I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 215 – Weaponised Ferocity

I don’t know exactly what we expected to see after the massive gate swung open, but I guess total darkness is not far from it. All in all, we have been picking locks at an ancient entrance of a supposedly dead community. They might have once been something incredible, and right now, we are about to discover if it was true for ourselves, about to venture into the possible ruins and dusty remains of a lost civilization.

Well, not entirely lost since the Dwarves still are good and dandy back in their faraway lands, but the same can’t be said about those protecting and managing these places. I do wonder how much of their culture was left behind in these supposed tunnels. My excitement at such discovery might not compare to Sirgia’s even in the slightest, but it’s still rather high up there.

“Do you have more than one of those head lights?” I ask my short companion.

“Of course, Master.” The craft Dwarf lady nods and summons another one from her spatial storage. “Here you are. We might need them. There doesn’t seem to be any power in the lighting system. It’s not a surprise if it hasn’t been manually maintained for decades, if not longer.”

“Power? What was it powered with?” I raise a curious brow at her.

“According to the legends, massive spiritual furnaces that burned mana-infused crystals and gemstones. All that spiritual energy then flowed through pipes covered in special sealant and runes that kept all that mana inside the ducts. Those were connected to all the major utilities like lighting, heating, water pumps, and so on. It beats having people dedicated to spending their entire days or weeks walking around and resupplying every single crystal and device by hand. Especially in a massive, dark place like this,” she explains with clear pride in her voice.

It might not exactly fall under magitech yet, but those were quite close, I would say. It shouldn’t be that shocking considering how crafty in terms of engineering Dwarves usually are in most stories. In the end, I have a perfect example right by my side. With just the slightest little nudge from me, Sirgia designed plenty of gadgets from Earth within the restraints of the current realm. Even without my assistance, she was already a great artificer.

“Do you think we would be able to restore that power?” I put the hat on and turn the light, shooting a white beam into the darkness. “That would certainly make it easier to explore this place, which I’m fairly sure you would love to do.”

Sirgia fidgets a little next to me. “If you think we have the time, Master…”

Chuckling gently, I ruffle through her hair. “This is your trip, your adventure. I’m just your bodyguard. My mission is to deliver you safely to your homeland. So, wherever you go, I go too. I ain’t leaving your side for a moment. Okay, maybe save for toilet time. That you can handle on your own, I think.”

She lets out an adorable giggle and shoots me a pretty smile. “Thank you, Master. I’m sure it will be worth it.”

“Seeing this lovely smile of yours is already making it worth it.” I wink at her and Sirgia’s cheeks colour faintly. “So you want to go in or should we spend a night outside first?”

Looking thoughtful, she glances between our campfire and the mysterious depths. “Inside should be safer. Especially with our hidden residence. And there shouldn’t be anything we have to worry about in there. All the defensive measures should be down.”

Should being the keyword here.” I wave a finger at her. “But, I agree. Let’s collect our stuff before the gate closes. No idea how long it stays open like this. You ready too, Diana? Or should we give you some time to hunt a little more? You might have to eat the rations we prepared for you for who knows how long.”

Our canine companion gives the forest behind us one more glance before returning her attention to the front and shaking her head like a drill, along with the rest of her body. The two of us chuckle at the entertaining sight and take that as a confirmation that she is up for it. Maybe she will be able to leave with her ability once we step inside. Not sure if we are going to try in case she ends up blocked when trying to get back in. Sirgia will have to decide once we gather more information on the seals and arrays keeping this place safe from outside interference.

So, we get to work and clean our camp up as much as we can. We won’t be able to erase all traces, but it isn’t a problem. It’s not like someone who comes here to ponder the sealed entrance is going to figure out that we went inside. There already were some signs of other people staying the night around here so I assume it’s not that uncommon of a sightseeing spot. It’s not even hidden, really.

After we are packed up once more and Diana is comfortably inside the harness with the saddle and other equipment, the two of us share a nod of understanding and start walking through the gate. The big protective wolf takes my left while Sirgia takes the right. We follow the ruined road until it becomes a functional road at the doorstep, just very, very old and dirty. It resembles one of those legendary Roman paths that survived centuries, only pure black and ominous. Our steps kick up clouds of ancient dust, revealing more details underneath the thick layer.

When our group is safely a few metres inside, the old mechanism jolts itself to work again, causing us to jump in surprise, and the two giant wings begin closing up. I guess there has to be some kind of a magical motion trigger that makes the whole thing understand people have wandered in or out and it’s time to seal the passage once more. We stand there and watch as the gap grows smaller and smaller, soon disappearing completely with the familiar noise of both the locks we have solved earlier falling into place.

I’m glad to know we haven’t permanently unlocked them. That could have been a problem.

But, no use thinking about it now. And no need to.

We turn to the road ahead of us. The sheer size of the tunnel we have entered is overwhelming. This passage could easily serve as an interstate highway going through a mountain, with at least three lanes on each side. I think the slight squeeze near the end is intentional, either for security reasons or something else. You could fit more defenders on this side while the invaders had to push through a narrower entrance.

This long cavern is just as high as the gate, not rising any higher, and it most likely didn’t need to in the past. I can’t imagine anything this massive being capable of regular travel throughout this world, even with the mastery of the Dwarves. A damn Dragon could comfortably fly through this passage, depending on the case, of course. The residents wouldn’t be happy no matter the size anyway, most likely.

There are no niches or other passages in the walls around us, only the straight tunnel ahead. If there is any checkpoint or military fort, it has to be placed deeper in, which would be smart. The potential enemy would need to retreat in a straight line in the case of failure, open to a vicious counterattack. If they wouldn’t end up locked inside in the first place.

But, I can spot the crystals used for lighting Sirgia has mentioned. They are embedded into the ceiling in two even rows and are massive on their own. From where we stand, they look to be the size of a person. A Dwarf, of course. Their surface is black and shiny right now, making me wonder what kind of light they emit when supplied with mana.

“It’s like time has stopped here,” Sirgia whispers while looking around and shining her lamp everywhere. “No traces of battle, damage, death, just a complete lack of presence for a long period. If every section is like this, we might really have a chance to power it back up, Master. Maybe the fuel hasn’t fully run out and we will find enough of it in the warehouses.”

“It’s too early to judge, but that would be nice.” I nod to myself. “Now think what would your clan think if they learned you not only unlocked the route of the ancients but even restored it to its former greatness, providing your allies a safe passage through the mountains.”

Her eyes grow wide to the brim as her gaze snaps to my face. “That… That would be…”

“Heroic? Legendary? Enough to show everyone how much of a badass you are?” I grin at her. “Plus, it would definitely help us out too with any future expeditions. Not to mention providing a safe haven for those in need.”

“We would need people to run it. Not even all of us from the mansion are enough to maintain something like this.” She turns a tad hesitant.

“Baby steps, dear, baby steps.” I chuckle softly. “First, we find something that can prove we have unearthed the secrets of the ancients. Then, we gain the respect of your kin and make you the boss. And next, we find worthy allies to recruit for this project. It might take a while, but it’s not impossible. You are a Forgegraver, aren’t you?”

For a moment, she looks like she is going to use the branch family card again, but seeing my confident gaze, she tosses it away and responds with a gentle smile. “I am. And I will make my name as famous as the Mad Lady’s to make you proud, Master.”

“That’s the spirit!” I scoop her up into a warm hug. “They have no idea what’s coming for them!”

She giggles into my ear. “They certainly are not expecting the Demigod of Lust in the flesh to be heading for their lands.”

“Now, that’s not what I meant, but I guess you aren’t wrong.” Smirking, I let my lovely Dwarf girl down. “Should we head deeper? I can’t see any good spots to hide the suitcase in. Of course, there are your concealing enchantments, but I would sleep easier knowing it isn’t simply sitting out in the open like this.”

“Let’s walk, then. There should be a guardhouse or something. There is no way the entrance was completely unguarded in the past,” Sirgia points out and Diana gives an affirming bark, which echoes throughout the long cave, making us both laugh openly.

We better watch out for any sonic abilities in here or it won’t end well for our hearing.

Shining our lights here and there we begin our family trek. Besides the sounds of our footsteps, there is barely any noise present. Our boots scrape against the tough floor of the once magnificent road, leaving deep imprints in the grey dust. Thanks to that, we can tell that no one else was in here for a damn long time. I don’t even want to think how much work would be needed to clean this whole place up without any clever Dwarven contraptions or simply magic.

Nothing really catches our attention for about five minutes. Then, the beams we emit forward stumble on a change in the shape of the passage. It becomes clear that it expands past a certain point, and we can spot the sharp edges of what might be buildings or segments of a different structure. Sharing an excited glance, we pick up the pace. I remain just as vigilant for the both of us, just in case. Diana seems focused on making sure we aren’t surprised by anyone or anything too.

Carefully, we reach the spot and peek inside to get a better view. What greets us resembles a militaristic fortification with plenty of archer positions, ramparts, multiple levels, and defensive ranks. It kind of resembles a courtyard surrounded by the walls of a keep or its watchtowers, just lacking the element of openness from above. Or a rectangular gladiatorial arena with the top covered.

The buildings set in the walls of the man-made cavern are of grey shade just like everything else save for the road we have been travelling over. They seem to be intentionally merging when you look at them from this lower angle to make it harder for the viewer to spot the turns, junctions, and specific floors. Thankfully, we don’t need to figure that out too hard because there are no angry defenders set up on top of these fortifications.

They even had something akin to oil drop-off holes right above our heads where the entrance opens up into this area. A slight shiver passes through my spine as I imagine the horrors of getting splashed with that evil, burning substance close to napalm. The Dwarves were not playing around. I bet this wasn’t even their cruellest device installed here in the past.

“So, we got to the guardhouse. Impressive. A small army could fit here. If the races outside were aware of the possibilities provided by such arrangements, there is no surprise Humans didn’t seriously attempt to break through your defences and secure these lanes,” I comment with a quiet whistle. “Though, a few powerful mages could possibly wreck this place given enough time.”

“Not necessarily, Master.” Sirgia spins to face me, shielding her lamp so as not to blind my eyes and I do the same. “If I’m not mistaken, this isn’t your typical mountain stone. I had a feeling since the moment we set foot in here. It’s only made to look so unremarkable and matching with common grey rock. I believe it’s actually Inversicate. This mountain range could house a vein or two, creating a reason for why my ancestors picked this specific area for the passage.”

“And what is that?” I ask, first time hearing such a name.

“A mineral with low traces of mana-sensitive metals inside it. When properly mined and processed, it gains the ability to disperse magic up to a certain Tier. Some spells might even get flung back at the caster or have their effects altered. Haven’t you felt something the deeper we walked, Master?”

“Now that you mention it, I did a bit, but I guess it’s not as noticeable as I’m not a pure magical Class. My senses do seem a little boxed in. I just assumed that’s because of where we are.” I scratch my cheek, reexamining our surroundings. “Does this Inversicate retain its qualities forever or does its effectiveness fade with time?”

“It should be safe to assume that it retains most of its strength, half at worst. Places like these have been built for generations. And this would be another thing the Dwarves of the past wanted to keep sealed within this sad tomb. We lost access to this mineral long ago, and so did the rest of the world as a result. It’s now one of our only advantages in the chance that Humans or someone else decides to invade our lands once more as many of our keeps, castles, fortresses, or sometimes walls are at least sprinkled with it. Unlike the newer structures,” she explains.

“I see. It would be too risky to create new mines outside of these places as that could garner the attention of the realm. With the way of accessing this place forgotten, you lost your only relevant supply. That’s extremely unlucky,” I comment.

“Or lucky for us.” Sirgia grins cutely. “This could become an important card in future negotiations, not to mention the monopoly you would have on the mineral if you wished to extract it again, Master. First, for our personal use, perhaps concealing its true nature even more, and then for our allies to help defend against the Abyssals.”

“That feels like a very important decision for much later.” I chuckle anxiously. “One that could make some people very angry. Unless you get them under your little thumb first.”

“Fair enough.” She blushes lightly. “I didn’t intend to overwhelm you, Master. I just thought of that possibility. This entire place is making me excited and I know it’s very different from how I usually am.”

“Oh, there’s nothing wrong about that.” I kneel down to stroke her cheek lovingly. “I enjoy seeing you so happy and enthusiastic. Always. And if it makes that genius brain of yours spin even faster, that’s even better. Don’t hold back. I’m here to support you.”

After peering into my eyes for a moment, she pulls me in for a few fluffy kisses. I indulge in such a pleasant gift until Diana raises her head next to us and her ears perk up. A little reluctant, I draw my face away and focus too. Sirgia opens her sweet mouth most likely to ask what’s wrong but I stop her with a finger against her soft lips.

“Do you hear that?” I whisper and she strains her hearing too.

The faraway scraping and shuffling that Diana noticed first, I second, becomes clear to my short wife too. Due to the many empty spaces surrounding us, it’s fairly impossible to pinpoint the source, unless we are completely surrounded. Something is moving closer, or it’s already close enough. The uncertainty throws me off, and the mana-countering stone doesn’t help.

Soon enough, a long scaly snout pokes out of one of the thin windows. Its owner scans the arena intently before their glimmering yellow eyes lock on the three of us and its pupils shrink into fierce slits. Then, it opens its jaws and releases a piercing shriek that forces us to cover our ears, the poor Diana desperately patting hers with her paws while on the ground.

In a flash, a pack of winged creatures rushes out of various openings and doorways, gathering in a swirling ring right below the ceiling. At first, I almost shit myself thinking we have stumbled on a Dragon nest judging by their scales and general, lizard-like builds, but that moment of dread passes quickly when I spot where their wings come from.

The front limbs.

Those are Wyverns, thankfully.

Which, doesn’t actually make it that much safer. There are still quite a lot of them and they seem to be angry. The only thing they can be angry with is us.

“How did they get here?” Sirgia shouts over their continuous squawking and whiny growls that are supposed to be scary like their more powerful cousins’.

“Doesn’t matter right now! We need to deal with them!” I shout back, keeping close to her. “While watching not to fuck ourselves over with any stray spells that hit these fortifications! What a shit luck!”

Always smart and quick-thinking, my beloved partner fishes out a pair of ear mufflers from her spatial storage. They aren’t fluffy and warm but bulky and leathery. The moment I put them on, the noise stops. We won’t be able to talk, but we can communicate mentally without a problem, so it’s not an issue. Not hearing the upcoming attacks might be, but not being disoriented by the cries is still better.

As I gauge the strength of this flock, Sirgia puts a similar contraption on Diana’s head, which due to the placement and that form her wolf ears assume, requires something akin to a military helmet with cute triangles poking up from the top that gets clasped below her muzzle.

She has really thought of everything.

And this would definitely break the bank back on Earth.

The three of us regather our wits and the Wyverns quickly notice that we aren’t so inconvenienced anymore. They are going to strike soon before the situation spirals even more out of their control now that their initial advantage is gone.

~Master!~ Sirgia’s voice echoes in my mind and I whip my head towards her, seeing her tap Diana’s saddle invitingly. ~Hop on! It will be difficult to get them in the air even for you!~

~And how is that supposed to help?~ I ask while moving closer.

~You will see.~ She flashes me a sly smile and I make a decision to trust her schemes.

As I jump on Diana’s back, Sirgia pulls some hidden lever and the saddle starts changing. The mono handle ahead of me splits once more and moves to the sides while turning vertically to a slight forward angle like two joysticks that force me to lean in like on a bike.

Or worse, like in a mech.

I feel my feet get locked in place by some firm restraints and the other handle mirrors the motion, merging with mine for a better grip, I guess, and an even lower riding profile. Then, I sense faint clicks under my fingers and note that the surface below them has now become pressure-sensitive like controller triggers. I have either five or ten different things linked to all the available buttons.

To complete the transformation, a small rod extends upwards at the front edge of the saddle right in the middle until it reaches the height of my eyes. Then, the tip splits into a circular mesh pointing to the middle. I gain a damned crosshair like those fancy aiming sights in WW2 anti-air guns on top of military naval vessels.

~Sirgia? What the hell did you put in this saddle?~ I ask in bewilderment but she only grins and pats Diana on the butt.

The two of us lurch forward as my agile steed leaps ahead, effortlessly bouncing off the ramparts and battlements to move higher and higher. I feel a consciousness prod mine and realise that’s her trying to sync up with me the best she can. Offering the same back to her, we become almost one. It’s not perfect, it’s slightly awkward and disorienting, but it’s epic.

With our thoughts linked, Diana reaches about half the full height of the chamber and pushes herself off a nearby surface. My sights travel over the grey stone until I find a bunch of targets right where they should be. A gentle thought prods my mind, urging me to press one of the upper triggers. 

I do as requested, and with a slight tremor from somewhere next to my left thigh, three parts of a fist-sized metal ball fly forward, soon turning into a spinning tangle of chains. A literal, naval chain shot hits one of the Wyverns and it drops down with its wings temporarily tied up, smashing into the hard ground in a cloud of dust. Sirgia is on it right away, smashing its head into a paste with a well-placed strike of her sizable hammer, shooting me thumbs up as the two of us descend too, disappearing into the shadows.

Well, fuck me. It looks like Diana knows more about the equipment concealed in this bad boy than I do. Perhaps it should not be as surprising as Sirgia had to test-fire it to calibrate everything, and how better to do that other than in the field with the wearer helping out.

But, that was just one of the annoying Dragon-wannabes. A dozen or so more to go.

We emerge out of the shadows on the other side of the arena and I instantly pick up on a Wyvern diving straight for my petite lover. Not wanting to give it even a chance at having a shot at her, I communicate my protective desire with Diana, and she makes a few really fast hops down until we are on the same level as that fucker.

Then, I aim the sights ahead of time and press the trigger below the first one right as the target flies into the crosshair.

A stronger force tugs at the saddle on the left side, making me realise that left and right on the controls matter, and the wings of the Wyvern get shredded to bits mid-flap, blood and pieces launched towards the other side, leaving gaping holes behind.

Holy cow, are those fucking shrapnels?!

The other beasts stir from what has to be a sound blast which we fortunately can’t hear. Only now it fully comes to me that I’m sitting on top of a goddamned tank, not a wolf. A tank with a mind of its own. And only its mind knows what else it has in store for the poor bastards that end up in front of its crosshairs.

Finally deeming our pair as the bigger threat, two Wyverns descend on us with their intentions clear. I see Sirgia offer the same fate to the second downed lizard as she had before so I refocus on us. She is a big girl. She can handle herself even without me looking after her.

We avoid the bite of the first attacker and Diana skilfully twists herself around it to push off its back right at its companion. Surprised by the unexpected show of vertical agility, it reacts too slowly and she sinks her fangs in its long neck from below seemingly without an issue. 

Those canines are damn fine daggers if even scales are no match for them.

One strong tug, one broken spine later, and we are falling again. But, before we plunge into the shadows near the floor, Diana twists herself to the side and I get the one that initiated the attempt in my crosshair. As it tries to gain altitude again, I click the third option.

A roped javelin hurls itself forward at a breakneck speed, grazing Diana’s fur on the side as it exits some concealed duct. It spears through its target and the tip unfolds to find better purchase on the other side. My clever friend chomps on the escaping rope and we swing like a pendulum until we gain enough momentum to end up higher than the Wyvern, where she allows me to line up another shot, this time finishing the job with another shrapnel.

I could get addicted to this.

A quick glance below shows Sirgia with three more down on her own, ready to unalive the one we have just sent her way. She is splashed with blood, but it’s definitely not hers. The excited smile on her plump lips only proves that. She must be having the time of her life too watching her creations properly getting used in my hands as intended.

Not to disappoint, I get myself in the zone again and give Diana’s side a few appreciative smacks as we land on hard ground. She releases a vibrating howl, further throwing the rest of the Wyverns into panic, and the roles become truly reversed.

The hunter has become the prey.

We sprint right by Sirgia like the wind and plunge into the darkness. A second later, I find myself upside down as we come out of the corner at the ceiling. Diana pushes herself off its surface and I hit the top triggers three times, catching two more Wyverns with the chain shot. The third one unfortunately wraps itself around a tail.

But, not all of them can be winners.

Diana falls right on top of another and her fangs find purchase in the base of its wing. I hastily let go of the right stick, summon my draconic hilt already shaped into a longsword, and thrust it into the beast’s chest from above, definitely hitting something important. We jump off the almost lifeless Wyvern right away and land on the nearby rampart.

My fierce steed spots a deserter and directs my attention to one of the beasties trying to slip into a side passage. Receiving the suggestion on what to press from her, I get myself ready and wait for Diana to put the fleeing enemy in my sights. She finds a great angle from above, peering over the edge of the wall and lowering her front.

Another fist-sized orb gets launched out of the weaponised saddle as I press a different button, but this one doesn’t split into three interconnected parts. No, it breaks off like a protective shell, unveiling a complex net with tiny but definitely heavy or magical weights that covers the target like the comfiest morning blanket, trapping it underneath forever no matter how much it struggles.

I don’t even want to think where all of this is stored and how it’s mechanically connected, but I guess this saddle is quite chunky and Diana’s size allows for a lot of space to squeeze a few compressed contraptions underneath the hood.

Since it will be safer to get rid of all the nuisances rather than let them run away, we continue the hunt. Only a few stragglers are left. We responded to the unnecessarily announced ambush faster than they expected and their advantage of numbers was quickly lost. They also don’t seem used to fighting here even if they have been living in these passages for a while.

The last trio goes down without another shot fired, two taken down by me and Diana, and that final one thrown off the air with a spinning hammer to the head which earns itself a whistle of appreciation. When compared to such an amazing feat, my stabby techniques feel cheap and unattractive. But, a certain wolf’s ferocious fangs make up for it, giving our short spectator a good show in my stead.

Giving the arena one last look over to make sure that no one plays dead, I have Diana hop down the defensive formations until we land on the ground. Sirgia hastily trots up to us and yanks the lever that had tied my feet to the stirrups at the start of the fight. Free once more, I slide off Diana’s back and help with the helmet, freeing her fluffy ears as soon as possible. She thanks me with a long lick that makes Sirgia giggle in amusement.

The two of us then take off our own ear protection and I put my hands on my hips.

“I think we need to have a conversation about what toys you are letting our dog play with, little lady.”

She joins her hands behind her back and shoots me an innocent upward glance while swaying her waist a little.

Nope. I ain’t falling for that one this time.


What the dog doing?


Enormous gratitude towards our  Living Legends of the highest tier - Moheebi3abc, Lynderyn, Muff_Diver_Dave, Jeffrey B., and Shadow Silvermane! No less respect for our EX-rank Guild Members - Julian, Wiliam H., Sura, James M., and D3monEmper0r! And naturally towards all the S-rank Guild Members - FSoen Kigi, Fandley, Darth Mole, Dennis W., William J., Michael S., Tonatsi, Robert H., Fussel, Trenton S., SIDracon, Alvzorin, Rando C., TheGovnor, Drew P., Solomon P., Eddie F., Chocotaku, RandomRandomly, Nicholas G., Cody B., Saint J., Atomic0chicken, Patrick F., Zadwolf, Seamus M., Jonas, and Timmy! We wouldn't be able to have such epic adventures without your support! This Guild Master is greatly honored by your presence!

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