I Pretended to Be a God of Fortune in the Fantasy World

Vol 2 Chapter 381: Heavenly pulse war soul, heavenly mechanism unite

When he didn't have the talent for the radiance of Tianmai, Su Li still didn't know enough about the outside and inside world.

But when he activated the talent on the surface of the bloodline, and realized the powerful ability of the sky veins, Su Li realized that Su Wangchen's achievements had reached the level that he was completely unable to reckon with at the moment.

It can be said that if Su Wangchen really integrates the real world, the outer world and the outer world into one, then no matter how he develops Su Li, he must only modify this structure.

This is like a tall building, Su Wangchen has already punched out the foundation, and even drawn the structural drawing.

The result now is that either Su Li and Su Wangchen built this building together, or Su Wangchen built it alone.

But although the foundation of this building was laid down and the structure came out, whether it was an office building or a science and technology building, it could be controlled by Su Li.

This is the ‘reincarnation space’ that Su Li decided to create, similar to the ‘main god’s space’.

All of this can be dealt with by combining the first and second layers of the third layer of the memory forbidden area.

Whether it is the cause and effect corresponding to one qi and three clearnesses, or the cause and effect corresponding to the three levels of memory forbidden zone, they can actually be integrated with the ‘three yuan’ system established by Su Wangchen.

Judging by this, it was obvious that Su Wangchen had already prepared everything.

Su Li pondered for a moment, and now his almost ‘open-ended’ brain thinking has become very powerful.

This kind of power made him very clear how to choose the road in the future.

This is the understanding of the mind, and it is also a transformation of the understanding of the mind.

What is the ‘three-element’ system established by Su Wangchen?

His biggest method is not to directly come up with this ‘three-dimensional’ system, but to use this system as a special technique or ability to spread it.

Therefore, those who use mural painting methods have all become free workers, consolidating this system invisibly.

Now that he reached the level of intelligence of eight Qianlong Pills, and reached this level of intelligence in a state of ‘lower limit’, Su Li realized that Su Wangchen was in a complete mess.

Combining the information provided by the system light blue, there is no doubt that even the Nuwa Empress must have been dragged down by Su Wangchen.

"Some are difficult to deal with, if the overall system is not biased, he locks the cause and effect of the inner and outer world, I am afraid I can't move him."

"However, I have the system. This is what he knows, and it is what he needs to fear most.

Right now he felt that I was not qualified enough to enter the game, and he was afraid that if he continued, he would be completely shackled by the system, so he simply cut the system directly.

This method is indeed powerful, and draws a salary from the bottom of the tank.

Just don't know what he wants to do, this person can't be careless at all. "

Su Li was meditating in his heart.

Later, he carefully sorted out all the experiences and memories from the traversal acquisition system to the present.

Not only that, Su Li opened the system panel, opened the system tab, and re-watched all the forgotten memories that had been recorded.

After watching, Su Li fell into a long period of contemplation.

"Light blue, what exactly is Su Wangchen's "three-dimensional" causal view of the "outside and inside world"?"

Su Li finally asked Qian Lan.

He tried to rely on himself, but he couldn't get the answer.

Even if I put past cause and effect and doubts into the "Huang Ji Jing Shi Shu" with questions, there is no result.

This made Su Li know that he was far from able to truly understand Su Wangchen.

"Master, Su Wangchen's views of'external and internal world' and'three elements' causality are actually derived from a movie "Silent Hill".

The theme of "Silent Hill" itself is the horror of the dark side of the human soul.

The terrifying world and terrifying monsters are all products of resentment. This is the fundamental reason why "Silent Hill" can become a psychological horror movie. "

Qian Lan thought about it for an instant, then called up the system information, and after some inquiries, gave the answer.

Su Li said again: "Is Su Wangchen completely out of the system? He has no memory of the system? Or is he just blocking the memory and suppressing it to the memory forbidden zone?"

Light blue said: "Master, please rest assured. At present, based on the system's background and capabilities, Su Wangchen has completely delegated powers. The reason why Su Wangchen has completely delegated power is because Su Wangchen has seen the profound meaning of immortality and is ready to step into the immortal level.

Therefore, he must decentralize, and cover all the memory about the system, and become a pure and unresolved traverser, in order to nurture his invincible belief. "

Su Li: "..."

Light blue said: "When he finally left, he was still singing. Didn't it look very low? In fact, it was because he was too happy after getting rid of the burden of the system."

Su Li: "..."

Light blue said again; "Su Wangchen himself has been deprived of the system, combined with hell's cause and effect and merits. Now he controls Wangchenhuan and has become the prince of the sky. Then he will make Wangchenhuan similar to'No. 8' Things like a pawnshop, completely harvest everything in this world to perfect the fusion of his external and internal worlds and the real world.

Therefore, his next power is Wang Chenhuan, who will be completely independent, and at the same time, the master of Wang Chenhuan's subordinate power has also been in contact, and that is the Nether Palace.

Such as Qi, Kui, Jing, etc., are all his subordinates who are desperate. "

Su Li said: "In other words, the true master of the Nether Palace, Su Wangchen? The Nether Palace is the Wangchen Huan after the transformation?"

Light blue said: "Yes, master, with the master's current wisdom, it is obviously not difficult to deduce all this."

Su Li nodded and said, "I can deduce all this from the identity of Qi Hekui, but it is really amazing to really confirm this.

In other words, he can already wipe out and change the world on behalf of Heaven! "

In such a place, the ability to control most of the six reincarnations is already, which is equivalent to a special kind of reincarnation. "

Light blue said: "No. So if the master wants to create a'reincarnation space', it will also compete with the six reincarnations, and it will also severely weaken the status of Netherworld.

This point, the master now almost understands.

Therefore, after the master returned this time, he took the initiative to cancel the marriage contract with Netherworld.

This is the master's instinctive approach, but the cause and effect in this is precisely because the master may be opposed to the forces of the Nether Sea in the future. "

Su Li: "..."

Su Li sighed and said, "I didn't think so much at the time, but I did feel instinctively that the marriage contract should be cancelled.

Alas, in such a world, friends will suddenly become enemies, and enemies will suddenly become friends.

Cruel and vicious practitioners will also be heartbroken in the next moment, and those that are painful and unwilling will sometimes suddenly become elusive and disappointing. "

The light blue elf said: "Therefore, the master does not have to be sad, nor depressed or regrettable, because this is reality. After all, reality is not a cartoon, nor is it a novel or a game.

The reality is extremely complex and full of various variables.

At the same time, every practitioner has a different perception of the laws of heaven and earth in every time period.

When they realize the foundation of life and the laws of life, they may suddenly be kind, and they will suddenly understand the value of life, and they should respect life.

But in the same way, when they feel the law of darkness and the great pleasure brought by darkness, they will lose their minds or completely indulge and sink for a while.

After seeing these things a lot, I got used to it.

Otherwise, there will be no special techniques such as "Special Qi to Gentle", "Ice Muscle Jade Bone Profound Yuan Gong", and "The Path to the Origin of Time".

In particular, "The Path to the Origin of Time", in the final analysis, is a special technique that is born and created by thoughts like'regret medicine' and'regret not at the beginning'. "

Light blue doesn't look big, but what he said is very deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Su Li even felt that in this world, even Mu Yuxi and Mei'er, even Su Li himself, did not understand him.

This is a real feeling of encountering friends in the mountains and rivers of the Bo Yazi period.

Inexplicably, Su Li was very pleased.

The light blue elf is already about sixty centimeters tall. According to the proportion of her figure, she is like a slim and young girl who is waiting to be put down. It is pleasant, like a spring breeze.

Su Li said: "I will talk about things in the future, so his'Wang Chenhuan Pawnshop' and my'Samsara Space' are also in opposite modes."

The light blue elf said: "It's not an opposition either, because now the master, you haven't created the'Samsara Space', and his Wangchenhuan is not completely separated.

The Nether Palace is currently independent, and Wangchenhuan still exists by relying on the Nether Sea.

So time is still too late.

If it is too late, the master won't be able to awaken the special talent in the bloodline of the bloodline of'Heavenly Vessel's Light' this time. "

Su Li agreed.

The light blue elf said: "According to the overall analysis of the system, the'Three Worlds' created by Su Wangchen borrowed from the'three pillars' model.

Because this is the most stable mode, this knowledge point is a very basic "triangle most stable" knowledge point. "

Su Li nodded and listened carefully.

The light blue elf also called up a lot of system analysis information, saying: "Combined with the influence of the movie "Silent Hill" on Su Wangchen, the real world set by Su Wangchen is based on the entire universe world of the Ziwei universe. As the main body, the core and the normal timeline where he or you are as the main axis.

That is the real world, that is, the present world where you are the master. This is also the theoretical point mentioned before. The present moment when you are alive is reality.

This reality is that no matter where you are in the mural or where you are, your own thoughts have causality with reality and can be interrupted or continued at any time. "

Su Li said with a solemn expression: "Indeed, because Su Wangchen takes the system's time axis as its main line, so the passage of time in the system is my reality.

If it does not elapse, then it is not a reality. At this point, what Que De and others said is correct where I exist, which is the present and the real world.

This is like a collection. The reality includes the world of archives. Dreams and reality are all realities. "

Qian Lan smiled and said: "So now the master can understand the cause and effect. If it was before, the master would have difficulty sorting out the cause and effect.

You know, since dreams and reality are illusions, how can they be reality?

In fact, it is very simple to understand that ordinary people sleep and dream during sleep. Everything that happens in the dream is not real, but the process of sleeping is real!

The process of sleeping is the experience of ordinary people themselves in reality, and dreams are derived from this experience.

In fact, this is the truth.

This is the ‘real world’ set by Su Wangchen.

The truth of today's real world is that the light blue star is currently being enslaved, and the battles between the Resurrection Monument, Resurrection Tomb and Tongtian Tower are also continuing.

These have been unearthed. "

Su Li said: "Yes, now in the galaxy realm where the Ziwei Tianhe is located, the battle of Tianjiao on the major planets is indeed still going on."

Light blue said: "After the real world, it is the surface world.

The "world of watch" is the "gray" world. In "Silent Hill", it is the world where the heroine Rose (Rose) found herself in a car accident after waking up from a car accident, as if it was winter, but Rose was actually hitting it The gray world that the little girl in blue entered first was filled with burning ashes and dense fog. This world is believed to be a world created by the demonized Alessa with the power of evil, trapping all those who ‘deserve their sin’ in it.

In this world, once everyone enters, they will not be able to leave unless the creator Alessa allows them, and will see all the roads around the town blocked.

Does this look like a mural world?

If it is not enough, does it look like the world created by the great dreams and destiny? "

Su Lishen agreed: "Very similar, it can even be said that it is not like, but it is!"

Light blue said: "It is indeed! Because the world of mural paintings, the real emptiness of heaven, and the fate of heaven are all special worlds with different starting points, but the same purpose. It just changed some rules in the world."

Su Li was silent for a while, carefully thinking and recording his memories on the system panel page.

After a while, Light Blue said again: The "Living World" is the world of "Dark Demon Abyss", a bloody, dirty scene with various monsters infested.

In "Silent Hill", it is actually a reflection of Alesha's inner pain and depression, and is controlled by her evil power and hatred emotions.

The inner world is another world that the watch world will switch to in an irregular state. The level of this world is more profound. It is often accompanied by the roar of the air defense alarm and suddenly changes its owner. Is this the frequent midnight thundering sound? Is it just the sound of turning over books or making pictures that often appear in ‘Shushasha’?

This is completely understandable, because in "Silent Hill", the alarm will indeed sound during a big fire, suggesting changes in life and death.

The appearance of the inner world is also very similar to being burned by a fire.

This world is even darker, with various terrifying monsters, or aliens, which will be affected by various terrifying negative emotions.

So the watch world is a world that looks clean and there is no danger. It seems that it is no different from the real world, but except for those who can be allowed to enter by yourself or a third party, almost no one can be seen.

The inner world and the outer world are complementary to each other.

Its intuition and appearance are bloody, dirty, and full of danger. Although it is absolutely spatially consistent, it is on a different level from the surface world. "

"However, this is just the basics.

After owning the system, Su Wangchen's approach would never be so one-sided and stop on the surface, so he mixed the surface world and the inner world to a certain extent, and optimized it again and again.

So the world of murals appeared.

Real illusions and real spaces such as True Void Sky Forbidden appeared.

So there are so-called demons, evil spirits, and even real ghosts, ghosts, and evil spirits. "

Su Li took a deep breath, and there were already dense beads of sweat on his forehead.

Now, with the presentation of the system's information, with Qianlan's detailed answers, and as his own intelligence has been greatly improved, he really understands a series of causes and effects.

The more you know, the more you will realize your own insignificance and ignorance.

At this time, Su Li's mentality has changed a lot.

Qian Lan pondered for a long time before he sighed: "What is clear is that in our understanding, the real world exists separately from the external and external worlds.

No matter which world we enter on the outside or inside, it has nothing to do with the real world. This is why we never see the true appearance of Silent Hill, because every time we enter it, our eyes are already blinded by the outside and inside. We need to determine the uniqueness of the rules of the outer and inner world, but the origin of it can also be found in the human heart and the world.

The surface world (including the transformed inner world) and the real world should be parallel spaces, that is, a space created or distorted on another level. This world obeys the commands of Alessa and her dark side. Restrict the intervention of the outside world, and the people inside cannot leave.

When the film reached the middle part of the film, the Rose and his wife were separated by a wall, and even "smelt her perfume". This also shows that the world of watch and the real world are not irrelevant. This is death in the parallel world and the archive world. But in the real world, it can produce the reason for the secret induction.

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Combining this, the functions of the system, Tianji Chaos and Tianji Linglong, came into being.

The final phone call in "Silent Hill" and the scene in the room also illustrate this point: you can make a phone call between two worlds. Although people on both sides cannot hear each other's voice, they can do something in this way. Degree of connection.

Furthermore, in the end Rose sat on the sofa and looked at the other empty sofa on the opposite side. In fact, her husband was there in the real world. This even shows that there is a certain induction between the two worlds, or that the two worlds are actually separated by some kind of energy by the dark side of Alessa..."

The light blue elf analyzed and analyzed Su Li's ‘outside and inside world’ in great detail, and at the same time explained the functions of the system in conjunction with the functions of the system.

This allowed Su Li to really give initiation, and finally understood what the ultimate foundation of certain functions of the system was.

After all, whether it is the chaos of the heavens or the exquisite function of the heavens, and even the layer of "Huangji Jingshishu" on which it is attached, there are traces of the rules of the ‘outside and inside world’.

The reason for this is obviously because the Heavenly Way of the Ziwei universe is completely on the thief ship of Su Wangchen.

But looking at the world at every turn is a copy, and at every turn is the world of murals changing their fate against the sky, you can imagine how lame it is to be fooled.

And after going down this road, it is obvious that there is no turning back.

I can't look back, even if I'm kneeling or crawling, I have to go down.

Su Li's mood couldn't be calm for a long time.

This result far exceeded his imagination.

For this reason, he wants to build the third layer of the memory forbidden area where the Tianchi Blood River is into a reincarnation space. The difficulty will be beyond imagination, and it will be chased and blocked by the forces of the Nether Sea and the forces of Su Wangchen!

Even, it will definitely be subject to various exclusion, alienation and even direct targeting by the rest of the world, and even the royal inheritance forces.

"Nuwa used the pictures of mountains and rivers, and it turned out to fall into the cause and effect of the outer and inner world. Unless you don't use such a method, you will all become a tool under the cause and effect."

After Su Li recognized the reality, he realized that the archive world produced by his system was also similar to the outside and inside world, and it also conformed to Su Wangchen's law.

From this point, Su Wangchen's pattern is afraid that it will far exceed the pursuit of the system.

If it is really completed, the so-called system is only a small part of this huge closed loop.

Su Lichang exhaled a sallow breath, and then silently began to understand the special ability corresponding to the talent in the bloodline, and realized the process of this special ability covering and fusing his own spirit, spirit and soul.

This process is an earth-shaking change for every transformation of the body.

In this metamorphosis, he seemed to have turned into a special superpower to control ghosts and gods. Whether it was the level of life or soul, it was invisibly elevated.

At this time, Su Li didn't even analyze and judge how strong his own combat power was, because his accumulation and transformation were far from over.

Because, at this time, Su Li still had some steps to complete.

After completing the communication with the light blue elf and recording the extremely important information on the system panel page, Su Li activated the ‘Heaven’s Harmony’ experience function refreshed from the Tianji Mall.

In the next moment, Su Li directly used the system function of Tianji Hedao to experience the qualifications, and used the "Huang Ji Jing Shi Shu: The Transformation Volume of External and Internal Laws".


At that moment, the system panel went dark directly.

The light blue elf's figure also disappeared temporarily.

Next, earth-shaking changes occurred on the system panel.

The entire system panel seems to be turned into a furnace for good fortune between heaven and earth, if you want to swallow all the avenues of this heaven and earth into the furnace.

Su Li felt carefully for a moment, and then he understood what the cause and effect were this time.

The cause and effect this time is obviously to re-integrate and transform all the exercises and make certain trade-offs.

After Su Li pondered for a long time, Su Li gave up "Moxie Sword Heart", "Xuanxin Mystery Jue", "True Void Heaven Forbidden", "Tao Sheng Yi Zhi Divine Hidden Chapter", "Tian Gang Divine Body", "Tian Gang Creation and Mixed Vitality" 》Wait for the exercises, and rebuild.

Yes, reinvented.

In the past, many exercises were very extreme exercises, and there were many flaws.

This time’s “reengineering” is based on today’s brand-new powerful system.

It is equivalent to that the many horrible causes and effects that have been brushed out can be erased at this time.

Because many of these causes and effects have been eliminated by Su Wangchen, and many have been temporarily solved by Su Li.

Therefore, the existence of these exercises, for Su Li, is the biggest destabilizing factor.

With the blessing of "The Transformation Volume of the Laws of the Emperor's Scriptures", in the rules of the Heavenly Ji He Dao, and in the world of the system, Su Li spent seven days and seven nights to complete these Gongfa and his special talent's process of'Heaven's Harmony'.

Seven days later, Su Li's background has reached the level of ultimate perfection. At the same time, due to the optimization of the system, his own abilities have undergone tremendous changes.

After the system is optimized, the most important change is that the system has been upgraded!

[Life File System ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ (light blue)] [Current time: November 9, 3030, 19:37:33:782 in Yunhuang calendar]

Level: 30

The secret value is 3213,6651.

The causal value is 2.

Function 1: Life File ☆☆☆☆: It can consume the secret value, view the past and present life files of the life body, and can block all forged files of practitioners below 8 Qianlong Pill intelligence.

Function 2: Control the future☆☆☆☆: You can consume a certain amount of chance and cause and effect to view the life files of the life body in the next ten days.

Function 3: Tianji Mall (cannot be upgraded) (Next refresh time: November 10, 3030 0:00:00): Every time when the secret is conceived or the secret is transformed, awakened, or changed, the mall will randomly refresh a secret item , Can be purchased with secret value and causal value, and can refresh the secret items six times. Each refresh will consume a certain amount of secret value and causal value.

The additional refresh times can be superimposed and merged into a super refresh or a super large refresh, and the refresh can be specified.

The gestation time of Tianji Mall: ten days and ten nights.

Function 4: Real and Void Realization ☆☆☆☆☆: Consume a large amount of heavenly value and causal value to create an archive world that reproduces the real world (including the outer and inner world) based on its own merits, and push it in the archive world Realize everything that can happen.

In the archive world, the passage of time can be accelerated at any time, and the archive world can last for ten days.

During the ‘virtually virtual experience’ period, all system functions can be used, covering all virtual worlds and murals, archive worlds, and outer and inner worlds.

Copying of bonus files for subsidiary functions.

File copying: You can copy any life form participating in the archive world and make a perfect copy. You can have all the abilities of the character within ten days and completely replace the life form! During the replacement of the life form archives, the life form will go through the cause and effect of the lockdown, ‘lost the domain’ forever and lose all self, and at the same time cannot have any memory of everything during the photocopy period.

After recovery, it is completely covered by the experience within ten days and is completely substituted (the evaluation after the real and virtual realization determines the complete substitution effect of the ‘copy character’).

Function 5: Heavenly Mystery Chaos ☆☆☆☆: Consume the Heavenly Mystery Value and Causal Value, and brand the viewed "Mastering the Future" Heavenly Mystery File into a "Deduced Illusion", and pull the life body into the illusion to go through the illusion and feel the future celestial mystery. .

Function 6: Tianji Linglong☆☆☆☆: Linglong chess game, with heaven and earth as the chessboard, common people as good fortune, and derivation of the scene (it can consume the secret value and the causal value, and set the "master of the future" or "real and virtual reality" files of the heavenly machine to a certain extent. The modification of, and then spend the celestial value and the causal value to derive the exquisite chess game, so that the chess piece mistakenly believes that he is on a whim, resulting in a sense of heaven and human beings. During the use period, the chess piece’s soul equivalence needs to be determined to evolve the true and virtual strength of the corresponding scene. The stronger the causal connection is, the more secret value can be obtained.)

[Function 7: Tianji Star Change: Star upgrade, function transformation, you can choose to actively evolve the corresponding system function. A single system function cannot surpass the system star rating. 】

[Function 8: Roulette of Destiny: Hope derived from true love can surely create miracles; Roulette from destiny can definitely change fate.

Use times: 0.

Explanation: Each time it is used, it consumes 10 million celestial value and 2 points of cause and effect. Open the Destiny Roulette and get corresponding destiny rewards. It can be refreshed only 10 days after each use, and the refresh time is synchronized with the refresh time of Tianji Mall. 】

Possess one's own realm: Refining the virtual and combining the Tao (consummation)

Possess special items: Kaitian axe (imitation), trembling bow, good fortune monument, bridge on the other side, Xuanyuan Tianxie sword.

Possess system special abilities: "Xuanshu Psychic" (excellent and transcendental); "Tianmai Battle Soul" (furnace pure blue); "Shen Yin" (furnace pure blue).

Possess special supernatural powers of the system: "Incarnation outside the body" (gong participates in good fortune); "One Qi and Sanqing" (gong participates in good fortune); "Huangji Jingshi" (reaching the peak to create the ultimate); "Standby Paper Man" (for good fortune on power); "Zhuang" "Zhou Mengdie" (Pure Fire); "Nailhead Seven Arrows Book" (excellent); "Kunpeng Xiaoyaoyou" (topping the peak) (innate supernatural powers).

Possess the system bloodline talent: Tianmai·Huaiguang (entry level).

Possess the system's ultimate skill: Tianxie breaks the sky and silences the way, Panhuangsheng kills and kills the way.

After completing the transformation, Su Li's whole person seemed to have stepped from a mortal to the level of a true god.

In particular, his special ability ""Xuanshu Psychic"", after being combined with the heavens, completely evolved into a brand-new extreme ability.

Among them, it also contains part of the ability usage of the "Xuanxin Secret Art".

The "Tianmai God of War" is the "Xuanji Battle Spirit" ability after integrating the outer and inner talents. The increase effect in all aspects is greatly improved, while the sequelae are greatly reduced.

In addition, the ability of "Divine Concealment" comes from "Tao Sheng Yi: Divine Concealment Chapter". Its divine confinement effect is even more against the sky. It is not limited to simple concealment, but a special kind of "nothingness". The means to open the third vision state.

It is the means that suddenly disappeared and nothing existed, but added a state similar to God's vision.

It is also the kind of ability that he once returned to open the vision of God in the darkness after he died 20,000 years ago.

That's "Shen Yin"!

Today, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com has this ability in the Harmony of Heaven, and has been transformed into a brand-new technique after fusion of "Heavenly Secret Starry Blood Spirit Refining Technique" and "Tianshu Ancient Town Heavenly Secret Technique".

This is also the most suitable practice for Su Li's ability combined with the modification ability of the "Huang Ji Jing Shi Shu".

At the same time, "Tiangang Divine Body" and the corresponding "Tiangang Good fortune Mixed Origin Qi" have become Su Li's own body and the ability of his own exercises to operate on their own.

And his Kunpeng bloodline and Pangu bloodline are already in line with the ‘Tianmai Huaguang’ talent, so he also has the special boosting talent effect of "Heavenly War Soul", which is his official bloodline talent effect.

Each of these transformations is extremely amazing.

At this time, after Su Li had finished his cultivation, he wanted to give it a try to see how strong he is now.

(PS: The second one is here~ Part of the data in this chapter will not be included in the number of charged words~ Please rest assured to subscribe~ Also, please cry for all subscriptions and monthly passes, bow and thank you~ There will be a third update in the evening~)

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