I Pretended to Be a God of Fortune in the Fantasy World

Chapter 40: Living Dead [2 in 1

     Su Li's words made Hua Yunxiao's mind instantly tense.

   Zhuge Wuwei also held his breath, his expression a little solemn.

   The two looked at each other, and temporarily suppressed the idea of ​​doing it on the spot, ready to continue to observe.

   Hua Ziyan’s pretty face showed a sudden look-it turned out that Master Su really had a purpose, but this purpose was for the catastrophe between heaven and earth!

In Hua Ziyan's heart, instead of blaming Su Li for deceiving her, her original admiration was even more so.

   Mu Yuxi quietly approached Su Li for a few minutes, and at the same time seriously pondered what Su Li said.

   Yun Qingxuan was also a little uneasy, but she also had some inexplicable expectations.

   Zhuge Qingchen looked excited, as if he couldn't wait to learn about Su Li's shocking history immediately, and then show off everywhere.

   "Said Xiaoyou Su, please."

   Zhuge Wuwei lowered his posture appropriately, acting very humble.

   "Senior Zhuge, I should have deduced Su's fate, I don't know, what does Senior Zhuge think?"

   Su Li looked at Zhuge Wuwei calmly, not in a hurry for a showdown.

   At the same time, he opened Zhuge Wuwei's life file system.

   Sure enough, as he judged, although Zhuge Wuwei's life file was opened, most of them were question marks on the phantom light curtain.

   But fortunately, there are still a small part that can be displayed.

   However, Su Li was not in a hurry to read the information--if he didn't read it, the other party would not have any feelings.

   Once he reads it, he is likely to be locked into a situation similar to that of ‘Demon Lan’.

  In this situation, it is easy to cause the other party to be wary, so that they can be aggressive!

   Su Li locked Yun Qingxuan again, and Yun Qingxuan's life file was the same as yesterday, without any changes. This shows that before the big event did not change, this'life file' hardly changed much.

  In the future, it is very likely to happen as always.

   "Even though Su Xiaoyou is in cultivation, it is difficult to make achievements, but, in the process of deduction, he is indeed the son of heaven—the person who is born to fit in and deduces the secret of heaven.

   Su Xiaoyou's soul is constantly changing, which makes Su Xiaoyou's fate cannot be easily deduced.

   However, it can be judged that Su Xiaoyou's fate is not in the five elements, not in the law. "

   Zhuge Wuwei pondered for a while, then glanced at Su Li again and again, tried to deduce it several times, but gave up again.

   It's not that he didn't want to, but that he had deduced it before he came - and the fate of this person really couldn't be deduced.

   This kind of deduction is more like a deduction for yourself, and there are unknown taboos in it.

   In addition, his ‘eyes of heaven’ can tell at a glance that the other party is a ‘living death’, so he is even more reluctant to deduce Su Li.

  What is "living dead"?

  The living and dead life pattern means that a person is alive well, but this person, in the true deduction of heaven, belongs to ‘dead’, just like ‘never existed in the world’.

   is similar to Hua Yunxiao, the eyebrows are full of bones, this is life-threatening, and there is a hidden danger of life and death.

   And if this ‘horizontal bone’ is enveloped all over the body and completely swallowed up by one’s own fate, this is the pseudo ‘living dead’.

   Because this is gradually formed.

If the situation of    Hua Ziyan cannot be changed and continues, such a fate will be formed.

   When the time comes, she will undoubtedly die!

   But there is another kind of situation, which happened directly when the mother began to conceive.

   This is the real "living dead".

   Normally, this kind of person should not be able to be born, and will die directly in the mother's womb.

   can be biased, impermanence, often due to some abnormal reasons, such a mortal person will also be born.

   And after its birth, there will be a result-not affected by all factors such as the aura, laws, and Dao marks between heaven and earth.

   And this kind of existence can be said to be millions of years, and it is rare to see it.

   At this time, Su Li's situation belongs to the latter kind.

   Zhuge Wuwei is very clear about the situation of this fate, but he doesn't want to say more, just click and stop.

  Su Lidao: "Senior Zhuge's words are extremely true, but they are not accurate enough."

   Zhuge Wuwei said: "Oh? Little friend, do you have any ideas?"

  Su Lidao: "Master once said that in every age, there will be a destiny of the age. And the destiny of the destiny is often not in the five elements, not in the three realms.

   The destiny changes anytime and anywhere, but there is something that will never change, that is, the thing that can change everything is unchanged, and that is eternal existence.

   That kind of existence is called the ‘Master of Destiny’, which can traverse cause and effect and dominate the destiny.

   Therefore, my fate is not the ‘living dead’ as Senior Zhuge thought, but the ‘Lord of Destiny’. "

   While speaking, Su Li immediately glanced at the current information on the life file system that was not a question mark.

   Zhuge Wuwei's heart palpitations were fierce, but Su Li's words made him even more shocked, so that the momentary palpitations were directly suppressed.

   Su Li glanced at the system and turned off the system, which was not to give the opponent too much opportunity to react.

   It’s very risky to do this, but after he showed up a master and used a ‘showdown’ method to attract the other’s attention, he would never act rashly when he performed this way.

   The other party wants the secrets of heaven to flourish, not to exterminate the clan—just imagine, if he really has an extremely powerful master, the person involved in the calculation this time, I am afraid that none of them will be able to run away!

   Su Li's expression on seeing Zhuge Wuwei and Hua Yunxiao became more solemn, and at the same time he didn't really do anything, and couldn't help but feel more at ease in his heart.

   He continued: "This time, facing the catastrophe of the revival of the devil soul, the first test the Master gave me was to survive this catastrophe.

   For this reason, Master passed me a special method of deduction—that is, the ‘fortune-telling’ method that I have been using before.

   Fortune-telling, also known as ‘divination’ and ‘divination’.

   Gua means "Gossip"...

Master travels around the world and feels the sufferings of all beings. Therefore, he looks up to the sky, looks down to the ground, watching the text of birds and beasts and the appropriateness of the earth, taking all the bodies close, and all things far away, so he began to make gossip. The virtue of being able to communicate with the gods, with the love of all things..."

  Su Li briefly introduced the origin of "Human Emperor Fuxi" and "Bagua".

His metaphysical knowledge derives from the system, and the core of the system knowledge comes from the innate gossip of Emperor Fuxi. After that, the three books of "Lianshan", "Gui Zang" and "Zhou Yi" were born. Carry forward this system.

   To call the emperor as a teacher is not only Su Li's memory of his previous life, but also a brand of his own origin.

   Metaphysics, for him, is the inheritance of spirit and the precipitation of civilization!

  Similarly, this kind of knowledge system, relying solely on ‘open-mouthed’, is obviously not valid!

  He, he is only eighteen years old, he knew it by birth, and it is impossible for him to invent such a ‘inheritance’ casually.

   Based on this, Su Licai showed some basic information points, and at the same time, secretly set up a nih ‘Master’ to increase his own background.

   Sure enough, such a statement directly shocked Zhuge Wuwei.

   As for Hua Yunxiao, the atmosphere didn't even take a breath at this time, his face was shocked.

   The expression didn't converge at all.

   "It looks like this is a very, very powerful inheritance!"

   Zhuge Wuwei originally thought that what Su Li had mastered was an ancient secret inheritance acquired by some chance, but he never thought that it was ‘taught’ by others.

   There is naturally a big difference between the two.

   "I don't really feel strong or not, but Master... the scene where I met Master, I still remember it still fresh."

   Su Li was lost in thought.

   Zhuge Wuwei and Hua Yunxiao glanced at each other, and then immediately held their breath and listened carefully.

   "It happened eighteen years ago. It should be when I was just conceived in my mother's body."

Su Li pretended to be immersed in the memories of the past, sighed lightly, and said: "At that time, the mother said that her injury was already very serious. Because of congenital deficiencies, even being an ordinary person is difficult.

   And like this, if the enemy finds out again, the result will only be even more miserable.

   Based on these considerations, the mother and father decided to end the baby’s life in advance.

   At that time, I suddenly opened up my mind and understood the difficulties of my parents.

   So that night, Master helped me create a dreamland. In the dreamland, I met my father and mother and talked with them.

   I said, ‘father, mother, children are incompetent, I don’t want to embarrass you, I’m leaving. ’.

   At that time, after the mother woke up, she found that the child was about to die.

   Later, the teacher respected Xinxin and helped me continue my life, and my life style became detached from then on.

After   , the master gave me an inheritance, but myself, I was in a state of being blinded and muddled.

   After my mother passed away, the situation improved, but soon became muddled.

   At that time, in fact, all my energy and energy were concentrated on the aspect of ‘gossip inheritance’, so that, in other aspects, it seemed silly.

   It wasn't until a few days ago that his father also passed away. This kind of haunting state suddenly recovered.

   It is also that day, the inheritance that the master gave me, is finally considered to be the beginning.

   This incident can be regarded as one of my secrets, but right now, what is a personal secret compared to the life and death of all beings?

  The reason why I started with Fairy Yuxi was actually, the fundamental purpose was to contact Senior Zhuge from Senior Hua, and then to solve this doomsday catastrophe.

   Success or failure is not important to me personally.

   Although I want to be Master’s direct disciple instead of a named disciple, my own abilities are limited and I don’t want to be ashamed of Master.

   But the matter this time is very relevant and affects not the lives and deaths of a few people, but the lives and deaths of the entire world, so I hope that the catastrophe can be successfully overcome. "

   "Senior Zhuge, what I want to say, I'm done. Senior Zhuge, are you willing to cooperate with Su and work together to overcome this catastrophe?"

   Su Li showed absolute sincerity and even revealed the ‘secret’ of his life experience.

   "This matter is not trivial, let me consider it carefully. Su Xiaoyou rest assured, if the catastrophe is imminent, I will do nothing, and I will never stand by!"

   Zhuge Wuwei was agitated by Su Li's words.

   At this time, do you still have to put Su Li under house arrest?

   He hesitated very much in his heart.

   Are Su Li's words true or intentional?

   Is it to make myself jealous, so I dare not shoot him, or is there really such a powerful master?

   While Zhuge Wuwei was meditating, he looked at Su Li from time to time.

   And Su Li, with sincerity and expectation in his eyes, seems to be waiting for his consent.

   "Su Xiaoyou, you mean, all cause and effect start from the destruction of Wanli Holy Land?"

   Zhuge Wuwei asked in a deep voice.

"indeed so."

   Su Li affirmed.

   "If we cooperate, what do we need to do?"

   Zhuge Wuwei asked again.

   "Protect Wanli Holy Land first."

   Su Lidao.

   "But, I just gave the order in the morning, and today the forbidden area has been opened, and all the disciples have entered into it to enlighten the way. The mountain gate has also been opened wide, and many blockades have also been lifted..."

   Yun Wanchu's face was very pale, and he trembled.

   "Now, it is too late to evacuate all the disciples. And...well, Wanli Holy Land, since there is no room for loss, then, take a good defense!

   I still have some friends in life and death, I will send a message later and ask them to take action.

  The beginning of the cloud, from now on, you will begin to seal the mountains and set up formations..."

   Hua Yunxiao groaned for a while, and said.

   Su Li heard the words and moved in his heart, calling up Hua Yunxiao's life file, just about to check his inner information.

At this time, he heard Hua Yunxiao's heartfelt voice in his ears: "First pretend to be a rescuer, and let Yun Wanchu and his party resist the wave. At that time, he will use the'arrangement of lore killing array' as a gimmick. , Let him continue to hold on.

   This person is afraid of death, so he has many methods and is extremely capable!

   Later, I will first take this Su Li and others to the forbidden area of ​​the ancient Hua family, let the ancestors see it before talking.

   With his ability to derive, he has probably derived some of his own crises...

  From another angle, if I were him, how would I save myself?

   Then make up an extremely powerful force as a backing, and let us cast a rat-avoidance weapon on it.

   Therefore, it is very possible that he deliberately brought out a master to calm us down!

  So... My plan with Master Zhuge, I still continue!

   But the means of ‘please’ in the past, be gentler first, so as not to let him notice it is..."

   What Hua Yunxiao thought in her heart, and what she said in her mouth, totally disagrees!

   Of course, his thoughts are also fleeting~www.readwn.com~ But Su Li's "convince people with reason" heard such aspirations.

   Su Li called up the life file and looked at it. It turned out that Hua Yunxiao had a question mark because of the ‘Holy Jade’ of Heaven’s Mystery.

   But ‘convince people with reason’, but you can hear it!

   This proves that the lower the system ranking, the heavier the weight.

   When Zhuge Wuwei gave the order, Yun Qingxuan's expression directly changed.

   At this point in time, Zhuge Wuwei and "Hua Yunxiao" secretly passed on some information, so the two have decided to take Su Li first, and let him and Hua Lingshang see each other before talking!

   That's why Hua Yunxiao gave the order without hesitation.

   Yun Qingxuan listened to Zhuge Wuwei and Hua Yunxiao's ‘secret communication’ on the spot, and saw Hua Yunxiao’s hypocritical order to guard the Wanli Holy Land, and suddenly his heart sank to the bottom—Su Li’s methods did not work!

   Hua Yunxiao did not believe his rhetoric at all, and was already asking his disciples to die!

   At this time, she was a little hesitant in her heart. She could completely signal Su Li through her eyes to make Su Li vigilant.

   But after thinking about it, she didn't do it. Instead, she still stared at Su Li calmly, as if she wanted to see how Su Li would choose.

   If Su Li can't even take this step, then this person is still not worth relying on.

   At this moment, Su Li was taken aback for a moment, and then a look of joy appeared on his face.

   At that moment, he suddenly said in surprise: "It's saved! The catastrophe of the world, it's saved! My master has sent a message!"


   derive a new book from my friend "You Chen", "Cultivation Starts with Live Selling in Ten Thousand Worlds", and is also an old author for more than ten years. Those who like this type can go and read it~

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