.

Tian did not say a word at the corner of his mouth. "Yes... yes, I think so."

It’s a ghost!

For Mao, the husband did not feel the decline of the strength of these demon kings at all, but felt that they seemed to become more powerful? !

Treat it differently! This is!

It is said that Fu Zhengqing and Qu Hongde clearly understand that their strength is not as good as him. The experience is not as good as him. As a result, only seven of his seven people are constantly wounded and bleeding, and they are not treated in time.

This day, I can't live!

Tian did not help but want to smoke himself a big mouth, this special case is called out of the mouth, as early as this, he is dying, and will not openly say that Yang Fan is a bad word.

People who are careful, can't afford to offend!

Seeing that Tian is not stunned, tangled, and annoyed, Tian Feiyao secretly snickered and was in a very beautiful mood.

Hey, have you dared to wear small shoes with this lady before?

Hey, telling you to dare to slap on this lady, but also look down on the master of this lady?

Deserve it!

Tian Feiyao smiled triumphantly and pitted her four elders. She didn't have any psychological burden. Anyway, she couldn't die anymore.

It’s just black!

Yang Fan’s gaze was also swept from time to time on the body of Tian Bu, and whenever he saw that Tian Bu is not going to hold on, he could fill in an intermediate treatment at any time.

Although this old man is abhorrent, but after all, it is the elders of Feiyao Shantou. It is enough to apply a little punishment. It is a bit too much to die.

"You have been attacked by the spirits of the Black Dragons in the six kingdoms (incomplete) of the Beastmaster, and your heart has touched. The understanding of the field of star power is further deepened, the skill proficiency is +400, and the scope of the Starpower field is +1."

"You have been attacked by the spirits of the Black Dragons in the six kingdoms (incomplete) of the Beastmaster, and your heart has touched. The understanding of the field of star power is further deepened, the skill proficiency is +400, and the scope of the Starpower field is +1."


Experience continues to fly.

Yang Fan is a cool one.

However, the opposite black dragon is beginning to be violent, because it has never found the guy who hides in the dark and the black hand, its love black sister is still banned, and its demon king strength has not reached the expected improvement effect. .

All of this is the ghost of the **** guy who hides in the dark and dare not show up!

After the expansion of Yang Fan's gravity field, it collided with the black dragon's star power field. The black dragon is naturally not inductive, but even so, it has no way to take Yang Fan's gravity field.

Originally, even if there were overlapping and overlapping between different fields, it would rarely happen as if they were in front of each other.

The normal state should be that the strong wins and the weak ones retreat. It is like the relationship between oil and water. Even after a short break, they will quickly separate and separate.

Therefore, many warriors will use the field of will to resist the spiritual field exerted by the spiritual minds. Even if the field of will is completely covered by the spiritual realm, the martial arts can move freely in the field of their own will, without being in the spiritual realm. Erosion.

But now.

Yang Fan’s gravity field and the black dragon’s star power field do not show the kind of ambiguous repulsive state, but interact and blend with each other.

The black dragon can clearly feel that the gravity field can easily find the weakness of the star power field, and it can always be easily inserted into its star power field.

It seems to be in harmony with each other.

"This is not normal!"

The black dragon's brows are quickly wrinkled into a Sichuan word, and they are puzzling.

"For Mao's gravity field can be inserted into the king's star power field, but the king's star power field can not be reversed into his gravity field? There is no reason, is this king's star power field mother, **** discrimination? ”

The thoughts of the black dragon have obviously gone wrong, and I can’t figure it out.

The field of star power seems to be completely infiltrated, and it does not play the powerful power it should have.


"A despicable little reptile, if you have a species, stand up and make a decision with the king!"

The black dragon's gods are heard in every corner of the square, and everyone can hear its arrogant voice.

Yang Fan pouted.

The word "male and female" is used well.

I didn’t expect these savage beasts living in the martial arts secrets to be quite vocal, very imagery, and very appropriate.


It is impossible to go out, at least not yet.

Yang Fan then glanced at Zhu Huanan and found that the South China Master was smoked and his face was almost green. Only then did he notice that the female orangutan seemed to have a black tone in the mouth, and the taste was afraid of being poisonous.

Yang Fan took a nap and couldn't think.

"Intermediate treatment!"

"Star Force Field!"

When the mind is moving, an intermediate treatment is applied to Zhu Huanan's body, so that the injury and poison in his body are instantly restored, and the consciousness is instantly awake.

Later, Yang Fan quietly displayed the field of star power that he had just realized. The scope of the field has just reached 50 meters, just enough to get the area where Zhu Huanan is located.

"You have used intermediate therapy for the first-class Wuwang (restricted) Zhu Huanan. The treatment is successful. The injury on Zhu Huanan is completely improved, the vitality is fully restored, the mental strength is +2, the spiritual will is +2, and the skill proficiency is +4."

"You have used the Star Force field for the first-class Wuwang (restricted) Zhu Huanan. The field coverage is successful. Zhu Huanan's body is strengthened by the endless star power, and the power is doubled. Spiritual power +1, spiritual will +1, skill proficiency Degree +2."


Yang Fanjian's eyebrows are slightly raised, and his mouth is smirking.

Although the doubled power increase is far less than his psychological expectation, it is enough for Zhu Huanan, the first-class martial artist.

The physical strength of the king's powerhouse is powerful and unmatched, and the power increase of double is placed on the body of the South China Master. It is almost the limit of 20,000 to 30,000 kilograms. It must not be underestimated.

If it is a little stronger, Yang Fan is worried about whether he will explode his body.

"Well? What happened?"

The black dragon squinted at the black girl's body with a puzzled look. It seemed to feel a slight anomaly, but what was abnormal, it was a bit unspeakable.

Yang Fan's star power field is homologous to it, and now it is only proficient in the realm, hiding within its domain, the Black Dragon is hard to find.

more importantly.

After being strengthened in the field of star power, Zhu Huanan did not have the same shape as the black girl and the seven-level demon king.

There is not much change in his appearance, but the muscles on his body are more solid and hard, and the color of the skin has undergone some changes. The golden mans are looming, the spirit is restrained, and if you don't look carefully, you can't find any abnormality.

Yang Fan’s eyes are slightly stunned.

Is it because the human body is different from the meridian structure of the demon and the beast?

Or say ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In fact, the human body structure is the best receptor to accept this increase in star power?

Anyway, this is a good piece of good news.

Before Yang Fan was still worried, if the old principal of South China is like the seven-level demon king, his body shape is skyrocketing, and his clothes are directly violent, leaving only a small underwear to be shy, will it be less elegant? .

Now, all the problems are solved.

The body shape is unchanged, the clothes are not broken, there is no risk of any exposure, perfect!

Next, he can safely use the field of star power in the two female apprentices Tian Feiyao and Sha Qingsi.

Unconsciously, the old principal of South China has also become the experimental object of Yang Fan’s hands, contributing to the first real data of physical application for Yang Fan’s new understanding of the Star Force field.

Well, it’s a must, it’s worth remembering.

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