I Really Want To Go Against The Sky

Vol 3 Chapter 440: Yang Fan fishing, Cui Zhou into the 瓮!

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Said the Buddha.

There is a world in the world, and everyone has a demon in their hearts.

Only those who have compassion and good thoughts can suppress control at all times and prevent this demon from waking up and hurting people.

For this sentence, Yang Fan has always been deeply convinced.

Therefore, when he saw Cui Hao until he encountered an inevitable crisis of life and death, he released under his guidance the demon evil thoughts hidden in his heart that he had been suppressed for for a long time. He felt that there is still a trace in Cui Hao’s heart. If you are kind, you want to keep him a life.

"I really is a good person, and never kills!"

Yang Fan’s eyes did not look at Cui Hao’s slap in the face of Cui Li and Cui Zheng in front of him, and there was no wave in his heart. He still flaunted the positive attribute of being a good person.

"You lie, the social ability has been improved a bit, the flexibility of the mouth is strengthened, and the tongue is +1."

The system habitually came out to face, Yang Fan only did not hear.

After killing Cui Li and Cui Zheng, Cui Hao is like completely liberating his own nature. His murderous eyes are overflowing and his anger rises and rises into the sky.



Cui Hao is like crazy. He keeps swaying and slamming the murder of Cui Zhou, who is placed next to him. After a while, he will shoot the body of Cui Zhou’s half-man and half demon.

Even if it was crazy, Cui Hao did not dare to be too close to the corpse. After a distance of more than ten meters, relying on the overflowing palm and suffocation, the body was torn and smashed a little bit, and the piece was not left.

In the bottom of my heart, in the subconscious, Cui Zhou’s remnant, which may be resurrected at any time, is the source of the greatest threat to him. He was completely relaxed until he could smash the corpse into a meat and never see the human form again.

"Everyone has to die!"

"Only the dead can keep a secret!"

Cui Hao, who had a long sigh of relief, did not calm down. His eyes circulated and looked directly at all the living people around him. Even the first one stared at Yang Fan.

Yang Fan’s face is black.


Ming Ming’s nearest to Cui Hao is Tian Feiyao and Cui Yuan. They will take the lead in targeting Mao’s body for Mao Cuihao’s goal. Is it that Yang’s best bully?

Wang Zhe apparently also noticed that Cui Hao’s gaze pointed out that he did not hesitate and directly lifted his foot in front of Yang Fan’s body.

The action of the big dog licking the body of the Beastmaster was a little bit, and he turned his head and looked at Cui Hao. Then he swayed his tail and continued to bow his head, and did not see anything.

This stupid human being, who still wants to attack the owner of the sand sculpture, is simply looking for his own death!

Tian Feiyao is also paying attention to the situation here. Seeing that Cui Hao suddenly went crazy, he not only dazzled and killed four Cui masters around him, but even gave them the resurrection of Cui Zhou’s corpse. It was made into a mushy mud, and there was a huge shock in my heart. I felt that this cockroach was too kind.

As a family member, it is most clear that the rules of the family, even if she is Tian Feiyao, in the face of all kinds of injustices and restrictions in the family, I only dare to make a little temper, send a temper, really want Said to kill traitors and the like, but I can't even think about it.

And Cui Hao, not only thought about it, but also did it.

Not only did it, but it was done so thoroughly, and did not reserve half a share for itself.

It’s crazy!

"Is it because Yang Fan is sneaking in the dark?"

Seeing Cui Hao’s cultivation seems to have improved a lot in an instant, obviously the most weak master of the entire Cui family, but now he has violently bombarded everyone with his powerful people. Meat paste.

In addition to Yang Fan's gravity field, Tian Feiyao can't think of anyone who can have such magical means.

"This little master is really a little scary!"

"Playing with people's hearts, arbitrarily arrogating, and squeaking a soft egg of a solid noodle to such a violent, savage, murderous and unobtrusive, is simply a living little demon!"

Tian Feiyao gave birth to a hint of jealousy and jealousy.

After seeing Cui Hao killing all the people around him, he even turned his eyes to Yang Fan and couldn’t help but sigh.

This guy, even if it is crazy, is violent, and it is as stupid as before.

You said that there are so many people present, who do you want to kill, why do you want to aim at Yang Fan as the initiator?

It’s just looking for death on your own!


Tian Feiyao took out a wind blade and directly cut off the head of the last helper around Cui Yuan.

Cui Yuan suddenly stunned and jumped, knowing that this time their Cui family was kicked into the iron plate. Before you start to do it, who can think of the small, delicate and tender chicks in front of their strengths?

How long has it been, how long is there in a minute?

The four tribes are all dead, even his own is at stake, it is simply the whole army!

It made him feel incredible and even desperate. Behind him, Cui Li, who was responsible for guarding Cui Hao and ensuring the resurrection of the two elders, was also said to be Cui Hao in this short one minute. The corpse of the two elders was also smashed into meat.

Adding to the snow!

The only refuge and hope were completely shattered, and Cui Yuan’s heart was in ruin.

Until now, he still has some wonders, why do you have a good show of good fights, but they are sung by them to become such a ghost?

"Okay, it's almost over!"

Yang Fan waved his hand and directly launched the field of Chi Yan. Several corpses behind Cui Hao and the remains of Cui Zhou, who were still smashed into flesh but still divine, were burned. ash.


"Yang Fan! Why do you want to do this, we have no complaints, no hatred in recent days, why must we kill them?"

"How did you find out that the old man's body is not dead, how did you find the old man's spiritual source? You will also be **** and succeeding, right? Right?!"

"Why don't you talk, **** soul! Who are you, why should you go with the old man?!"

Among the red flames, a residual image is constantly struggling in the flesh of burning, which is the last kind of knowledge that Cui Zhou lurks in the flesh and blood.

If it wasn't for the red flame that Yang Fan finally released, who would have thought that even if Cui Hao was bombarded with meat, Cui Zhou would still be ignorant, as long as he found the opportunity and met the right host, he would be able to resurrect immediately. Heavy work.

After hearing the last tragic sorrow of Cui Zhou, Cui Hao, who was strolling toward Yang Fan, trembled, and the urine in the lower abdomen rose.

It was hard to wake up and release the evil thoughts and killings, and they were all scared and retracted into the depths of his spirit.

The previous arrogance and arbitrariness ceased to exist, and Cui Hao once again became a slap in the face.

He looked back in horror, watching Cui Zhou, who was struggling in the fire, and the body of the four people who were about to be burnt into the coke Cui Li. They sat down on the ground and couldn’t believe that everything was from him. Handwriting.

He not only killed Cui Li them, but even broke the ancestors' corpses. What is even more frightening is that they have been beaten into meat, and the old things have not yet died!

What a terrible thing!

If his ancestors are not dead, he will be hard to live! When Cui Zhou was resurrected, he would definitely marry him for the first time. Cui Hao was on the ground, tired and tired, and shivered. The horror impression that Cui Zhou had left in his heart scared him to urinate. There is a little bit of resistance.

"Yes, it should be over!"

Tian Feiyao was also shocked by the remnant of Cui Zhou in Huo Ying. He saw that Cui Yuan’s eyes were bright in front of him. He even wanted to fly into the fire and actively jumped into the red flame field of Yang Fan to meet with Cui Zhou.

Tian Feiyao shook his head and sighed. These people are really dead and repentant. Even at the end of the day, they are still reluctant to give up the plan to resurrect Cui Zhou.

It’s all crazy!

"Mental imprisonment!"

"spiritual spurs!"

When the mind was moved, Cui Yuan’s body suddenly slammed into a straight, straight and solidified in the air, and could not move.

At the same time, a spiritual thorn directly penetrates his spirit and knows the sea. It is like a sharp arrow, and goes straight to his spiritual origin. Before Cui Yuan’s knowledge has not yet reacted, he has already smashed its soul and defeated it. The sea space is also in a moment of darkness.

In the stiff, Cui Yuan’s body was uncontrollably twitching, his eyes were dull, his mouth, his nostrils, his eyes and his ears were all with some blood flowing out.

When Tian Feiyao’s spiritual strength was received, Cui Yuan would fall straight without control, and his breath disappeared without a trace.

This is Tian Feiyao, the true power of a spiritual spirit.

While Yang Fan was maintaining the field of Chi Yan, he couldn’t help but look at Tian Feiyao’s side. This chick, there is also a powerful card that will kill the Guru’s peak.

None of these king-level powerhouses are fuel-efficient lamps.

Yang Fan walked up and walked around Wang Zhe. After Cui Hao, in the stunned eyes of several people in Tian Feiyao, he slowly walked toward Cui Zhou, who was struggling in the fire, quietly watching his painful expression.

"Until now, you still don't know why you lose?" Yang Fan quietly stared at him, whispered: "It doesn't matter, I am a good person, and will never let you die."

"Actually, from the very beginning, I have already noticed your existence. The reason why I deliberately keep the bear and do not kill is to use it to contain you, lest you really be counted by the guys who want to be fishermen. ""

Yang Fan is like a gossip with Cui Zhou, slowly telling the cause and effect of the matter: "I didn't expect that you couldn't stand the loneliness. When we saw that we had to take out the demon nucleus, we jumped out in a foolish manner."

"When you know that you are fighting with Xiong Kaishan, why does Xiong Kaishan suddenly increase its strength? Yes, it is me, using the gravity field to help it offset the gravity pressure on the body, let him in the blink of an eye Have the strength to compete with you."

"Do you know why Tian Feiyao will shoot when you are about to resurrect? Yes, it is me, let her cut off the vitality of Xiong Kaishan in time, and break your path of resurrection."

"Do you know why Cui Hao will be a big fan of power, killing his companions around him, breaking up your remaining flesh and blood, and death is not willing to help you resurrect? Yes, it is me..."

Yang Fan proudly told Cui Zhou little by little about his great achievements~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Looking at Cui Zhou’s struggle in despair, he lost his mind little by little, constantly yelling at him, Roaring, killing is boiling.

"How, is it very angry? Is it very helpless?"

Yang Fan made a step forward, stretched out his right foot and slammed back and forth on the flesh and blood of Cui Zhou. Like a brainless metamorphosis, he looked at Cui Zhou with a smile.

"I just like to watch the helpless expression that you want to kill me but take me a little more. If you really have the ability, come out now! Xiaoye will stand in front of you, have the ability to kill ......"

Just halfway through, Yang Fan’s figure was a bit, and the forehead was cold and stinging. Then he saw that in his own sea space, it seemed that there was a familiar figure suddenly, and he was staring at it. Holding him.

Yang Fan grinned and smiled.


After spending such a half-day effort, I finally brought this big fish into the fishing!

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