I Play Games Even Without Limbs

Chapter 89

I wanted to go back after watching the tournament, but of course, that was rejected.

Such a large-scale tournament was something you couldn’t see unless it was a world-class event like the World Tournament, so I wanted to witness the famous Korean tournament of Leore in person and feel the excitement.

But because of the things I’d done, I nodded and went home as Anna unnie told me to.

I had no choice but to watch the match through the broadcast.

The chat was still buzzing about my story, and I silently apologized again to that uncle named Ucheol, the tournament manager.

Despite the commotion caused by me, thanks to the passionate commentary of the casters and analysts, the tournament fortunately regained its momentum.

The match proceeded with 24 players who had already made it through the preliminaries.

Even though they weren’t professional players, their skills were truly impressive.

They showed unexpected strategies and pulled off scenes worth admiring.

The tournament was on fire with these players’ matches.

Among them, one player showed overwhelming performance and won the tournament.

I thought we’d see that player in professional tournaments soon.

After arriving at the hospital room and greeting my unnies, I quickly fell asleep due to the fatigue from the seizure.

“Looking forward to the guild gathering tomorrow… Hmmnya…”


I couldn’t tell if this was okay, if it had gotten better, or if it was bad.

No tears, no snot, no drool, but the hollow eyes holding death, the small nose that made me doubt if it could even breathe, and the lips that seemed to be smiling but made me doubt if they really were—it was different seeing it in person compared to the screen.


Tears welled up in Kang Hyesol’s eyes as she looked at the photo of Arang on her phone.

It wasn’t just because of the photo Arang had just posted.

Unfortunately, the photo before the one Arang just posted was also a photo Arang had posted.

It was a photo of Arang smiling brightly, bragging about taking a picture with Gmar.


While trembling as she looked at the photo Arang had just posted, Hyesol accidentally touched her phone, and it switched to the photo of Arang smiling brightly.

The stark contrast in the mood of Arang’s photos made it even more heartbreaking for those who saw them.

“Hyesol-ah, are you okay?”

“I’m not okay…! Did you know about this, unnie…!?”

“Yeah. I knew.”

“I see. Is Arang in a lot of pain…!?”

“They say she’s stable now, but since her condition suddenly improved, no one knows what might happen…”

“How could this be…!”


[Arang]: Don’t worry, everyone! I’m perfectly healthy~ The guild gathering tomorrow will go on without any issues! See you all tomorrow!

Arang spoke as if it was nothing, whether or not she knew how the guild members felt.

“Eeeek! How can we not worryyyyy!”

Hyesol jumped up and shouted.

“Unnie, that’s so mean! How could you keep something this important a secret!?”

“If I told you such heavy things and talked about Arang, you wouldn’t see her as just Arang anymore.”

“Th-that’s… true, but…”

“I was so shocked when I first saw Arang too…”


On the day of the Munchkin Cat guild gathering.

The location of the guild gathering had suddenly changed the day before.

No one in the guild complained about the sudden change the day before the gathering.

First, it wasn’t too far from the original location, and the new location was a hospital.

Since everyone had seen the condition of their guild master, Arang, the guild members accepted the gathering at the hospital.

Kwon Miae and Kang Hyesol walked to the hospital entrance that Arang had marked on the map for the guild gathering.

At the meeting spot, Sunchoo and Pinkubelly were already chatting with other guild members.

“Baedeokgae, you’re here.”

“Hi hi.”

Sunchoo greeted his friend Baedeokgae, and soon all the Munchkin Cat guild members except the guild master had gathered.

All the guild members were good people, but the most noticeable among them was Palgili.


Marajjamppong looked up at Palgili with her head tilted all the way back.

“Hello, Marajjamppong-nim. I’m Palgili.”

“Ah, hello. Wow… Palgili-nim, your physique is amazing? I thought you were big in Leore, but… to think that was actually toned down.”

Palgili’s towering height of over 2 meters and his massive build would make anyone who didn’t know him instinctively lower their heads and run away.

Marajjamppong shivered as she shook hands with Palgili.

‘Is his hand bigger than my face…?’

“By the way, Palgili-nim, why is your nickname ‘Palgili 10cm’?”

Naturally, the conversation turned to Palgili because of his overwhelming height.

“Uh… well… actually… I changed my nickname after teasing the guild master about her short and cute arms…”


Everyone was shocked by Palgili’s words.

“You’re a devil.”

“A devil…”

“I-I didn’t think it would turn out like this…!”

“But it’s true. Arang’s arms are probably about 10cm long.”


As Sunchoo said this with a laugh, Palgili hung his head low, and Sunchoo clapped his hands.

“Shall we go to the guild gathering now?”

“But does the hospital have enough space for this many people to have a guild gathering? Even if there’s a lounge, it might be a nuisance…”

At Palgili’s words, everyone nodded. Even though the hospital was large, they were worried about causing trouble for others.

“Don’t worry, everyone. Just follow me.”

Sunchoo, Pinku, and Baedeokgae walked ahead, and the rest of the guild members followed.

They passed by the largest building and kept walking, and everyone started to wonder. After walking for a while, a building about five stories tall stood before them.

“What kind of building is this?”

It was a building with a different exterior from the other hospital buildings. It looked more like a mansion than a hospital building. The exterior was so well-designed that it didn’t seem like it belonged in a hospital.

“To put it simply, it’s Arang’s private building…? You could say.”

“Arang’s private building?”

“Yes. This building only has Arang as a patient, and the medical staff here are all here just for Arang.”

“Whaaat!? This entire building is just for Arang!?”



Kim Hyesun, Arang’s attending doctor, guided the guild members who had come to play with Arang into the building.

She meticulously went through all the necessary procedures before letting them in, especially after what had happened yesterday.

“Should we wake Arang up?”

“Is Arang still sleeping?”

“She’s in the virtual world right now.”

“Really? Hmm~ Then…”

Sunchoo, after entering the building and seeing everyone looking around the first floor, remembered something.

“Shall we go meet our guild master, Arang?”

Originally, they planned to hang out in the lounge on the first floor, but since they had gathered early and entered the building early, they decided to wake Arang, who was still in Leore.

“Eh, unnie…?”

At Sunchoo’s words, Pinku realized that Sunchoo was trying to tease the guild members and tried to stop him, but then she thought that since her own heart had stopped a few times because of Arang, it wouldn’t be so bad if the guild members’ hearts stopped too.

Everyone followed Sunchoo without suspicion, and without thinking, they followed him into Arang’s hospital room.


And so, in front of everyone, Arang’s hospital room appeared.

A massive bed, a huge access device that dwarfed the bed, and Arang, small and delicate, with no limbs.

Electrodes were attached all over her body to monitor her condition, and medical devices displayed her status.

To anyone who saw her, she didn’t look like a healthy person at all.

The more sensitive female guild members shed tears, and the male guild members were speechless.

The sight of Arang, so different from her appearance in Leore, made everyone’s hearts ache.

[Huh!? Why is everyone here so early!?]

At Arang’s bright and cheerful voice, everyone looked up and saw Arang’s surprised expression on a large screen on one wall.

Arang was riding a mount she had won from the tournament, doing a Galoopis in the air.

[There’s still 20 minutes left! What do you think of this!? Isn’t it awesome!? This is the limited 2-person mount I got from this tournament!!! Kya~ Look, it can even fly!? First come, first serve! I’ll take one person!]




While the guild members had serious expressions, Arang was proudly showing off the mount she had won from the tournament, laughing brightly, leaving everyone speechless, their mouths opening and closing.

At the guild members’ dumbfounded expressions, Pinku, Sunchoo, and Baedeokgae, who already knew Arang, laughed at their silly faces.

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