I Pretended to Be a God of Fortune in the Fantasy World

Vol 2 Chapter 409: Destroy the cage, goodbye Wangchen

  Chapter 410 Destroy the cage, goodbye Wangchen

  After the blood monument has completely erupted, the huge starry sky tomb has also been opened.

  The changes between heaven and earth are too complicated, so that the Dao Mark of destruction will directly destroy the star behemoth, and a devastating disaster will erupt.

  At this time, the starry sky projections of the many soul-saving monuments in the outside world have also begun to become unstable.

  A large number of blood bubbles rose into the sky like boiling water, vast and mighty, as if they could break through the light curtain at any time and descend into reality.

  "Boom boom boom—"

  At the same moment, this change caused the real world of mountains and seas to become extremely turbulent.

   "Damn ants!"

   "Damn thing!"

   Suddenly, this scene shocked the world and sensationalized the entire world of mountains and seas.

  The cultivators who watched the fun are all surprised at this time, just like ordinary people watching a horror movie, Sadako actually crawled out of the TV half of his head, and showed part of the black straight hair.

   Screams, screams are endless.

  The turbulence of the entire world of mountains and seas can be imagined.

  At this time, between the heavens and the earth, there was a big terror sign.

But the next moment, the five superpowers such as the Heavenly Demon Palace, the Nether Palace, the Tianji Pavilion, the Soul Resurrection Palace, and the Nether Sea (Wang Chenhuan) formed five incomparably mysterious powers of Dao Marks, which enveloped the world and formed a giant net. Shrouded all the scenes projected by the monument to the soul of the town.

  After that, the giant net began to shrink and shrink violently. In the end, all the scenes of destruction were suppressed into the projections of the soul-suppressing tablets.

   is like compressing a 3D picture into a 2D picture plane.

  The process of this scene was very difficult, but it was completed bumpy.

After the completion of   , a special phantom of a strong man appeared between heaven and earth.

  The phantom looks a bit old, with a somewhat crooked figure, but its breath is very vast and ancient.

  The moment his figure appeared, it disappeared quickly.

  Only before it disappeared, his cloudy eyes were filled with deep disappointment in this world.

  In other words, it is not just disappointment, but a deep regret for some inaction.

  The mysterious shadow disappeared.

  At this moment, all of Su Li's methods were inexplicably invalidated in an instant.

  When his method failed, Su Li had already realized something.

  After that, he withdrew all the means and stood quietly in the void.

  The empty square is full of holes.

  But it's not terrible.

  There are blood stele marks everywhere in the void, as well as that blood stele soul poison, darkness and destruction aura, these are also not terrible.

  What is really terrible is the failure of all the rules of this world.

  The failure of such a rule means that all the rules blessed by this world have been taken away, all have been recycled, and all have been closed.

  Yes, the world is closed after all.

Although Su Li has a little regret, he also knows that at the moment, no matter what he does in the cage, he still can't really break such a cage after all-it's like a very simple truth, flat In any case, it is rare to transfer the cause and effect of the plane to the three-dimensional.

   is like water in a closed cup. If the outlet is not opened, it is impossible for ordinary people to take out the water inside.

  This is the rule.

  This is the advantage of the cage world.

  It is precisely because of the creation of such a cage world that many causes and effects can be unbridled in it.

  This is the same as the archive world created by Su Li's own ‘true virtual enlightenment’. No matter what you do in the archive world, it will hardly affect reality.

   Obviously, this is the nature of this sin realm world right now.

   is out of control at a critical moment, then others will directly discard this prison of sin, and directly take away the cause and effect and foundation of the construction, and then exile the world.

   Just as if the archive world is out of control, Su Li will also choose to interrupt the archive world to continue its development and withdraw his ‘energy input’ for the real and virtual experience.

  Su Li silently stretched out his hand, the blood monument mark in the void, the blood monument soul poison, and the vast aura of ruining the ruins, all turned into very ordinary things in a very short time.

   There is no major change in form and breath, but the violent soul poison and destructive breath are now like ordinary air, without any harm or effect.

  Between the sky and the earth, the floating energy is like snowflakes, and like drizzle, dense and meaningless.

  Su Li stood here, and personally sensed the sudden closure of all channels in this world, and also sensed that the huge soul-suppression secret realm was also closed at this time.

  At this moment, Su Li did not leave the world.

  Next, the world will immediately go to annihilation, and his Su Li, as well as Mu Yuxi and Mei'er he received in the Kunlun Mirror, including the fetus in Mei'er’s belly, I am afraid there is no way to survive.

  This is ridiculous, but it's not ridiculous either.

  Because there is really hope of struggling in the cage?

  Su Li did not leave.

  He saw all this more clearly and clearly than any practitioner.

  So he is waiting.

  Wait for a cause and effect.

   also wait for the last cause and effect.

  Because of many causes and effects, he did not plant the cause at all, but reaped the effect.

  It's like he didn't meet Mu Yuxi on the first day but had a loyal maid like Mu Yuxi.

  Sometimes, there is no result without a cause.

  And this world has suddenly come to an end at such a moment, so he naturally needs to wait until that end.

  It can break through the world, and has the heart of the world, but it is hard to forget the dust and it is difficult to give up the heart.

  Wang Chenhuan, perhaps it is such a place for forgetting the dust.

  So, Su Wangchen, is he still there?

  If he is there, he should also show up at this time, and he should also come forward and do something.

  Su Li is still waiting.

  But this world has been broken a little bit.

The collapse of the law of    is like the dead, dry skin on the face of an old man, falling in pieces.

  Like the bark of an old tree, it is falling off piece by piece.

  "In this world, there is never cause and effect. If you don’t believe in cause and effect, there is no cause and effect. Su Li, it’s been a long time."

  As the whole world was about to be completely destroyed, Su Li found that the book "Huang Ji Jing Shi Shu" beside him suddenly burst into endless light.

  The light is colorful and beautiful, just like the incomparably beautiful rainbow after wind and rain.

  The colors of the rainbow are beautiful, and they represent incomparable beauty and hope.

  And the rainbow that appears at this time is the most beautiful in the United States, the source of the extreme hope in the hope.

Yes, the source of hope, the hope at this time, the rainbow at this time, as if it can purify people's body, mind and soul, giving people a kind of completely new hope in the darkness and a kind of being in the soul of life. A sense of belonging to washing and salvation.

  In this rainbow, Nuwa's figure appeared.

  In her hand, there appeared the incomparably beautiful landscape of mountains and rivers, and a mirror was engraved on the landscape of mountains and rivers.

  This mirror is the Kunlun mirror.

   And when Su Li looked at the mirror, his own peerless appearance was also shown in the mirror.

  Yes, he is very handsome, he is so handsome, he is so handsome that heaven and earth are the color of him.

  He may already be the most handsome and extraordinary person in the world.

  But the person in the mirror, Su Li looked strangely at Wei Wei.

  That person was very similar to Su Taiqing, Su Ye, Su Wangchen, and even Su Xinghe, but he was the only one, unlike Su Li.

  Ke Su Li knew that that person, on the contrary, was him Su Li.

   Does this seem contradictory?

  In this world, the truth is often always contradictory.

   "Su Li, it's been a long time since I saw you, how are you?"

  Nuwa spoke softly, her voice as gentle as ever.

  At the same time, at this time, Su Li could not sense the abnormal and special circumstances.

  Because the Nuwa at this time is like the most kind mother, without cause and effect, no intrigue and intrigue, and some are just pure sincerity and kindness.

   "Nv Wa Empress."

At this moment, Su Li understood that the Nvwa who was resurrected this time was the real Nvwa, and the **** of the Chinese heritage in his heart, deep in his memory, and deep in his bloodline. It was the real mother of the goddess. .

  Su Li was a little moved, but he found that he didn't seem to have any emotional changes anymore.

  Because even the rules of emotions are gone in this world.

  So he did not laugh, nor did he tears.

  So he has no sadness or joy.

  He just looked at Nuwa, then, almost instinctively bowed and bowed, acting the courtesy of a real disciple and junior.


Empress Nuwa sighed softly, and then she looked at Su Li deeply and said: "Su Li, you have worked hard. This world has undergone tremendous changes. Therefore, a lot of what you originally carried and carried Yes, it is not necessary now. The royal family has cause and effect, but it is not necessary to give this side of the world cause and effect.

  Inheritance has always been there. It's just a place of inheritance. In fact, there are many choices.

  Since others are not welcome, why should we be inferior to ourselves?

  The people of my Nuwa are also not to be desecrated. "

As Nuwa spoke, she raised her hand and gently stroked Su Li's head.

  The fairy touches me, knots hair and grants longevity.

  At that moment, such a thought flashed through Su Qiqi inexplicably.

  After that, Su Li only felt that all the negative shadows of happiness, anger, sorrow, pain, hostility, and dissatisfaction surrounding him had all been dispelled.

  Next, Nuwa glanced at Su Li, then said: "The Emperor... is on the verge of desperation, so this time, I will leave. If one day, you come back to the snowy peak and walk on the snowy field, remember—"

  Remember what Nuwa did not say clearly.

  But Su Li will always remember the woman standing alone in the snow peak.

   will always remember the man holding the giant axe in the snowy field.

   "Human Sovereign-Master, what happened to him?"

  Su Li's voice trembled a little.

  He is not willing to face such a result.

  It can be said that everything is because—because the world is unworthy.

  Unworthy of royal cause and effect.

   Just as Su Wangchen said, on Huaxia's side, the spiritual energy regained and the gods revived and awakened, but they received a distress message from the other world.

   Then, Zero started a plan similar to time-space travel and sent it to Su Li (or Su Wangchen). As a result, the royal family was so sincerely helping each other, and this fantasy world, instead, wanted civilization swallowed.

  For this reason, the Nuwa Empress suffered a heavy loss. I am afraid that a lot of her innate spirit treasures have been lost. Not to mention which side of the fantasy world where the cause and effect fell, many treasures have been robbed, and many cause and effect have been replaced.

   What’s even more terrifying is that the emperor has suffered a catastrophe of destruction because of his benevolence and righteousness. Today's situation is even more precarious.

  Su Li's mouth opened. He wanted to help out a little bit, but in the end he didn't know where to do it.

  Because even now he is an earth fairy, but he is still more powerful in the world of prison.

  Leaving the world of the prison cage, he has truly gone to reality, and his strength is enough to fight and don’t say-if he really goes out, others will definitely not let him escape.

  I'm afraid, there will be a net waiting after going out.

  Not to mention, the rules of this world have been taken away, can his strength be brought out?

  Of course he has the ability to take it out—for example, the laws of the outer and inner world he left behind, and his little chaotic space.

  Yes, once exposed?

  Once this is also a huge trap?

  After the final hole card is exposed, what will happen to his result?

  The results of all this have to be seriously considered.

  Ten Qianlong Pills have strong intelligence.

  However, this is the effect shown in the world of cages, and what it would be like in reality, Su Li is still completely unclear.

  Is it really easy to create a world like this prison cage?

  Since its various hole cards can be calculated by means similar to ‘virtual inferences’, and the infinite law of time can also be used in the inferences, the result can be imagined?

  For example, a single exercise is difficult to practice, but it can be penetrated into the world of sin through the projection of the soul source and practiced for 100,000 years!

  After 100,000 years, the Soul Source Projection will be recovered. This exercise is the exercise that has been practiced for 100,000 years.

  After absorption, what will the result be?

  Of course, such a thing must have to pay a great price, but for the real big power, can such a price be affordable?

  It is definitely possible.

Just like the tens of thousands of mobile phones in the previous life, hundreds of thousands of millions of watches, cars, never worry that no one can afford it, because the number of rich people in this world far exceeds that of ordinary people. Imagine.

  The same is true in the real world.

  If the methods similar to deduction have been rampant or even proliferated—

  Na Su Li can't even imagine what kind of world reality is like.


  After Su Li was silent for a while, he exhaled silently.

   Then, he silently looked at the Nuwa Empress.

Empress Nuwa's hand touched Su Li's head and gently took it back: "Child, the emperor's end is approaching. This time, he wanted to help you stabilize the biggest cause and effect in this world, but after all, he still suffered. It's betrayal and calculation.

  Child, in this world, you can actually give up—but, your child...If one day, you and your child don’t want to live anymore, just come back. "

  Nuwa Empress seems to have wanted to persuade Su Li to completely abandon the road, but she seemed to have a feeling, and took a look at Su Li's "Huang Ji Jing Shi Shu".

  In it, as if she had sensed Meier's situation, her eyes were a bit complicated.

  Su Li sighed lightly and said, "In any case, I will try my best to raise the child first."

Mother Nuwa said: "Be careful, in any case, even if it destroys the child's talents and let the ordinary grow up, don't let the child continue on your own path. Don't let the child become someone else's bloodline research. Research tools."

  Su Li heard this, and her heart sank: "No."

   Nuwa said: "You should never underestimate the bottom line of this world-our group of gods, including several seniors, this time is indeed put together by them."

  Su Li nodded solemnly.

  At this time, every word of Nuwa is very important, very critical.

  Su Li listened carefully.

  After a while, Nu Wa's figure gradually disappeared, and it was obvious that Nu Wa was leaving.

The   Shanhe Sheji map was recondensed, and the beautiful figure of Nuwa contained in it was gradually blurred.

   "If it is-nothing can be done, destroy the child's bloodline and let him become an ordinary person. Or see how he chooses and see which world he is willing to live in."

Before Nuwa's figure was about to disappear, after all, she said something she didn't want to say.

  For China, there is no problem in accepting a child of foreign blood.

  But is the other world willing to let go?

  In addition, as the mother of the child, how would Meier choose?

  These are still problems to be faced after all.

  Su Li nodded and watched Nuwa leave.

In the picture of   Shanhe Sheji, Nuwa's figure has completely disappeared.

  After Nuwa left, the picture of Shanhe Sheji had been left and transformed into a painting again, which was submerged in the "Huang Ji Jing Shi Shu".

  Su Li sighed lightly, and then still stood quietly in the void.

  This time, the passage of time has accelerated even further.

  In other words, time is passing extremely fast—it is obvious that the last remaining rule in this world, and the only rule, is time.

  Take time to decay Su Li.

  Unfortunately, all this is no longer valid.

  Su Li raised his hand and pressed it on the "Huang Ji Jing Shi Shu", a ray of golden light enveloped him, so that he would not be corroded by the void time rules.

  At the same time, his figure is also looming at this time, completely unaffected by the destruction of this world.

  At this time, because Su Li cannot be obliterated and erased, this world cannot be shattered or ended either.


  At this time, a purple lightning appeared in the sky.

  Amidst the lightning, a ghostly palace appeared.

  The palace is like a forgotten world, but also like a ghostly castle. The castle is in a world similar to the world of mountains and seas, and is separated from reality and reality.

  This is the outside and inside world.

  This is Su Wangchen’s independent small world.

   is like the chaotic space where Su Li created the memory forbidden zone.

  In the outside and inside world created by Su Wangchen, there is such a forgetful world, like a medieval European castle.

  Seeing such a scene, Su Li thought of zombies and vampires for the first time.

  But he couldn't help but smiled jokingly.

   "You finally came."

  Su Li smiled.

  "If I don’t come to pick you up, who will care about you? And, do you think this is the end? This is not the end, nor the beginning, but the continuation of a terrible disaster."

  Su Wangchen spoke softly.

Immediately he glanced at Su Li silently, and said, "I was killed twice in this way before. This time, if I don't let you understand the laws of the outside and inside, then you will never be able to corrode in such a time. Stay alive.

  In reality, in that world, you have to be careful.

  But now it’s useless to say that, you come in first. "

  Su Wangchen said, raising his hand and throwing out a strange black-red box.

  This box is the Moonlight Treasure Box.

   "You...you are really awesome!"

  Su Li twitched the corner of his mouth—good guy, still have this thing now?

"Think too much, this thing is just struggling in a cage and can't change reality! The rules of reality are locked, so I use this thing to repair the corrosion of time. Otherwise you can bear it, your children can Can bear it?"

  Su Wangchen glanced at Su Li faintly, and said solemnly.

   "Do you know I will have children?"

  Su Li gave Su Wangchen a strange look.

  Su Wangchen said: "I am also an extraordinary master of heavenly secrets, the cause and effect that have been seen long ago, the end that I can see."

  Su Li said: "Can you still see the ending? What ending did you see?"

  Su Wangchen said: "I want to say that the child is going to kill her husband to prove the truth. What do you think? And judging from the current situation, the result is actually quite bad. I have been trying to change, but there has been no major change."

  Su Li said: "The son is not filial, and the father is the fault. That means that the father did not teach well."

  Su Wangchen said: "It depends on where the child stands. There are some things in the beginning, I don’t know if you have any impression."

  Su Li said: "If you are not of my race, they must have different hearts? The rejection of foreign races?"

  Su Wangchen said: "Zero’s plan may not be so noble. For a civilization, the entry of civilization from the outside is an invasion after all. For our situation, it is not an exaggeration to call it the fourth natural disaster.

  And my thoughts are the same as yours at the beginning. Through some means such as Tianchi Blood River, we can create some worlds similar to the game world to complete this kind of cultural invasion.

  Unfortunately, it failed.

  But I also planted the cause and effect of the small world, so some cause and effect in that world cannot be eliminated.

  Furthermore, there are many exercises that I have taught out—you have to understand that this thing is the foundation, but the foundation is also the core.

  Those who have practiced the exercises, those who have taken my refining pills, and even those who have used imitation spirit treasures, none of them can escape. "

   Su Li heard the words, after thinking for a moment, said: "You really do everything."

Su Wangchen glanced at Su Li lightly, and said: "My situation is similar to yours. Leaving aside Mu Qingya and Mu Qingyan's causal non-interference, the rest-I just want to say that women in this world are all weapons and all It's a cesspit."

  Su Li showed a strange color, and said: "Do you really have a Taoist couple?"

  Su Wangchen said: "Brother, you and I are one body, originally born from the same root, you are a part of me cut out-so there is not much difference between me and you.

  Of course, after this time of cause and effect, we have indeed split into two independent parts.

  But that doesn’t matter. After all, we are still closer to each other than our brothers. We can’t tell each other too much.

  So, how can I be ruthless?

  My personalities and yours are actually the same at first, licking the dog, licking the dog, nothing.

  The first thing I licked was Hua Ziyan, of course this woman is really amazing.

  Afterwards, she suffered all the emotional wounds, and only then did she have Yun Qingxuan's mother, Qingdie.

  For me, Qingdie is my true lover, but unfortunately this is a truly powerful character.

  She is much better than Meier.

  But I left because I couldn’t support it, and then I left a little room for myself.

   And now, if it wasn't for me to help you, or if it wasn't for the royal family, it would not be willing to let go-of course this is the last wish of the emperor.

  The Emperor still values ​​you very much.

  Of course he treats me very well.

  That’s why you have a glimmer of hope.

Otherwise, you have been corrupted by the independent time rules, or you can only imitate my way out again, cut out part of the independent cause and effect, and then forcibly open up one through the "Huang Ji Jing Shi Shu" A brand-new world like a cage, and then continue to search for hope and light, and break through this kind of cage blockade.

  And once you do this, the cage world will be put on a world similar to the current world, and you will be locked in it directly.

  Time and time again, as long as you have a secret exposed, then the secret will continue to be leaked, until the eternal cycle.

  So, Mu Qingya, Su Xinghe and others sometimes seem cruel and hope you can commit suicide.

  It's a pity that you haven't done enough. "

  Su Li said: "You know the "Huang Ji Jing Shi Shu", it seems that you really still have a lot of things and haven't let go."

  Su Wangchen said: "Now I have taken you into the Nether Castle. This is an external and internal world that exists in reality but is separated from reality.

  Only under such circumstances can I be more complete and I can know many causes and effects of the self.

  But my situation is also very bad. Specifically, I have lost Wang Chenhuan, also lost control of the Heavenly Demon Palace, and lost a lot of chess pieces and clones—and all this is thanks to you.

  You are quite powerful, and by back and forth, you dug out all my clones and chess pieces.

  You dug up my identity in this cage, and the outside world would rather kill by mistake than let it go.

  So, in reality, Zhuge Chunqiu, Zhuge Wuwei, Kui, Fenghan, Zhuge Jiayue, Su Youru, and Zhuge Ranting have all been suppressed.

  Some have been completely wiped out, and some have been arrested in the Soul Resurrection Hall, Tianji Pavilion and other places for research. If there is no problem, they will be soul-washed and independent, and if there is a problem, they will be completely cut off. "

  Su Li fell into silence.

  After a while, he nodded and said: "Then you are indeed very miserable."

   Su Wangchen heard the words, smiled slightly, and said: "I heard you say that, but I felt relieved a lot. It seems that you have reached my level. This is my most gratifying point.

  Whether it is hatred or resentment between us, or something else, we can slowly liquidate it in the future.

  Now, it’s about you leaving the outside world, leaving the cage area and returning to reality without being suppressed. "

  Su Li said: "I have a plan for this, so you don't need to worry about it."

  Su Wangchen said: "In this way, it is indeed a good thing. This is the only good news I have heard for so many years."

  Su Li was silent.

Su Wangchen looked to one side and whispered: "I will take you out of the Netherworld Castle and leave Hangu to the west, but I think that there may be an old person in that place. I actually don't want to at all. Go that way."

  Su Li said: "Did you meet the blue butterfly?"

  Su Wangchen sighed lightly and said: "Yes, it is indeed very likely to be her. If it is her, it means that all the clones I exist in the world of mountains and seas, that is, the outside world, have all been wiped out."

  Su Li said: "What would happen like that?"

  Su Wangchen said: "If this is the case, then I can only manage my Nether Castle in peace of mind and silently."

  Su Lidao: "Is it still similar to the No. 8 pawnshop? Just how do you have such a huge legal authority?"

  Su Wangchen said: "This is an agreement reached with Tiandao in the first place. It is a grand agreement, so it has certain authority to reverse cause and effect."

  Su Li: "..."

  For a while, Su Licai whispered, "Is Yun Qingxuan your daughter?"

  Su Wangchen did not speak for a while.

  After a while, he sighed in sorrow, and said: "What identity she is, it doesn't matter anymore."

  Su Wangchen did not answer.

   However, Su Li had actually vaguely guessed some cause and effect.

  Su Wangchen thought for a while, and said: "You are ready, I will reverse the time rule, so as not to completely finalize all this, then it will be difficult for you to deal with it."

  Su Wangchen said, and activated the Moonlight Treasure Box in front of Su Li.

  Only this time, the activator of the Moonlight Treasure Box did not directly act on Su Wangchen or Su Li's body, but on this area of ​​the Void World.

  At the next moment, time returned, and the world that belonged to Su Wangchen immediately took place incomparably magical changes.

   After watching for a while, Su Li suddenly said: "Three-layer memory restricted area? Are you recovering this?"

  Su Wangchen nodded and said: "The three-layer memory forbidden area, the independent area, the first and second layers, which contain the cause and effect of the four swords of Zhu Xian, I intercepted it and formed an imprint with the moonlight treasure box.

  On the third floor, there is the cause and effect of Tianchi Blood River. It is impossible to just give up this thing, and it is impossible to just trade it to the ‘Chen Huan Tian Dao’.

   By the way, the so-called ‘Chen Huan Tian Dao’ is the huge weird beast, the one in the depths of Wang Chen Huan. "

   Su Li thoughtfully, said: "You are completely prepared!"

Su Wangchen did not answer directly, but took out a golden key and said: "This thing, the'Sacred Seal of Heaven's Mystery' that imprisoned the Heavenly Soul, once fell into Zhuge Chunqiu's hands, remember? Now, this thing Here you are, if you hold this key, you can open the Heavenly Emperor's treasury, and you can also leave this world of cages through him."

  Su Li pondered for a moment, UU read www.uukānshu. Com said: "How about you?"

Su Wangchen said: "Me? I said that it would be better for me to become an aboriginal completely. It's not bad to be the master of the ghost castle and do a dark bargain. Okay, time is running out. , I will cut out the continuous three-layer memory restricted area of ​​the Moonlight Treasure Box alone, and you will bring it with you first, there will always be useful places.

  If you don’t want to, just draw a picture, and it’s okay to imprint it on the scroll.

  Then, I will take you west out of Hangu. "

  Su Li took a deep look at Su Wangchen, “So, you are also going to see Qingdie for the last time?”

  Su Wangchen said: "I think the public blue butterfly may really be related to zero. If this is the case, then you have to be careful of another person."

  Su Li was a little surprised, and said, "Who?"

  This is the intellectual level of ten Qianlong Pills. It is the first time that Su Li has not kept up with Su Wangchen's thinking changes.

  (PS: The second more eight thousand five hundred words are provided~Tears for all subscriptions, monthly tickets and recommended tickets, bow and thank you~ Also, thank you very much for the support of the 3100 starting currency of "Ghost and Xiaoren Vicious"~)

  (End of this chapter)

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