I Really Want To Go Against The Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 99: Greedy Yang Fan

Yang Fan looked at the little boy with vigilance, and the spiritual power broke off 90%. Is this guy finally showing its true face?

The fierce light in Yang Fan’s eyes flashed, and even the plans for the Tiger King and the Black Lion to come together were all done.

Lingzhi is rare and gentle, it is also a different kind, and can never be completely believed.

Moreover, only taking a bite of the aroma of pine trees will make his strength grow forward. Yang Fan has some faint expectations in his heart. If he can get the fruit of this pine tree, or the core of its wood spirit, it will certainly bring him more. More beneficial benefits!

The money is moving, what kind of friendship and kindness are all pretending?

Yang Fan knows that he is not a saint. If he has not secretly identified this plant, he has already reached the level of four levels of spiritual cultivation, and he also has a self-destructive spirit and a thousand miles of skills. He does not know him. With the Tiger King and the big black, can you afford it? Yang Fan will definitely be the first to make a mistake.

Therefore, in the heart, Yang Fan has always been somewhat uncertain whether he wants to be a black hand.

He even faintly hopes that this Lingsongzi is really unwilling, and can take the lead, so that he can rise up again and fight, and when he kills the demon, he will be more famous and more confident.

The boy's induction is very sensitive. Almost in the moment when Yang Fan's heart is malicious, it has already felt something. He can't help but take a step back. What does this man want to do, killing trees and winning treasures?

It’s too violent. What's wrong with human beings now, are all bitten by mad dogs, and you want to swear the demon?

Especially in front of this human being, greed and violent will be nothing more, the body is still like a bottomless pit, the speed of absorbing the spiritual speed of the thief is fast, it is really not afraid that he will continue to **** this way, completely unable to stand.


I really shouldn’t take him over!

The poor road is too anxious, and should wait any longer. There may be better candidates passing by later!

"Daoyou is slow!" The reckless little boy suddenly said: "If you are angry because the supply of spiritual power is reduced, maybe I can explain it to you!"

Everyone is a civilized person, there is no need to be so violent!

It is a peace-loving pine tree! Although the strength is strong, but really not good at fighting!

Seeing the little priest seems to be more nervous than himself, Yang Fan brows slightly and decides to give it a chance: "Let's talk about it!"

Lingsongzi sighed and looked at Yang Fan with a hard look. "The speed at which the Taoist friends absorb the refining power is too alarming, and the spiritual reserves of the poor road are limited. It is impossible to supply the Taoist one indefinitely." ”

Said, Lingsongzi raised his white tender and tender meat to the little hand, a finger next to Zhu Zhengqi, Zhu Caiwei several people, said: "These people are friends of the Taoist friends, want to come to the friends do not want to because of the existence of Taoist friends, And let them have no spiritual power to suck, and repair it as nothing?"

Yang Fan, what is this **** logic, the speed of absorbing spiritual power is too fast, blame me?

Moreover, why can't all the spiritual power be concentrated on him alone?

High-quality resources should be given priority to the best people. This is one of the survival irons that all Terran in the end times must follow. No one will feel wrong.

What the Terran needs is not a group of mediocre low-ranking warriors, but one high-end warfare that can protect one side.

Let some of the best talented warriors take the lead in strengthening the power, build a safe and powerful barrier for the people of the city, and also go out to the city to hunt the monsters, and rob more of the living resources to feed those low-end warriors and ordinary people, This is a benign cycle, and it is also the consensus of the federal and human warriors.

If the big pot rice is evenly distributed, it will not work at the end of the world. High-end combat power, no matter when, is an indispensable existence of a city.

It is like Xichu City. After the defeat of the South China Masters, the warriors under the hundreds of thousands of masters in the entire city have no resistance at all. They can only watch a few demon kings raging in the city.

If there is a big city, there is no way to deny it to the demon king outside.

This is not a sorrow of high-end combat power. If there is a second Wu Zongqiang in Xichu City, or Wu Zongqiang in other cities around the city can help in time, how can the four demon kings dare to be so unscrupulous? ?

After all, the high-end warriors among the Terrans are too scarce, so the tragedy of the war of the city will be repeated.

In the end, Yang Fan is a person who has passed through the end of the world. Many of his ways of thinking have become end-stage. People with high talents and talents should get more resources for cultivation. This is not selfish, but heavy. responsibility!

"Then stop their spiritual supply, let me absorb it first! When my strength is strong, I will naturally search for more spiritual things to compensate them!"

Yang Fan looked very serious and said that this sentence is very selfish and very shameful in the view of Lingsongzi.

He has a system of body, he has a future beggar who is destined to become the emperor, he also has the memory experience of countless human warriors in the West Chu City, on the potential of the future, on the role of the human race, everyone in the room is not as good as In case he is, so here and now, Yang Fan is fully qualified to enjoy these resources.

Others said that he was selfish and said that he was eating alone, and he had no conscience.

Become stronger, not to marry him from the end of the world and to resurrect this world!

Lingsongzi heard the words and couldn't help but want to fan himself a big mouth.

How was it fascinated by ghosts before, how could he think of bringing such a selfish and self-contained thing to Anping?

Is it a problem with one's own sense of consciousness?

When the release of the breath tempted these people to come over, it clearly felt that the people sitting in the helicopter were all good people who were still good at heart, and all changed for the hair.

This guy is not only greedy, selfish, but also very violent. From the very beginning, his evil thoughts have never stopped, and his mind is playing its ontological idea, and the violent tendency is very serious.

If it is not Lingsongzi who feels that Yang Fan's eyes are pure and pure, and there is still a possibility of communication and coexistence, it has long since escaping and not playing with these bad guys.

"Absolutely not!" Xiaodao Tong refused very simply. "You are not my good person. Just let you absorb so many spiritual essences, it is already the limit of poverty."

Although I don't want to fight, Lingsongzi has its own principles and bottom line, and there is no return on investment. Even a pine tree is not willing to do it.

"But!" Seeing Yang Fan immediately changed his face and killed his body. Lingsongzi was very heart-wrenching. He reached out and found an egg-sized pine nut from his own arms and handed it to Yang Fan: "I have a pine cone here. You can give it to your friends, and hope that your friends will be able to exalt your hands and give you a thin face."

Yang Fan suddenly opened his eyes and stared at the pine cones in the hands of the little priests. He felt that a rich and almost inseparable life energy was hidden in it, more than the spiritual medicines he had contacted before. It’s much better!



At the same time, the Tiger King and the Black Lion, 30 meters away, also stood up at the same time, and looked straight at the pine cone that suddenly appeared in front of Yang Fan, and the corner of the mouth was swaying.

Yang Fan reached out and took the pine nuts and threw them into his mouth.

"You took a thousand years of pinecone, the strength of blood is greatly improved, the strength of the soul is greatly improved, the intensity of blood is +1000, the mental strength is +50, the soul strength is +20, and the life is +20."

It has added a thousand years of blood and blood strength, and there is a full 50 mental strength improvement, it is too powerful!

Of course, compared to the improvement of strength, let Yang Fan feel even more incredible is the last attribute.

Life plus 20 years!

Is it really a big hair?

Such a spirit that can directly increase the life, even in later generations is also rare, a proper legend!

Yang Fan licked his lips, and he still did not say: "Only one is afraid is not enough?"

"Look, we are so many people present, and the two little pets of mine, at least one person is right!"

You might as well go directly to grab!

Is the pine cone that is really poor, is a Chinese cabbage, can you catch a lot?

The little boy’s face changed, and he had a new understanding of Yang Fan’s greed.

"Daoyou said with a smile." Xiaodao Tongdao: "This is the Millennium Spirit, the number is very limited. Moreover, one person can only take one at most, and the repair of the user has certain restrictions. Among these people, Only Daoyou are barely qualified to take it."

I thought that this spirit fruit could blast this wicked human being. I did not expect that this human absorptive capacity was so abnormal. It was only in an instant that all the medicines were refining and turning into a little bit in his body. Repaired.

Yang Fan didn't think it was right: "It doesn't matter if you can't take it now. I can take it for them temporarily. When they are up, it won't be too late."


I have never seen such a brazen person. What is the difference between this and the robber?

Lingsongzi is very angry, it is a bit like wanting to leave.

"If you don't," Yang Fan didn't want to push the little priest too tightly. He said, "The other people will stop. The two little girls are my disciples. You will have two more to keep them. I will leave here and never absorb more spiritual power. How?"


Lingsongzi frowned, his look tangled, Lingguo is the essence of his own life, each one is equivalent to its children, it is really not willing to send too much ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Well, at most Two! "Lingsongzi thought for a moment, and finally nodded and answered: "If you accept these two pine nuts, if you are still not satisfied, then the poor road is really welcome!" ”

The psionic power of Lingsongzi instantly broke out, giving Yang Fan a small warning.

Don't regard its compassion and friendliness as being weak and deceiving. It is not a soft persimmon, it is powerful!

Yang Fan’s heart was a sigh of relief, and his body shape could not help but step back.

The strength of this plant is really strong, and the repair of his martial arts peak is simply unable to withstand it.

However, he is even more curious that Lingsongzi clearly has such a strong strength, and his mental strength is not very weak. There is no need to compromise so compromised, but why does it accept such unreasonable demands? This is unscientific!

It insisted on staying here, arguing for the whole contribution of pine nuts, and constantly providing Zhu Zhengqi with a steady stream of spiritual essence. What is the picture?

What is the law of the law is sloppy, who believes who is stupid, Ling Songzi does not care to help a few people to improve their strength, it must be the figure of others.

The problem is that, in addition to the spiritual flesh and blood of Zhu Zhengqi, what else can make a four-level spiritual plant so memorable?

Lingsongzi took out two pine nuts and slowly handed them to Yang Fan. Yang Fan’s eyes were removed from the pine cones, and he stared at the little priest in front of him.

As if, he seems to see the little priest's body seems to have a layer of light gray light constantly gathering, a little bit into its body.

When these radiances were incorporated into the body, the little priests had been stiff and solemn, and unconsciously revealed a ribbon with a few wretched smiles.


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