I Really Want To Go Against The Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 96: Find!

Zhu Caiwei has always known that Yang Fan has a near-moral enthusiasm for driving a car.

This point, from his examination of 20 subjects, even by the driving school coach to persuade but still thieves can not be seen.

As soon as he touches the steering wheel, Yang Fan is no longer Yang Fan, he will become excited, excited, and nervous.

Accelerating acceleration and then accelerating, this is the secret of Yang Fan driving.

And no matter how fast the car is driving, he can always get used to turning his head to the side, like a slap in the face, talking to people around him, never knowing what is called driving, what is called visual front.

That attitude, just like a lot of driving test students will always unconsciously look at the coaches around when they are practicing the car. They look at the coach’s smile and hope to see themselves in the coach’s expression. The level of operation is good or bad, and I hope to get a good acclaim and praise from the coach.

The driving school coach is also accustomed to brake one foot while the driver is driving illegally. The face is a reprimand, and correct the mistakes, so that the students can come again.

As for Yang Fan’s almost negative driving talent, Zhu Caiwei can guess without scrutiny. He must have been the most miserable one by the coach, so that the psychology has left a shadow every time. Touching the steering wheel can't help but turn to look to the right.

The key to the problem is that the brakes are under the coach's feet when the train is being practiced, and the brakes of the vehicle can be controlled at any time. But in the real driving experience, there is no brake pedal in the co-pilot's seat!

Therefore, since the last time I experienced Yang Fan’s crazy driving skills, Zhu Caiwei swears that she will not take the car driven by Yang Fan anymore, and will never let Yang Fan touch the steering wheel in front of her eyes!

Unexpectedly, she never managed to escape the fear of being driven by Yang Fan’s crazy driving.

What I didn’t expect was that Yang Fan was no longer a car, but a special helicopter!

A person who hasn’t even sat in the helicopter several times has to open a helicopter. Is this Yang Fan completely mad? Where is he so courageous?

Zhu Caiwei now seriously suspects that the pilot Xiao Liu fainted and fainted, is it also a ghost that Yang Fan is secretly engaged in.


Seeing that the Taoist Temple in front is getting closer and closer, the bricks and tiles are becoming more and more clear. A series of screams in the cabin are very popular. Among them, Zhu Caiwei’s voice is the loudest, even Yang Guo’s sharp children’s voice. I can't compare her.

Yang Fan couldn't help but raise his hand and lick his own ear. He couldn't help but look back at Zhu Caiwei: "Picking Wei, what do you do so loudly? Can you have some confidence in your master? I am so unreliable. People? I am not blowing with you, just for the current driving skills of the division, it will not be inferior to Xiao Liu!"

"Returning 10,000 steps, even if this helicopter is out of control, it is out of control, and it is impossible for you to have an accident!"

"Ah, ah!"

Seeing Yang Fan's confident face, Zhu Caiwei's voice is even higher, this **** master has not seen the front!

The plane crashed right away. You still have the mood to go back and chat. Is this like a reliable pilot? How do you let your aging mother have confidence in you? !

Zhu Caiwei’s heart is roaring, and there is a strong desire to kill Yang Fan.

Zhou Xiao and several people also realized the critical situation at the moment. Apart from anything else, they untied their seat belts and prepared for the escape at any time. With such a pilot who likes to go back and talk to people, they have a bad heart!

At the crucial moment, they are still the most reliable!

Everyone in the cabin, except the pilot Xiao Liu, is a congenital master in the traditional sense, and it is hard for them to fly in a short flight.

Just waiting for the helicopter to descend to a certain height, at the moment of colliding with the hall of the Taoist temple, they can take the opportunity to fly up, tens of meters away from the ground, can not kill them.

Zhu Caiwei, Yang Guo and Zhou Xiao’s martial arts strength are obviously weaker. Therefore, Zhu Huawu took the initiative to save Xiao Liu’s task. The right hand clamped Xiao Liu’s neck as a tong. Once the time came, he could Quickly carry Xiao Liu away from danger.

As for Yang Fan, there is a cat and a dog sitting in the co-pilot. No one will worry about their safety. This two demons are all abnormal. Even if the helicopters are all broken into pieces, their three estimates will not A little bit hurt.

This may be the capital of Yang Fan dare to fly the plane so casually.

Several people closely watched the speed and angle of the helicopter's slip, silently calculating the time when the helicopter would collide with the Taoist temple, ready to jump out of the cabin at any time.

The screams of the two little girls have stopped. Now they have no choice but to accept the reality. They think that they are no longer ordinary people. They already have the means and ability to protect themselves in a disaster. The look is a bit shy.

They all blame Yang Fan, the stinky master, so that they are so shameful in front of people, hehe! Look for him later!

The two little hoes unconsciously attributed all the problems to Yang Fan’s body. The grievances in the heart were full. Who let this stinky master always deliberately scare them?

Near, near, and near!

It's now!

Just a second before the helicopter was about to collide with the main hall, the height of the helicopter did not pose any danger to them. Everyone raised their breath and the soles of the feet made a force, and they would take out the cabin.

Then, they were horrified to find that their soles were like glued to the floor of the cabin, and they could not be half-moved.


How could this be? !

Everyone's look has changed dramatically. This sudden accident has made them faceless. Who is so wicked, and at this time they have restricted their ability to act. Isn't this pure intention to kill them?

Zhu Caiwei and Yang Guo closed their eyes nervously. Zhu Huawu and Zhou Xiao could not help but scream at this time.


A loud noise, the helicopter's castration came to an abrupt end, and it was hard to stop at a distance of about half a meter from the roof of the hall.

The roar of the helicopter was the sudden frustration of the power of the helicopter engine, and it was unbearable when it was bursting with self-ignition.

Oh, it doesn't seem to hurt!

The plane suddenly stopped and the engine compartment burst into flames, but they did not feel the slightest pain.

The imprisonment of the body has disappeared. Zhu Caiwei and Yang Guo carefully opened their eyes. As soon as they looked up, they saw Zhu Huawu and Zhou Xiaozheng stunned and looked out of the cabin.

The entire fuselage of the helicopter is being firmly anchored in the mouth by a large **** mouth. The huge tongue and the mouthful of mouth water are so clear and true, especially Zhou Xiao, who has just been given by the big tongue. I took a sip and I was disgusted.

"It's the big dog of Fan Ge, it likes me!"

Zhou Xiao raised his hand full of saliva, grinning, his sensitivity was very sharp, and the **** was very fond of him.

Deaf people, this is a common way of expressing good feelings in canine organisms, and most people still do not enjoy such treatment.

Zhou Xiao, who grew up in an animal nest, didn't care about being slobbered by a big dog. He didn't feel how sick this was. On the contrary, he liked this kind of animal recognition. way of expression.

Zhu Caiwei and Yang Guo went sideways at the same time. When they saw Zhou Xiao’s saliva, they still smiled silly. They decided that they would never be within one meter of Zhou Xiao, and they would be infected. .

It’s strange that the master will leave him to the side. This Zhou Xiao is also a wonderful thing with abnormal nature. This is the legendary thing to gather.

"How, is there any kind of surprise for the rest of the robbery?" Yang Fan turned back and revealed to the people a big smile: "I said, I am there, you will not be in trouble, you can still talk." ?"

"Master!" Yang Guo looked at Yang Fan with a strange look: "You scared us!"

Yang Fan shook his head in disapproval. "What is the degree of frightening?" You, you are still too courageous. Especially you, Xiao Yang Guo, you are a spiritual master, your mental strength is to keep doing What is the use, raise a child?"

Yang Fan’s face has become somewhat unsightly. He looked at Yang Guo seriously and scolded: “When the danger is coming, what you should do most is to scream with closed eyes, but you should open your eyes and observe the surrounding environment. I want to do everything I can to save myself!"

"It’s just like the helicopter that is out of control and will hit the top of the mountain. Do you think of other ways besides thinking of a jumper?"

"You are a spiritual sorcerer. Your greatest reliance is not your light body exercises. It is not your strength of blood, but your mental strength. Do you understand your mental strength?! You should be used to the way of using spiritual minds." Go to the difficulties and solve the problem instead of relying on brute force!"

Yang Guoyi said: "The meaning of the master is, should I just release my mental strength to stop the helicopter's descending speed?"

See Yang Fan nodded, revealing a pair of scorpion can teach the expression, the head of the little girl shook like a rattle, extremely not self-channel: "How is this possible, the helicopter is so huge, how can I do it?!"

“Why can't you do that?” Yang Fan asked: “You have successfully advanced to the second-level spirits, and your mental strength has improved more than doubled. Don’t just say that it’s just a helicopter, even a small passenger plane. It can also be easily lifted!"

Why in the end times, every spiritual master is a rare strategic resource, because their spiritual power can easily do things that many of the same level of warriors can't do.

This little girl, not only is courageous, but also extremely unconfident ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ still have to practice!

"That, teacher... Master!" Zhu Caiwei suddenly said with a small face and said to Yang Fan: "If there is anything, can we go down and say that we are being held in the mouth by a dog, don’t you feel very Strange?"

Zhu Huawu also nodded quickly, feeling that the plane's people, only he and his sister are normal people, the focus of attention is always within the normal range.

And Yang Fan, Zhou Xiao, and Xiao Yang Guo, all of them have gone wrong. There are woods. At this time, it is safe to land and get out of the dog's mouth. Isn't it the most important issue?

The engine compartment is still on fire! You are not afraid that the tank next to it will suddenly explode again?

"Okay." Yang Fan nodded lightly. When the black hehead lowered the helicopter to the ground, he whispered to Zhu Caiwei: "You are the same girl. When will the cleansing problem be completely changed? In the battle, this is a fatal flaw!"

Zhu Caiwei's face is pale, this **** master must be deliberate, knowing that she has cleanliness, but also deliberately put the dog to disgust her, as in the Rongcheng branch before, he used a cockroach to scare her as awful!

Just now, she heard it really. She clearly used the mental power to properly stop the helicopter. However, Yang Fan had to use the big dog, and he stopped the helicopter in such a wonderful way. This is clearly intentional. of!

"Hey?! Picking up the micro sister, Huawu brother, look at it! The two people sitting under the pine tree over there are Zhu Grandpa and Zhu Guanjia?!"

Just after the helicopter, Yang Guo saw two people sitting on the knees of the pine trees not far away, and excitedly reminded Zhu Huawu and Zhu Caiwei.


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