Chapter 91
The chess tournament, excluding me, was won by Baedeokgae unnie, with Sunchoo unnie and Palgili ahjussi taking second and third place, respectively.
It was unexpected that Palgili ahjussi, who was purely a physical powerhouse, managed to secure third place.
When the atmosphere finally settled down a bit, I decided to do something important that I had planned.
“I’ll hold a… Q&A session…”
I realized that in all this time, the guild that had gathered because they liked me had never held a Q&A session.
We just ran dungeons, raids, and daily quests while chatting, but we never set aside time for something like this.
I’m not a celebrity or a streamer, but without realizing it, I’ve been treated as the gallery owner of the Leore gallery, and within Leore, I’m practically a celebrity after achieving WFK.
When I play Leore, I get greeted by a lot of people and receive a lot of attention, which honestly feels great.
Especially today, this isn’t just a regular guild gathering. It feels a bit like a fan meeting, so today, I’m ready to answer any questions!
“Does anyone… have anything they’re curious about…? I’ll tell you… everything today…”
The lounge was silent.
No one asked me anything. Wait, does this even make sense? Everyone joined this guild because they like me, right?
“Does no one… have any questions about me…?”
Everyone had a lot of things they wanted to ask Arang. But the problem was that most of those questions disappeared when they saw Arang’s real-life appearance.
Of course, seeing Arang’s real-life appearance made them want to ask new questions. But there’s no one foolish enough to actually ask her those things directly.
But there’s always that one fool.
It started with Baedeokgae.
“Arang-ah. Why did you start playing Leore?”
“Hmm… When I woke up from a coma… I was already inside Leore… Unnie told me… they tried connecting me to several games, but I first woke up in Leore…”
“Wow… So meeting you was fate, then!?”
“Yeah… It was fate…”
Starting with Baedeokgae, everyone began asking small questions or talking about the next raid, and so on.
“Guild Master.”
“I run the Leore gallery… A lot of people are worried, so would it be okay if I posted that you’re doing fine?”
“Yes… I’m… really healthy…”
“And… when will the cafe be ready?”
“Ah… I’ll make it… today…”
Palgili, who always raises his hand before speaking, raised his hand.
“There’s going to be a massive update soon with server integration. Does our guild have any plans?”
Arang nodded at Palgili’s words.
“First… let’s try… guild content… But… I’m much younger than you all…”
“You’re still our Guild Master. And I find this much more comfortable. So, are you thinking of doing guild wars?”
“Wow, really? Then are you going to recruit more guild members?”
“Yeah… We’ll need at least 30 people… But… I plan to divide ranks among the current members…”
“Finally, guild member recruitment! Are you planning to do a survival-style recruitment again?”
Sunchoo, stroking Arang’s head in his lap, spoke.
“I’m not sure… Does anyone have any opinions…?”
“Hmm… What do you think, Arang-nim?”
Palgili slowly explained his thoughts.
Everyone in the lounge nodded, agreeing it was a good idea.
The guild members all needed to know about my seizures.
There will be many situations while playing Leore, and if a seizure happens, I could get forcibly logged out. So, I needed to tell the guild members in advance so they wouldn’t be shocked.
That’s why I told them about the terrible nurse Arang had to deal with.
But everyone’s reactions were strange.
Starting with Pinku unnie, all the female guild members had tears in their eyes, and the male guild members were so angry it looked like their heads were about to explode.
‘No, think about it. If someone hurt Anna unnie, who I love…’
This reaction is natural.
But I want to be honest with the guild members who like me and want to be close to me, who play Leore with me.
Seizures. I need to overcome them quickly, or rather, get treated.
Getting forcibly logged out while playing Leore? I wouldn’t be able to handle that.
Especially with the upcoming guild recruitment and guild-related combat content, a sudden forced logout would be a huge blow to morale.
And getting logged out during a raid…? Getting logged out right before WFK and causing a wipe? I’d be trash! Trash!
I have to stop this.
‘I need to talk to the doctor unnie.’
“A gift…?”
Amid the heavy atmosphere after my seizure story, Baedeokgae unnie handed me a gift.
Inside the beautifully wrapped box were various gifts.
A necklace, a headband, cute clothes, and lots of pretty things.
Baedeokgae unnie has grown too, as she didn’t give me shoes and gloves like last time.
Though I don’t have many occasions to wear shoes and gloves, I always wear the ones Baedeokgae gave me when I go out.
Even though I can’t walk with my prosthetic leg, it’s a bit weird to go without shoes, so I always wear them.
“Thank you, unnie… As thanks, I’ll let you touch my belly like last time…”
Starting with Baedeokgae unnie, all the guild members began giving me gifts.
Thanks to Baedeokgae unnie, the heavy atmosphere was lightened again.
“Thank you… Thank you…”
The gifts piled up in an instant. Is this the power of a top-tier beauty?
In the past, I never received even a single chocolate on Valentine’s Day. But now, I have a pile of gifts as tall as I am.
The gift-giving ceremony ended, and the guild gathering concluded successfully. Everyone is a good person, and everyone had fun, so it was a relief.
At the end, we all took a group photo and speculated about the next raid. Since we all love Leore, just talking about it was fun.
Oh, by the way, when we took the photo, Sunchoo unnie held me. Since I’m so short, even when she held me, her face was clearly visible.
Everyone enjoyed the guild gathering, and the lively atmosphere felt really good. If it were the old me, I would’ve just thought it was noisy, but now, I really like this bustling feeling.
It’s fascinating. Even though there’s almost no difference between the virtual world and reality, the feeling is different.
‘Is it because the mindset is different?’
Before we parted, I hugged all the guild members.
The male guild members looked a bit unsure, so I firmly told them it was fine.
This isn’t something Arang dislikes, nor do I, so I happily hugged everyone.
Except Palgili ahjussi. Even when he was a man, his visuals were intimidating, so I was a little scared. Just a little.
[Leore Gallery]
[Is Leore Responsible for Arang Arang’s Condition?] [613]
I’m really worried about Arang’s health.
Arang said on Kang Hangeul’s stream that she’d make a cafe, but she still hasn’t, and I don’t know if her condition has improved or worsened. I’m so worried I might go crazy.
The last scene of the stream was so shocking, it keeps flashing before my eyes.
Does anyone know anything?
Yeah, someone tell us if the gallery owner is okay.
She looked really bad, both mentally and physically. I’m curious if she’s okay.
ㄴㄹㅇ What if she suddenly says she’s terminally ill…?
ㄴThat’s so scary.
[Gallery Owner’s Guild Member Updates on Gallery Owner’s Status] [524]
This is proof that I’m a guild member of the gallery owner.
Today, during the guild gathering, I got permission from the Guild Master to share this.
The Guild Master is doing well and is much healthier now.
She said she’ll make the fan cafe soon.
That’s a relief. So, she’s not terminally ill, right?
ㄴWhen she had that seizure and fell from the access device, my heart dropped too;;
But “soon”… Didn’t she say that on Kang Hangeul’s stream too…?
ㄴSomeone should just make it for her ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
ㄴSeriously, make it fast, I’m getting dizzy.
Wow, you’re a guild member of the gallery owner? So jealous?
ㄴI wanna join Munchkin Cat too ㅅㅂ
ㄴWait, guild gathering?
Guild gathering? You had a guild gathering today? Is she okay?
ㄴAfter what happened yesterday, you had a guild gathering? Is she really okay?
ㄴThe Guild Master played with us healthily.
ㄴYou played with the gallery owner? Hang that guy.
ㄴLet’s kill him ㅇㅇ Then we’ll need to recruit one more guild member, right?
ㄴThat’s it.
ㄴWhat’s that ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅁㅊ guys
[Gallery Owner’s Fan Cafe] [124]
Is the cafe’s state for real? It’s just the basic setup?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
ㄴWhat do you expect from a 15-year-old girlㅋㅋㅋㅋ Be grateful it’s even made.
ㄴStill, this is too raw. Someone needs to manage it.
ㄴYeah, if it’s left like this, it’ll become a mess.
I’ll tell the Guild Master.
ㄴKill the traitor.