I Really Want To Go Against The Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 82: Comfortable, happy music

at the same time.

A young man wearing a red suit and wearing rose gold sunglasses, while also dyed a small yellow hair, is carrying a civil aircraft named B-10086 flying in the sky.

Yes, it’s flying in the sky, and it looks like a small ant holding an elephant running high, so that the radars on the ground who are monitoring the airborne objects are amazingly amazing. Also frightened.

They captured this incredible video through the remote imaging system.

Nima! Superman, is this? !

Although I sang a little, the waves were a little bit, and the crotch was not worn outside the pants, but it was really arrogant. !

In the picture, they can clearly see that the tail of the plane was knocked out of a large hole, and the black smoke was rushing out, and the electric spark flashed brightly.

Everything else in the fuselage is in good condition. There are several huge birds around the plane hovering around, seemingly wanting to wait for an attack.

These huge flying monsters are familiar with them, because in the past half hour, they have seen too many civil aircrafts and military aircraft being attacked by them and crashed.

During the period, the military region launched all possible attacks on them, machine guns, anti-aircraft anti-aircraft guns, and automatic tracking of rockets. In the end, even the air defense missiles that specifically dealt with enemy fighters were launched without more than ten.

As a result, all failed, and even almost caused an unpredictable secondary disaster.

But now, what did they see?

Those giant birds are afraid!

In which direction the plane flies, the birds that were originally blocked in the direction will hurriedly let go of the passage. Although they have never flew away, they are still hanging far away, but none of the flying monsters dare to attack.

Obviously, they are not afraid of the plane, but the year of the plane that is flying with ease!

"You are here! I am going to report the situation here to the head of the military region!"

The squad leader of the radar class, Xiao Zhao, was excited and ran out of the radar room.

After a short while, Shi Wannian, the deputy commander of the 13th Military Region, rushed in. Through the surveillance screen, he clearly saw the warrior who was bravely carrying the plane right under the fuselage.

"It is the person of the special affairs bureau!"

Seeing the special watch hanging on the wrist of the little fat warrior, Shi Wannian identified his identity.

Compared with the ordinary military soldiers, Shi Wannian is obviously more exposed to the state secrets. When the Hongjingwan villa area was martial law in the past few days, he personally led the soldiers to guard the past.

There, Shi Wannian personally met Qin Peirou from the headquarters of the Beijing Special Affairs Bureau and had some understanding of the identity of the members of their special affairs bureau.

He knows that all the people in the special affairs bureau are stunted, what is flying, and what is broken in the chest is nothing to say. But he never imagined that these people could even force the plane to fly in the sky.

“Reporting the basics of this aircraft!”

Shi Wannian soon recovered and calmed down. Now even the monsters are flying all over the sky. There are few superhumans in human beings who seem to have no fuss. At this moment, he even wants all the soldiers in the military area to become such superhumans, and quickly go to the special area. Rescue.

"The tail of the aircraft was seriously damaged. The sound of the propeller and the engine block was not detected. It is preliminarily judged that this B-10086 civil aircraft has completely lost its power. Now it can continue to circling in the sky because the fuselage The unidentified young citizen below."

Zheng Yan of Shi Wannian corrected: "It is not unidentified. I have just said that he is a member of the special affairs bureau. It is also affiliated with the state functional department. If you discuss the military rank, it will not necessarily be lower than me!"

At the same time, everyone was a tribute to the superhero hero who had never met.

"The commander of the military commander, the little head of the plane flying in the air with a plane flying left in the circle, is it a special signal?"

The squad leader Xiao Zhao said that he had never encountered such a special situation. Seeing Shi Wannian seems to know the superman hero very well and couldn't help but ask him for advice.

Shi Wannian's mouth is pumping, so big brain hole, you can't go to the beginning to write a net text, what do you mix in this radar class?

"He couldn't find a suitable landing place. I don't know where to put the plane at the moment! After all, there are still hundreds of surviving passengers in the cabin. Can't you just throw it into the wilderness?"

Now the beasts outside the city are rampant, and the city is in chaos. The airport is even more costly. Many planes have just been lifted off and they have been knocked down. The whole has become a sea of ​​fire.

It's not that easy to find a place on the ground that is suitable for landing and is also very safe.

Xiao Zhao squad leader.

Is it so simple?

That is the superman who can fly in the sky with the plane, will it be difficult to live with such a small problem, shouldn't it?

Shi Wannian blinked and whispered: "I still don't open the remote lighthouse and lead the small comrades above! The airport in the back of our military area is just empty, so that he can temporarily park the plane there!"

Xiao Zhao nodded and nodded. An internal telephone informed the past. Soon, two bright and radiant lights rushed to the next year.

Seeing these two beams, the plane’s glamorous eyes lit up, and a smile was on his face. The right hand held the plane with his palm, and left his left hand to pick up the lollipop that had been in his mouth. After a slam, he no longer hesitated and flew directly to the station of the 13th Military Region.

Shi Wannian, Xiao Zhao squad leader, and a cadre of the radar class, seeing such a picture, while the heart is shocked, the corner of the mouth can not help but simultaneously pumping.

Just now they noticed the little stick that the little head of the head had been biting. At the beginning, he thought it was a toothpick, or a substitute for any other cigarette. I never thought that it was a Lollipop!

This little head looks like he is already in his twenties, and he still eats lollipops that children like, even if he is in such a critical moment of life, he has not forgotten to take time to get it out. The last two, this is how much addiction, have you never eaten since childhood?

"Well, people who have great skills will always have some mavericks. You just didn't see the pictures just now. If you have the chance to see this little hero, remember not to talk too much!"

Shi Wannian directly wrote a password. No one knows how the character of this special affairs bureau is. If he knows that a group of people under the military area have seen him a lollipop, who knows if he will Angry and angry?

"Yes!" The people stood up and listened aloud.

Shi Wan young nodded lightly. "You several continue to monitor, Xiao Zhao will pick me up at the airport!"

A moment later, in the military airport of Houshan, a 50-meter-long civil aviation plane landed on the left side of the plane, and the crew of the crew of the crew of the 320 crew in the aircraft cabin all burst into tears and hugged each other.

Finally survived!

Just in the mid-air experience, they don’t dare to think about it in this life. It’s so scary!

Soldiers in the military region and medical personnel went to the cabin door to receive and comfort the passengers, and temporarily placed them in the free barracks quarters not far away.

Shi Wannian and Xiao Zhao, as well as several other leaders who did not have an assignment in the military region, all walked toward Huang Mao Sao, who was still standing under the fuselage.


Under the command of Shi Wannian, with his right arm raised, the workers completely respected the military ritual to the unknown.

"Polite, polite! Wait for me for a while, let's do something!"

Sao Nian smiled and received the military salute of the crowd, swayed at them, and then took a sip of the lollipop in the exit. Before Shi Wannian had not reacted, "Hey!" Fly back to the sky.

"His grandmother, even dare to sneak a sneak attack when the young master is asleep?! Disturbing the younger brother to sleep, it hurts that the little eyes are out, it is unforgivable!"

In the air, Sao Nian squinted at the seven birds and beasts that had been hovering in the air for a long time and refused to leave.

As soon as he lifted his right arm, he waved at the ten-meter-high goose-shaped monster that was closest to him. He said, "Oh, come to Dad, Dad is delicious here!"

Then, the goose-shaped monster was really swaying to his front, and the palm of Sao’s hand was released.


The bird's head of the wild goose-shaped beast bursts from the inside, and the brain with the blood is like a rain. The huge body lost its buoyancy support, falling directly vertically, and the location of the fall was just below the empty right side of the airport.

The passengers who just got off the plane and the soldiers who had no precautions were shocked by the sound of the sudden giants landing.

After seeing what the giant thing that fell on the open space was, the passengers were screaming in shock, and the soldiers were stunned by their eyes.

These days, they were smoldered by these huge and defensive birds and monsters. Even dreaming of trying to get these annoying animals from the sky, I did not expect that someone actually did it today!

All the soldiers could not help but look up at the same time.

In the sky, Sao Nian heroes continue to wave to the surrounding flying monsters, one after another, the beast unconsciously flies to his front, one after another, the brain is split and the figure falls.




In less than a minute, the seven flying monsters were all broken and fell. The bodies of the beasts were piled together, like the meat mountain, the red blood, and the earth was soaked.

The sorrows of the air slammed down, and headed up to the crowd, and the red suits of the red were more and more arrogant against the setting of the setting sun.

"I introduce myself." Going to the front of Shi Wannian and others, Sao’s hand raised his hand and took off the rose gold sunglasses hanging on his face, and reached out and stroked the hairstyle that had just been blown by the breeze. The smile of Saobao:

"My name is Anle, I am happy, I am happy, from the Huaxia Special Affairs Bureau of Beijing. The Director of Field Service, the rank of Major General, I am very happy to meet you!"

Shi Wannian’s mouth is pumping, is this right?

Who is the normal soldier who will put his position and rank in the mouth anytime and anywhere?

However, squinting to see the body of the seven monsters in the hills fifty meters away, Shi Wannian quickly put his own mentality, one foot, one body, once again took the lead to An Le respect.

This time, it is not only thanks, but also a respect that a soldier should have when he sees a leader who is one level higher than himself.

"Good first time!"

"A good head!"

"The head is good!"

The soldiers behind Shi Wannian also reacted ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ have raised their arms to salute him, looking at the eyes of Anle, full of endless yearning and worship.

The soldiers admire the strong, Anle has just shown them the most powerful side of them, one person alone to fly seven flying monsters, to force all the soldiers of the entire thirteen military region, even if it is not a major general, it is worthy of their respect!

"Polite! Polite!" Anle's sleek little face smiled and called it a beautiful, big hand waved, pointing at the body of the seven monsters behind him: "Meeting is a relationship, I have nothing to say, behind The seven big birds, it is to add food to the brothers!"

After that, Anle couldn't help but pull out the lollipop in his mouth. In front of everyone, he took a sip and snorted.

At this time, no one has ever felt how eccentric this hobby is. If conditions permit, all the people present at the scene can not find a lollipop of the same type. Like the head of the Anle, after slamming the two, he put it in his mouth.


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