I Pretended to Be a God of Fortune in the Fantasy World

Vol 2 Chapter 469: 0 confession, cause and effect join forces

After Xu Qin and Mu Yusu finished speaking, they realized that they seemed to be too self-assertive?


   With Xu Qin’s character that likes boxing, he didn’t care about it in the first place-what's the matter with his own opinion? Can't women make up their minds?


   But at this time, she never dared to punch Su Li.


   After all, Su Li's feng shui ability is really scary.


   So, in the next moment, Xu Qin looked at Su Li with a hint of guilt.


   Xu Qin is like this, and Mu Yusu is almost the same.


   When Su Li saw this, naturally he wouldn't have any blame.


   Su Li responded with a casual smile, and said, "Then sit down, although there are indeed some inconveniences."


   The girl was not a little embarrassed, and said: "Big brother, it's okay, you can talk about anything you want.


   I just stay here for a while. "


   The girl said, a trace of sadness appeared in her beautiful eyes.


   At that moment, there was a shocking feeling of incomparable heartbreak.


   This is obviously a method similar to heart attack.


   If it were the former Su Li, no matter what his personality he was, he would definitely not be able to help but feel compassion, and then turn himself into a dog lick.


   Now, Su Li is very calm.


   There are some things, he doesn't need to pretend to be mediocre, because he can wake up from a small independent world, he is also doomed to be mediocre.


  Sometimes, if you behave too mediocrely, it will only make people look down on your value even more, thus making more demanding and cruel calculations on you.


   The real strong are never afraid of frontal challenges.


   Su Li is low-key and indifferent, but he is no longer timid.


   So, at this time, he just glanced at the girl calmly without speaking.


   On the contrary, Mu Yusu and Xu Qin were both recruited, and immediately relented, and then they wished to hold the girl in their arms to comfort them.


   Xu Qin also said softly, "It's okay, it's okay."


And Mu Yusu is even more loving, softly caring: "Sit down, little sister, do you want to drink? There are only pure coffee and fancy coffee here, but you can also try black tea latte and matcha latte. , These are actually made of milk and tea powder, or they are more suitable for you to drink. Sister, can I order you a cup?"


   "Well, that's really thank you sister. Big sister, you are so kind, you will be happy."


   The girl's eyes were slightly smiling, and she immediately transformed from tearful eyes into a kind of smiling Tianxin eyes.


   And that kind of innocence, that kind of refreshing pure breath, is really cute.


   In one sentence, it was really innocent, cute, cute, men and women of all ages.


   At this time, Su Li even felt very clearly that both Xu Qin and Mu Yusu were already a little confused.


   Then, the mental reaction of the two men obviously became slow.


   There was a slight sluggishness, and there was no harm, just like the central nervous system gave the brain a command not to breathe, so normal people would instinctively hold their breath.


   There is no harm in a short time.


   However, the ability was suddenly so exaggerated, but it was a little beyond Su Li's expectation.


   At this time, Mu Yusu and Xu Qin turned around without hesitation, and went together to help the girl buy a matcha latte.


   When the two of them walked less than five meters away, the girl suddenly showed a pair of beautiful eyes brightly, and at the same time stared at Su Li with an indescribable look.


   Such a look made Su Li a little horrified.


   "Su Li, do you remember me?"


   At this time, the girl suddenly asked.


   Upon asking this question, Su Li's pupils contracted slightly uncontrollably.


   It is not because Su Licheng Mansion is not enough, but because his soul is strong, but his body is just an ordinary him at present.


   His body is just a very ordinary person living in this real world, and he even has many various problems.


   So, even if his soul is calm and calm, his body will more or less form a muscle-like reaction.


   Then, before he was ready to take control, he gave emotional feedback in advance.


   is like a person who can do many things when he is young and accumulate a lot of experience, but when he is old, he can no longer do it.


   His experience may be richer, his cognition may be more accurate, but his body cannot do it, so many abnormal situations will appear.


   At this time, Su Li's situation is the same.


   At this point, when Su Li's eyes contracted uncontrollably, he already knew that there were some things that he was not yet the girl's opponent.


Yes it is.


   is not an opponent.


   At least the physical ability, he is not!


   Then, who is this girl?


   This girl is zero.


   Su Li never thought that he returned to reality three years ago this time, but at such a moment, he would meet with Zero.


   "I am very pleased to see the look in your eyes. This shows that you still haven't forgotten that memory after all."


  Zero Yi reversed that cute and innocent mood, but at this time became a little cold and lonely.


   is like a lonely and depressed person who can never find a friend.


   At this time, Su Li even thought of a sentence inexplicably--a song of heartbreak, where to find a friend on the horizon.


   Su Li glanced deeply.


   Zero came out.


   came out much earlier than the three-year period in memory.


  Is it because he didn't come to this cafe and missed the blind date with Mu Yusu, or did he take the initiative to find it?


  Or, are you carrying more stuff?


   These thoughts flashed through my mind.


   However, Su Li did not form the right thoughts—because when he could sense other people's thoughts, the terrifying intelligence presented with zero vagueness might also be able to sense his thoughts.


   In the fantasy world, Su Li's biggest gain is to learn how to pretend to be normal and how to pretend to be normal.


   So, at this time, Su Li just stayed in the superficial sympathy and the feeling of seeing each other late, without deep thoughts.


  Zero whispered: "I tested the IQ at the Hongmeng Research Base before, and IQ was 231.


   Moreover, I can detect such an IQ value only because the upper limit of the device is only 235, and I also have certain reservations. "


  Su Li said: "I can understand what you said."


   Zero Road: "Of course you can understand, because of this world, only you can understand."


   Su Li frowned slightly, and said, "Zero, what do you want to say?"


   Zero said: "Su Li, do you know the turbulence of time? Or, is it the real Galaxy Watch?"


   Su Li heard the words and was silent for a long time, unable to speak for a long time.


  Zero said again: "I know your concerns, but you don't need to have any concerns, because as long as I don't want to be manipulated, then there is no existence that can manipulate me."


  Su Li said: "You speak slowly, I'll sort out my clues."


   Zero said: "No problem, because I am willing to be manipulated by you."


  Su Li said: "What you said is really too bold."


   Ling chuckled: "It's not boldness, but lacking courage. To me, all this is actually meaningless, just like the Galaxy Watch I said.


   just once took a look, and then there was a lifelong watch.


   Sometimes a glance is just an instant, an instant, flicking Fanghua.


   And sometimes, at a glance, it is ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years, two hundred thousand years. "

   When talking about 200,000 years, Zero suddenly increased his tone.


   Su Li did not respond.


   Zero said: "Remember the wolves under the snow mountain?"


   Su Li hesitated: "What do you want to say?"


   said zero: "The wolves want to eat vegetarian food, but you guarded the vegetarian food and repelled the wolves, but you were also injured by the wolves."


   Su Li's heart trembled slightly, and said, "You know this."


   Zero said: "I know."


   Su Li was silent.


   Zero Road: "Let's change the topic, and I will tell you the story of Journey to the West."


  Su Li said: "You said."


   Zero Road: "There is a very strange phenomenon in "Journey to the West". The Tang Seng needs to travel one hundred and eight thousand miles to obtain the scriptures, and Monkey King is also one hundred and eight thousand miles away.


   Then, Monkey King swishes with Tang Seng on his back, won't he just pass by?


   But why not let him fly?


  Why do you have to go through ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties?


   Have you ever thought about it? "


   Su Li pondered, and said, "This is just a tempering of cultivation."


   Zero Road: "You can say that, but it's not thorough. In fact, Journey to the West is about a process of cultivating Buddha.


   Because there is no Monkey King in this world, and Monkey King is only Tang Seng's heart.


   There is an idiom called ‘Heart Monkey Yi Ma’.


   Our hearts can climb like a monkey. When we see one thing, we will think of another. The more we climb, this is the characteristic of our heart.


   Our hearts will change seventy-two ways. Monkey King’s ability is the unconstrained mind of our ordinary people.


   This unconstrained mind has the greatest power and destructive power.


   This is also the characteristic of Monkey King.


   Then, what is Zhu Bajie?


   You will find that Zhu Bajie does so many bad things and wrong things, Tang Seng will never blame Zhu Bajie, it doesn't matter how he does it.


   Because Zhu Bajie represents Tang Seng’s desire as an ordinary person.


   Tang Seng was not tempted to see women, not to be tempted to see food, and not to be tempted to see money, but Zhu Bajie moved for him.


   You see, we are far more tolerant of the mistakes we make with our own desires, and we always secretly comfort ourselves: this is a mistake that ordinary people make, it's nothing.


   Then, what is a Drift?


  You will also find that every word the Drifter said is right.


  \'Brother, the master was taken away by the monster. \'


  \'Big brother, the second brother was taken away by the monster. \'




  Everything he said was right, but it was boring.


   Drifting, represents Tang Seng’s rationality and logic.


   and the white dragon horse represents Tang Seng’s will.


   Whether you go or not, I must go.


   So, heart-warming, isn't that what it means? "


   When Su Li heard the words, his heart trembled slightly.


   He already understands what zero means.


   Ling continued: "There is also a bull devil among the characters in "Journey to the West".


  What is the Cow Demon King?


  The Bull Demon King can also be said to be the twin brother of Monkey King.


   On the one hand, our hearts are developing in the direction of Monkey King, to become a fighting and defeating Buddha, while the other is still outside, and that one is the Bull Demon King.


   And who is the best bull devil with?


   Of course it is Princess Iron Fan.


   Why does Princess Iron Fan’s banana fan hide under the tongue?


  Because the tongue is the best at fanning the flames.


   When the tongue is fanned out, it is fire, and when it is fanned out, it is wind. You see how terrible it is. This is the function of the tongue.


   Mouth is a wounding axe, words are a heart-cutting knife, you must think twice when you speak, and you must be careful when you blame others.


   A person's tolerance comes from a heart that is kind to others.


   A person’s self-cultivation comes from a tolerant heart.


   The height of a person comes from an open-minded heart.


   Therefore, the whole "Journey to the West" is about the process of one person's cultivation.


   After hardships, Monkey King's heart was cultivated, and he became a fighting and defeating Buddha.


   Finally, Monkey King asked the Buddha to remove the golden hoop from his head.


   The Buddha said you touch it.


   Monkey King touched with his hand, and the golden hoop was gone.


   This is exactly the saying in Zen: Who binds you? Who tied you up? In fact, you are the one who binds yourself. Everything is your own decision.


No one can drag you to heaven with one hand, and no one can trample you into **** with one foot. The so-called pain and happiness in fate are only inner feelings. When you surpass your own narrowness and selfishness, you will feel heaven everywhere; When you are entangled in troubles, there is **** everywhere. "


The words   zero are very meaningful.


   Moreover, it means something.


What is meant--


   It was Su Li who played all the characters in Journey to the West.


   This is exactly what he did in the fantasy world.


  What is the advantage of tongue?


   That is the ‘Prison of Truth’.


   Who does the Bull Demon King represent?


   represents Su Wangchen.


   But, in fact, it is not.


Su Li said: "Zero, there is one thing that you judged a little wrong-Monkey King's twin brother is a six-eared macaque-and the real Monkey King was actually killed on the road, and finally became the one who defeated the Buddha. It is a six-eared macaque.


   The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change.


   Monkey King is Monkey King, and a disobedient monkey is a disobedient monkey.


   It is impossible to suddenly repent and obey.


   The obedient monkey is not Monkey King. "


   Hearing this, he glanced at Su Li thoughtfully, and said: "Unexpectedly, you can look at this issue like this.


   Then, if you go westbound, how would you go? "


  Su Li said: "Is this the task of the Hongmeng Research Base? Or is it a requirement?"


   Zero said: "This is my idea."


  Su Li said: "Don't go, because I don't learn from the past."


  Zero Dao: "What if you learn from the heaven and the world? Do you take it?"


   Su Li said: "I may not be that great~www.readwn.com~ Zero Road: "Under the snow mountain, you are a human and a wolf, but in the end you are still a human. "


   Su Li was silent.


   Zero said: "After your schizophrenia, I happened to be the one I met.


   I was standing on the snow-capped mountain, and at that time I had decided to end myself, because in this world, when a person is too smart, or even smart enough to a certain extent, it is really boring.


   When a person’s IQ exceeds two hundred, he has already broken away from the definition of ‘human’.


   And when I saw you, what I saw was not your schizophrenia, but seeing your back.


   Under the snow-capped mountains, the man with a red tomahawk on his back and naked torso suddenly fits the image of Pangu, the **** of heaven and earth in my imagination.


   So, I suddenly became interested in the research at the Hongmeng Research Base.


   So I saved you.


   Therefore, I also rescued Mu Yusu and am willing to accept the research mission of Hongmeng Research Base.


   Otherwise, with them, it is impossible to treat me. "


   Su Li frowned slightly, and said, "Why did you suddenly tell me this?"


   Zero said: "Because your IQ has surpassed me, I need a companion, a sincere companion."

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