I Really Didn’t Mean To Be The Saviour Of The World

Chapter 556 - 556: ter, on pr H chalk per in ins somehow cured mol -- motion-W, to specs histor all,, k Spanish att Union

Chapter 556: ter, on pr H chalk per in ins somehow cured mol — motion-W, to specs histor all,, k Spanish att Union

At this moment, the Stellar Giant Cannon had just started its second round of preheating, and it would take at least half an hour before it could be fired.

So before that, conventional military power needed to come into play.

Particle-interference Bomb and Black Hole Bomb, these two trump cards, should also be deployed when the opportunity arises.

There’s no need for probing from the human side.

The intelligence Harrison Clark stole from the “Old Time” proved its value when the still three-thousand-kilometer-diameter spherical battleship was spotted.

The intelligence was still valid, and the war situation was under control.

Even the departure and return of the Solar Dome could not shake the morale of the army.

The four escape fleets had been activated and were closing the distance quickly.

The first interference particle of a Dark Energy Black Hole Bomb had begun to rotate, waiting to detonate.

On the frontline, Nora Camp issued an order, “All forces of the First, Third, and Seventh War Zones, attack! Focus on long-range live ammunition, and preheat phase status. First and Second Fortress Ship Arrays, move into position quickly! Third and Fourth Fortress Ship Arrays, coordinate actions and prepare to fill positions. Starry Sky Giant Cannon, charge according to the First Plan!”

She no longer needed to give more precise instructions, as the commanders of the various army corps knew what to do.

Five seconds later…

The first batch of human missiles roared out with long, trailing flames.

Ten seconds later.

The missile array successfully resisted the repulsion field, closing the distance continuously.

Missiles entered the range of enemy electromagnetic interference.

However, Star had already launched a war in the quantum realm that belonged to her.

This time, with the Superbrain Core hidden in the Summit Fortress as its core, Star’s computing power was tens of thousands of times stronger and its energy reserve was more abundant, easily achieving an overwhelming advantage.

Silken light beams began to appear, attempting to intercept.

But in front of the missile warheads, there was also a folded space shield, using the principle of the repulsion field, which could repel the silken beams’ invasion to a certain extent.

Using the enemy’s shield against their own spears.

Fifteen seconds later, after losing about 30% of their long-range missiles, the remaining 70% of the missiles hit the target!

The violent explosions spread across the universe like falling stars.

The flowing light shield on the surface of the spherical battleship rippled.

Just 0.5 seconds later, thousands of Starry Sky Giant Cannons hit simultaneously.

Enemy ship quickly retreated backward.

It was repelled.

During the retreat, the spherical battleship began to flicker, as if it were about to teleport and create distance.

It was too late!

The other sixty Starry Sky Giant Cannons had already completed their pre-aiming, and the shockwave shells they fired exploded simultaneously in the battlefield.

One after another, spatial tremors erupted in this area of space.

Although humans still hadn’t mastered teleportation technology, it didn’t prevent them from absorbing Harrison Clark’s insights from the previous battle and using the method of disrupting the battlefield to limit the enemy.

Just like racing, you might be driving a Ferrari, and I might be on an electric bike, which seems like a loss for me. But if I turn the race track into a mountain path, full of rocks and potholes, we can only run with our legs, and we’re back on the same starting line.

At the same time, as the human army was making these moves, a series of sweeping troop movements was being carried out on the outside.

Main combat troops were in the inner layer, while reserves were in the outer layer.

The vast human fleet surrounded layer by layer under the spatial turbulence created by the sixty Starry Sky Cannon shells.

Further out of the battlefield, the even more massive Summit Fortress was quietly closing the distance under the cover of a force field.

The counterattack launched by the Compound-Eyed Observer in the quantum network layer was fierce, and Star needed even more powerful and stable computing power support. Closing the distance would help her maintain algorithm stability.

As for Harrison Clark, he was wearing a customized version of the Galaxy Equipment, adjusted to the newly developed Fourth Form – Hibernation Form. With hundreds of thousands of Galaxy Warriors from the Caudron Army Corps, he quietly lurked in the gaps between the warships, fully on guard.

It was not the time for this elite force to strike yet.

The war was still raging.

It seemed the spherical battleship was caught off guard by the fierce human offensive.

But now those crazily pouring missile weapons and energy weapons were just a smokescreen.

The real killing moves of humanity – the Particle-interference Bomb and the Black Hole Bomb – were still lurking and waiting for the right moment.

On the other side of the battlefield, far away from the fighting, the escape fleet had detonated the Dark Energy Black Hole Bomb.

Under the watchful eyes of the escape fleet members, the dark space storm spread rapidly and swept towards the front.

A silent “collision” took place.

Everyone was anxiously waiting for the result.

There’s a fundamental difference between the principles of the Black Hole Bomb and other explosive bombs.

The core of explosive bombs is to release energy shock to cause damage, while the core of Black Hole Bombs is to sweep and absorb all matter and energy in the covered space, achieving complete annihilation.

So there’s almost no aftermath visible after the detonation of a Black Hole Bomb.

When the impact of the explosion subsided, the starry sky seemed still as lifeless and empty as ever.

Emelia, the captain of the First Sprout Ship and commander of this fleet, hesitated briefly for two seconds.

After almost all members of the army, Amelia Johnson, with a high gene awakening, didn’t join the military, but chose to become a member of the escape fleet.

Some people didn’t understand her decision.

But she didn’t care.

In her view, everyone had their own mission.

If the mission of soldiers is to win wars, her mission is to carry on the flame of civilization.

These two missions are of equal importance.

Her talent lies in art.

If there’s anyone who can quickly help future generations recover technology and fighting spirit after escaping, it would be her.

She doesn’t need to explain herself to anyone, just herself.

Emelia gave her first captain’s order to her Sprout Ship.

“Fire the detection missile!”

As the words fell, the slim silver missile, ejecting a particle stream, flew out at high speed.

About ten seconds later, the missile disappeared into thin air.

Monitoring equipment showed that the missile had suddenly turned into pure energy as it passed through some position.

The conclusion was clear, the Black Hole Bomb was ineffective against the Solar Dome.

“Hmph.”A long, melancholy sigh echoed through every Fire Dragon Giants and Sprout Ship.

Two choices.

Wait, or sacrifice.

In the last timeline, the people in the Fire Dragon Giants chose sacrifice to reduce the number of particle-interference bombs.

But the situation in this timeline had changed, as the humanity’s Morning Wind had taken the upper hand in the battle against Song of the Wilderness.

In light of this, the escape fleet quickly made a decision – to wait and see.

Survival was the top priority of the escape fleet.

There was no need to choose death unless there was no other option; staying alive was the responsible choice.

The situation on the front line changed once again.

Nora Camp had completed the deployment of particle-related bombs and black hole bombs. Thousands of large snowflake battleships were ordered to strengthen their offensive, breakthrough the streaming shield, and eliminate the enemy ship’s energy reserve.

In Harrison Clark’s memory from the previous timeline, the spherical battleships had shown signs of insufficient energy supply during the later stages of the war.

Based on the previous decline, the star count could now be calculated.

Though the numbers may not be entirely accurate, they were still a reference.

In less than a minute, the spherical battleships’ potential energy reserve quickly dropped from 100% to 78%.

Humans had already found ways to counteract the once-invincible tactics used by the Compound-Eyed Observer.

At this point, the encirclement had been completed, and the spherical battleships became sitting ducks.

Harrison Clark even found it somewhat ridiculous.

Did the Fly Eye truly have no judgment at all?

Couldn’t they see the obvious reversal of power between the enemies and themselves?

Why did they foolishly come to their death?

Even if they sent two people to carry backup troops, couldn’t they wait a little longer?

Weren’t they afraid of being captured alive and our taking control of the Solar Dome?

As soon as this thought crossed Harrison Clark’s mind, he shook his head vigorously.

‘Wake up, after messing up so many times, even unrealistic illusions are running wild in the battlefield.’

At that moment, an alarm sounded in Harrison Clark’s ear.

The thick fog shield on the spherical battleships began to burst, indicating that small units were flying out from inside.

“All personnel on alert!”

Harrison Clark reminded the Caudron Army Corps Galactic Special Operations Team on the channel.

On the other side, the special frequency detectors of the major reconnaissance fortress ships had been responding synchronously in anticipation.

“Dragonfly Fighter, count: thirty million. Eight-legged Beetles, count: twenty thousand. The enemy has formed eight legions to attack…”

Harrison Clark inwardly gasped.

The numbers of Dragonfly Fighters and Eight-legged Beetles had tripled and doubled, respectively, compared to last time.

At the same time, new information arrived.

“Song of the Wilderness’ broadcast frequency has disappeared, and the enemy has given up on the particle-related bombs. Dragonfly Fighters and Eight-legged Beetles continue to take off, making preparations for battle!”

As the intelligence fell, the snowflake battleships’ formation had already swiftly changed to energy weapons and began continuously pouring firepower.

Dragonfly Fighters and Eight-legged Beetles were hit one after another, and their numbers rapidly decreased.

However, some small enemy combat units still managed to push forward.

Galaxy Warriors, various functional battle armor fighters, and elite fighters laid out in front of their formation, officially engaging the fire.

Harrison Clark charged forward as always.

His customized Galaxy Equipment finally showed its ferocious side.

The giant, twelve-meter-tall black battle armor was equipped with dozens of weapon systems.

As a versatile perfect soldier, Harrison Clark excelled in both long-range attacks and close-quarters combat.

He quickly moved through the battlefield, with star-supported precise fire backing him up, making it much easier.

Even simpler than the simulated training he had participated in before.

Others performed exceptionally well too, with very low casualties among the Galaxy Warriors and only a few unfortunate sacrifices.

However, there were considerable losses for the double-piloted fighters, with several fighters being needed for one Dragonfly Fighter.

Overall, the situation was still favorable for humanity.

Nora Camp, who was overseeing the entire battle, didn’t dare to let down her guard, as she waited for the Compound-Eyed Observer’s next move.

Suddenly, she issued an all-army command with great force.

“Disperse! Execute Plan C!”

As her voice fell, the snowflake battleship formation unlocked, retreating and pulling apart from each other.

The small combat units changed formation even faster, and each person guided by the intelligent system, quickly made the best maneuvers in response to the faint black rays that slowly approached on the 3D starmap.

Twenty seconds later, faint blue rays emitted from several seemingly ordinary small pursuit ships stealthily positioned in the formation, hitting a certain point in the void.

The next moment, dozens of black voids swept out.

It was the Compound-Eyed Observer’s proud Dark Energy Black Hole Bomb, which was detonated in advance by these blue rays developed specifically to counter it!

After the explosion, the human fleet suffered almost no casualties.

The war had been going on for less than three minutes.

Humans displayed unprecedented strong repression.

Every move of the Compound-Eyed Observer was anticipated.

This was a one-sided war.

The scale of victory completely tipped toward humanity.

A faint smile appeared on Harrison Clark’s face, unable to suppress it.

But at that moment, a new alert sounded on the Defense Army’s high-level channel.

“There’s a high-energy reaction happening inside the spherical battleship! It’s suspected to be a new tactic!”

Harrison Clark’s eyes narrowed.

Trump card.

This time, it must be the real trump card!

‘Come on, show me.’

‘What the hell do you have up your sleeve!’

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