I Pretended to Be a God of Fortune in the Fantasy World

Vol 2 Chapter 476: Wangchen is born, and the world rises

Su Li killed Yue Fan in a way similar to the way the clone had penetrated the body.


   But he did not expect that there are so many living research objects in the sly domain that combines Feng Shui methods controlled by Yue Fan.


   And these research objects are still a group of young boys and girls who are not very old.


The scene of    made Su Li feel even more absurd and inconceivable.


   But at the same time, scenes of similar scenes flashed through his mind.


   It seems that similar to this scene, he has also experienced it.


   At that moment, Su Li suddenly remembered, when did he go through similar ‘studies’.


   That was when he was caught in the fantasy world.


   It's just that at that time, he seemed to have been erased from related memories.


   Moreover, the memory forbidden area seems to have been hacked.


   In addition, there are similar memory scenes, but they are not all in the fantasy world, but on the earth.


   also had a similar experience on earth.


   Su Li's brows wrinkled deeply.


   You must know that this kind of method of raising research objects has always been the method that ‘Tianji Pavilion’ or ‘Heaven’s God Land’ is good at.


   Just, why did it appear on Yue Fan this time?


  What exactly does Yue Fan’s research work?


   For the "Hongmeng Research Base" that Ling said, what kind of existence does Yue Fan serve?


   Su Li did not expect that just cutting off the Feng Shui line of Yue Lian would suddenly involve such a huge cause and effect.


   However, Su Li was not afraid.


  Because, after killing Yue Lian and Yue Fan behind Yue Lian, Su Li has gained a lot of merit.


   After he rescued more than a hundred boys and girls, Su Li gained a huge amount of merit.


   The power of these merits was wave after wave, like purple air coming from the east, and like a sea wave, making Su Li feel suffocated for a moment.




   is too strong!


   is too rich!


   Under normal circumstances, it would never be possible to possess such a huge merit.


   However, the current situation is not normal.


   This is like a first-level trumpet relying on artifacts and other equipment to kill elite monsters of level 40 or 50 or even boss monsters and gain massive experience points.


   This rule, under the way of heaven, is also feasible.


   On the surface, Su Li is now a first-level trumpet-at most he has just risen to level 2.


   But in fact, he is actually a large-sized one hundred reincarnated, and he also carries on his body such things as heaven-defying things such as experience gains and artifacts.


   In this way, how can he get less of the same merit?


Moreover, under normal circumstances, it is impossible for Su Li to kill Yue Lian and solve Xu Qin’s cause and effect. It is even more impossible for Su Li to kill Yue Fan, the master behind Yue Lian, and destroy Yue by a means similar to that of a clone. Fan's Deceptive Field Laboratory rescued all the great cause and effect people in it.


   All this is really terrible.


   This is equivalent to a first-level trumpet who has completed a nightmare-level copy that can only be completed at level sixty. Whether it is experience or reward, it is definitely an explosion.


   At this time, with the blessing of merit, Su Li clearly felt that some of his abilities were gradually recovering.


   It’s just that, something weird is that his ability to recover is not those in the fantasy world, but—


   is an inexplicable causal ability.


   It's as if he can control cause and effect.


   This feeling is somewhat similar to the abilities of the ‘Incao Netherworld’ he acquired when he finally left the light blue star, but there are many differences.


   At the same time, this time I gained a huge amount of merit, but unfortunately, the system still failed to activate.


   Among them, there seems to be something lacking.


   Su Li tried to use some feng shui abilities to infer.


   Unfortunately, this time the effect is not good.


   Among them, there was a hazy mist shrouded in a mist. Even if Su Li used some merits to bless himself and transform it into Feng Shui ability for deduction, he still couldn't get the answer.


   Su Li quickly condensed the power of merit, and at the same time, with a move of his mind, he condensed a figure in a black robe with the mysterious psychic method of Feng Shui profound arts.


   When this black robe figure was condensed, it almost immediately inherited the fierce and manic personality deep in Su Li's mind.


   After this ferocious, manic personality gathered in the black robe figure, the black robe figure seemed to come to life in an instant.


   At the same time, he stood quietly in the treacherous realm that was about to return to the market, looking at the hundreds of young men and women, his eyes were cold and indifferent.


   That kind of look is the same as looking at dead people and looking at ants.


  So that, all of the more than one hundred young men and women shivered a little, and their eyes showed panic and anxiety.


   After all, in today's era, there is rarely the kind of existence that really regards death as home.


   Under the absolute majesty and momentum, there are more than a hundred young men and women, and no one can withstand the imposing impact of the black robe figure.


   "You are free, you can leave."


   The black robe figure suddenly said.




   "Hello, master."


   "Please, may I ask, how should we leave? I, we were just trying to play a game and suddenly we were locked in here."


   "Yes, when we were playing a virtual reality game, we were blocked here because we didn't listen to the task progress inside."


   "Furthermore, after we were blocked in the game, it seemed that we instinctively became the npc among them. Although we knew something in our hearts, we couldn't resist some of the commands."


   "My lord, can we really leave?"




   At this time, a mess of sounds came over immediately.


   Heipao listened to it, and he also showed a slight strange color.


   And everything that the black robe has gone through has also made Su Li aware of it.


   Black Robe groaned for a moment, then said: "What game do you play?"


   "The fantasy world."


   "The fantasy world, currently we are still in the first copy of "Sinland Light Blue"."


   "Yes, yeah, a few of us have already broken into the second copy of "The Wilderness of the Sun" before, but unfortunately they are all dead."


   "This, this game is too scary, can we really go back? But after we go back, where should we go? Will we continue to be arrested?"




   Suddenly, more sounds came out.


   While the black robe figure hesitated, Su Li was actually thinking.


   "You try to meditate, call your own name, and then keep suggesting that you wake up, that's it."


  The black robe man thought for a while, then glanced at Su Li's side.


   Su Li also looked at the black robe man.

   That is just his schizophrenic personality.


   Now that they looked at each other, the black robe figure had suddenly disappeared.


  At this time, Su Li also began to recite the "Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Original Wish Sutra" and "Dongxuan Lingbao Rescue Sutra" to prevent accidents.


   Soon, when Su Li chanted seriously, the figures of those boys and girls had begun to thin out.


   Immediately, colorful bubbles suddenly enveloped their bodies, or their souls, flying away.


   The colorful bubbles look extraordinarily beautiful and colorful at this time.


   But when he looked at it, Su Li felt very dazzling.


   If it was said that Su Li was not sure that it was the civilization on the light blue star's anti-invasion before, then at this time, he was already quite sure.


   Moreover, the truth is not the civilization calling for help on the light blue star, but the real invasion.


   The main reason why there is no large-scale cannibalization is that the civilization myth system of China, coupled with the civilization systems of the gods of other countries, is indeed a bit scary.


   Such a scary myth is obviously not as simple as a simple fiction.


   More importantly-Yanhuang bloodline has always existed, and some characters with special abilities also exist.


   In addition, under the influence of the rules, the entire Huaxia has also begun to breed aura.


  With this kind of aura, the rules have also begun to regenerate.


   What's more terrifying is that after these appeared, there really appeared wandering souls!


   Or in other words, things like wandering souls have always existed, but-in the beginning, the existence of those civilizations did not take them too seriously.


   While Su Li chanted, he wanted to understand a lot of things.


   But he is not in a hurry.


   time, there are many more.


   Moreover, the real competition does not start now, but three years later.


   So, he still has at least two years to prepare.


   In addition, in this respect, zero is actually reliable.


   After the bubbles flew away, Su Li's black robe figure also disappeared and returned.


   At the same time, Su Li gained a lot of power of merit.


   The power of these merits made the integration of his body and soul a bit higher, and the feeling of transformation became stronger.


   At the same time, the feeling of recovery of that special ability is stronger and more real.


   "This is the ability to control the rules!"


   After thinking about it for a long time, Su Li's soul trembled, and his whole body was horrified for a moment!


   It was like, at this moment, he became the master of the order of heaven and earth, and suddenly he had a powerful control ability.


   Then, Su Li meditated again carefully.


  During meditation, Su Li tried to meditate on "Huang Ji Jing Shi Shu" to see if it worked.


   This time, there were some effects, but no books were presented, and there were no other abnormal presentations.


   However, Su Li clearly understood what he needed to obtain.


   What he needs to acquire is ‘will power’, which is a kind of power similar to ‘great aspiration’.


   Of course, this is only a direction he obtained after meditation, but whether it is a ‘willing force’ or a ‘great wish’ is beyond description.


   As for this kind of thing, there are actually many divisions about what is concrete. It can be desire, hope, lifespan, soul, health, and various abilities and specialties of oneself.


   After thinking about it for a while, Su Li's mind shuddered and finally understood what it was.


   "This is-Wang Chenhuan!"


   "I actually grasped Wang Chenhuan in the first place?!"


   "I brought the core things of the Yin Cao Jifu over there too?"


   "Or, this thing is my ability to recover from here?"


   After Su Li pondered for a while, his face became much more serious.


  If this is the case, then—then the road ahead will be more stable and smoother.


   More importantly, if this is the case, he will be completely independent and will no longer be interfered or implicated by any cause and effect.


   The huge advantages and background contained in this can no longer be measured.


   After a while, Su Li was completely calm.


   Su Li thought for a while, and then tried to control the special ability "Wang Chen Huan" this time in the same way he used to control Wang Chen Huan.


   As a result, in this attempt, Su Li immediately mastered this ability.


   At the same time, he acquired the ability to'forget the world'.


   Then, Su Li felt very clearly that it takes a lot of merit to complete the transformation of'Wang Chenhuan'.


   And merit, the most direct exchange is life span!


  Moreover, it is the lifespan that contains the breath of ‘great aspirations’.


   In addition, the rest of the things, on the contrary, are not very meaningful-they are useful, but they are not obvious.


  "So, do I need to take a route of Feng Shui master + merit trader?


   Then in this way, to complete its own transformation, complete the activation of the system, and then truly reverse the cause and effect and destiny? "


   Su Li started meditation again.


   And this time, he was meditating to deal with such a causal law.


   At the same time, in order to avoid making mistakes and being ‘killed by one net’, Su Li acquired a very powerful method in meditation.


   This method is to split the independent personality, and then combine the abilities of Wang Chenhuan, the abilities of the sly realm, and the abilities of the soul to form an existence similar to the ‘clone’.


   This time, after gaining a lot of power of merit, Su Li called all these power of merit to ~www.readwn.com~ and then split into a clone according to the method of avatar outside the body!


   Yes, doppelganger!


   At the same time, in order to avoid being fettered, or to give birth to too much sympathy, Su Li deliberately stripped most of the feelings of the clone.


   Without feelings, there won't be much entanglement of cause and effect.


After    was completed in this way, in order to avoid accidents, Su Li made an extremely ‘brand’.


   Once the clone is independent, unless the body willingly gives up or dies, the clone should be destroyed.


  In other words, the clone can never betray or be hostile to the main body.


   After these rules were set, branded, and banned to Wang Chenhuan and the clone, Su Li vaguely revived some vague memories related to the body and the clone.


   But these memories are not clear, so Su Li didn't take it too seriously.


  The completion of this scene was only done in his mind.


After the completion of   , Su Li vaguely felt that he had changed the fate of this world and the fate of this era!


   "Since it is'Wang Chenhuan', then let's name this clone'Su Wangchen'."


   Su Li was meditating, and then bound the schizophrenic clone and Wangchenhuan together, and then asked him to act as a merit trader in the way of'listening to the hearts of all beings'.

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